![]() |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ARG I told you NOT to do new updates!! I'll put them in the dom3K .dm one last time and after that you'll have to save them up and send them to me or we need to discuss what needs to be changed in neoclidia before a new version.
edit: for clearity: there needed to be a :D somewhere up there.. but I do mean that now you can't update at your own leisure since it just won't be in the mod then :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Outer dimensional being as a hero instead of the ghost? Hmm. I wasn't really complaining about the weapons, an ethereal ship is pretty cool. I was just wondering.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
plz read my edit :D
anyway that last version is in now anyway :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Also, I've got an idea for yet another nation-in-progress (someone else can steal it I guess though, if you want). Essentially, it's a nation of robots. Not really robots, though, I guess, more like a horde of bloodthirsty nanomachines. What I'm thinking of is a fairly unique nation.
They'll start off with one E gem from their capital. They can research a spell to create a unique "Factory" or somesuch that adds another 2-3 gems/turn. Of course, there'll be a few uniques along these lines, so they can end up with maybe 15/turn from these uniques alone. They'll likely also have a basic "Factory" unit somewhat high up, that provides on gem/turn. It won't be as strong as uniques, though--pile all the unique Factories in one place and you've got a practically unassailable fort. Their units will mostly be swarms. They'll have specialized swarms, mostly--one for assassinating, one "Assembler" or somesuch that can turn into turrets and a couple other things, one for chaff, one for melee combat, one for ranged, etc. They'll likely all have x3 damage vs smaller (or x2 vs larger) units. They'll have a whole slew of cool racial things, like not needing eyes and poison immunity. They'll recuperate, high strength, likely high protection (though somewhat low defense, it's not hard to hit a giant swarm of bugs or bug-analogues), these guys will be fairly nice. And, by late-game, they'll have spells to summon massive hordes of individual swarms, huge planet-eating swarms that make Cthulhu like like a redshirt, the works. They'll be limited only by the number of commanders they have. Which will be a limitation. You see, they'll be capital-only. Every single unit. Those other fortresses? Tear them down, whatever. You won't need them, probably. It's not like those indies will be useful. Or that you could recruit them, because you'll be losing population somewhat quickly. Did I mention that? They'll likely have a natural domkill, too, I'm thinking 2x R'lyeh's. Not to mention the factories will spread all sorts of nastiness. They'll likely have a powerful 350+ gold unit to recruit, too, so it's sort of a race against time. Not to mention time probably wins, due to their likely poor research skills (I don't plan on giving them any clear researchers; any really good researchers will be cut down). So there you have it. Start with low gem income and a gold economy, move to high gem income and gem economy. It's like LA Ermor, if they started with a hangover and later got steroids, if those steroids were on steroids that were actually vicious nanorobots bent on the painful death of anything that could loosely be considered living. What does everyone think? Other then that I'm rambling, incoherent, and insane (I blame that on the time I'm posting this)? Oh, and, uhh, wall of text above. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm the idea is nice.. balancing it might not be so nice though..
