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PDF October 7th, 2006 05:54 PM

Re: Bug thread

Taqwus said:
Magic Duel: If the spell behavior has changed to be less lethal except in heavy gap in astral magic, the description does not reflect this.

Has it been changed and how ?

Taqwus October 7th, 2006 06:52 PM

Re: Bug thread
Regarding Magic Duel, somebody posted a table once showing lesser effects ex. fatigue damage or paralysis. I haven't tested it to see if it's accurate.

<font color="green"> Maybe bug, maybe WAD: Cthugul the Stargazer still has feet slots, a bit inconsistent with all other Starspawn.
Maybe bug, maybe WAD: Illithid Lords are not immune to Dreamlands insanity.
<font color="blue"> THey are less likely to get insanity </font>
When trying to issue a different Forge order to a mage who already has a Forge order, the "can we afford this" check does not seem to take into account the gems which wouldn't be spent once we cancel the previous one.

Foodstamp October 7th, 2006 08:06 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Vanheim early age heroine named Grid. In description, the Heroine's name is actually Solvis. </font>

BigJMoney October 7th, 2006 08:23 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Resources hold-over not functioning properly.

Example: If a province is producing 100 resources and I queue up units worth 105 resource points, to show -5 resource remaining, the next turn, I should have 95 resources remaining. Let's say the last unit in the queue costs 10 resources. The next turn, that unit will be queued up, and I will only have 90 resources available, as if none of the previous turn's excess resources were put to use.

=$= Big J Money =$=

Archonsod October 7th, 2006 11:55 PM

Re: Bug thread
Leadership reduction from afflictions doesn't affect troops already with the commander

Example : If a commander who has already been assigned troops gains a leadership reducing affliction such as mute, the troops already assigned stay with the commander, even if the new leadership score would prevent the commander having that many troops.
Also seems to affect magic and undead troops if those totals are reduced.

Etaoin Shrdlu October 7th, 2006 11:56 PM

Re: Bug thread
Description Typos (Marverni, Demo):
For the Hornblower: "boomming" --&gt; "booming"
On the regular Chieftain: "The nobles or Marverni" --&gt; "The nobles of Marverni"
For the equivalent soldiers, it's written correctly.

Frostmourne27 October 8th, 2006 12:03 AM

Re: Bug thread

Cainehill said:
If you mean that their poisoned weapons always cause poison when they hit, it's always been that way. If you mean they cause poison even if they don't hit, that'd be a bug. But mermen and other troops with poisoned weapons have always been tough to take.

They seem to be poisoning even when they miss, though it's hard to tell. i dont think that fifteen mermen should do fifty points of poison damage in one round agianst defense 27, though I'm not sure how much damage weak poison is.

FrankTrollman October 8th, 2006 12:10 AM

Re: Bug thread
Map Bug: Parganos: Province 31 is not marked "no start".

That's not a playable starting position for most factions. It's a landprovince, and it borders many provinces, but every border province is water! You can't expand unless you're an amphibious nation.

It takes like 20 seconds in the map editor to fix, but the game should not be packaged with a map that produces starting positions that are so amazingly unplayable.


Manuk October 8th, 2006 12:46 AM

Re: Bug thread
Bug: When besieging a castle and recieving attacks from independants from events they do not appear. Later when you take the castle they all appear sieging you.

FrankTrollman October 8th, 2006 01:08 AM

Re: Bug thread
Custom Maps do not display properly.

I made a Hyborian Age map with 108 provinces and a .tga file that is 20 mb in size. This displays beautifully in Dominions 2, but when moved to Dominions 3 it shows all the provinces as points on a blank background.

It appears equally invisible in the map editor and the game itself. But the same .tga loads up fine in Dominions 2 both in the map editor and the game.


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