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Ragnoff February 20th, 2011 10:52 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
The Assault on the final Stronghold of the monkey-folk begins, let the temples sacrifice all this month and next to the glory of or God!

(It has been a good war! I was very unsure how it would go at the beginning, and I thank you for a good fight!)

nrasch February 20th, 2011 12:55 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Same to you Ragnoff; well played!

Num February 22nd, 2011 05:48 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Now that I have stopped Machaka (Thanks to your help who makes him looking elsewhere too), I shall need some room to counterattack, preferably in the North of Machaka territory (north of the mountains and next to the northern sea).
Please do not send some of those Zmeys wandering in these lands. Thanks a lot.

Lihaässä February 22nd, 2011 10:39 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Admin (you still host the game Nrasch?) I'd like a delay for hosting until Monday evening 28th.

There is also going to be a break from my part btw. 10.3.-29.3. This is of course if I'm not wiped out of the game before that.

Sorry guys.

Ragnoff February 23rd, 2011 10:01 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Machaka staled, and he had asked for a delay until NEXT Monday, then another delay 5 days later for 16 days.

It looks like the admin missed the request. So what do we do now? Stale when you had asked for a delay and in several MAJOR wars is a huge problem, might this be a time to justify a roll back?

I am PMing Nrasch to be sure he sees this.

What do players think?

Finalgenesis February 23rd, 2011 10:19 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Ouch, even though I've heard of the great evils associated with rollbacks, I'd be okay with it in this case as this is a major impact to the game and pretty unfair.

nrasch February 24th, 2011 02:05 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running

Thanks for the PM. Not sure why my thread notification didn't fire off. :(

If you guys need a rollback please let me know. I'm happy to do whatever is needed.

Also, I'm willing to pass off admin to some one still active in the game if you think that will avoid these issues in the future.


Num February 24th, 2011 04:11 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Rollback must be done on this one for a fair game, definitely yes.
I can handle the Admin role, but I am not available everytime, so probably not the best to do it. As you wish.

Finalgenesis February 24th, 2011 04:42 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I think the next part for delay - 16 days will a) require a sub or b) have them go AI if they don't have enough to matter and all agree.

nrasch February 24th, 2011 11:26 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
OK, rollback has been initiated. I'll also start extending the deadline for the next turn until I hear what the consensus is about the request for the long delay.


Finalgenesis February 24th, 2011 12:06 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Given I only really had 1 course of action last turn, I wonder how my opponent will destroy me using the foreknowledge he now has, it would be irony to have some excellent victories turn into defeats from the rollback.

Num February 24th, 2011 12:15 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
It is Lihaassa's responsibility to choose wether find a sub or go AI if nothing could be done better by a human player. I don't mind doing a break of 15 days, I am not in a hurry.
Anyway, I do not aknowledge every player's situation but maybe it is the first time that someone could claim victory (I am talking about the fire creatures if you ask). What do you think ?

Finalgenesis February 24th, 2011 12:40 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm good with calling it, it seems the game is suffering a decline in general interest level and on top of the recent happenings together would indicate a good place to calling it.

Though of course I'm not a consequential contender in this game, and was contemplating turning AI given the various happenings and decline of late anyway.

nrasch February 24th, 2011 12:44 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
The ghosts of the monkey people weep bitter tears at the thoughts of the evil fire people winning. ;)

Lihaässä February 24th, 2011 02:46 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ All - Thank you for rolling back for turn 79. It has been impossible (and still is) to play my turn, but I'll be able to send in my turn before Monday evening 9pm +2GMT.

About winning with consensus.. I have to say that given handicap 3 to 1 most of the game doesn't justify lifting one of the ones in alliance to any pedestal. If you want to end the game before the break I'm having, be my quest. But, in that case the winner in my eyes is the Alliance against Machaka - not one god but a pantheon ;)

I've had a really good game and wouldn't want to hand out my hard work for any sub. Unless it's Baalz or some other genius who could turn the table once more:D Feel free to PM me, in this case I'm willing to stand out from the competition for good.

- Lihaässä

Ragnoff February 25th, 2011 01:26 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I am enjoying the game and would like to continue, but was not one of the originals. I am ok with the long break, there are other things I can do in the meantime.


BvG February 25th, 2011 10:40 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I'd like to play a bit more, but I am really not a contender for anything, besides the "most noob player still in game" award maybe ;)

Num February 25th, 2011 01:43 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Nrasch, could you postpone the next turn as requested (monday night) ?

nrasch February 25th, 2011 02:47 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Of course. I've been keeping a sharp eye on this forum now that I know sometimes my notifications don't go through. :)

Ragnoff February 26th, 2011 09:05 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Remember Everyone, with the roll back delete the last turn 80 you downloaded, resubmit turn 79!!!!!

nrasch February 28th, 2011 12:12 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
So there was discussion of a long break, ending the game, and/or finding a sub for Lihaässä. Do you all know what you want to do? Should I suspend all hosting till a consensus is reached?


Finalgenesis February 28th, 2011 01:49 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Vote end the game.

I doubt I can muster the will to come back to this game after a long break after a rollback.

Lihaässä February 28th, 2011 02:22 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ All - It seems I was a little too late and staled again. The next too weeks will consume my energy because I'm finalizing my wedding arrangements and after that comes honeymoon. Even though I asked for a very long delay earlier, I think I should withdraw from this competition for good.. It's just too hectic atm.

I hope you don't find me as a quitter. I'll wait your decision about ending this game before posting for a sub.


