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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I've posted some articles concerning the issues with the F-22 over the last year with has cost a pilot his life. Several pilots are now refusing to fly the F-22 over the hypoxia issues amongst others. Some in congress and in the field are openly questioning if the plane is simply too advanced. The ref below covers the pilot issues from the 60 Minutes news program airing this Sunday @ 7pm EST. This is for FYI...
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_16...;videoMetaInfo And a little news on the F-35 front which is indicative of the current overall situation in delaying buys or reducing them to include both which is the case for the U.S. where it's looking more life late 2016 to 2018. Some are already saying the Russian/Indian PAK-FA is looking like it'll be a better fifth gen fighter overall. http://www.defensenews.com/article/2...text|FRONTPAGE Regards, Pat |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
We all know there are problems with the F-22,and thats no surprise when the design is so out of the box.
I doubt a few test pilots biting the dust will kill a program thats been in development for so long and billions,dare i trillions,spent thus far. Remember the P-38 was considered a death trap(seems it tend to be unstable) until Lindberg flew it,then the problem was fixed. Don't listen to the talking heads who don't know,the F-22 would and will be an excellent state of the art jet when they get the bugs worked out,if the sheer cost of it does not make it not feasable,and congress kills the program,what a shame that would be! That said doubt we be seeing the F-22 in this game for awhile. |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well life and two weeks of poison ivy (AND CONTINUEING.:cold: ) has served to push my cut off of 1 Jun to the "line in the sand" starting now with the last of the news posts to ready my inputs for the 2012/2013 Campaign. All newspaper stories are from DID unless noted. So by the first topic I came to we start...
1. UK reverses it's 3020 SDSR decision of which this was the "linchpin" for it, MOD will go back to the F-35B vice F-35C. this will save 2BPds QE carrier modifications and get the fleet air arm operational 5yrs. sooner by 2018-2020 vice 2023. Just follow the "bouncing" ref dates. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukne...ter-plane.html http://www.defpro.com/news/details/31773/ TRACK. 2. With India's MMRCA program settled (Sort of.) Brazil's F-X2 Program restarts again...slowly. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...program-04179/ TRACK PROGRAM. 3. PAK-FA could be pushed out of the game, at least for India, Russia is still up in the air. http://ajaishukla.blogspot.com/2012/...ussian_16.html http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...fighter-03133/ TRACK. 4. Afghanistan gets the C222/C-27A. Paras will be the issue game wise. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...r-Force-05094/ VERIFY Paras/ADD. 5. Future of Canada's CF-16s future tied into it's decisions about the F-35. You will note issues like these will have a significant bearing on who gets the F-35 and who doesn't by games end. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...n-fighter-jets http://www.defpro.com/news/details/34200/ TRACK. 6. Chile looking to replace it's F-5E by 2015. Or will it? See what another country is doing with theirs in the Patch Page in the Fall. http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...rica&Itemid=58 TRACK. 7. Israel has questions about the F-35, this made for interesting reading. http://www.defpro.com/daily/details/958/ FYI. 8. Asian U.S. partmers need fighter upgrades to counter growing threats to the region. http://www.defpro.com/daily/details/1003/ http://defense-update.com/20111213_d...r_defense.html FYI. 9. Finnish F-18 to get new weapon in 2016. Let's call this the weapons section as well. http://www.defpro.com/news/details/32980/ 9A. U.S. tests JSOW-ER successfully. http://www.defpro.com/news/details/32405/9.B. USN/USMC complete LG MAVERICK testing 4 for 4. http://www.defpro.com/news/details/31611/ 9.C. India orders PGM from Israel for MIRAGE 2000. http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...asia&Itemid=569.D. USAF B1B conducts it's first op using the new LJDAM. What's useful here also is the table showing current aircraft capable/using the JDAM and current country users as well. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...rstrikes-03313/ 9.E. Korea orders CBU-1050/B Sensor fuzed weapons. http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...asia&Itemid=56 9.F. To get to Irans Nuc Facilities the USAF has a new MOP for "deeper" cleaning. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...172/#more-3172 9.G. PAVEWAY IV ready for the RAF. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...ritiain-03644/ 9.H. Philippine OV-10 now armed with LG bombs. http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...asia&Itemid=56 FYI/TRACK/ADD? INPUT WOULD HELP HERE FOR THIS STUFF-THANKS! 10. Italy has officially replaced it's last F-16's. http://www.defpro.com/news/details/35789/ MODIFY ALL ACTIVE F-16 END DATES TO JUNE 2012. 11. Czech Republic likely to extend GRIPEN lease...they did recently. http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...rope&Itemid=57 FYI. 12. Japan offered the F/A-18E SH BLOCK II in it's F/X Program. http://www.defpro.com/daily/details/889/ TRACK PROGRAM. 13. India's MMRCA Program selection. http://www.defpro.com/daily/details/951/ http://www.dmilt.com/index.php?optio...asia&Itemid=56 http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/...changes-01989/ TRACK/ADD. 14. Russia linked to the Chinese J-20? http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...77H1AZ20110818 FYI. I have more but the "PI" is bothering me. Will hopefully finish this well...later today. Regards, Pat |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Pat, don't play in the poison ivy and Canada doesn't have "CF-16s" :)
