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Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I don't mind postponing, I'm swamped with work as it is this week, barely made the last turn
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Tir na n'Og is in need of water gems, can offer astral, nature, fire, earth gems or item forging.. PM me if interested...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Things are going to be tight getting this turn in by Saturday at 1800 GMT, plus we usually delay a day anyway. Can we push it to Sunday?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Pushed out to the same time on Sunday.
As I said upthread, I'm going to be away this weekend and won't be back until after this turn has hosted, so I won't be around after this evening for any further postponements. Ask now if you're still going to need more time. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
The turns are starting to take awhile, and September is often a busy time for anyone who works or goes to school. Maybe we should consider a 72 hr hosting interval.
I'm fine with 48 hrs, but I think many would like the relief! |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Checking the original post, we were going to go to 72hr after turn 40, so I'm OK with that.
We've pretty much been doing 48 with an extra 24 delay most of the time anyway. I'd prefer it doesn't become 72 with a 24 hr delay on every turn. :) |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'd also really like a 72h timer by now. Not only are turns getting longer and more complicated, but with the end of the summer many people will probably have less free time.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Who took down C'tis? Any comments from that continent?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
72 hours it is.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'm sorry, but I'd need a 12 hours extension.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I was just asked for and gave 10 hours. Do you need another 12, or just another 2?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Um... it said that the turn was due by 1830 GMT Sunday, and ti's 1700 GMT sunday but the turn has apparently hosted. What gives?
Not that it's a huge deal, and I guess it keeps things fair between myself and Hinnom (the two nations that staled). ;) Just wondering what's up. This week/weekend have been insanely busy but I should be back on track to get turns in nice and fast now. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
It should have said 16:30 Sunday. It was originally 18:30 Saturday, but I got two separate requests for extension. 10 hours and 12 hours, putting it to 16:30.
Sorry for any confusion. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I probably just can't read when I'm exhausted. Thanks for trying to help us out.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'm going to need a 6 hour extension if possible? Will only be able to put my turn in then..
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Can do.
Should be hosting at 22:30 GMT |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Thanks, though I had called my bro and had him send the 2h file, my turn was already ready. He was a bit grumpy(always is when I call and give directions about how to do stuff, even made him play a turn and send it once) but the turn is on time :)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
How much longer am I needed as a Sub?
No issue here, just want to ensure I give this position back when I should. :) |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Yeah, I'd kind of forgotten about that. Punkzip was supposed to just be away for a long weekend or so.
I'll PM him, but he doesn't seem to have posted anything here since he left. Are you OK with continuing? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Not a problem, I will even shift strats a little if I am going to take over.
I have been just keeping the status quo since I took over, and would like to do a little diplomacy if I am going to keep doing turns. Just let me know. Thanks. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Could I get a 24 hour delay? No excuse, just enjoying the weekend!
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'd like to request a rollback - I spent all night on my turn.... and I think I must have went to bed forgetting to actually email it as I staled
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Actually there were 6 stales this turn? A lot more than usual. Is there something up?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I know it sucks to stale, especially when you've actually done the turn, but after the fiasco of the last rollback I really hesitate to do one without a consensus or an actual game problem.
What do people think? There were a lot of stales. On a related note, Helheim has staled 3 times in a row. I believe he's in bad enough shape there's no point in looking for a sub. If anyone who knows more of his situation thinks it's still viable, we can try. Otherwise, assuming nothing is heard from him, I'll set him AI before this turn hosts. Hinnom has staled twice in a row, which according to the games initial rules is a forfeit. I know nothing of his situation. Should we be looking for a sub or setting him AI? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Helheim's pretty much done from what I can see. Hinnom still seems fairly viable though, although their play has seemed very lackluster once they went to war (where are those uber-SCs?). A good sub could probably revive them.
I expect that with all the fighting going on that any rollback would cause plenty to scream bloody murder. I myself am ambivalent, although since I was the one who suffered the forced stale after the last one, I'm not eager to try my chances again. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
From what I can tell, there are several ghost countries, Abyssia and Helheim that are pretty much dead. Not sure if there are others but I've heard through the winds a few other countries are in severe shape.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Yeah, Hinnom was pretty boisterous at first but after a few setbacks has fallen silent for the last 2 turns (although I haven't taken any forts or made any huge advances in that time). I believe that a sub is in order. They still have various SCs and fun troops. I would vote against a rollback as it'd probably cause another round of stales and possibly another few people quitting.
I urge everyone to check llamaserver after sending in their turn to verify that it got it. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Hi everyone, Hinnom here.
Yes, in the last 2 weeks i had an ever-increasing amount of real life issues, and even when I had some free time, I couldn't get myself to play my Dominion turns, or I just played them passively. Sorry for waiting so long before saying this, I was hoping till the last that I could manage it. So, at the moment I don't think I can manage a game this big and deep; if thejeff could look around for a sub I would be very grateful, tell any potential candidate to contact me so I'll illustrate them Hinnom's situation. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Keep in mind that llamaserver may be ignoring admin requests. See this thread for details:
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44053 We didn't have a delay last turn so it hosted when it said it would, but if anyone's expecting a delay this turn it might not actually kick in, so I recommend getting your turn in by the time it originally said on llamaserver (Saturday around 2200 GMT)! |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Actually I checked my sent mail and i DID send the turn, I just never got the confirmation, and I sent it hours before hosting was due ~3am Japan time. It really was late and I pretty much passed out without checking as I had to confirm my trades and reply to all the diplomatic missives too.
