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Randallw February 22nd, 2007 05:35 AM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
I shall henceforth be adressed as "Glorious Leader"

After the recent war my streets descended into anarchy. Today I finally managed to restore order. Now as we all know the government stat says something like "the people are happy with the government but would prefer..." etc, not important. There seems to be no difference mentioned between government types leading me to wonder if it makes a difference unless you choose the one they want. Well I chose Totalitarian again and now my people adore me.

On a lesser note I tried delaying my tax collecting but only managed to make an extra $22.

Baron Munchausen February 22nd, 2007 02:29 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
Yes, there are real differences between the various government types. Look at the wiki for some details.

President_Elect_Shang February 22nd, 2007 04:26 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
I would be careful about spies myself. They seem to be pretty prevalent.

Any Aqua with Iron in need of Coal?

capnq February 22nd, 2007 07:24 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Santiago said: a link to your alliance forums

Do we have an "alliance forum" on the Cybernations site? I was looking around yesterday, but all I could find seemed to be a general forum for messages from all alliances.

Renegade 13 February 22nd, 2007 07:40 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
National religions are stupid. Does it make sense for my people, who are all of Norwegian descent and live in Northern Canada to want their national religion to be Jainism? I think not. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Atrocities February 22nd, 2007 09:36 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
I think I have two trade slots open if any one is interested in Rubber and Sugar.

Will February 22nd, 2007 10:57 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Randallw said:
There seems to be no difference mentioned between government types leading me to wonder if it makes a difference unless you choose the one they want. Well I chose Totalitarian again and now my people adore me.

Government Effects Chart. And it looks like having a government your people do not like is -1 Happiness.


Randallw said:
On a lesser note I tried delaying my tax collecting but only managed to make an extra $22.

That's because the interest is collected on cash you already have. So, if you collect taxes today, then don't spend any of the cash except to pay bills for a few days, then collect taxes again, you'll get 12% of your on-hand cash per day. So, if you have 10k on hand, and your daily bills are 500, and you wait three days between tax collections, you'll get an extra 2,583. Still not too useful.


Atrocities said:
I think I have two trade slots open if any one is interested in Rubber and Sugar.

I could go for that, but I have Fur and Spices, and it looks like you already have Spices... If you're ok with that (at least for now), send an offer to Jraenar, and I'll swap you with my current sugar supplier.

Randallw February 22nd, 2007 11:23 PM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
The wiki entry goes into greater detail, including the effect on environment. As an Australian, where we have a Federal government, I find it amusing that a Federal government is little better than a dictatorship. It'd be more amusing if the communists were in power, although they are at a state level.

Atrocities February 23rd, 2007 12:51 AM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
I have two pending trade offers... if they fall through I would happy to trade with your nation.

Forlorn_Hope February 23rd, 2007 01:24 AM

Re: OT: Cyber Nation
I wouldn't even bother with interest. You can probably get more money by investing in infrastructure and getting more taxable citizens, and getting even more money in taxes each day.

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