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Edi April 18th, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 686525)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 686522)
Alright, sounds like it'll be fun to play with victory points enabled, particularly from a roleplaying POV. Does 50 for a victory sound like too many? Some of them are worth 3 points, but they've also got defenders that will give even an end game SC pause...

I dont like VP victory, as games will end with someone airdropping to victory.

Take a look in the map file and how the VP's are spread out. If you can manage an airdrop on this map with 50 points the target, you'd win anyway.

duncanshriek April 18th, 2009 10:58 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
If it really has to be victory by VPs, then the maximum please.

Considering how much unwanted the underwater nations are, I wouldn't mind to go to great length in order to make it enjoyable for them. Like restarting everytime their starting positions are not 2 outside and 1 inland sea.

TheDemon April 18th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
Not to mention, in the endgame most of the VPs will be forted, so the enemy can airdrop their own team in. Provided you're airdropping enough guys to break down 20 forts in one turn, in which case you should have won already.

I'm just finishing a similar game: Faerun Adventure Map, 50 VP victory, all-EA on Something Awful. We're down to the last 6 and there wasn't much problem with East/West balance. One thing we found is the West is far more dense, province-wise, than the East. That is, although there are more sites, there's a corresponding increase in province density, and therefore nation density. We ended up with one dominant nation in the East, two in the Northwest, one in the Southwest, and one in the South.

In the water, all 3 nations started in the outer ocean, and once they had beat each other up enough that 2 went AI, Sauro came in and killed the last one in like 3 turns. I'm not sure on the balance of the water starts, although the map has lots of water, a lot of it is fairly linear and within 2 or 3 provs of each other without any other way to expand.

It's turn 77 and some of the VPs are still untaken thanks to their insanely tough garrisons. For most of the VP provs, even the one and two VP ones, you really have to consider them as chokepoints and work around them. The 3 and 4 VP provs needed a half dozen SCs and chaff or a 400+ man army. They're not to be taken lightly.

Cicadian April 18th, 2009 12:15 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
I agree, VP victories are too easy to achieve, especially with the large amount available on this map.

I think a better measure of victory would be taking a majority of enemy capitals. Since there are 26 players, I think 15 is probably a reasonable amount.

Of coursse, the cynic in me says the game will probably end when enough people get bored enough with the end game to declare the biggest player the winner:p

Edit - Ok in light of the above I retract this post (apart from the last bit!)

TheDemon April 18th, 2009 02:18 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
If you played with a VP condition of less than 50, I'd agree that with so many VPs it would be too easy. But with 50/100 VPs needed to win, there's no way to gain them all quickly, especially considering the garrisons, and that with a map this size, someone strong will likely own the ones you want to target. Capitals also make sense, if you want to go that route.

e: By my rough count, there are 66 provs with VP points. Averaging them, that means you need to own about 33 VP provs to win. If you somehow were able to take all the highest VP provs unopposed, by my count you would need 18 provs. That's more than the 15/26 capitals.

Calahan April 18th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
50 VP points sounds ok. Although half capitals, or the original plan of 200 provinces sound ok as well. Although the micro-management involved in holding the latter for 3-turns could be a nightmare.

Edit: Mis-read the previous post, so what I originally said made no sense.

Dragar April 19th, 2009 06:34 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
Hey guys,

Out of the blue it seems very likely that I'll be away for 2-3 weeks in June sometime. In the interests of the game I'd better pull out before it begins, rather than risk not being able to get a sub at that time

Sorry for the late notice, just glad the game hasn't started yet

Jarkko April 19th, 2009 07:40 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
Incidently, I'll be away in June for 10 days, but I am pretty certain I'll get a sub for that time. Just a heads up that I'll be pestering the GM to change the e-mail address where my turns are sent for that time (if I haven't already been eliminated by that time, of course) :)

Jarkko April 19th, 2009 07:42 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
In other news, I am repeadetly totally owned by the special sites of the map. I really really have to start to think of the sites as player controlled strong-points instead of strong AI resistance pockets :P

Baalz April 20th, 2009 01:28 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (pretender design)
Game's up: http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....ends_Of_Faerun

Not sure if anything extra is necessary to get those mod nations into EA, I added them but I'm not sure if they'll actually be accepted when they're submitted. Barring technical difficulties, if everyone could try and get their pretenders uploaded in the next day or two we'll get the party started.

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