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Foodstamp May 22nd, 2008 11:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
HoneyBadger is definitely a guy. He mentioned his RL several times in the past, but considering the times we live in, who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!

chrispedersen May 22nd, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I know, believe me I know. = )

Amhazair May 23rd, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Foodstamp said:
I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!


Jazzepi May 23rd, 2008 09:35 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Foodstamp said:
HoneyBadger is definitely a guy. He mentioned his RL several times in the past, but considering the times we live in, who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!


Admiral Ackbar knows when it's a trap.


Xietor May 24th, 2008 12:41 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
If the Patch does not come out over memorial day weekend(by day's end Monday), we will take steps to move forward with the game starting on June 1 and we will just patch when it comes out.

I think Coobe wanted to trade his new race in for Midguard anyway. That leaves only 1 player who will have to select a new race from an admittedly small pool of remaining races.

In the event Dryunda does not like Blood races, LA Abysia and LA Mictlan are the only 2 races left(and EA Pangaea who with no turmoil scale available is crippled), then I will see if I can add some sort of fun "bonus" to EA Pangaea that may make it fun for him to play even with no free spawn.

However, I have no earthly idea what sort of fun bonus it may be, so do not pick EA Pangaea thinking you will go from the worst to best race overnight.

DaveCG May 24th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Man, I know I'm new and all, but I really can't wait for this, it's shaping up to be great, you watch I'll end up falling flat on my face, oh well.

Thanks to the great community though I've gotten some good ideas on how to use EA Ulm, I can't wait to try some more MP games now.

Anyway, the point of my post was this, I take it we're waiting on the new patch before we start?

Also, regarding talking to other players I've been reading the lets play over on SA, and it seems like people use things like AIM and MSN etc to talk, other than the main system in game, is this looked down on? is it allowed in this game?

Anyway, I know my next question would be better served by posting in the general area, but I've started here, so I'll finish here.

Could anyone advice me on play EA Ulm? I've heard things like "get blades of wind the E4?3? spell" and not to really go for magic, being as ulm aren't great at it, just to mass troops early, I've been playing SP with my pretender and ulm, just trying to get a feel for it, and I must say I think I'm going to get eaten.

Anyway, any advice or help or anything, such as a "Shut up Dave" would be helpful/hurtful, thanks for reading and hoping to hear how I can end the would as DaveGG(wish I'd named him Crom now..) and my kick *** Conan, whom I'm sure someone will mind hunt to make me cry.

-EDIT- Dammit, while I was writting you posted Xie, phooey now I look silly....er....

Xietor May 24th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I think any form of communication is fine. If I am not mistaken, 2 of the players are actually brothers(forget which 2, which is dumb on my part and likely why i find myself fighting uphill numbers most of the time).

The only thing I ask, and I have no mechanism to enforce it, so it is just an honor thing, is that no players make alliances or "deals" before the game starts.

For instance, I am friendly with Llamabeast. Never met him in real life, or even instant messaged him. But we teamed up in a mp game once and it worked out well.

So say I am playing a strong research race like MA Ctis. And say he is playing a race with lots of n gems like EA Pangaea. And I say to llamabeast before the game , I will take a 5n pretender and race straight to alt 5 and cast mother oak. if you give me 50 n gems I will split the return with you(or something along those lines).

That is a type of pregame deal i think is unfair to other players. And it is banned-though as i said I will not make any effort to enforce such a ban as it is beyond my ability.

So it will just have to be an honor type thing, and if you are a type of player that can feel a sense of achievement winning with an unfair advantage over other players, then that is between you and your conscience-and you have my sympathy.


Of course if you are really treacherous, you make a deal with llamabeast's neighbor to kill him off, so you get the gems to cast mother oak and have no one to split the spoils with! How would an honest guy like me even think of something like that? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

coobe May 24th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
so i can prepare my pretender for midgard ?

Xanatos May 24th, 2008 02:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
can i be late ermor?

Xietor May 24th, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
so i can prepare my pretender for midgard ?

Yes. You are officially the Skinshifters! They are quite potent.

coobe May 24th, 2008 02:13 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif iĺl get right on designing...

Xietor May 24th, 2008 05:17 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
looking at EA Pangaea, if Dryunda selects them, what I am likely to do is:

1. reduce the gold cost of the centaur longbows. Sort of like midguard gets a discount on skinshifters, the closer to nature EA Pangaeans will find centaurs more willing to join the cause.

2. Raise the rp of the pans a small bit. they are actually one of the worst bang for the buck researchers anyway.

3. Reduce the gold cost of the minotaurs by 10 gold each, and make the war minotaur a good bit more mobile and better at attacking and defending. After all he is not wearing plate like the later age version.

And the Minotaurs have those Horns! They absolutely must get a gore attack. Before they became civilized they used to gore their prey.

