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-   -   Forge of Godhood - started (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43675)

namad November 3rd, 2009 08:12 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
anyone want to trade me safe domain within their dominion in a single province where i somehow preach and prophet and god my dominion to stay positive without snuffing out in exchange for some sort of mercenary raiding i could perform?

if not I'll be dead in a couple turns....

(or I might try the plan without permission choosing a random direction)

vfb November 4th, 2009 12:13 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
After this turn hosts, I'll probably need a 24 hour extension. Plus I won't have internet to tell anyone I need a 24 hour extension. So ... extension pls? (In advance, for next turn). Thanks!

Jarkko November 4th, 2009 01:48 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
[righteous laughter]

And the counterattack on Abysia began. Abysia, kiss your butt goodbye, Pangaea is coming back with a vengeance.

Next in line: R'lyeh. Prepare to meet your doom. You can't hide, you can't run. Send in more trolls, they taste yummy for the manikin!

[some more righetous laughter]

Maerlande November 5th, 2009 06:11 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Looks like trolls aren't quite enough but starspawn munched on maenads and manikins. Got more? Like lot's more?

Bah, it's too easy. Now if I could just figure out how to make them fly and catch those pesky commanders.


Jarkko November 6th, 2009 05:09 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by Maerlande (Post 717214)

Looks like trolls aren't quite enough but starspawn munched on maenads and manikins. Got more? Like lot's more?

Bah, it's too easy. Now if I could just figure out how to make them fly and catch those pesky commanders.


Heh, R'lyeh destroyed a Pangaean scouting army (with heavy losses to them), and gets overly happy. My main armies are still tied against Abysia, but in its due time they will get back home to kick some squid butt :)

Jarkko November 12th, 2009 10:00 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Caelum and C'tis joined the dogs of Abysia, R'lyeh and Agartha attacking fair Pangaea. We laugh at such pitiful attempts! Pangaea will prevail! The attackers are not in Ashdod. They are not in Pythium. I tell you this. It is all a lie. They lie. It is an Abysian play. Our initial assessment is that they will all die.

Agema November 12th, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
"Fair" Pangaea? From that Carrion Woods, it's more like decaying and decomposing!

Ironhawk November 12th, 2009 01:21 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Oh I can tell you that from my end, CTis fully expects to die.

Jarkko November 12th, 2009 04:56 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by Agema (Post 718009)
"Fair" Pangaea? From that Carrion Woods, it's more like decaying and decomposing!

What is this "Carrion Woods" thingy you are mentioning? Fair Pangaea has nothing to do with death and rot, even though perhaps sometimes in the distant past even some slightly sinister ways might have been forced to be utilised.

Agema November 12th, 2009 06:10 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Oh honestly, did you lose a spell? That's very careless.

Agema November 12th, 2009 06:43 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Incidentally, to interpose with something moderately important, can I request a 24h delay to Saturday 22.00 or so?

Calahan November 13th, 2009 09:02 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Apologies everyone for all the recent Man stales. Some recent events in Real Life have resulted in me no longer having any control over where I go or what I do.

As such I am sadly going to have to step out of this game, and request a sub be found to lead the further fortunes of Man. I'll try to post a sub-hunting thread, but may not have time as I am literally about to board a flight. So if no thread appears, can I kindly ask QM to sort something out sub-wise.

Sorry again for the stales and for not being around recently to sort the problem out.

Maerlande November 14th, 2009 01:48 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I'm talking with a potential sub for Man on IRC. QM, you available to negotiate? :) As my neighbour and ally in the game I sure would prefer that Man not stale more.

Maybe a delay QM?

Maerlande November 16th, 2009 10:02 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Who played Man this turn? I need to talk to the player as Ryleh. We bumped accidentally.

Hadrian_II November 17th, 2009 04:59 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
We would like to inform the living nations of the world that ulm wont be able to contain the undead hordes for much longer.