graphs seem pretty easy.. just a lot of pixels in a greyish color Pirians will probably be a better bet to start on a fire-ish nation could fit better for now (the niche isn't filled yet) I myself have (aside from Machaka) still that Jedi idea in my head. Sacred padawan recruits, Jedi knight leaders (sacred) Jedi master summons (sacred) Jedi Supreme master summons (sacred) Droid troopers (NNE and inanimate) Droideka trooper (NNE and inanimate) Stormtroopers Bountyhunter as scout/assassin (weakish assassin for dom3K though) X-wing medium starfigher (recruit) A-wing weak starfighter as 2nd form for stormtroopers) B-wing strong starfighter or bomber (summon) Y-wing Bomber (summon) Vulture droid fighter (summons?) Jedi's in space would be in A-wings too but would remain sacred and the leaders able to buff. Summonable Jedi's in stronger ships (might not be that usefull) All jedi will be H1/N1 (or S1 but that give vulnerability for duels etc) the Jedi power spells will be either H1/N1 (holy spell which you start with) or N1/H1 (which will be somewhere researchable. next to that I'd need some sort of real magician (I'm thinking doing it ulmish style so engineers) I'm thinking EDNF as paths If I put Sith in (summons maybe) that would work as Jedi's but with H/D.. which probably won't add much to the nation. sprites are the problem as usual.. I'd like to test work on those force powers :D Ow In 0.8 there will be added - Shiar - Neoclidia - an ulmish turret (sprite + att sprite) + (spaceform sprite + att sprite) as summon and did some spriting ** WARNING polished is somewhat subjective **** - New sprites for Orc spacecraft (+ attspr) - new sprites for Ulm cap and dreadnaught (both HUGE) + Att - att sprite for kraken and ancient kraken (different solutions) - polished the ulmish transport sprite, pirate sprite, ulmish fighter sprite - polished wyrmling sprite & bonebiter sprite - att sprite for ghostdragon - att sprite for tank and orc tank (with nice backwards movement on blast) Changed some of the many typo's which I accidentaly saw... didn't check it that much though removed Amos line about death scales from the insects. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ow the orc shooter in space sprite now has the same attack stuff in an attack sprite as the one not in space (I'm pretty proud on that blood and the nozzle, hoped you all liked is as much as me :D)
Made an attack sprite for the orc brute too. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Orc chopper and orcchopper space now have att sprites
and the rager and rager space also (and a different, more raging solution for it for them.) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
4 Attachment(s)
Due to lack of sprites (as usual) I had to drop the jedi nation idea, I found a lot of good sprites but humans where 50 pix large which is just to much.
Anyway I couldn't stop my self from getting a Jedi :D I've made just one, an all in one Jedi-knight :D I think I'll make him a summon too btw :D he's the master of self buffs, but not a real good mage, all spells I wanted to make jedi spells he can cast :D A1 for airshield (jedi deflect), aim (jedi force correction of the bullets or just the focus you have (think luke's shooting etc), or if you want to go darkside (this is a side effect and not intended as such) resist lightning and chargebody. S1 for Twistfate, personal luck and Body ethereal (all something like jedi's not being hit easily) W1 for quicken self and of course the most thematic jedi power of summon water elemental Ow and lets not forget selfblessing for all blessings you deem him worthy of. #newmonster 2731 #name "Jedi Knight" #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2731_Jedi_Knight_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2731_Jedi_Knight_2.tga" #descr "Jedi's are the keepers of peace in the galaxy, they are masters of the lightsabre." #hp 15 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 15 #mr 14 #enc 2 #str 12 #att 17 #def 17 #prec 14 #mapmove 2 #ap 16 #weapon 757 #armor 349 #magicskill 1 1 #magicskill 8 1 #magicskill 4 1 #magicskill 2 1 #holy #maxage 150 #goodleader #gcost 175 #rcost 5 #forestshape 2732 #end #newmonster 2732 #name "Jedi Knight" #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2732_Jedi_Knight_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2732_Jedi_Knight_2.tga" #descr "Jedi's are the keepers of peace in the galaxy, they are masters of the lightsabre." #hp 20 #size 4 #prot 16 #mor 15 #mr 14 #enc 2 #str 12 #att 17 #def 17 #prec 14 #mapmove 2 #ap 16 #weapon 717 #weapon 717 #weapon 719 #weapon 719 #inanimate #magicskill 1 1 #magicskill 8 1 #magicskill 6 1 #holy #flying #maxage 150 #goodleader #gcost 175 #rcost 5 #plainshape 2731 #end |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
#name "Contact Jedi Counsil" #descr "You contact the Jedi Counsil and beg them for help on your noble cause the bring peace and stability to the galaxy. A Jedi Knight is send to do your bidding. May the Force be with you." #school 0 #researchlevel 5 #path 0 4 #pathlevel 0 3 #effect 10021 #fatiguecost 500 #damage 2731 #nreff 1 #end economical as I am with sprites I've naturally not wasted the X-wing sprite on just that rare jedi. I've made it a summon for all nations relatively high on the research tree so ulm gets their own summons first. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
