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Raging Deadstar October 28th, 2004 06:51 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Such Great Memories...

Bar Trek, The End of Previous Cantinas, the Revolution to get GT to come back, The Hunt of Primitive, The FBW's...

I swear one day this stuff could easily becomem a tv series, or at least a very graphic cartoon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

A Toast, and If we can keep this thread near the top perhaps the old regualrs will return, or at least bring in some new bloo....patrons http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

mac5732 October 28th, 2004 03:48 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
So True my good RD, so true, A TOAST to all those who have gone before, during and after at this and all the other fine establishments over the past.

PS. anyone know how many Posts combined there were for all the cantinas over the yrs..... just thought it might be an interesting figure http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Wonder where GT has been, the place is quiet without the old furry feline and the mischievious Gryphin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Alneyan October 28th, 2004 04:26 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
That place is too quiet; I can't even stay in the shadows anymore, while letting all the trouble pass by my unimportant person.

Oh, and please give me something. Say, water. I don't exactly trust whatever else might be prepared behind that curtain. Doesn't it smell like... I don't know... various problems falling on the head of an unwary customer? And that isn't only a metaphor either; various things are known to fall from above (sure, very little falls from below, but hey, you never know in a place as odd as that one), whose very name instills dread in the heart of the bravest. Many a gallant patron found the infamous "Killed by speaking aloud the One Word" as his epitath after all.

Looks like I have been rambling. Must be the place. A non-alcoholic, non-furry touched, non-demon envouted and non-hormone infested drink should be enough to take care of that ranting. *Eyes RD's own beverage, and threatens to trigger deadly force against its owner if there is no other suitable drink to be found in the whole place*

Renegade 13 October 29th, 2004 12:24 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
I'll prepare your drink Alneyan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Oh, and don't pay any attention to the flecks of mushrooms floating in your drink...I promise they're not TOO poisonous, and I guarantee that you'll be thinking this place is a little more active for the next little while. Just a few healthy hallucinations. I guarantee, the mushrooms are all natural, and generally very expensive. But for you (and just you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ) I offer them for the special price of....FREE!

(***Everyone might wanna stay away from Alneyan for the next while....those mushrooms aren't the healthiest things in the world. Especially for mental health! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif ***)

Kamog October 29th, 2004 01:25 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
* Kamog walks in *

This place needs some Halloween re-decorating...

* Kamog brings several large pumpkins carved into scary Jack-o-lanterns and puts them down near the door and at the bar. He sets up some glow-in-the-dark skeletons and spooky ghosts on some of the empty seats, dims the lights and puts on some eeriee music. He places some large bowls full of candy and chocolates on some of the tables. *

Raging Deadstar October 29th, 2004 07:12 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
This Place lives http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

The somewhat serene and peaceful (not for long) enviroment has taken it's affect on RD as he recovers from the haunting perils of developing womenhood. He avoids the bowls Kamog has put down, Unsure whether it is a trick or treat...

Alneyan, I'm pretty sure the Beverages here are safe, probably one of the few thing's that are. Unless you ask for something that has any of the following words: "Garglebuster", "Arsenic", "Acme", "Budweiser" (The Cantina itself is apparently angered towards the drinking of such american beers) or "Hydrochloric Acid"...And don't try Taz's Special concoctions. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Alneyan October 29th, 2004 09:07 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
A quick reality-check Renegade, if you will. Somehow, I do not quite trust your word, so:

1) We all know there is no such thing as "free". You are consequently lying, attempting to deceive me, trying to harm me in any way you can think of, et al. In other words, I'm afraid you are hiding something under your sleeve; either a trick or an actual "tool" best not mentioned.

2) We have demonstrated you are being crafty, cunning and sneaky. Since secrecy is only helpful if your intentions are not laudable, you are hereby declared as being charged with high treason, as this crime has such a cool sounding name. I mean, thinking of doing something is equivalent to doing it, and once you have done it once, nothing prevents you from doing it again, hence my accusation.

But enough chitchat. Your punishment shall be as follow: you are to suffer from your own tricks. *Waits for a while to build up the dramatic pressure, and to gloat as he is wont to do* Here, in the presence of all the honourable and respectable gentlemen (and some not so gentle, let alone honourable) and ladies (they are well hidden), witness the fate that befalls on villains!