Agema November 18th, 2009 10:47 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Bah! The horde isn't your problem. There's barely a single unit in my entire roster - undead or living - than can do more than chip the polish off the armour of those damn Ulmish tanks. It's the Evo that hurts.

Jarkko November 23rd, 2009 01:46 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

When I got home yesterday in the evening, I started to make my turn. Trying to send it, and I had no connection. Tried over and over again, no dice. Prayed that somebody would ask for delay, but alas that did not happen. Thus I staled :( To add salt to the wound, the connection seems to be working now just fine...

Ironhawk November 23rd, 2009 05:12 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
There were probs with llamaserver last night. That said, Aby staled too. Shouldnt have been too bad a turn for you?

vfb December 7th, 2009 07:29 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Marignon is happy to see that Abysia has woken from their slumber, and hopes their fearless leader is not feeling too horrible at the moment.

The Council of the Death Wyrm has got some ants in their pants, and have organized themselves an invasion of Man. So, wake up, Man! 90 minutes to hosting, and your turn's not in. We promise that fighting Marignon will be much more fun that sitting around on Caelum's capitol forever.

Thanks also to Pan and C'tis for some nice spectacular battles for us spectators.

-- CotDW

Jarkko December 7th, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
The war on four fronts begins to take its toll even on the forces of fair Pangaea. C'tis has all but been knocked out (just their pretender left, and I finally got enough manikin to the front to take care of her next battle) though, and R'lyeh has just one army left (Ether warriors!) which will be dealt with next turn). Agartha has rejoined the fray with two massive armies (I guess they are running low on money and have to do *something*) and will prove a hard nut to crack (happily Pangaea has three decent sized armies in the area, so it will be a guessing game at who hits whome and where :) ).

Can't say this game has had a quiet lull for me, non-stop 100% action all the time on all fronts :D

Maerlande December 7th, 2009 03:09 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Don't be fooled! Ether warriors are just a side issue. Beware the massed evocations and thaumaturgy. But then, you've lost a thousand or so to that before.

Maerlande December 9th, 2009 02:40 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I have a strange proposal. It appears that there are few takers for subbing Abysia due to the micro challenges and the late game.

I would be willing to take over Abysia and we may have found a possible sub for Ryleh. Of course, that means I have extra intelligence on the Ryleh position, but Abysia and Ryleh have never been neighbours so it would be drastically different. The most affected by this proposal is Pangaea so I'd like to hear your opinion Jarkko.

Otherwise, we are in the difficult position that QM is out, Man is barely playing due to RL issues, and the game is stalling out.

Oh I should mention that I am a fairly good Abysia player with lots of SP and some blitz experience. And I currently have time to handle the micro.

Looking forward to the discussion.


vfb December 9th, 2009 05:50 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
No objections from me.

Jarkko December 10th, 2009 12:40 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
No objections from me.

Ironhawk December 10th, 2009 03:26 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Yeah, I dont care.

Tho I do take exception to being called "all but knocked out". I jacked your army something proper, Jarkko! And good luck taking down my pretender

Jarkko December 11th, 2009 07:53 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by Ironhawk (Post 721296)
Tho I do take exception to being called "all but knocked out". I jacked your army something proper, Jarkko!

A few thousand maenads here or there doesn't an army make. Besides, my pans neeeded to take it slower for a while, they are godly sex-machines after all, but there are only so many hundred females they can keep satisfied a given day... ;)

Maerlande December 11th, 2009 09:34 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Hi Folks,

My busy ness looking for subs has gotten me a new job. QM has set me up as admin for this game.

So I'll see if I can get the sub situation sorted out today so we can continue.


Immaculate December 11th, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I wouldn't mind taking R'leyh if the hosting schedule is 50h+...

Maerlande December 11th, 2009 01:41 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Cool Immaculate
It's at 48 hours but we've been extremely generous with delays.

I have lined up a temporary sub for a few turns so we can keep going. Please PM me your email and I will send you a turn to preview.

Let me know if 48 hours is okay. I don't imagine anyone would mind 60. We've been stuck all week looking for subs.