counsil -> council
is send to do your bidding -> is sent to do your bidding Hello! :) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
screw the english language :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
So, Aezeal, how's merging Neoclidia and Shiar in going? You haven't posted in the thread for a while, and usually you're a rather prolific poster, so something must be up. :angel
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Well I do have a 4 weeks old son now and nightshifts this week that might have something to do with ti :D
Well merging the nations was about 1 min work since it was just copy pasting :D. I've asked Rdonj which sprites bothered him most and changed that as I posted about and entered that jedi knight, Xwing and ulmish turret.. thought I was doing quite a lot really :D I'm mainly waiting till the neew patch comes out and Rdonj finishes his map so we can present it all at once :D but I guess I could releast 0.8 already Are there any other sprites you think need to be changed btw then I can look into that. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The map is DONE. I just spent ~3 hours finishing it up. Don't ask me how it took that long, I have no idea :/ I will definitely look into using the rand program if I ever have to do something like that again, there is so much work involved in placing independants on a map that large. I tried to make sure there were no bugs, and just gave the .map document a final once over to try and catch any copy/paste errors I might have let creep in there... and there were a fair number of them. I think they are all gone now but it is still possible there are some bugs with the map. Anyway, I am sending the finished document to your email now Aezeal.
Anyone who guesses all the references right gets a prize. What prize I'm not sure. Perhaps making the next Dom3k map... :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Yay, the map is here! Now we can legitimately say that Dom3K is only 90% done by Aezeal!
I wonder who will add in the #batmap and #skybox commands to the map, though, rdonj? ;) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
As I see it there SHOULD be 8 starting sites somewhere.. but I can't start a game with 7 persons.. or 4...
maybe you need to have a look at that :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I have got the suspicion you have given all provinces 512 (and something more) so they are nostart site.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmm not all the provinces are 512 or higher.. I've found 3 with 0... let's test with 3 nations.. 3 nations doesn't work either... I'm not getting this.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Orrrrrrr I have an old version of the tga file... (loaded it in the prov editor and only saw a smallllll number of provinces :D) I'll look into this :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmm seems much better now, haven't done much testing but the map loads.
The way I made the space provinces in the boxes does mean you have to be carefull when clicking those. (the dot is on one side of the planet so clicking on the wrong side of the planet means you'll get another one) I'm thinking that maybe the spacekraken provinces are a bit strongish btw.. maybe less small kraken woudl be better.. (goes for my old map too) what do you all think. 3 spaceeel might be a lil tough too... |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
You know what, you're right, I had to convert the image to be able to work on it and I probably should have sent you that version of the picture. If you have it working properly though that is good. I most certainly didn't set all provinces to no start, all the major planets should have 1 no start location on it where I didn't add any map commands.
I agree, space kraken provinces can be pretty strong. They're still not as strong as space eels though, even in what seems like obscene numbers. I think most of my space kraken provinces are actually a bit lighter on numbers than some of the solar system map's provinces, though there are one or two with ~30... :P 3 space eels is definitely pretty strong, but again, there are one or two provinces in the other map with that many space eels. That said, I don't terribly mind reductions in quantity to those. Especially if they happen to be right next to a planet, I wasn't very careful in the end about just what I put where. Have you found any of the special commanders yet? :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Darkwind: I may consider doing it if it's straightforward and easy-seeming. But I'm betting it would be painful. If we use a different set for each terrain type... ugh! Then I would have to go and figure out what all terrain all the provinces are before I went in to set them.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
nah it won't be like that.. we'll make a few backgrounds for each space province and start with randomly putting those on all forests, which are easily identified.
