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Cor2 December 17th, 2007 08:11 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!

Jazzepi said:

What the heck was that thing? I thought there were no doom horrors allowed, I guess it's some weird national summon or something?

I wanted to say that at one point during the arena fight with that doom horror, I noticed that it had -329 or so hitpoints. Thought that was pretty funny.


It was the Eater of the Dead after it breaks away hence the name "unfettered". Its not a horror, just and undead. I think the negative hp came from Pheonix Pyre though I did not notice it going that low.

I am proud of it as a combatant. Everyone says eater of the dead is worthless, but with a GOR it becames a very good SC and by the time it goes unfettered its deep in enemy territory.

I didn't know that rule about running with 75% damage, anyway i wrongly assumed that the eater was mindless.

Taqwus December 17th, 2007 08:17 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
Sounds entertaining. Haven't had a chance to see yet, maybe tonight. Anybody use an Devourer of Souls? Thought about that one, but figured most SCs would have too high DEF to give the poor two-slot fellow that much of a chance, and the no-unique-stuff rule prevented a Kurgified Devourer.

(Eater of Souls with Gift of Kurgi and, say, either anti-magic, lifelong protection, or if we're feeling really wacky, the Horror Harmonica.)

Another 'joke build' I thought of was a Gifts-from-Heaven specialist... :p

vfb December 17th, 2007 08:38 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
Well, my dude was killed by a high-aim GFH specialist (PyroStock's Precision-25 Djinn). Ha ha. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

PyroStock December 17th, 2007 08:45 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!

Taqwus said:
Another 'joke build' I thought of was a Gifts-from-Heaven specialist... :p

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gifThat's brilliant... it worked once. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Even with 25Precision (25-3GFH=22) the meteors didn't seem to immediately target the highest hit point unit as I expected.

I also read that even if petrify fails it does 7AN, which I interpretted as 7 turn stun and that clearly wasn't the case.


saw a bunch of the builds I was toying with, the erinya, the djinn and the ettin mandragora.

I was toying with QM's Fetish, but didn't see the thunderstrikes doing enough damage against the big guys & it seemed even more vulnerable to the monster spammers like Rytek.

Micah December 17th, 2007 09:06 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
Pyro: Read the section on paralyze damage regarding petrification. IIRC the target's size is subtracted from the damage, and then halved, so that's only about a turn on average...luck and random rolls mean that only about a third of failed petrifiction spells will paralyze at all (more if luck doesn't apply, but still, not 100%).

I was really sad to see my guy run away unscathed due to a minor fear effect though, especially since he (she?) was actually working like I had hoped before bailing out.

NTJedi December 17th, 2007 09:11 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!

Cor2 said:
Everyone says eater of the dead is worthless, but with a GOR it becames a very good SC and by the time it goes unfettered its deep in enemy territory.

Actually it is worthless except maybe SP. For MP one of your opponents could remove the creature by casting the same spell. Thus you've lost the astral gems, nature gems, and forged items. Also with no real control over the creature in its last stage causes risk of it returning your direction or the direction of an ally.

Personally I wouldn't use 70 gems or more to babysit and feed a single commander who will eventually turn independent and could attack my kingdom and armies. The fact the game only allows one is a huge achilles heel.

NTJedi December 17th, 2007 09:19 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!

Potatoman said:
In my replay of this battle (#10), the Erinya dances around the Poison Golem, and they exchange blows for about 6-7 rounds. The Golem manages to get off a Quicken Self spell while the Erinya chases a distant Imp, but she quickly returns and manages to slay it. The Erinya finishes the match with no damage (although it was forced to regenerate some damage) and 48 fatigue.

So it appears that our replays are markedly different, which is bad news for any re-start that might have been in the works. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

The battle was #3 for my system.

From my experience battle results and battle views are rarely different. I'm sure many of us would like to see another arena battle... I have a new and different SC if you decide to host another.

sum1lost December 17th, 2007 09:37 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
In my version, the erinya never actually won a battle. Which was a shame, since it was my build...

I designed it against other fighter builds- darkness helps take out most non-undead and demons, and flambeau helps it against the demons and undead

Potatoman December 17th, 2007 10:11 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
My bad. I was not looking at the most current game (the first incarnation of the game was missing QM's entrant, so I had to re-run it.)

Yes, I'm seeing the bad results now as well, exactly as NTJedi described them! Round 3, Golem vs Rudra the Golem definately appears to win, but is erroneously counted as slain. That's good news, actually, because it means that if I re-run the contest it ought to work right rather than appearing right only on my machine.

Is anyone opposed to another, final arena tournament? Or has interest in this contest been exhausted?

vfb December 17th, 2007 10:17 PM

Re: Build Your SC Arena Competition!
Not at all, I'd actually like to see another run of it. Not that my SC will do much better http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. But I think it would be cool to see some other match-ups.

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