Immaculate December 11th, 2009 05:00 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
48h would be fine 90% of the time, its just sometimes things get a little busy. my e-mail is philgob (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.

Immaculate December 11th, 2009 05:09 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
wait, you were the one playing R'leyh right? Can you send me an e-mail describing what you were trying to do... who you allies were, etc.

Immaculate December 11th, 2009 10:10 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
can anyone link the mod?

vfb December 11th, 2009 10:25 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
1 Attachment(s)
Here you go (nohoarding.dm).

Immaculate December 12th, 2009 10:03 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Sorry, one more:
the CB complete 1.5 (dh)?

i found the CBM 1.6 but i am not sure where i can find CB complete 1.5...

sorry to hold things up... i'll get going ASAP. should have some time this weekend to really delve into the turn and find out what the heck is going on.

vfb December 12th, 2009 10:42 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Man did not get his turn in. Can we please get a sub for Man? Only some timely fleeing with extreme cowardice saved a couple of his thugs from certain destruction this month. Once brave Black Servant held his ground too long and was roasted for his efforts.

I sent Calahan a PM but did not hear back.

P.S. Immaculate, here is CB1.5

Maerlande December 12th, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I've been trying for a Man sub vfb in IRC. I've also PM'd Calahan without response. I'll see what else I can do. I didn't want to force a sub without talking to Calahan.

Immaculate December 12th, 2009 11:48 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
wow- this is complicated... pangea looks really tough.

Jarkko December 12th, 2009 12:35 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by Immaculate (Post 721581)
wow- this is complicated... pangea looks really tough.

Pangaea is more than willing to sign peace with R'lyeh. It's not like we don't have our hands full on every front :)

Immaculate December 12th, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
my understanding is that your freespwan makes you a very dangerous opponent.


Micah December 12th, 2009 01:07 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Agartha has been reclaimed by her rightful rulers at last, and her glorious army has dealt a serious blow to the Pangaean menace. We urge the peoples of the world to remain steadfast to eliminate the threat once and for all.

Maerlande December 12th, 2009 01:57 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Hey, can you come to IRC Immaculate? I can give you better coaching on Ryleh.

Immaculate December 12th, 2009 02:37 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
I'll try to get on IRC but i seem to be having some difficulties- do you have MSN?

Immaculate December 12th, 2009 02:41 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Okay- i am on IRC- figured it out

Maerlande December 12th, 2009 05:45 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Okay, I have the sub situation sorted out. I am putting a sub for Man unless I hear from Calahan.

Ryleh is now Immaculate
I am temporarily Abysia until QM gets his computer fixed.
Man is Kestrel`

Immaculate December 13th, 2009 07:19 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Can we get an extension to tuesday morning- my wife's birthday is today and it would be inappropriate to play video games tonight. (though planning my turn on the work computer while a gel runs is completely cool i think).

Maerlande December 13th, 2009 07:28 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
12 hour extension underway. Let me know if you need more.

Maerlande December 14th, 2009 06:23 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Due to my own error in forwarding emails, I have set another 12 hours to the clock. It probably won't be needed. Immaculate has his turn and is near ready.

Immaculate December 14th, 2009 11:55 PM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Damnit- i played the wrong turn... i played the turn that was sent to me originally thinking it was the turn to play then submitted it and realized the turn i got from the server late this afternoon is the turn to play. I will need even more time; so sorry... I think i have the right turn now. Sorry to waste your time (i sort of know what i want to do now but i still need to give all the orders again)

Maerlande- sorry to hold things up- i think there was some confusion.


Immaculate December 15th, 2009 12:55 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
i don't need any further extension- my soldiers are on the move- it said it accepted the turn so we should be good to go.

Jarkko December 18th, 2009 02:56 AM

Re: Forge of Godhood - started
Do we have any plans for slowing down the hosting schedule for the Holidays? I'll be home, but usually I don't fire up the computer that much between Christmas eve and New Year, prefering to spend the time with my family.

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