You could probably start with just copy pasting #skybox etcetc space1.tga in all forest provinces, and then just randomly cahnge those one is 2 or 3 or let them remain. For land provinces there is no immediate need to change anything but I guess if we can change colors a bit we might give fitting colors to each planet (since I gave each planet a nice color already on the map :D) other stuff we might do is get backgrounds with a large castle or futuristic city or something for cap provinces. Or something for your specially modded provinces. Anyway spaceeel and spacekraken are like that on my map, I know that since I did that myself, but that isn't holy.. I still think we should do 2 space eel max unless it's a very far off special province :D and kraken maybe 1-2 ancient and 10 normal ones? But I don't know where those powerfull forces are on the map really. Space eels where really meant to be SC killers with their nasty attack, anti SC pretenders taking everything in sight :D I've edited (removed the light grey line) from the probe droid too btw it annoyed me. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Krakens aren't really a big deal imo. They can be hardish to kill in massive numbers, but each ancient kraken is about as durable as 10 normal krakens. They also don't tend to kill huge numbers of units. Neoclidia for example can take 20+ krakens and lose no more than 2 units. Really 10 krakens isn't that much, but probably much more than 20 krakens is pushing it in some cases.
Space eels are a different matter. If you can't kill them in a few turns they can rout your whole army, kill commanders and generally make a mess of things. I was able to kill a 3 eel province today with the orcs with just a mix of shooters and choppers, taking 7 losses. Of course, I had 120 orcs spread out across 2 or 3 leaders.... Space eels are more of SC killers, but if you get unlucky a rout of your army can result in huge losses. And eels have an annoying habit of preying on commanders. The way you're talking about skyboxes doesn't sound too bad. It would still be a bit of a hassle since province numbers aren't always connected but especially if it was phased in over time shouldn't be a big deal. But for what you're talking about I have sufficient documentation that it would just be double-checking against the province numbers. I wish I'd had the foresight to have checked province numbers of space near planets... grumble. So when are we starting the mp game again? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
no need to check against province number.. you can already see which province are forest by the code it has. It's just pasting it with the right provinces. And an error won't destroy the game it'll just give a province a wrong back ground.. purely cosmetical really so not that much of a big deal. I'll ask if the patch will be out soonish.. if it's long I'll release 0.8 soon, else I'll wait and make a 1.00 with the new map and the old one. I'll make a new thread too for it I think since all our discussion here is pretty long and not important for pplz just wanting to play it and might make it get some new viewers.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
a new hire bounty hunters spell.. hire 3 renegade Jomon battlesuit warriors with upgraded weapons and some magic. They are meant to be good for killing SC... probably need to be kitted out though but would probably be nice SC chassis.
one has new sprites (similar to existing ones though) the others have recolored sprites. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Cool :)
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ow and a new poptype snowbeast with snowbeasts and snowbeasts alpha's they are wait I'll post
#newmonster 2737 #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2737_Ice_Beast_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2737_Ice_Beast_2.tga" #name "Ice Beast" #descr "Some planets are inhabited by ferocious Ice Beasts of great strenght." #hp 25 #size 3 #prot 7 #mor 12 #mr 11 #enc 3 #str 20 #att 12 #def 9 #prec 7 #mapmove 2 #ap 20 #weapon "Claws" #weapon "Claws" #cold 3 #berserk 3 #coldres 100 #gcost 50 #rcost 5 #maxage 70 #forestshape 2738 #end with the alhpas being just a lil stronger regular claws aren't AP so they shouldn't be that strong. Maybe you could put them in 2-3 provinces.. they are pop type 26 and have number 2737 and 2739 for the alpha's |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