And for a little variety:

4. Add a new Minotaur Warrior that does not trample, and wields a huge 1h axe and a shield.

5. Add a new Minotaur Warrior that does not trample but dual wields 2 big 1h axes.

4 and 5 are dependent on me getting Foodstamp or another kind soul to make the sprites.

AreaOfEffect May 24th, 2008 05:33 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Dryunda can also select Machaka as well if he desires. I'll take one of the remaining nations if he does.

I've personally made it a point to stick with what I've been given, spite the fact I am one of the few who didn't get his first pick. However, I'm willing to trade with those who also didn't get their first pick if it will improve the enjoyment they get from playing this game.

Xietor May 24th, 2008 06:31 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Actually, most races were dead at the end of the 1st mega game, but two notable exceptions were LA Abysia and, I believe, Machaka was still alive as well.

LA Mictlan did quite well, but received special attention from LA Ryleh. And to be quite honest, not many could survive that scrutiny. Towards the end of the game LA Ryleh was wishing 5 times per turn.

With the mod we will be using in Kingmaker, hopefully we will not see a repeat of the Attack of the Terrible Clams.

Cor2 May 24th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

AreaOfEffect said:
Dryunda can also select Machaka as well if he desires. I'll take one of the remaining nations if he does.

SHE, I believe.

AreaOfEffect said:
I've personally made it a point to stick with what I've been given, spite the fact I am one of the few who didn't get his first pick. However, I'm willing to trade with those who also didn't get their first pick if it will improve the enjoyment they get from playing this game.

Me too, I got my third choice, cept I don't wanna trade.

Xietor May 24th, 2008 10:58 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Before the game starts, I want to make everyone aware of a couple of minor modifications to the game, made via of what will be named the Kingmaker Mod. That way there will be no surprises once the game starts.

Worthy Heroes 1.8 most likely will be used in its present form, since I have not heard from Turin in quite some time.

Lllamabeast is working on a research mod-and even I do not understand it completely, so once i do i will post what it does. The research mod changes will be subject to discussion, though i think most were in general agreement with what Llamabeast is attempting to do. A layered research tier with the lower level spells being normal, and the highest ones being very hard.

Twan made a mod "fixing" Mists of Deception. A detailed explanation of what the modded spell does is in the mod forum. Given all of the controversy this spell has caused, it will be modded. That will not be open for a vote.

I added a commender to 2 races that i view as weaker nations. And I do not know the players that are playing them from Adam. But I did not add the commanders because the nations were weak, but because i thought they were "missing." You be the judge.

LA Ulm- While I only really play MA, when i was looking at some of the races I may have to play, one of them was LA Ulm. Right off the bat something bothered me. LA Ulm has a fairly nice capital only undead troop, the undead Guardian,
but no leaders that can really lead undead.

Blood mages have poor undead leadership. And mages in general have poor leadership of regular troops. So I added a leader that can lead both men and undead:


As you can see, this leader is hardly going to be a game breaker for la ulm, but it should allow him to get his men and undead moved around with 1 commander.

The second is a KOA Commander for Man. KOA's have forest survival and a map move of 3, but none of Man's commanders do(: Maybe it is just me, but Wardens are a bit sad. I do not even buy them when i play man, and do not spend any points blessing them.

So I did give the KOA Commander better stats than a gor KOA. But the cost is 150 gold, and you can't buy these and crones as well.


But if i get any objections to them, they will be left out of the mod.

Herode May 25th, 2008 06:52 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I don't know these nations but I guess the commander thing is an element in balancing the weaknesses and strength of a nation. Hence, I would not modify this before the game. LA Ulm is not the only nation with this kind of constraints. Look at EA Yomi : its demon leaders have a very low leadership for standard troops, you have to recruit commanders for standard and commanders for demons / undeads. Not even talking about the magical troops. That's part of the flavour of the nation, part of its balance also. I guess the same thing happens to Ulm.

Slobby May 25th, 2008 09:00 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Nay on the new commanders.

Jazzepi May 25th, 2008 09:02 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I really think right now is a bad time to be modding the nations in an untested way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif


Zeldor May 25th, 2008 09:07 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I guess you would have to add at least recruitable tartarians for MA Man to make it strong enough to be useful http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor May 25th, 2008 09:37 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Herode, Yomi is actually the worst possible example to use as to why Ulm should not get a leader of both men and undead.
Yomi was given a specific demon general that can lead 120 men and 70 undead.

Be that as it may, the people have spoken!

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Twan May 25th, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I think giving something to Man is a good idea, as it non diverse and weak magic (out of capitol mapmove 1 and old crones) makes it a very bad nation for long/big games (and the little thugable knight don't look too powerful).

On the other hand LA Ulm look like a good nation for big games, with the vampire based blood strategy, so I'm not sure it needs something.