*Throws the contents of the offending glass in Renegade's general direction, hoping to do some damage with the mush****s one way or another; smelling them or touching them might be enough to do the trick*

(I believe the word "mush****" is no longer the potent trigger of various baleful happenings, but you can never be too wary)

Now if someone would be so kind as to give me a mush****less, o****less glass of water? Or should I start distilling an alcoholic beverage to get something to drink, although almost, but not quite, entirely unlike water? Oh, or a tea will do well enough I guess, so long as nobody says "Share and Enjoy".

tesco samoa October 29th, 2004 12:28 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
i have not been here in a long time.

Crown Royal for me please.

Last time I was here I started a tomato fight with some lamma's


If you look at the list of threads on the number of views the classic one is sitting there right at the top.

Renegade 13 October 29th, 2004 09:11 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Well Alneyan, it's probably a good thing that you didn't drink that drink. But, no hard feelings ok? I wasn't REALLY trying to damage you in some way....honest.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Oh yeah, as a peace offering, here's another drink.

*Produces a clear liquid in a pretty cobalt blue glass*

Test it if you like, but trust me. It's quite....good.

Time to tempt fate....


*Waits for the reaction*

Alneyan October 30th, 2004 06:12 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
As soon as Renegade starts saying the Words, Alneyan dashes from his stool, and makes a run for the closest shelter. Or at least, he would have done so had he not hit a table pretty badly, that was conveniently placed just in his path. Too conveniently of course.

After a few curses and glowering intended at the rest of the patrons, Alneyan watches the spectacle offered by Renegade (quite involuntarily), and can only offer him his most sincere sympathy. "A good chap really; a bit of a trickster from time to time, but he did not deserve that. How horrible. And I have lost my drink in my rush. What a waste."

David E. Gervais October 30th, 2004 08:08 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
sitting at my regular table by the window with the fake rain running down it, I watch the exchange of drinks and think to myself,..

<font color="#FFFFFF"> hmmm, strange that he chose to hide the </font> <font color="#FFEE33"> 'Oderless, Colorless, and Tasteless'</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"> liquid in a cobalt blue glass. </font>

Raging Deadstar October 30th, 2004 09:46 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Raging Deadstar smiled slightly as a few of the spare o***** bounced off his personal deflector shield. In the old cantinas such thing's ceased to work, and usually were followed by certain nasty and explosive thing's that happened to their user, but this place hadn't been updated as such. He watches Alneyan get up and RD Turns to The Bartender...

*Sigh* "Buy the poor guy an untampered Non Alcoholic Drink of his choice, On Renegades Tab of course." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

RD orders a second apple juice drink and finishes his first

"Just Curious Alneyan, Do you not drink Alcohol or is it You just don't trust this establishment?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Alneyan October 30th, 2004 12:31 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
At least, someone is being friendly in that cantina! Well, apparently friendly that is. A nice glass of water flavoured with anise should do the trick bartender. And don't pretend you don't have any, or else.

It is both RD. I would rather not touch anything looking like alcohol in this place, even with a long stick; healthy paranoia you know. And then, alcohol can have funny effects on your thought pattern and it wouldn't do to start raving about, breaking tables and saying the O word. See what happened to that Renegade, and you will get my point; can't say I want to try my luck at shouting not so random words in this place.

Renegade 13 October 30th, 2004 02:09 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
As the horribly nasty o***** start splattering with horrid, putrid, slimy sounds all over his body, Renegade dives for cover underneath a table. Listening to he loud "splat" sounds emanating from above him, he sincerely hopes the wood the table is made from is strong enough to withstand this vicious onslaught!

Scraping the putrid mess from his now slimy body, Renegade takes aim, and tosses some of the nasty greasy goo at RD (hoping of course that he's gotten lazy and disabled his personal forceshield)

Finally, the pattering of o***** on the table slows and comes to a stop. Clambering out from under the table, patrons from all over the bar recoil in horror at the smell that now emanates from his body.