In space they are all barges like most other monsters, the alpha's too.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Ow and another poptype, their spacecraft are a new sprite, the worshippers are ulmish planet guards with black outfits and the priests are some in game exarch (bogarus, 1960)
#newmonster 2741 #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2741_Horror_Worshipper_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2741_Horror_Worshipper_2.tga" #name "Horror Worshipper" #descr "In recent years before the coming of the new Ulmish Pretender some couldn't wait on that god anymore. Gods aren't the only powerfull beings in the universe. Throughout the galaxy some worship demons but in Ulm the worship of horrors and Doom horrors was most popular. Hunted by the authorities they left the Empire for remote provinces." #hp 10 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 11 #mr 12 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 9 #def 9 #prec 9 #mapmove 2 #ap 10 #gcost 15 #rcost 15 #armor "Body Armour" #armor "Standard Space Helmet" #armor "Ion Shield" #weapon "Combat Knive" #weapon "Shock pistol" #maxage 60 #forestshape 2642 #end #newmonster 2742 #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2742_Horror_Worshipper_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2742_Horror_Worshipper_2.tga" #name "Horror Worshipper" #descr "In recent years before the coming of the new Ulmish Pretender some couldn't wait on that god anymore. Gods aren't the only powerfull beings in the universe. Throughout the galaxy some worship demons but in Ulm the worship of horrors and Doom horrors was most popular. Hunted by the authorities they left the Empire for remote provinces." #hp 15 #size 4 #prot 15 #mor 11 #mr 12 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 9 #def 9 #prec 9 #mapmove 3 #ap 16 #flying #weapon "Ship Blaster" #weapon "Ship Blaster - close" #armor "Ion Shield" #itemslots 61440 #inanimate #gcost 15 #rcost 15 #maxage 300 #end #newmonster 2743 #forestsurvival #copyspr 1960 #name "Horror Priest-Mage" #descr "The Priests that lead the religion that worship the Doom Horrors are generally cast out mages and priest of Ulmish society. They are all proficient in astral magic and usually some other paths that are less approved of in The Empire." #hp 10 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 14 #mr 14 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 9 #def 9 #prec 9 #mapmove 2 #ap 10 #gcost 175 #rcost 15 #holy #magicskill 4 2 #custommagic 22528 100 #custommagic 20480 100 #okleader #okmagicleader #okundeadleader #armor "Armoured Robes" #armor "Ion Shield" #weapon "Combat Knive" #weapon "Shock pistol" #maxage 60 #forestshape 2644 #end #newmonster 2744 #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2742_Horror_Worshipper_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2742_Horror_Worshipper_2.tga" #name "Horror Priest-Mage" #descr "The Priests that lead the religion that worship the Doom Horrors are generally cast out mages and priest of Ulmish society. They are all proficient in astral magic and usually some other paths that are less approved of in The Empire." #hp 15 #size 4 #prot 15 #mor 14 #mr 14 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 9 #def 9 #prec 9 #mapmove 3 #ap 16 #flying #holy #magicskill 4 2 #custommagic 22528 100 #custommagic 20480 100 #okleader #okmagicleader #okundeadleader #weapon "Ship Blaster" #weapon "Ship Blaster - close" #armor "Ion Shield" #itemslots 61440 #inanimate #gcost 175 #rcost 15 #maxage 300 #plainshape 2643 #end -- pop type 69 #selectmonster 1001 #copyspr 2741 #copystats 2741 #name "Horror Worshipper" #descr "In recent years before the coming of the new Ulmish Pretender some couldn't wait on that god anymore. Gods aren't the only powerfull beings in the universe. Throughout the galaxy some worship demons but in Ulm the worship of horrors and Doom horrors was most popular. Hunted by the authorities they left the Empire for remote