Herode May 25th, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
This one is a hero. But as for regular commanders I was talking, the Dai Oni leads 20 men only, and the Oni General 10.

But yes, this hero is pretty cool ^^ (and boostable)

Xietor May 25th, 2008 01:34 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Yomi's demon general is not a hero. You can buy him at the start of the game for 100 gold!

Jazzepi May 25th, 2008 02:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Please let me know the details of the research mod when you find them out. It effects how I make my pretender.


atul May 25th, 2008 02:17 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
LA Ulm gets the national spell Sanguine Heritage, which brings a commander with loads of all kinds of leaderships. Only thematic for vampires to lead their undead forces...

Xietor May 25th, 2008 02:55 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
and which of their mages can cast it? if they face a bless rush they likely need someone to lead the undead in the 1st year, not down the road. heh. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

atul May 25th, 2008 03:10 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
If they face a bless rush in the first year, they might not need to ferry the undead very far. :p

Xietor May 25th, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
True dat http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I am also taking a look at Worthy Heroes Mod. Expect some tinkering and a 1.9 version to be used for Kingmaker.

At the very least that annoying Hornblower hero that thinks he should be a pretender for every nation will be put in his place. And at most you may see a few new heroes added.

While i have not yet had time to sort through the maze that Turin created, he did say he favored some of Burnsaber's heroes fairly recently. So I will see what races those heroes are for.

Some races do need Worthy Heroes. Edi created an interesting hero for MA Oceania a while back, and at 1st blush MA Oceania appears to need Worthy Heroes. We shall see.

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif It may not be a good idea to take 3 misfortune this game baalz. In fact, the whole point of Worthy Heroes is to act as a counterpoint to the elite gamers who always seem to take 3 order/2-3 misf.

ComTrav May 25th, 2008 05:08 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I hate to do this, but my summer schedule has more travel than I thought. I'd hate to delay the game for several dozen players, and I know there are plenty of people waiting to join, so I'm going to go ahead and sit this out.

Xietor May 25th, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
np. This is one game where i get daily pms about open slots.

My biggest challenge now is figuring out who is next on the alternate list, and what nation they get.

Way way back, but here was our list of alternates:

1st alternate- seryozha
2nd alternate- baruk
3rd alternate- Evilhomer/Folket team
4th alternate- Gregstrom
5th alternate Agema

I think Baruk is up, with Evilhomer team on deck!

Cor2 May 25th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I vote no on the new units. I have played LA ulm and never had problems with undead leadership.

Xietor May 25th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
oh there is no vote. Once 1 person objected, they were out.
So they have been out since the 1st person said no.

And Cor, by chance have you played LA Ulm after the last patch when the capital only undead troops were added? They are quite nice, especially their weapons which stop other races sacred troops in their tracks.

Having not played much LA I may have overlooked an obvious trick to using them early to stop a strong bless rush.

Xietor May 25th, 2008 09:56 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
On a positive note:

1. Baruk is joining the game as LA Abysia! Welcome aboard!

2. There will definitely be a Worthy Heroes 1.9 version, as I have fixed the bug with the Hornblower pretender. Whether anything else gets done remains to be seen.

DrPraetorious May 26th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I don't think we should make any changes to EA Pangaea, myself.

That sort of thing is difficult to balance and requires a fair amount of consensus.

I'll be back in the states by Wednesday and ready and able to crush all of you, worry not. Crushing!

Herode May 26th, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Xietor said:
Yomi's demon general is not a hero. You can buy him at the start of the game for 100 gold!

Ha, ooops ! True, I just forgot this one http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor May 26th, 2008 07:36 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Actually, if someone is stuck with EA pan, I would change them a bit to compensate for the loss of free spawn, and i have consulted with QM about how already. A consensus of 2 between myself and QM is not bad! QM does this sort of thing for a living. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

But Baruk and dryunda have saved me the trouble of modding EA Pan by picking LA Abysia and LA Mictlan respectively(: And I so looked forward to my modded Minataur Warriors spanking your Niefel Giants Dr. P(:

AreaOfEffect May 26th, 2008 10:53 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
The simplest mod for LA Pangaea would have been to clear the special abilities of the commanders, replace them, and use the #domsummon command to replace the free spawning. This would have allowed Pangaea to keep their free spawn no matter what level of order or turmoil they took.

Besides, it doesn't make sense to mess with minotaurs when pans are the units being affected. It would changed the dynamic of the nation so much that it would play like a completely different race.

Jazzepi May 26th, 2008 10:54 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

AreaOfEffect said:
The simplest mod for LA Pangaea would have been to clear the special abilities of the commanders, replace them, and use the #domsummon command to replace the free spawning. This would have allowed Pangaea to keep their free spawn no matter what level of order or turmoil they took.

Besides, it doesn't make sense to mess with minotaurs when pans are the units being affected. It would changed the dynamic of the nation so much that it would play like a completely different race.