Don |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well I think as much as I really like the "complete package" the game offers (And I wouldn't want it changed.) maybe the modification of culling out the fighters for some countries is looking real good to me right now. It's really hard to get around the "vision" issue that these targeting pods such as Sniper, Litening, Raptor and DB-110 to name a few would have on the game. It's almost like the discussion that was brought up a couple of years ago concerning the Excalibur PGM in the SPA/SPAA Thread when some felt it was too expensive, it wouldn't be used and if it was in a limited capacity. Well now it seems with the realities in the field the only "dumb" round being used is a "broken" Excalibur round. Now these PGM rounds are being used down to the 81mm levels (Though more recently.) as a matter of routine. I won't do it, but if "you" want to it's posted and you where to find it. So we have the same situation with the Pods, Russia already and as far as I can determine is the only one, that has planes with a TI/GSR of greater then 40. I think the number was 5, 4 are what would be considered Fighter-Bombers and 1 or 2 Recon jets whose vision was at 60. These Pods can "see" beyond that as again I've already posted. We've built in very good to excellent AA capabilities so the game is good there, my concern is the number of planes that would conversion to the Pods.
Just taking the USAF and three plane types the F-15/16 and F-15E. I understand the following...many smaller countries would have to keep the F-16 as it's in some cases their most advanced plane and the backbone of their AF, and the USAF does use them for COIN/SEAD roles so in these cases they should stay. But the F-15/16 PRIMARY ROLE is that of a Interceptor Fighter. Let them fly CAP and be removed as an FB. Let the F-15E do what it's designed for and be the Fighter-Bomber. You'd clear at least 50+ slots (And no I haven't counted them, but can.) easy from about the mid to late sixties to the present just in the USA OOB. But otherwise I'm prepared to do the work. But first what's it take to train in the use of these Pods? Well for the DB-110 a little over 6 months for the Greek AF. https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&m...=core&_cview=0 More on the DB-110... http://defense-update.com/products/d/db110pod.htm http://www.paffalcons.com/news/2011/...ds_1212011.php More from the USAF... http://www.af.mil/information/factsh...t.asp?fsID=101 http://www.af.mil/information/factsh...t.asp?fsID=103 http://www.af.mil/information/factsh...t.asp?fsID=102 The Poison Ivy isn't looking so bad now!?! Just trying to reduce the over crowding, redundancy and the workload to get these issues up to date and in the game like any other piece of equipment we put in. It's gotta be a level playing field all the way around if it's going to be in the game. Regards, Pat |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
If you've been following along on Don's Mi-8 and Mi-24 Thread what I've done is take out the MiG issue and copied them to here. These are items 1-7. Why? If new please follow the progression, if not new to this discussion go directly to item 8 below.
1. Luftwaffe JG 73 flew the MiG-29G (NATO standard.) until ~2004 when they were sold to Poland. JG 73 flew them as an aggressor squadron but was also assigned an air defence role as well. Many of the former DDR aircraft flew with the Luftwaffe for years especially the transport aircraft that filled a deficiency in the Luftwaffe capabilities at the time. Germany just about RESET the MiG-29s to get them to the NATO "G" Standard, Hinds, Transport to even improve the depot level maintenance of the older MiGs they got. All DDR aircraft were serialized, painted and marked into the Luftwaffe system. MiG 29 and later MiG 29G as upgraded along with the larger Transport aircraft are a definite yes. The MiG 24/or 25 (Can't remember now.), MiG-21 & 17 and other aircraft though maintained were either sold off or scraped with no record that I have found to indicate they were actually ever used by the Luftwaffe. 2. To set the record straight on the DDR fighters that transitioned into the Luftwaffe they would be the MiG-21, 23 & 29 also the export version of the Su- 17UM3/Ex Su-22UM3/UM3K (FITTER-G) primarily used as a trainer and also the final version Su-17M4/Ex Su-22M4 (FITTER K). Don't know if they processed the Recon Su-22M4R. Sorry for any confusion, I'll blame it on catching up on the OGs after work!?! Now to figure out what to blame it on when I start submitting the Patch Posts, but it'll have to be good though!?! Found none of these jets (Except the MiG-29) in Luftwaffe colors on the net to include museums in country. 