provinces." #selectmonster 1002 #copyspr 2743 #copystats 2743 #name "Horror Priest-Mage" #descr "The Priests that lead the religion that worship the Doom Horrors are generally cast out mages and priest of Ulmish society. They are all proficient in astral magic and usually some other paths that are less approved of in The Empire." #end They aren't that special really but some bloodmagic access is nice. The Horror part won't be very clear if you just place these on the map (maybe in 1-2 provinces) since you can't summon horrors in battle (I could make a spell but I guess the AI wouldn't use it and we'd abuse it :D) So maybe you should place a few horrors (no not doomhorrors) Lesser horrors are 307 and horrors are 308 I've to admit I've never fought these myself so I can't say hoe much would be good to defend an indie province along with the units above. I'd say 15 troops, 5 mages and some of these horrors should make a nice challange (maybe place a few items on the mages to make ti worth the effort) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
3 Attachment(s)
actually that ship sprite is rather nice.. maybe it should be used somewhere else too (on a more used unit)
Now the pirates and the enslaved pirates need to have the same ships obviously so I'd rather leave those there.. the ulmish ships are nice and bulky as I want the ulmish ships to be... where could I put them? Maybe one of the newer nations could use it? The orcs already have a new sprite (I said it before but you all 've not seen it I think so just reminding you) I'm not very into neoclidea yet does it have small fighters? (it look pretty fragile so can't really represent more than a fighter) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Yeah, I could add a few of these new poptypes to the map in a few places. The horror worshippers would be a bit more difficult but not a big deal overall. It's nice to have more indy poptypes, having just 5 real different poptypes to choose from was making the galaxy look a bit under-diverse ;).
The one issue with horrors, is I'm pretty sure that they'll attack your own units... even other horrors. So probably if I'm going to place a horror in a province I should just place one. And it's possible the horror being in the garrison would cause an attack against the province. Btw you actually can summon horrors in combat. I don't know if you've taken them out of the mod though since no one uses blood magic yet. Neoclidia doesn't have fighters. They have low hp high damage output warships and some drones. So I guess it could be considered, but those would probably be incredibly fragile fighters. Unless maybe they were used for the drones? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ow I've not taken them out but I didn't see them in the astral list.. somehow reading about them as astral being made me think they where astral spells.. stupid..
I'll remove most astral magic from those priest now.. well switch astral and blood really so 2 base blood, 1 SDB and 1 SD ulm is easy to give love and I had a sprite lying around (... :) ... ) that was PERFECT for ULM. Ulm now looses the tank as recruit, it coulnd't go into siege mode anyway. it now has a walker (yes, it resembles the starwars AT-ST somehow) as recruit and a tank platoon of 4 tanks and a commander (which CAN go into siege mode) as a mid level summon.) How do the Ulm summons work out anyway.. are they the right price.. does one use them? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I definitely use all their construction summons, the first fighter summon a bit less. But the other fighter syummons are great. I don't know for sure about pricing, I'll look at it later but I think they're pretty much fine.
Walker could be interesting.... |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
1 Attachment(s)
hmm I found it annoying (now I tried to summon them to test, after I'd tested the tank at reduced cost) that I didn't have a E4 mage at hand (after 8 turns of training the top of the bill engeneers) So I made the superior fighter and tanks E3 to summon.. Whatever the cost you should at least be able to summon them once researched.. it shouldn't be a limiting factor IMHO :D the dreadnaught at 6 I've lowered one too..
