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Kref June 18th, 2010 01:37 PM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
I suggest everyone to turn swords on Marington.
This nation has enourmos territories, excellent research, good access to astral magic, has already summoned many most powerfull creatures including two air qweens, king of elemental fire, djin, at least two seraphs and six angels of fury; he forged at least several unique artifacts. Leader of Marington is also a good commander.
So I suggest to eliminate Marington, sent it to higher spheres, earth is not a place where angels should be. In it's shine achivements of our nations do not look so good as they should.
If we won't eliminate Marington now, it would become only stronger and would have very good chances to eliminate everyone else.
So as main Marington forces are fighting with me right now, it's a good opportunity not only eliminate dreadfull opponent, but also to expand borders.

GameExtremist June 18th, 2010 08:21 PM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
Marignons side of the argument is this.

We came to the aid of Arco, fought and won a long and hard war against Jomon, nearing the end of the war when Jomon was broken and the victor (i.e. Me) was taking the spoils of her war EA pan starts taking Jomon undefended provinces...a cowardly and opportunistic move.

We sign a NAP with EA pan wanting a time of peace and fearing their masses (seriously theres thousands of them, look at the graph) which he agreed to...this was a ruse to bring his full armies to our border, he then cancels our NAP and attacks...no doubt expecting his mass rush tactics that worked so well against Mictlan and Pythium to work.....We gave him the chance to reconsider...but hellbent on war he attacked.

He now realises that his armies of chaff are no match for my forces.

I'm sure if you look earlier in this thread you will see he broke a NAP with Mictlan without warning.

Basically EA pan has no honour and his words is worthless, if you would associate yourself with such a nation, then do not cry foul when he backstabs when it is to his advantage.

LA pan is not much better, having a long standing NAP (since March 12th) we believed all was well, we could coexist peacefully, he then launchs a join attack with EA pan. "Forgetting" a NAP is no defense or excuse for such a heinous and dishonourble action.

Now I call the other worthy nations TC, MA pan, Machaka and Ryleh to stand against these nations....If Marignon were to fall their empowered nations would target one of you to gank next.

At least with Marignon you know where you stand and know a pact is a pact.

(OOC - All in good fun other players - the battles are intesting and fun to say the least :) )

Kref June 19th, 2010 01:41 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
Marington position is clean - he wants to live.
Before considering joining Marington or even not fighting him, anyone may look at Marington's gem income. It's clear that Marington is capable of summoning a seraph or 5 angels of fury per two turns. If you think that this is a lesser threat for your existance then masses of chaff when all spells are learned, then there is a wisdom in Marington's words.
I could expand much easily if I choosed some other nation, for example Machaka, but it's a suicide tactic in long terms.

One other thing - Marington lies when he sais that I brought masses of armies to his border and then canceled pact. I canceled pact, then brought considerable armies to his borders. I and Marington both concentrated forces on board a turn before war could start according to NAP. He also mistakes speaking that I thought he would be an easy target - I just know that also he is a hard target, he is much softer now than he would be after some time.

Kref June 19th, 2010 01:45 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
We also can understand the sorry of Marington that he couldn't get all Jomon territories. We see it in words "cowardly" and "opportunistic" )
P.S. Reasons of Jomon's death are simple - Marington is strong in late game, so Jomon should have killed Marington much early if he wanted to live. We shouldn't make the same mistake.
P.S.S. Also, considerable amount of my chaff depends on a global spell, so eventually someone can destroy it with other enchantment. This is one more reason to attack Marington now, while this chaff is on him.

Apsophos June 22nd, 2010 06:50 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
I'm back.
Let's plan more fun battles.

GameExtremist July 3rd, 2010 07:52 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
Can we get Machaka set to AI?

Apsophos July 8th, 2010 06:47 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
Two things.
First, I'll be out of town until monday, I'm playing this turn now, can we delay the hosting of next one? Also I won't be able to change my orders, which leads me to the next point :
Second, well, Arcane Nexus. Never encountered it in a game but I remember that one turn of nexus activity is enough to recast it with more excess gems it should be impossible to dispel again.
As I will be away, I won't be able to contribute gems to a dispel caster if you want to dispel it. While I'm away, if you guys agree on casting dispel with as much gems as possible, you could send your gems to me.

Oh also I think this means total war agains Marignon. Let's make him use those piles of gems. (as if he was gem-poor to begin with)

GameExtremist July 8th, 2010 12:00 PM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)

Originally Posted by Apsophos (Post 751269)
Oh also I think this means total war agains Marignon. Let's make him use those piles of gems. (as if he was gem-poor to begin with)

Thats interesting, considering you and your ally (EA Pan) pledged a ceasefire only two turns ago?

I knew I shouldn't have trusted anything you said...not after the backstabbing that was our NAP earlier.

I'd say my global simply matches the four globals that you and EA have up - 2 chaff generating spells + Gift of health + well of misery.

Considering all the tarts you've been sending at me I need all the help I can get.

Kref July 9th, 2010 01:13 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
GameExtremist, you are funny to compare arcane nexus with existing globals. Perhaps you are too greedy.
If arcane nexus will be dispelled sucsessfully and you will take obligation not to cast it again - then I think I will follow our agreement.
Otherwise I have no other choice but to exterminate you with help of others.

GameExtremist July 10th, 2010 02:30 AM

Re: Mind Blade - Multiera Random nations (started)
Well it seems I'm going to be ganked by the other nations, should be some entertaining battles ahead!

I'll go down fighting!

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