- Ari

Ragnoff February 28th, 2011 02:23 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
hmm, apparently the extension was not long enough, Machaka still stalled. (I think his request was for later tonight.) So fixing this would mean another rollback, and then another long delay once we get this fixed so we would only get 3-4 turns in before the next delay. While I would like to continue the game, this is not looking good.


Edited to add: Congrats! The wedding is certainly more important! I am for finding a sub as theoretically that would men no long delay and we can keep playing. But no rollback! while that stinks a bit for the new machaka player in that he/she will be coming off a stale, that position is certainly strong if we are willing to revisit the political situation when the new player steps up.

Num March 1st, 2011 07:16 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Congratulations for the wedding.

The position is probably not as strong as it was. Machaka is now struggling and is going to be crushed (maybe very easily). I think going AI is the easiest way for us to continue a bit. How can we give this nation situation to a new player ? That would be no interest at all for anybody.
Let's go AI Lihaassa and let's continue the game a little more. Nrasch please give the admin role to someone like Ragnoff.

Finalgenesis March 1st, 2011 08:47 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I understand the argument for against going AI (and finding a sub) to be that AI basically gets steamrolled and equal free provinces for their human neighbors causing an unfair advantage to other players in differing position to exploit the spoils.

I've seen that where possible AI options tend to be for small nations with very few provinces to the point where it won't impact the game too significantly.

However we are talking about 37 provinces game leader (statistically).

For the record, I don't really care in this specific case. And really, we've had rollback and all the work, so why not add this to the list.

Finally, with the upcoming likely AI of Machaka on top of a rollback, I would like to officially bow out of this game as it has been disrupted and ruined to the point where I don't feel obligated to stick to the end.

Let me know if you want me to AI or attempt a sub.

nrasch March 1st, 2011 11:11 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Ragnoff will now be admin. Good luck to you all.


Num March 1st, 2011 11:53 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Well the point is Machaka was the most powerful, but this time is ended. Do not forget that he was fighting against two nations (Shinuyama and me) during a long time, without decisive ending. Then Abysia has attacked, and is currently crushing Machakan territory, probably with ease. I have destroyed for my side at least 6 full-geared Tartarians in the last two turns and there is almost nothing left next to my armies.

Anyway this is for me simply obvious that Abysia is much more powerful than Machaka or me, or you Jotunheim, or anybody, apart from his central position, momentum and ability to eat all of Machaka alone.

So I agree to say that Ragnoff has won, but Machaka gone AI will have no effect as a result. I too vote for closing the game. Lack of interest and broken balance since the defeat of Machaka have both killed the game (Lack of a good pace has played a role too).

PS : R'lyeh has abandoned the game ? Are you sure ?

Ragnoff March 1st, 2011 12:26 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Ah SHOOT, I had a mental short-circuit and though Finalgenesis was playing R'Lyeh!

OK, I guess that is a wrap. I don't think I have won, I think I could be stopped as Machaka was, but it would need to be a joint effort are likely soon as I am certainly gaining momentum and getting my own Tarts into play despite not having GoH or the Challis (if you summon enough of them, you get good ones).

Finalgenesis March 1st, 2011 01:41 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running

Originally Posted by Ragnoff (Post 772202)
Ah SHOOT, I had a mental short-circuit and though Finalgenesis was playing R'Lyeh!

Understandable :rolleyes:

Ragnoff March 2nd, 2011 07:25 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
well remember I was not in from the start and had almost no interaction with either of you!

I would like to test out some to the things I was working on, I do not know if anyone else would as well. To this end I will let hosting resume with next turn due at 15:25 GMT on Thursday March 3rd.

If you would ALSO wish to continue turns to check anything out let me know. If you are done with the game, please set your nation to AI so that the folks messing about are not waiting on you for turns. Anyone who stales twice will be set to AI.

This is strictly unofficial, the game is officially over with Abyssia leading but no clear winner.

Thank you for letting me join in the fun!


Num March 5th, 2011 09:08 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I think you could claim victory, as nobody is able to compete, even if allied together (and do not forget our alliance is still living until Machakas end).

We are far less powerful than what you get (for what I see). I for my part have something like 10 or 12 Asynja, not fully equipped, 15 Vanjarls light equipped for raiding, and only one big stealthed army, with lots of Vanadrotts (20?) and Gnomes but few troops (no more than 35 Vans or Valkyries). 2 Queens of Air, one King of Fire, one Ember Lord, a few Zmeys, but not one unique blood big boy (but 80 storm and knight demons and 500 slaves left).

My income is low, my gem income is ok (100), plus 80 slaves a turn from costly blood hunting.
So I do not think I am a powerful contender. I have spend too much time fighting Machaka with no result other than attrition, and I have begun very lately blood hunting. The northeast corner is so poor that I have never get more than 2600 gold a turn with 40 provinces.
All the beginning of the game was great for me, with 2 good allies Jotunheim and Bandar, I had time to build a powerful nation, to beat Ermor and get room to develop and finally destroy Ulm. But later my lack of experience has let me becoming less potent than other contenders (althought MA Vanheim looks very strong to me, this is the first time I have loved that much my nation, with air, earth and blood magic, stealthed and sacred armies, very enjoyable).

Finally I regret the complete lack of a good pace of play, which have made the game fell in interest and motivation for everyone, resulting in long intervals and abandons...

Anyway, thanks to everyone who played that game for any time, congratulations Ragnoff for the game, and Lihaassa for the wedding (and being my best enemy too).

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