"I think I'd better go have a shower and scrape some of this off myself....see you in a bit. And you can bet I'll have a a little more respect for certain unmentionable words in the future!" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

mac5732 October 30th, 2004 11:45 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
DID someone say the "O" word in here? Don't you know thats the worst thing you can do around here... for pete's sake, thats the one thing that can cause plenty of nasty things to happen, like fixing one's seeming non-alcoholic drink with something like, a colorless, orderless alcohole and making one feel sleepy when in reality he's just plain Loaded... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

the old one dons his face mask and oxygen tank to breathe in fresth oxygen instead of the noxious odor coming from the direction of the bar from the "O" 's http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

mac5732 November 8th, 2004 02:06 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
what is problem here, won't let me post

Renegade 13 November 8th, 2004 10:12 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Hmmm...well it sure looks like it let you post http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

mac5732 November 29th, 2004 12:37 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
the wize one sits back in his new upholstered, space age, reclinning chair at his table in the cornor of the cantina, and pushes a button on his new swingle swangle cliker for the jukebox, hits Duke of earl, reclines as a few of the FBW in their brand spanking new wet T-shirt bikinis administer a complete body massage. ahhhhhhhh ...http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif he sighs, now this is the life, "Tesco Eat your heart out" ..... He then proceeds to lift his fabulous body up and throws a few darts at the GT &amp; Gryphin Photo Dart Board .... DOUBLE BULLSEYE ..... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

Atrocities November 29th, 2004 02:46 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Hey Mac, been a while. How are things?

mac5732 November 29th, 2004 11:15 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Hey AT, good to see you here, The old one calls over a LH FBW clone and orders a brewski for AT (puts in on Tesco's Tab) and a 5 course meal for AT, (he looks a little famished)

Been just lurking here on the forum, been playing Grigsby's War in the Pacific, one of the scenerios (after 3 tries it looks like I might finally win this one http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) Been putting in a lot of hrs at my part time job due to the season, usually only work 2-3 days a week, currently working 5-6 days. Who said being retired gives one all kinds of free time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif, I'm busier now then when I was working for a living http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif What you been up to, working on more mods, shipsets etc?

David E. Gervais November 30th, 2004 08:03 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
..After being caught in the event horizon of a black hole for what seems like too long, I wander into the old joint and see that there is a good 4 inches of dust on my usual table and chair,.. that's ok, it makes for a good cushion...

Hey all, just thought I'd tell you all that the renderings of the various 'Event' pics in SE5 is comming along fine. Just a little note.. While I'm in Bryce doing renderings (that often take a few hours) I am un able to multitask, and my MS Messenger does not notify me if anyone comes Online. While I would normally say hello, every now and then, While running bryce I can't. So, don't think I'm being rude if i miss saying hi, I'm working.

That's all I have to say, Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

mac5732 December 30th, 2004 02:17 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
bumpty bump, Have a brewski, pull up a chair, fratenize with the FBW in their new skimpier outfits, order some meyhem, cartoon violence or just chat about whatever...

Puke December 30th, 2004 08:04 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar &amp; Grill
The Last I remember of this place, a catastrophie of cartoonish porportions had destroyed the THIRD cantina, and our ghosts had all pitched tents in the netherworld to setup a makeshift shanty town. Subsequently, we collectively willed a new universe into existance and founted a new Cantina, but that was probably another two or three incarnations ago.

Whats been happening with this place since then? Its good to see some of the same old faces (avatars, anyway) about.

Renegade 13 December 30th, 2004 08:47 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
*I hand Mac and Puke both a huge mug of good Canadian beer.*

Kamog December 30th, 2004 11:43 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
It's so quiet here at the Cantina... anything interesting happening? Is there going to be a New Year's party? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Balloons.gif[/img]

mac5732 December 31st, 2004 02:12 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Ahhh, Good Idea Kamog

NEW YEAR EVE'S PARTY HERE AT THE OLD CANTINA, everyone drop in, have a pint or two, chase the FBW's around the table, (lap dances optional) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif We'll fire up the old grill in the kitchen, steak, roasted tribbles, baloney, chips, much more , and ahem, of course, brewskis http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif If anyone sees the Taz, tell him we could use him at his usual place behind the bar. Bring your favorite music, rock all nite, dart Boards of your favorite infamous charactars also will be available. Park all Space craft in the parking lot outside, Old T-Rex is back and he has brought some of his cousins to help with the parking, Only a small gratuity fee is required

Hey Puke good to see ya still around, havn't seen ya in the se4 chat for awhile, drop in when ya can, the old cantina has been pretty quiet lately, I lost count of what number this one is 5 or 6 i think, They seem to have some type of calamity wish every so often http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif

David E. Gervais December 31st, 2004 06:02 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Aaaah, it's good to see the old joint again. There's one good thing about this two inches of dust on all the chairs, it makes them even more comfortable. Now If Taz makes an entrence, there will truely be a dust storm to end all dust storms. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

The next round of drinks are on me, Cheers everyone, I hope this past year has been good to you, and I predict that 2005 will be even better.

