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llamabeast February 14th, 2009 12:14 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Er, so, there's a parameter for games which haven't started yet, which gives a time (in seconds since the start of 1970!) before which the game's not allowed to start. It's not a feature that's actually used though, so it's always set to zero. Somehow for this game it was set to 1234567804! Which is very odd and mysterious, and we may never know why.

Anyway, I changed it to zero, and the game's just started.

Also there used to be confusion with a choice between a "Multi" age game (which works) and choosing the single age mod manually (which doesn't). I've removed the mod from the list now though, to remove that confusion (it was user-uploaded in the first place).

klagrok February 14th, 2009 02:12 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Ok---Single Age worked fine for Timewarp--but cant seem to get it to work here. Keeps wanting the SingleAgeComplete.dm file. Had Timewarp running on "Single Age" folder with 'Single Age mod.dm" file in the folder and in the MOD section. Now every time I try to get this game to run get the same fricking message. Followed the 'rules' at the beginning of this thread, even though I already had it set up as such. HALP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh even redownloaded on some off chance MOD was modified. Same dates for the files so assuming that isnt the reason. Looks like time to head back to school..... :p

rdonj February 14th, 2009 02:24 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
If you created your pretender with the other mod running, I think you'll have to have that mod in order to play the game.

It might be best to close this game and re-submit pretenders using only the proper mod to make sure everything runs smoothly.

klagrok February 14th, 2009 02:25 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Figured it out---just kept the file as "SingleAgeComplete.dm" and worked fine--until I realized I needed llama's streamers :D

Meglobob February 14th, 2009 02:30 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Yea, it works fine, as long as you ignore the 1st post about renaming the single age mod.

Essentially download that mod in the 1st post BUT DO NOT RENAME IT and bingo your good to go.

No need to re-submit pretenders.:)

As you can see, several players have already done there turns overcoming any small 1st turn glitches.

klagrok February 14th, 2009 03:19 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Yeah had to rename the file and folder for Timewarp--so next Single Age I try Ill just try the SAC.dm first and then the S A mod.dm 2nd if it doesnt work.

JimMorrison February 14th, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
The pretender file does not save any information directly relating to the mods that were active on creation, name of the files or otherwise.

The only mods you ever actually -need- to have active to create your pretender, are mods that affect pretender selection, or costs, OR nation mods that may be applicable for the game.

When the game is started, it just looks at the data without any thought as to what is a mod or not, it just loads the files, pulls the relevant info from the database, and checks spent points to make sure that all is proper and legal.

At that point, then you must have the same mods (or really, just any .dm files matching the name of the files used to create the game) in order to open the turn, but again, the turn doesn't have -any- of the mod data within it, so you could have empty text files, or totally different mods renamed in your folder, and the turn will run, but you will observe very strange behavior on your end, and you could potentially send in corrupted turns that cause hosting errors.

Don't know if any of that clears up anything that needed clearing up, but there you go. ;)

Stretch February 16th, 2009 01:44 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Got SingleAgeComplete.dm as well as the other two in my folder and it's working fine. :)

AlgaeNymph February 17th, 2009 03:53 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
I don't mean to be a pain but the game turns were sent to the wrong e-mail address (fixed now though). Could we please restart?

JimMorrison February 17th, 2009 05:05 AM

Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age
Oh my.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.....

How does it get sent to the wrong email? It automatically sets the email to the one that sent the pretender file, so..... :doh:

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