3. Alright German reunification is officially marked on Oct. 3 1990 after the DDR signed treaties with W. Germany and a separate one with England, France, Russia and the U.S. as required by treaty after WWII. We know the DDR NVA transport planes and LSK/LV MiG-29 (MiG-29G until Dec. 2003.) were fully operational w/Luftwaffe. This is worth it just for the DDR in flight pics alone throughout the thread as I couldn't find any good ones on Bing or Google. http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...=mig-29&page=4 These guys seem "serious" (Sounds familiar!?!) and might provide some useful info from the Wehrmacht, DDR to present. 4. For those that are interested, earlier this evening I asked the key questions that might have some impact on both the East Germany and Germany OOB's. Link provided below so as not to violate any one's possible Forum rules. By way of info RAMJET/Steve was a MiG-29pilot for both the Luftverteidigung/Luftwaffe after unification. I won't be hard to find, currently on Pg. 7. 5. By way of an update... As the DDR/German MiGs were the MiG-29A it's becoming clear that they were purely used as interceptors as designed. The MiG-29S had some very limited Air Ground capabilities, but it was the MiG-29SM which was designed to fulfill this role. It was this version that is the only one that could be called an F/B though again it's primary role still was to be an interceptor. Also before the MiG-29S all previous versions had very limited range, think earlier Bf-109s, you didn't want to get in a dogfight with it but it wasn't going to hang around long either. So here's where I'm at for my list... 1. Germany OOB delete both the MiG-29 and Mil-8T. It is now clear the Luftwaffe MiG-29A/G was only used as an interceptor. Also it was the ONLY aircraft from the DDR to fly in the Luftwaffe beyond the evaluation phase. 2. East Germany OOB the same issue as above with the following possible exception of the SEAD version for which I'm awaiting conformation. This one in my mind is possible though not likely. This is why after all the Russians gave the DDR the very good MiG-23ground attack aircraft, also the DDR flew the most advanced versions of it as well which might be an issue of it's own in the OOB. I of course have other data but the site given in the previous post is confirming all of it thus far and they've been very helpful to my requests. 6. Also several East German units will need to be deleted to include all MiG-29A and MiG-29M (Which as now known they never had.) which like the MiG-29M includes the Mil-24W HIND. Below is the response I recieved concerning the East German use of the MiG-29A as a possible SEAD unit as posted in the previous post as well. Note: A little tone change which is my fault as I should've indicated "configurations offered" or some such as my wording caused the response. "Pat, What you say here about four East German MiG 29s being used for SEAD doesn't sound reasonable. As an air superiority aircraft designed for air defence why would the East Germans use four for SEAD purposes? That role would be better suited to a unit armed with the SU 25 and probably assigned to a Soviet unit rather than divert four MiG 29s from their basic role. Just my thoughts. Regards, Gordon" And another response I just got from "RAMJET"/Steve LSK/LV(DDR)/LUFTWAFFE MiG-29A pilot... "The LSK/LV as well as the Luftwaffe used the MiG-29 only as a fighter aircraft. There were some trials in the air-to-ground role with unguided rockets in the DDR times if I remember right, but these were just trials." If you again wish to follow along... http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...=354756&page=7 Bottom-line... GERMANY OOB... DELETE UNITS 307 MiG-29 & 327 Mi-8T East Germany OOB... DELETE UNITS 580, 910 & 911 MiG-29M & 125/927 Mi-24W HIND (Never had either in service.) Now to fix the confusion "next door" I caused. One OOB at a time next the MiG-23, if they feel like it. 7. The MiG-29 issue is dead to me at this point as far as the Germany's are concerned. The only useful variant in the F/B version again was the MiG-29SM that for now it seems, only Russia flew. Interceptors are not good fighter bombers normally, as is already posted in this thread by the guys that flew them. The MiG-23 and it's dedicated full time mostly F/B offshoot the MiG-27 filled that role and were contemporaries to the MiG-29. In the first ref you'll notice the MiG-29A in Luftwaffe colors. http://www.military-today.com/aircra...29_fulcrum.htm http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/mig27/ So far the MiG-23 issue for East Germany looks good and they've already responded "next door" though I've seen some German info to suggust only the MiG-23BN might have been used as F/B and M versions as dedicated interceptors. Will get clarification. Seems the Soviets didn't trust them much for some roles as already pointed out concerning the SEAD issue. Kind of makes me wonder how many MiG-29 slots could be cut out of the Russian OOB. 8. A couple of times above I mentioned that the first somewhat ground capable MiG-29 was the MiG-29S. So what? Well to get "here" I established "linkage" or a "chain of custody" for those of us who've handled sensitive materials. So for whom do I speak of now is this "linkage"? Poland. Poland was already in possession of about 12 MiG-29A interceptors then Germany leased/sold their 22 MiG-29A (As noted already NATO "G" standard.) giving Poland a total of let's just call it 35 MiG-29A Interceptors. You'll note the banner from where the following ref. is from. Also you'll note that East Germany, Germany and Poland do not get mentioned beyond the MiG-29A sections. You will further note (Again.) that MiG-29S is the first bomb carrying MiG. http://toad-design.com/migalley/inde...ig29-variants/A. A. I