Yabba, Dabba, Doo! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

mac5732 January 1st, 2005 06:10 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
the old wize one wobbles over to his table and enbibs upon David G's gracious offer, he lowers himself onto his chair, leans back and enjoys another brewski, calling over a FBW to assist him in his endeavors of celebrating the New Year.. ah, the fond memories flood thru his torso of the year 2004 past, the cartoon violence, the meyhem, the little fold in the inner sanctum, Gryphin trying to steal his pizza and falling into the rose bushes, the "O" word disasters, the explosions and the diabolical aspects of various members as they put the doomsday devices upon the anatamys of their illustious members of meyhem, T-Rex, GT and his red hot poker, the thrill of the chases, the new weapons of mass destruction unleashed within the confines of this fine upstanding establishment, Taz attending to the ministrations while behind the bar of the patrons, the food and of course, the FBW skimpy outfits.... sigh, those were the days, will 2005 be as rewarding? Only time will tell he mutters has he upends a brewski to wet his parched old throat while obtaining a massage from several FBWs.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Alneyan January 2nd, 2005 07:40 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill

David E. Gervais said:
The next round of drinks are on me

Aha! An host of Vikings is currently making their way through the town (or what little remains of it, after several Cantinas had to be... shut down). From the looks of it, they will not settle with a single glass, so you had better be ready to pay a round of kegs.

See you next year then; I will retain my usual spot in the shadow, lurking, sneaking by, and spying on the patrons. In a few more days, the O and M words will be extensively featured in the first tabloid willing to delve in such things; I hope Renegade will still be resolved to check the dark of things, going boldly where angels fear to tread. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Growltigger January 19th, 2005 03:45 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Growltigga walks in through the door of the cantina, takes a look round and says "blimey, not again" before walking out shaking his head etc

mac5732 January 20th, 2005 02:35 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
GT, your back, well, old furry one, what mischief have you been up to http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cipher7071 January 21st, 2005 11:32 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
"What ho, old Colonel? I see the place has fallen into disrepair."
An empty bean can goes skittering across the cantina's floor in response to Cipher's kick, raising small puffs of dust in the process.
"Cough ... hack .... Hmmmm, I thought I heard mention of Canadian beer. Bartender ...? Er, never mind. I'll take a look myself. Ah ha! This slightly warm Moosehead should do the trick."
Shaking the dust out of a bar towel, he proceeds to clean up the dusty, green sixpack, and pops open a bottle.
"Geez Mac, couldn't ya have one of those FBWs sweep the floor every once in a while? The place looks like a stable."

mac5732 January 21st, 2005 01:19 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The old one, down trodden, in regards to the state of the cantina, decides to pump some credits back into the place, and get it all spiffed up, He interviews new FBW and various eye candy clones, puts ads in all the papers for a bartender or two, (Taz has disappeared) and advertises for an assistant to old T-Rex to help in the parking lot. He orders some new fresh wine and brews from around the world, repairs all the holes, bLaster smears, blood and guts from all the walls, puts some new music into the jukebox, and hangs new pics over the bar, adds a bigger dance floor, and feeds the new giant Octapi living under the floor http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

The wize one sits back, pops a brewski and watches......

David E. Gervais January 21st, 2005 03:08 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
What?!!! Someone has replaced my 'ABBA' Music in the Jukebox with 'Clay Aiken's Greatest hits'?

Oh for woah is me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AgentZero January 21st, 2005 03:52 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Agent Zero wanders into the bar for the first time and promptly trips over the step and smacks his head on the 'Mind the Step' sign. Upon regaining conciousness, he staggers over to David's table where the two begin conversing in hushed voices, occasionally glancing around to see if they are being watched. Agent Zero draws several frantic diagrams in the deep coating of dust, and upon finishing the conversation, swipes the dust off the table -- straight into David's face, who procedes to unleash a colossal sneeze that blows all the dust in the bar -and Agent Zero- through the front window.

Agent Zero wanders into the bar for the first time and promptly trips over the step and smacks his head on the 'Mind the Step' sign. Upon regaining conciousness, he staggers over to David's table and asks him what's with the broken window and big pile of dust outside.

