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llamabeast September 30th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Guys, the important thing to remember in a situation like this is that the same situation can seem _extraordinarily_ different to the two parties. It might seem completely certain, cast in stone, to both parties that the other is telling untruths, while both think they are honest. You really have to bear this in mind, particularly in a mature community like this where pretty much everyone is honest by inclination.

Now, clearly the nation of Ermor feels that it has been horrifically wronged by Caelum, and therefore it's entirely reasonable that it do its utmost to take them down. And similarly Caelum can fight to the death for its right to expand. So long as you're roleplaying as the nations, you can be as vicious as you want - but no personal attacks on the players please. Also bear in mind that even if the other player has been telling untruths, that's not disallowed so long as they do it in character. Dominions players tend to play a straightforward game but there is no rule against weasel tactics.

To me though, this looks like a case of a very common issue. It goes like this. Player one proposes peace. Player two responds in a friendly way, and discusses other things. He is deliberately not explicitly agreeing to the peace treaty because he doesn't want it, but he is friendly anyway either to divert suspicion or simply because he's not sure he wants war either. But at this stage, because of the lack of an explicit refusal, player 1 believes that peace has been agreed on. Later on, when player 2 attacks, player 1 cries foul. I have seen this happen quite a few times.

So I suspect something along these lines has happened. But even if not - no personal attacks in my games, please. If you want to write propaganda on the boards please do, it's a good tactic - but do it in character (sign off as your nation not your player name).

Enough said - the diplomats of Ermor and Caelum have talked at cross purposes, misunderstandings of occurred and the blood of the peoples of both nations is boiling. Is war inevitable? Who will win? Only time will tell...

Eldanesh September 30th, 2007 06:46 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Are you gonna narrate this game like a story? 'Cuz that would be epic. Also Pangeans are on my land. Maybe they should get off

Sensori September 30th, 2007 06:53 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
So Eldanesh, you going to reply to my message some day or not? I'd like to know whether I need to keep an army at the border near you or not. ;p

Aezeal September 30th, 2007 07:41 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Hey I CLEARLY pointed out the lie didn't I so why shouldn't I call him a liar..

It's not good to call someone a liar in a "small community" but it IS OK to do the lying, backstabbing and all sort of general treason?

Sounds a lil awkward to me.. he can play his game the way he wants it.. fair enough there are not actual rules against being the most treacherous player on the map.. I'd even go as far to say that SOMEONE has to be it..
Well he is it.. and since I'm the victem I want everyone to know so noone misses the point and trusts him again this game.. I want you all to know him for the LIAR he is so he'll not gain much by backstabbing me and so I can rest assured I have done everything in my power to strike back at my opponent.. so he will not win this game or even gain anything.

As far as I knew this IS a game thread, Caelum is played by a player so I can tell all I want about that player certainly if it reflects what happened on the map. He lied to me in the game and lied to you all in here so I call him a liar and I will till I'm down in this game (well maybe a few days after that even) or till I have taken him out.
Peace is no option with a traitor so now either of us has to die. The fact that Marignon's Pretender is in my country helping him DOES give him a slight advantage.. and I hope teh fact that HIS PRETENDER IS NOT NEAR HIS CAPITOL OR SOUTHERN PROVINCES will mean marignon looses province there. But I had no peace with Marignon (hell I didn't even know he could attack me before it happened) so no backstabbing there.. nor have I talked to him or seen untrue stuff from him in this forum so I hope him and I can kiss and make up...

For surely Marignon must see that once he and Cealum split up my lands Caelum CAN ONLY attack him so it would be MUCH more profitable to help me get Caelum. HINT HINT

anyway just thought to clarify things.: yes I call thingie playing Caelum a liar because I've seen him lying in here.

BigandScary September 30th, 2007 08:56 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope

Eldanesh said:
Also Pangeans are on my land. Maybe they should get off

your land? your land?!!! If you think that my people are going to stick to five provinces in the northern backwater of the western continent while you take up the whole eastrn landmass, you are very sadly mistaken. The ministers of ulm rant about security and natural borders, but they are in for some Leafy Fury if they think that they can run roughshod on the native territory of the Panni council. While every other nation occuppies lands twice the size of that which Pangea holds, the Panni council must fight, tooth and nail, for every inch. If the warmongering Ulmish tyrants wish to move their border one province farther north they will learn the meaning of "Blood and Fire." One step foreward and we will push them five steps back. May the Peace of the Leaf be with you.

And take your next turn when you take the last one, dammit!

llamabeast October 1st, 2007 05:19 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Aezeal, to be clear - regardless of what happened, it is not acceptable to personally attack any player on any thread for one of my games. I don't care if you've been brutally wronged - I just won't stand for any unpleasantness in my games. 'Nuff said.

In-game though, go ahead and attack him for all you're worth if you want to.

WonderLlama - thanks for holding off on making a rebuttal. This kind of thing is actually pretty rare in dominions games, happily.

Aezeal October 1st, 2007 05:28 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
So ... you make a thread.. he can lie about what I said and did.. and I cannnot defend myself.. yea.. in your dreams... I'll say what I see fit and deem appropriate, your not my mother.. if he uses this forum to say incorrect things I'll correct them here too and sorry to say this to you.. your opinion won't change a thing.

Ermor support Pangeae fully, back to back we will face our opponents and push south

llamabeast October 1st, 2007 05:30 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Look Aezeal, the reason I can express my opinion strongly is because I can kick you from the game. I would have thought that was obvious.

I don't want to do that however. Let's just leave this issue and move on, okay?

Aezeal October 1st, 2007 05:59 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
yeah I'm gaming ain't I..

Sensori October 1st, 2007 10:25 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Uh, what he did was a thing in the game. It doesn't make him a worse person in real life, however. You can talk as much crap as you want about his NATION, as long as it's, like, how his treacherous Seraph witches betrayed the fragile trust between your two nations and they need to be removed from the face of this world.

Out of game-wise, if he didn't agree directly to a non-aggression pact (or even alliance) of some sort, him attacking is just a part of the game - no agreement means no obligations, even if you think that you have had relatively nice relations. You can talk about peace all you want with people, but peace'll always be uneasy until there's an actual agreement made.

Never trust a nation you haven't made an agreement with.

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