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Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Soon the blood of lizards (LA Ctis) will colour our swords.......
Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Ha! You might get a bit of bonedust on your swords before your skinshifters are cut down by the hordes of awakened C'tissian dead.
As Promised
I will as promised, link the map file sometime during the course of this game. I was thinking around turn 40. By now, everyone knows the locations of their neighbors' capitals, so the nations most affected will remain the 5 whose starting locations were predetermined:
LA Marignon, LA Atlantis, EA Lanka, EA Ryleh, and EA Oceania. But the location of these nations' capitals could likely be had for 5 gems if someone wanted them, as most of their neighbors would likely sell out their locations for a song. |
Re: As Promised
I can give you locations of those 5 nations, really cheap http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: As Promised
Nations dropped like flies last turn, with the last remnants of three drawing their last breath.
Re: As Promised
Ouch http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.
Invading EA Agartha has proven more expensive than I had anticipated - this is what I get for underestimating a seemingly green opponent. Kudos to him! If he manages to hold me off, I'll wish for his victory. |
Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legion
At the first gleam of sunlight, the small Utgardian army saw the horrible legion across the valley while the steady pounding of war drums shook the damp earth. Over 500 strong, the Ermorian ranks were filled with disciplined legionnaires outfitted in gleaming silver armor, the purple flags with grinning skull-emblazoned standards flapping in the chill morning wind. Barack, supreme warlord of the Utgardian horde, felt his heart skip as he peered closer at the shadowy ranks. Skeletal knights clad in rotting armor with wicked scythes and notched swords were positioned on the flanks. And in the Ermorian rearguard, an entire cadre of necromantic sorcerers chanting their fell craft. When the battle let loose the Ermorian mages channelled their power and let loose an endless sequence of spells designed to ensnare the Utgardian woodsmen in the lure of Ermor’s false god. But in the darkest hour of doubt, the independent spirit and berserk battlelust of the horde could not be overcome and Utgard saw Ermor for what it was, the rotting pile of books of another dying civilization. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon19.gif[/img]
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
In the 1st Big Game the Late Age races were crushed. While it is still early, they seem to be doing better this year than last.
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Nah, imagine what Lolomo would do with EA Caelum http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Haha, I shall attempt to make LA Caelum worthy of their EA predecessors. Too bad the advance of civilization have made the birdfolk such dirtheaded slackers hahaha.
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
If i remember correcty, the problem was that the weak troops of the EA Nations let them crumble in the early game before they are able to get a benefit from their magical superiority. That Pangaea was the only EA nation to survive does almost prove that point, as Centaurs are very good at going head to head with an enemy army. |
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
That is what we call revisionist history.
LA Pan was crushed in the first Big Game by MA Van. LA Pan survived because velusion saved them and they became a vassal to LA Ermor. Of course LA Ermor and LA Ryleh were the notable exceptions to the rule in the 1st Big Game. I am not talking about the very end end. EA Lanka, Mictlan, Pangaea and other races from the early era well did well into the midgame. If you check the other game thread, I think you will see many were surprised that the LA nations fared so poorly. |
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
you have to take the endgame with a grain of salt. EA Oceania was a major power, but got double teamed by la ermor and la ryleh. I mean no nation could withstand that. Then Baalz, as la mictlan got special attention from la ryleh, who by that time was wishing 5 times per turn. again, what nation could withstand that? So I think it is a mistake to look at the endgame to see how the nations fared. Any nation singled out by la ryleh or la ermor(and his unholy alliance) was likely not long for the world. Except of course, the resilient Lizards. |
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Well, Lanka appears to be weak and defenseless. We Pythians took half of their provinces this turn. Anyone else that wants to attack Lanka, now is the time.
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
I think you blocked Lanka's neighbour anyway http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
My oh my. Lanka seems even less well-defended than we had thought. Quite a pushover, we would think. All bordering nations should now move in to take a piece of the dying Lanka empire.