David E. Gervais January 21st, 2005 05:21 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
David quietly anticipates the hordes of hungry fans sweeping up all the dust to try and reconstruct the 'secret' diagrams that AgentZero and he were recently drawing.

..As Agent Zero aproaches the table for the second time, I tell him to "Look Up!" which he promptly does just in time to see a bucket of green goo convieniently spill from the ceiling and covers Him. AgentZero glares over at David as if to say "What was that for?" Mumble, mumble, NDA, mumble, mumble.. You should know better than to tease the natives, besides that's my job..

[i]David tosses AgentZero a towel and walks out of the joint to go work on his 'Secret Project'..

Muahahahahaha, Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AgentZero January 22nd, 2005 10:39 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Agent Zero wipes the green goo from his face with the towel, discovering too late that the goo is very, very, very sticky and the towel is now very, very, very stuck to his face. After several minutes of frantic struggle, he resigns himself to the fact that he will be spending the foreseeable future with a black towel wrapped around his face. After poking eye and mouth holes in the towel, he pulls up his hood, hoping the combination of hood and black towel will make him look like Anubis. Really he just looks like a man in a hood with a black towel stuck to his face.
With that he stomps off to a quiet corner, muttering that as Agent Zero, THE Agent Zero, he knows better to violate the sacred NDA.
After realizing that the towel is drinking more of his grog than he is, Agent Zero slumps back in his chair to wonder why the Gods hate him so.

In the distance, we can hear Aaron laughing...

Raging Deadstar January 23rd, 2005 09:12 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
RD walks into the abandoned home away from home and looks around, apart from the suspicious two men who whisper thing's about "secret projects" and "NDA's" it's rather vacant. He walks over to the bar, long vacant since Taz's disappearance. RD thinks and Leaves a note attached to one of the pumps before walking to a table and begins to write out some fiction.

"One Bartender Applicant: Raging Deadstar Skills Include not Drinking most the stock, Distracting Customers and somewhat trained with Heavy Military Ordinance, Medieval Weapons and Firearms. Has Limited Experience in the fields of Crowd Control, Trench Combat and Psychological Warfare."

mac5732 January 25th, 2005 12:16 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
the wizen old one, watches the 2 zealots whispering and making markks on their table. He laughs to himself, if they only knew about the new spyware cameras above each table, which record everything they see being written. Hmmm I wonder what it would be worth to someone for what they are writing... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

He tips his brew towards the two, watchs RD fill out his application, and orders his usual from one of the FBW http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

David E. Gervais January 25th, 2005 09:45 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
1 Attachment(s)
..I walk in and make my way to Mac's table,.. Mac looks up expecting me to start up a conversation, instead I open up the bag I'm carrying and pull out a large picture in an ornate wooden frame covered in gold leaf.. I hang the picture on the wall next to Mac.

..now that Mac is suitably distracted I procede to paint the lenses on the spycams black..

Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

David E. Gervais January 25th, 2005 09:48 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
1 Attachment(s)
..I walk in and make my way to Mac's table,.. Mac looks up expecting me to start up a conversation, instead I open up the bag I'm carrying and pull out a large picture in an ornate wooden frame covered in gold leaf.. I hang the picture on the wall next to Mac.

mac5732 January 25th, 2005 11:57 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
David, you old rascal, You found her in a new outfit.... Wahoooo. man she sure makes the old ticker pump the blood http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Now where is Tim and Richard??? Have to talk to those boys and see if they can get her at their booth this year http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

The old one gazes upon the pic on the wall by his table that the fine David G put up for him.. aahhhhh me mutters, GT, eat your heart out you furry feline http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

David, have a brewski on me (I'll just put it on the Taz's tab since he hasn't been around http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kamog January 26th, 2005 03:22 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
She looks even prettier than before! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

General Woundwort January 26th, 2005 02:00 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
A rippling warp in space announces the teleportation of the long-absent Woundwort. With a short break in-between classes, he needs some liquid refreshment.

Walking past Dave and Mac's table (with a quick blush), he strides up to the bar and sees... its empty.

"What? No bartender? What on earth has happened to this place? The Boss must be really out of the loop this time..."

Then he sees RD's note. He tears it off the pump and reads it.

"Well... I can't wait until this gets approved. I guess if I can't get someone to make my drinks, I'll have to do it myself."

