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-   -   Jaguar - finished, Szumo declared winner (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34936)

llamabeast June 16th, 2007 09:26 PM

Re: Small Talk
Weird, really weird. You shouldn't have to wait more than five minutes normally, or ten at most. Try again from your webmail perhaps.

Lazy_Perfectionist June 16th, 2007 09:52 PM

Re: Small Talk
Anyways, it went through this time quicklike.. No worries. It could have well been bellsouth/thunderbird.

llamabeast June 19th, 2007 07:28 AM

Re: Small Talk
Hi guys,

I'd like to ask for a volunteer to be the 'game admin' for this game. It's not a big job at all - the admin is just the person to ask if you want to postpone a hosting because you're going away for a day, and so on. They can then do it via the website, using the admin password (which I'll give them).

I'm just asking in the interests of 'sustainable development' - so I can go on adding stuff to my server and starting new games without getting bogged down.

Szumo June 19th, 2007 07:36 AM

Re: Small Talk
I could do that, at least if no one else wants to...

llamabeast June 19th, 2007 07:37 AM

Re: Small Talk
Sweet, thanks Szumo! I'll PM you the password.

Szumo June 19th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: Small Talk
Thanks. And with that, i'll propably need to postpone friday morning hosting - i'll be seing Genesis gig on thursday and propably won't make it back in time to make my turn. Should be only a few hours delay though, i hope no one will mind http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Is anyone up for some gossip? I see Shinyuama and Abyssia lead in province count, with me being close 3rd. And Agartha must have some interesting research strategy to start researching madly so early - but still has the biggest army. Anyone fighting already, perhaps?

Loren June 19th, 2007 07:55 PM

Re: Small Talk

Szumo said:
Thanks. And with that, i'll propably need to postpone friday morning hosting - i'll be seing Genesis gig on thursday and propably won't make it back in time to make my turn. Should be only a few hours delay though, i hope no one will mind http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Is anyone up for some gossip? I see Shinyuama and Abyssia lead in province count, with me being close 3rd. And Agartha must have some interesting research strategy to start researching madly so early - but still has the biggest army. Anyone fighting already, perhaps?

The only other player I've seen so far is Atlantis. Since they're in the water and I'm on land there's certainly no squabble over that border.

sum1lost June 19th, 2007 09:27 PM

Re: Small Talk
I've seen atlantis, shinyuma, and agartha, now.

I'm feeling cramped, especially due to my sleepy start.

On the other hand, I'm also feeling rich.

Lazy_Perfectionist June 20th, 2007 03:45 AM

Re: Small Talk
GNAR! I lost my whole post.
I like the idea of posting annual or bi-annual AARs. If for no other reason than to have something to check up on when I ask myself, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

I was originally lusting after those farmlands Pythium inhabits, especially since wastelands were to the south, and mountains don't make much money. But that mountain range is so much more defensible. And my lone scout saw how cramped sum1won is. I have no desire to stir that cauldron. Not and live to see tomorrow, what with painfully slow fortresses, painfully slow troops and mages, and no idea what lies to my direct south. I haven't found a single indep scout. Fortunately, my aggressive research and clear goal means I can spare my capital now, and just coast along on my early research rush, towards two of my keystones. Though to be honest, one is just because I want to, not because I see a clear strategic advantage or have a specific plan. That, and the fact that I may or may not, depending on my site searching, be drowning in earth gems. I know I'll have somewhere over fifty piled up before I have anything to spend them on. You know my huge research advantage? I've achieved that with only four not-so-great, but sacred-cheap researchers who'll die of old age soon. By the end of my first year, I could forge four Dwarven Hammers before running out, if there was an advantage to be gained. That's not where my strat is headed, however. This is the Golem Cult, baby. And Attentive Statues can do wonders for my indie expansion if I can get them out early enough to make up for my one map move, and get them to some fighting. But if I waited till year two, it'd take them half a year to get anywhere useful. Fortunately for you, an early Golem Rush has one major weakness that anyone with basic battle scripting can exploit... Fortunately, that doesn't cover independents.

Loren June 20th, 2007 09:56 AM

Re: Small Talk
Anyone know where I can get a brain? I played turn 7 and apparently never sent it in!

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