TFtF: The Hell-King of Mictlan
by reporter Orangescrags Grapesquiggle
This just in! In a bizarre twist of fate, MA Ulm has attacked a nation known traditionally as the attacker, LA Mictlan. We are told that MA Ulm was helping its serpentine allies in C'tissians of various ages. Anonymous, the Mouth of Monny, has called C'tissians "trusted allies - especially my little Serpent Dancer here"; EA C'tis has not told reporters about how the Serpent Dancer came to Ulm. The battle involved roughly eighty Ulmish and twenty-five Mictlani lead by the Hell-King of Mictlan, a Moloch, and his personal retinue of unholy hellspawn. The Black Acolyte attending the battle, known as "Alarik", reported being "surprised that I was actually useful; I just expected to, y'know, sit there and bless the Smiths or somethin'". The Mictlani Jaguar Warriors were easily dispatched by the Guardians of MA Ulm; however, the Moloch simply flew towards the Guardians while they were defeating his revered and legendary force and struck back. One of the Smiths, called Anonymous, reported feeling that the Moloch (whose name is unknown; the Mictlani language was too primitive ("oog oog tudd" was one Guardian's rendition of their speech) to understand) was "f9b4ohgodohgodPLEASEHELPMETHENIGHTMAARES". What this means is currently unknown; what is known is that three of the horrifyingly ugly Toad-Priests of LA Mictlan (a strange offshoot from the Atlantians) were present at the battle. As for the battle itself, much of it consisted of archer volleys and Magma Bolts fired at the pathetically weak Jaguar Warriors and a desperate attempt to even hurt the Moloch. Though the Guardians fled early into the battle after wiping out the last remnants of the Jaguar Warriors, the Black Knights stayed until the very last fell, valiantly attacking the Hell-King of Mictlan and smiting his retinue. The Smiths' Magma Bolts, though they destroyed the Jaguar Warriors, did nothing to harm the absurdly lucky Moloch. In the end, after the last of the Black Knights Fell, the Smiths decided that Monny was better served alive and ran for the hills to join the Guardians and archers. The Black Knights who gave their lives have been declared holy, and those remains not eaten by the Moloch were cremated in the Forges of Ulm to give strength to those who need it most - those on the frontline, defending their family, their friends, and their country. |
Re: TFtF: The Hell-King of Mictlan
I am..... moved, and deeply saddened for the loss suffered by the Ulms. I shall send a candy-gram.
Re: TFtF: The Hell-King of Mictlan
Urgent purchase request.
Never mind, I should use the specific file...
Re: Urgent purchase request.
DO i take it that poor Evilhomer is being triple teamed? Have the Lizards and Ulm no shame. What about 2 v 2? A fair fight.
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
No surprise that invading force of Pytium found only markata cleaners and bandar grave diggers to protect the land. Last month however, the odds changed. Renegade Sybil wandering through the land has been captured. During the ritual feast, being slowly consumed she went into prophetic trance and gave us the answer. "The rotting head of Krynos, ruler of Pytium and false pretender, impaled on an oak stick eleven days after his decapitation will speak the words you so much desire" - said the mysterious woman before drawing her last breath. Great search ended successfully. Great hunting begins. |
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Heh. Bring them on Lanka. I hope you have the balls for demons vs. Hydras.
Re: Urgent purchase request.
Re: Urgent purchase request.
If I might make the following official statement:
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif I absolutely HATE having to besiege 700-defence capitals in early game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif Thank you for your time, that was all. |
Re: Urgent purchase request.
Btw can anyone tell me the odds on all 3 Ctis nations starting as virtual neighbours? |
You guys have it easy. Try even thinking about besieging any castles when all your siegers are considered animals and get huge penalties at sieges. :E
A Bad Case of the Eriu
It seems Utgard has been sleeping in the lower end brothels http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif while on our campaign to rid the world of the undead blight of Ermor and have caught a pesky case of the Eriu. Symptons: blurred vision, temporary loss of PD 1 provinces, can lead to blindness if you try to scratch.