A few punches on the wrist computer and Woundwort's flight suit is exchanged for a dress shirt with collar (no tie) and slacks, with a white apron. Another series of buttons and the bar is restocked with the finest of American microbrews, with Arrogant Bastard Ale prominently featured. (As per the Boss's edict, no mass-produced yellow "beers" in sight).

"Your new bartender has arrived! First round's on the house, in celebration of my initial good grades in school. Free advice and a sympathetic ear included."

Woundwort reaches under the bar to retrieve Taz's favorite washcloth, and whistling the tune "Master of the House", begins polishing the bar.

(RD - you have to take initiative. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )

Raging Deadstar January 26th, 2005 04:46 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
RD looks up and smiles, Initiative could wait, and Murphy never looked upon the cocky lightly. He presses a button on the laptop he was typing on and relaxes. All that strange teleportation and space ripping stuff Woundworts computer was doing made him a slightly easy to track target...

"Well No hard feelings Woundwort, after all, they said they needed more than one bartender, I'll just serve this side of the room..."

A Quick smile later RD turns round and undoes his collar, pulls on a pump to serve a drink, turns to say "Cheers" and watches satisfyingly as the ACME Homing weight that crashed through the roof and landed on Woundwort. Along it's side is the word "initiative."

RD whistles as he orders his transport outside to bring in some beverages that weren't American and from the Good Old Countries and Planets, he also brings out the old Starfury Cantina address book and hands it to Mac, the section entitled "FBW's."

"There's nothing like Competition amongst Staff no?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

General Woundwort January 26th, 2005 05:34 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The proximity alert goes off on Woundwort's wrist computer. There is a quick blip before the massive weight crashes through the roof onto the bar. Of course, the bar is now empty.

Another blip, and Woundwort is standing on top of the massive weight, surveying the wreckage of the bar (and the loss of all that good beer).

"RD, two things. One, you've got to stop wrecking the Boss's property. He just might be back one of these days, and I've got all your antics on record."

"Second, you've GOT to stop telegraphing your punches."

A quick series of punches on the wrist computer takes remote contol of the forklift bot bringing in RD's bootleg beverages. Woundwort sends it crashing into RD's table.

Woundwort salvages a bottle of Arrogant Bastard from the rubble, and toasts his adversary.

"Good to be back." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Raging Deadstar January 26th, 2005 05:46 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Looking at the pool of broken bottles around his table, and the destruction of part of the bar RD has to think fast.

"Since when Has been destroying the Boss's Property been a crime? We're on the....I lost count of how many cantinas there have been..."

Looks again at the destroyed beverages

"That's coming out of your Wage Slip, you break it, you bought it. I'm sure you got it recorded..." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

RD turns to think about more important matters, mainly how we could get the Chainmail girl to work as an FBW here...

General Woundwort January 26th, 2005 07:20 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
"Well, RD, usually he's the one doing the destroying. But be that as it may..."

A few taps on the wrist computer summons a pack of worker droids, who begin to clear out the debris from the bar and the table area. Meanwhile, another set of droids begins to reinstall the oak surface to the bar area. While they are at work, Woundwort activates the walkie-talkie on the computer.

"Sancho, bring in some of the stock from my ship for the bar. Make sure you throw in some European beers, too - and some Romulan Ale. We wouldn't want RD to have another fit, would we?" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

mac5732 January 27th, 2005 01:55 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Wakened by a loud crash, The Old One looks around and sees that the old place is starting to look more like the old days, he waves at RD and GW as they move around behind the bar amongst all the new debris. hmm, The wize one pushes a button on his table and T-Rex appears from the parking lot. The wize one asks him kindly to clean up the mess on the floor as the weight is to much for a dustpan.. TR agrees after receiving his pay in a promise of tribble wings and begins the clean up. The old gentleman proceeds to mail a FBW application to our chain mail lady in waiting. Between her and the other FBW will give this old place some excellent eye candy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

He then orders 2 brewskis, one from each of the new bartenders http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Now if we can only find a new cook or two for the kitchen, we'll be back in business as usual he mumbles as he puts cooks wanted sign in all the local and interplanetary papers.....

David E. Gervais January 27th, 2005 08:48 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
David is sitting at his table and is rumaging through a heap of something that looks like spagetti muttering to himself, "I'll untangle this mess, don't worry, I can do it." As he notices the commotion at the bar he presses a button and erects a level 20 forcefield around his work area.

Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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