don't know the source of these bomb carrying MiGs and don't care, but these three countries didn't have them period!! But two of these countries share a common "bond" they were under the "guidance" of the Soviet Union who maintained a large military presence in both countries and I know for sure ICO East Germany there were at least I believe it to be 2 Regiments (Above ref and a couple of German refs I have as well.) of the MiG-29S. It's my theory that these are Soviet units in these OOBs. B. Poland did get all glass cockpits and are either looking into or have recently signed a contract to further update the Polish MiG-29 jets to the MiG-29 SNIPER Standard but again this ONLY improves it's interceptor capabilities. C. Poland DELETE UNITS 148 and 556-558. Look at the bright side, at least the ANDERS is back on track if they ever get that contract signed. Also speaking of Polish contracts, earlier this past week the contract was signed for an additional 200 ROSOMAKS, but that's for another thread. D. One of my favorite killing time games "Connect the Dots" has turned into my other favorite game here "Going Down the Rabbit Hole Again!" 2020 PLEASE get here!?! Only kidding. ;) Now you know why I've been wanting to "type" this equipment for consistency sake. E. You designers might find the last ref very useful on all MiG types offered especially on weapons for each type. Further the Weapons Tab seems to have very useful info in it as well. Regards, Pat |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
As I just got home and we have an early start in the morning for wedding, I'll be brief.
1. It is now known that the DDR wasn't assigned a ground support role until the 1980's. When asked if 1980 was viable it generated no response next door and considering the back and forth, trust me, they would've indicated if there was a problem there. This then by definition means the LSK/LV only ground attack capable aircraft were the MiG-23BN and Su-22M-4. I have an LSK/LV OOB that has been verified as good dating to the early mid eighties. See below... http://www.topedge.com/panels/aircra.../kraft/nva.htm 2. What's it wash on this info? Basically I see every jet type going back to the MiG-15 being deleted with the above two being the exception for the basically last ten years the DDR was around. 3. Based on the weapons available to both the MiG-23BN and Su-22M-4 we most certainly and increase the ground attack configurations of both types to at least five or six different UNIT types each. 4. The MiG-21M/UM RECON question (Again refer to the above ref.) I'll leave to Don, however based on the game turn cycle etc. I feel these wouldn't be added since they were photo recon birds and I believe that topic was addressed once before anyway. 5. Clearly now it should be apparent to everyone (Nationalistic feelings aside.) that if every country in the Warsaw Pact was submitted to the same treatment the DDR is now getting most would see the same things happen to their Air Forces of the Soviet era to include some NATO countries as well during that time period. Simply the Soviets ran the show to what equipment it got and how it would be used. All of the above has been discussed next door, I've already posted the sight a couple of times so have at it if you want. I will tie all this up in a neat bundle hopefully early next week and yes of course there are all those "pesky" refs. But this weekend is about old shipmates, families, CINCLANTHOME and certainly not work. For those celebrating it have a great and SAFE Labor Day weekend and don't burn the steaks!! To everyone else HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!! Regards, Pat P.S. I guess I missed on the brief part again!?! :shock: |
OK, I'm going to save Alice from a L O N G trip down the rabbit hole digging up info on all the warsaw pact nations and their ground attack aircraft NO we are NOT going to deleted every jet before the MiG-23BN and Su-22M-4 in the DDR OOB because in theory the DDR wasn't assigned a ground support role until the 1980's. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. If this game was set up strictly Human vs Human we could, theoretically, tell people that in the case of Warsaw pact nations, if no aircraft are available then they should buy some from the Soviet OOB as they would actually be the ones supplying ground attack support to whatever nation needed it ( if they were lucky.....). But the AI cannot do that. The AI cannot decide it needs aircraft then buy them from the appropriate OOB so there has to be aircraft available in the OOB for it to buy and if you need to rationaliize that, rationalize it as them being Russian aircraft on loan or on call. Don |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
The other problem, as YOU, Mr. Former-Squid, should know, is since about WW II almost every "fighter" aircraft made can carry at least a couple bombs. And the few designs that couldn't (the origional F4U-1 Corsair comes to mind) were soon modified to do so.
Aircraft are to few, to expensive, and too (potentially) useful to just sit on the deck because they have no ground support capability (other then their guns). That said... I'd like to see the ordnance loads on "fighter" type aircraft reduced to make them less bang for the buck then dedicated ground support models. But I know that ain't gonna happen because it would be WAY WAY WAY too much work. |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
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