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Considering the number of times he died in 20 turns, the God of LA Agartha seems to suffer heavy health issues. Is there any reliable doctor out there ? ^^
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
I suspect immortality...not seen La Agarthas god thou...seems a fun strategy.
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Seems a strategy where the SC false god often looses combats http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
I am off for Vacation. Llamabeast is now the official Game admin. until I get back and resume. Hopefully Tuidjy will do better at processing my war than I have done.
Since I only play the MA I learn painful new lessons every turn(: But my sub claims to be love LA Arcos. so we shall what he can do. Good luck everyone. Be back on the 9th of July! |
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Hmm... the holiday break is already after that turn? Or after 22nd?
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
the official holiday is the 4th, 5th, and 6st. But I am leaving on July 2nd.
I relinquished my administrative duties a day early, as I am busy packing etc. So all game admin. requests please direct to llamabeast such as subs etc. |
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Okay, so... the current turn is due in on the 3rd. The holiday is on the 4th, 5th and 6th apparently. So I guess I will postpone for 48 hours after the next hosting meaning the turn will be in on the 7th rather than the 5th. Actually maybe I should postpone by 60 hours just to make sure everyone has time. The turn'll then be due in around 7pm GMT on the 7th. Does that sound okay?
(Note that this doesn't relate to the current turn. The current turn is still in around 7am GMT on the 3rd. I don't want to cause any confusion.) |
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Re: A Bad Case of the Eriu
Re: Tales From the Front: Fall of the Undead Legio
Pictures would be good too (of the styrofoam Horror Helmets etc.).
TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
It seems Eriu not only launched a dastardly surprise attack on Utgard in the midst of our negotiations, but while viewing his heineous actions this morning, my video card died. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Talk about a double kick in the nuts.
Anyway, Utgard will be scrambling to get our turn done on the work laptop which means lots of Alt-tabbing and sneaky peeks over the shoulder. Any nations sympathizing with our plight and worried about your own video cards, feel free to attack the nasty Eriu. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Our intelligence points to Xietor's vacation as a distraction to let the Eriu get in place for this en masse sneak attack.
Gath feels bad even if we have no idea where you are, we shall send pie. Bloo.... BLUEberry pie, rather. Everyone likes blueberries. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Gath should pay more attention to propel intel - after all it's Utgård who's currently invading your neighbour's neighbour's neighbour. In a map like this, it's not even far!
Too bad about the second kick in the nuts, hopefully the card is replaceable. |
Krynos\' head
Regarding recent intel about the importance of Krynos' head to Lanka, LA Pythium has decided to move his head to a safe location. We shall have to move his body along with it, since it does not function correctly without it's head.
Ashdod would like to thank EA Caelum for the bumper harvest of mammoth-burgers they just delivered. They were yummy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Krynos\' head
Yeaz holy Batman, that was quite a fight Utgård just lost. Giants losing steam of late?
In other news, Bandar Log is still living in peaceful coexistence with nature. Which may not surprise anyone paying attention. (And plz someone play MA Man's turn this time so quickhost would even be an option) |
Re: Krynos\' head
We were so close to squashing those Apostacy-spamming grand Thaumaturgs. I think the battle might have gone the other way had Barack Obama not forgotten to move my newly arrived reinforcements to the front lines (lack of real-world military experience?). Doh...
Anyway, well-fought battle Ermor! Back to the drawing board. |
Re: Krynos\' head
P.S.If anyone thinks that Eye Shields rarely blind people should take a look at my turn. One Sidhe with defense 24 vs. PD 20+ in my capital. Sidhe is surrounded on all sides by 10 Attack Huskarl, 3 per square. Midway into the fight I checked and all of them adjacent to the Sidhe were blinded (probably 15+ blind huskarls). He also took out one eye of the Jotun jarl with MR 15 that finally took him down. Can't remember if MR helps vs Eye Shield.
Re: Krynos\' head
Okay, I've got EA Agartha's number now.
I believe I just killed his God outside of his dominion, even. Kudos to him for being so fierce! If I'd known he'd put up this kind of resistance, I would've tried to make him an ally. Ah well, live and learn. |
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