do those droids with all sorts of spell effects do what they should? walker interesting.. yeah I think so too (I know you wanted Jomon to get some love but.. not that easy :D) #newmonster 2652 #forestsurvival #spr1 "./dominions 3000/2652_Ulm_Walker_1.tga" #spr2 "./dominions 3000/2652_Ulm_Walker_2.tga" #name "Walker" #descr "A large resource intensive weapon with decent armor and good offensive capabilities." #hp 40 #size 5 #prot 20 #mor 14 #mr 12 #enc 2 #str 15 #att 11 #def 11 #prec 12 #mapmove 3 #ap 25 #weapon 716 -- twin ship heavy blaster #weapon 718 -- twin ship heavy blaster close #weapon 742 -- lightning blaster #armor "Plasma Shield" #inanimate #itemslots 61440 #gcost 100 #rcost 30 #maxage 500 #poisonres 100 #forestshape 2653 #end |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I haven't tested them extensively but the ones I've tested do, yeah. Come to think about it they may be a little overpriced but I'm not sure, they are pretty useful after all. And provide access to things that would require a lot of work to get otherwise.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I've given jomon a hero the rector magnificus of the university. powerfull mage, access to 6 paths. ow and I've given the Jomon mages a space form (they not having one and just walking into space in their robes... wasn't good, in forest space provinces it might not show but with the new backgrounds it will be weird.) they have gotten that nice new fighter sprite and stats.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
2 Attachment(s)
Some extra Jomon love.. I've found the right sprites to fit a siege unit. It's not very special in combat really ... maybe a bit too weak.. I'm giving it 2 mechanical claw weapons right now :D.. so it's probably decent in combat.. AND it's got siege capabilities and castle defence stuff.. 2 new sprites too. It's a summons though not a recruit.
AAAND a earth battle suit gokenin hero.. not particulary strong as dom 3 K heroes are concerned (cus they mostly are a bit over the top) but it fits.. So Jomon has gotten some love and is a bit more fleshed out... Who is next? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Yay! Jomon can capture castles now!
Hmm... I would say if you want to spread some more love, give it to R'lyeh :) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
2 Attachment(s)
Well I hope it won't upset darkwind but I've removed all his spaceships graphs and replaced them.. that pirate sprite was just used toooo much.
He now has most varity in sprites... the raider just posted above for smallest ships.. for larger ships the orc one (posted there too) and for the real capital ship the same as the Ulmish one (the new one, not the old one) The largest space station now has the same sprite as the pirate space station.. a NEW one that is.. like the capital ship sprite its HUGE!!! I'll show the sprites hehe Darkwind do you want stats changed in your race? plz let me know ASAP if you do then I'll do it and release 0.8.. It will be 1.00 if we can make the new maps. R'lyeh more love... R'lyeh has a lot of love already, has heroes etc :D I think but I'll have a look. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'm happy Neoclidia's ships have gotten a makeover! I used the pirate ship mostly because it was the easiest to find. No stat changes for Neoclidia, either, though to be honest I haven't been testing them much.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hey, is that deep space nine?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
deep space what? It's a space station :D
for clarity that capital ship is larger than it appears as tumbnail.. it's 256 wide, the space station is 256x256 they are really really huge, screw up the recruitment cue somewhat and will mot fit at all in the small boxes for commanders in the left upper corner.. but who cares :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
OK since I've not gotten a clear reaction on when the patch will come out I'll not wait for 1.00 but release 0.80 now. Wouldn't be fair for darkwind not to have his nation released.
All updates mentioned above are included, loads of new or modified sprites, attack sprites that where missing etc etc all mentioned above. - Shiar is in - Neoclidia is in - the new spells, summons etc mentioned above are in. - Orcs balanced a bit |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Personally I wasn't sure the orcs needed any more nerfing. Guess I'll find out soon....
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm it's probably the old nerves I think.. the blaster and the body armor nerve.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
3 Attachment(s)
hmm nope can't get inpsiration for R'lyeh
but I've adjusted some other sprites :D orcish ones there is always inspiration for orcs :D a sprite for orcish mages a sprite for orcish builders a sprite for the new orcish drummer (pretty useless but I felt the race needed it) (summon) it has 3 shapes, first 12 hp 4 attacks (non AP drum mallet attacks) 2nd shape 12 hp 2 attacks (and the pic has one less drummer) and the last on is just the drum without attacks, 50 HP and 15 natural prot. firstshapes to first form again. ow and orcsih mages now also includes a orcish necromancer summons |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hmm, the drummer is kind of interesting. Does it provide a standard effect or something?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Large speakers... standard 100 :)
I'm gonna make a pop type feral orcs, a lil modified stat on shooter, chopper and a fighter a leader and a necro/priest |
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