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Gregstrom May 6th, 2010 05:37 AM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
AFAIK it can't be done, except by stealing one of the existing spells that do random summons and overwriting the monsters it can summon with your own monster list.

Ragnarok-X May 6th, 2010 12:59 PM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
Good Call Greg. I think that really is the only possibility, unfortunally its rather lacking. You cant just overwrite Tartarians or Demon Lords without really ****ing up the game - unless you plan to alter the stock spells as well.

Gregstrom May 6th, 2010 01:23 PM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
Grigori, Spenta and possibly a couple of others can be overwritten without inconvenience to more than one nation.

Gandalf Parker May 6th, 2010 02:40 PM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
Another of my many many gonna-do-this involved spending some time in Edi's DB to try and pin down safe territory for modders to mess with. What xxxx can be changed that isnt being used someplace else in the game? At the time I was mostly interested in the idea someone had of wanting to add a poptype to the game, or adding their own mercs. If someone with far more adminstrative skills than I wanted something to twiddle with that would be a great resource. Which mercs are ONLY mercs? Which poptype are ONLY poptype. Which special ability units or mass summons do not show up anywhere else. etc etc

(yeah yeah I know, DIY)

Soyweiser May 7th, 2010 09:50 AM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
Question, is it possible to create a creature that autosummons units at the start of the battle? Or perhaps just one unit constantly during the battle?

I couldn't find it in the modding manual. But if it is there, feel free to shout RTFM.

Stavis_L May 7th, 2010 10:50 AM

Re: Modding tips and tricks

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 744802)
Question, is it possible to create a creature that autosummons units at the start of the battle? Or perhaps just one unit constantly during the battle?

I couldn't find it in the modding manual. But if it is there, feel free to shout RTFM.

Option 1:

Copy an existing unit that does this. Only really viable if the unit you're copying summons the right thing.

Option 2:

1) Create a spell (or use an existing spell) that summons units, e.g. "Howl".
2) If you needed a new spell, make sure the spell is in a vanilla spell slot (by copying the vanilla spell to a new spell, and then overwriting the vanilla spell.)
3) Use #onebattlespell to invoke the summoning spell at the start of the battle. Depending on the spell specifics, the units will either continually arrive or arrive in a bunch at the start.

Soyweiser June 9th, 2010 08:52 AM

Re: Modding tips and tricks

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 748263)
I just noticed that you can't put random paths on a pretender chassis because the game charges the pretender for each pick.

This was related to this fix in Mytheology:

- Did you ever notice that the Pantokrator costs 358 points instaid of 350? This is because he/she/it had a random path. Removed now.

Also two new things I discovered:
- If you create a custom spell. And add a multiple of 1000 to the nr of effects, the amount of paths used in the spell will be included in the base amount of effects of the spell.
So, if you have a 3N spell that summons 'left feet'. With nreffects, 6020. The Spell description will say: 38+ effects (20+18).
- A onebattle summoning ritual which creates a strange vortex like thingy which keeps summoning troops eventually runs out. Don't know how many turns it takes.

Ragnarok-X June 9th, 2010 01:36 PM

Re: Modding tips and tricks
Some interesting thing, probably known. You can alter the number of effects on variable spells like summon animals and crossbreeding. By increasing the amount of effects of crossbreeding to lets say 500, you get a good sample size on how LUCK scale actually effects crossbreeding. I dont think its possible to add or remove individual units to the summoning palette unless you alter the units itself though.

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