Well, anyway I'm going out on vacation next week and I certainly for now won't have the motivation to play with a stale at the back of my mind going 'what if what if etc' so I'll be needing a sub as well. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Another reminder that llamaserver may not be properly showing the hosting time! It may host at 2230 GMT TODAY! Get some kind of turn in if you can. Every game is being affected by this from what I know.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
We haven't yet been able to find subs for either Hinnom or T'ien Ch'i.
I don't think we should proceed without them, so I'm going to keep postponing the game while we keep looking. Shard, how long are you going to be away for? Amonchakad, any chance you could play a turn or two so we can limp along while we look for a sub? T'ien Ch'i played this turn, so we could at least run this one. Helhiem I'll set AI before running this turn if he doesn't play. I've heard rumors Mictlan is also in a bad way. If he stales again I'll do the same. Abysia is also almost finished. I hesitate to set him AI, because I'm the one killing him. Caelum staled last turn and hasn't played this turn yet, but seems to be doing quite well. Hopefully he's still around? I'll keep postponing a day at a time until Hinnom plays or we find a sub. Assuming the llamaserver problems don't hit us. I suggest those who don't want to stale get your turns in, just in case. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I can get a turn in before tuesday 2300 gmt but after that it will be very slow or not at all until oct 18
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'd focus on a TC sub first. This game may implode if we have to keep waiting for 2 subs and not run a turn for a few weeks. I'd probably go ahead and run the current turn
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Hey shard, can you post for a TC Sub or let someone know your password?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
He did post on the games seeking players sticky thread.
I added a post to the one I made for Hinnom. I hate to let Hinnom die while they're still viable, but I'd rather set them AI than let them just sit. TC, we really can't let stale, since Shard is coming back. And Caelum still hasn't played, which has me worried. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I missed the deadline and let the turn host. I think we can live with that. We were still hoping for a sub for Hinnom, but it isn't looking good. I'm really not sure what to do at this point. A long delay could be fatal to the game, but I also don't think we should go ahead without a sub for T'ien Ch'i. He looked for one, with no success and is planning on returning. Mictlan & Helheim will be set AI. Setting Hinnom AI will be a disruption and a gift to Vanheim, but I don't see what else to do. Caelum also seems to have disappeared. He was a fairly major power, so that loss would be a big problem. I'll start looking for a sub for him as well. Hopefully, he'll just show up again. At the moment, I don't see what to do except to wait for Shard to come back and hope for a TC sub in the meantime. And hope everyone doesn't forget about the game before then. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I can't believe there are no takers for Hinnom! They're sitting on a pile of giants just waiting to be set loose. It would suck to set them AI, but I figure do it if necessary - people would just have to reconfigure their diplomacy to factor in the new (un)balance.
And what's up with Caelum? I thought TheDemon was a solid vet player - strange to see him go AWOL. Maybe there's been some real-life event there? In any event, I think finding permanent subs for those two positions would certainly be best (Mictlan and Helheim are pretty much done, so AI is fine for them I think), certainly more important than finding a temp sub for TC. I say, if necessary, wait until Shard comes back (this game has had so many delays, heck, what's another few days at this point - we're all playing other games anyway, right?), and use that time to push hard in finding subs for Hinnom and Caelum (unless TheDemon turns up). Can anyone else recommend a sub for those two? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I will set Mictlan to AI this next turn. I have an unconquerable capital, and that is all. My soul-contracts mean i could survive dozens more turns, but with no chance of winning i wont put tir through that.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'm still around the forums guys, and it's really a pity that noone wants to take Hinnom:( But yes, if noone wants to take them, it would hurt even more to keep delaying the game. Anyway, just send tell me if you need them set to AI. (I actually didn't play a turn yet because, beside the lack of time and finding it difficult to concentrate on a game I'm about to give up, I was hoping to find a quick sub,and so I didn't want to scramble Hinnom's situation even more.)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Ugh... it sucks gearing up to trash a nation, killing a couple big armies, preparing for a showdown with the rest of his forces and then having the player behind it fail his morale check and leave. I don't know what to say... I don't want an easy AI victory. Is there any way to just turn Hinnom's territories into dust so that no one can take them? He built forts over every available piece of farmland so it's not like I'm taking much of a haul over the mountain provinces that I took from him (most of which I got, or maneuvered to get before he decided to stop playing).
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'd like to request a delay (Canadian Thanksgiving, turkey time!). 48 hours would be great. Hopefully this will give some extra time to find a sub for Hinnom.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Ah, that's why I bought a turkey this week.
Don't worry about the delay, I expect we'll be waiting longer than that. Is anyone here interested in Frozenllama's offer: Quote:
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I posted in the other thread, but I am willing to take either of the two permanent positions.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
damn, another 3 days delay? slow as usual...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
don't get me wrong, thejeff is doing a great job as admin, though the slowness of the game sometimes get me on my nerves...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Well, we're not so much slow now as stopped. And I'm no happier about it than anyone.
Hopefully, when shard returns, supposedly on the 18th, we can get moving again at a faster pace. We've got a replacement for Hinnom. I'd still like to get one for Caelum, so if you know anyone who'd like to play... If we don't have one by the time T'ien Ch'i is ready to go, I guess I'll have to set Caelum AI. That means I'll probably bump it by another 3 days, which will give Shard a day to get his turn in, and then we should be on schedule again. I'd like to ask every to get this turn in well before the 18th, so that when he does play we can start moving right away. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Will do, thejeff, but note that the hosting time is currently tomorrow at 2245. A number of us don't have turns in... I assume that you are going to bump it (since tien chi doesnt have his in yet) to Monday? I'll get mine in tomorrow for sure.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
We have a new Caelum! LoloMo has taken over.
He offered just after I'd gone ahead and set it AI, which is why the turn showed up last night. I've postponed hosting, again, to give him time, but hopefully we can be moving again full speed shortly. |
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