The whole point is to remove the freespawn entirely. The issue is with the limit cap of the game.


Salamander8 May 26th, 2008 11:35 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I DLed the kingmaker zip, but when I extracted it, it reports as file type "file", rather than MAP, TGA, or SLI files like all my others.

Xietor May 26th, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
When anything goes wrong with the map, we can all point our fingers at the same person-Dr. P!


Your file should be a rgb file. It should not be a MAP File because that is not being posted for public viewing. The Map File contains the specific starting locations for 4 races, and they likely would not want that information known by every other player before the start of the game!

Additionally, I have coded the starting spot of all 61 nations, with 57 being random. And if the map file is posted, then the mystery of where your neighbors' capitals are will be removed and part of the thrill of exploration will be gone.

Dr. P has knowledge of the starting locations. I think fairness dictates that he not attack an enemy capital before turn 5.

While I also know where all the starting capitals are, i have never rushed anyone, as fast expansion is not my style. So my knowledge is irrelevant as my scouts will discover who my neighbors are long before i initiate any hostilities anyway. In any event i also agree not to attack any enemy capitals before turn 5.

And keep in mind that while Dr. P and I know where the starting capital locations are, we do not know who is where except for 4, LA Atlantis, La Marignon, EA Ryleh, and EA Oceania.

And as powerful as Niefel is, I am not sure they would want to rush a double or triple blessed mictlan blindly.

Kristoffer O May 26th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

The patch should be available tomorrow, since you seem to have a holiday today.

Don't touch Yomi in the mod! I'm playing Yomi! Not much use for me to play a nation to find imbalances if I get a modded nation http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor May 26th, 2008 12:57 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Good news on the patch!

There is no mod for any nation KO. Just having some fun. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

atul May 26th, 2008 01:55 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Xietor, at my computer the Kingmaker map image appears as an "Unix file" when I look at the properties. Gimp will open it and call it 'rgb image', so it is a proper image, just something amiss with some specs.

Could you please start a test game with the image that one loads from the first post's link, and confirm everything works (if you haven't done it already)? I'd do it myself but as you pointed out, we don't have access to the .map file. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Salamander8 May 26th, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Here is what I get when I check the file with properties:


quantum_mechani May 26th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Xietor said:
A consensus of 2 between myself and QM is not bad! QM does this sort of thing for a living. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Actually, I agree with Dr. P, it's not really necessary. As I said though, if you're really set on doing something, I think slightly reducing the cost of pans to account for losing the maenad power seems most reasonable.

James243 May 26th, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Guys - I've got a problem....

My boss has decided to send me to Switzerland from June 8 - 18. I'm not going to have access to the game during that time.

I'm fairly far into another game which has 48 hour hosting, so organising a sub for that should be easy enough.

For this game however, it'll be just starting up AND has 24 hour hosting. A sub would be nice but I think that'd be a bit rough on the sub - basically run most of the early turns and then hand over.

The more I think about this, the more I think I'm going to have to pull out. I'm bummed, but I think it's the right thing to do, and I'm sure there's an alternate out there that will be delighted to take LA Ulm.

Xietor, thanks for the tips - I'll defitely take LA Ulm in another game and use them!

Sorry to do this everyone, and I'll certainly keep an eye on the game, and count me in for Mega III!

quantum_mechani May 26th, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

James243 said:
Guys - I've got a problem....

My boss has decided to send me to Switzerland from June 8 - 18. I'm not going to have access to the game during that time.

I'm fairly far into another game which has 48 hour hosting, so organising a sub for that should be easy enough.

For this game however, it'll be just starting up AND has 24 hour hosting. A sub would be nice but I think that'd be a bit rough on the sub - basically run most of the early turns and then hand over.

The more I think about this, the more I think I'm going to have to pull out. I'm bummed, but I think it's the right thing to do, and I'm sure there's an alternate out there that will be delighted to take LA Ulm.

Xietor, thanks for the tips - I'll defitely take LA Ulm in another game and use them!

Sorry to do this everyone, and I'll certainly keep an eye on the game, and count me in for Mega III!

Hmm, I tell you what, I have avoided the mega game because I'm almost certain I'll eventually lose interest... I'd happily play the first part of the game for you and then hand it over, though I'd probably want a bit more than the first dozen turns.

Xietor May 26th, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

QM i was trying to make Dr. P sweat! The thought of Minotaur warriors at 30 gold a piece dual wielding massive 1h axes in each hand with greatly enhanced attack, defense and movement descending on Niefelheim was enough to ruin his vacation!

And you had to go and spill the beans about slightly lowering the costs of pans(: That is not going to make anyone sweat.

sum1lost May 26th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
On a similar note to James, and I know I've posted it before, but I will not have access between june 4th and june 10th, so I could also really use a sub for that time. If I can't get one I'll have to step out.

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