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AdmiralZhao April 14th, 2008 10:25 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I bring good news: Mizuko's long reign of terror is over. For countless months this Queen of Elemental Water has rampaged through the lands of Ermor, tearing down temples, killing centurions, and overwatering precious plants. If anyone should care to summon her, she will be available next month. Please do. I don't want to face her again.

Also, as to who is in the lead, I would have to say Arco. Atlantis doesn't seem to be heavily clamming, since they're dropping 30-150 water gems per turn in overland spells.

Xietor April 14th, 2008 10:43 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I think Atlantis owns all of the Water provinces(:

Trust me Atlantis has clams out the wazoo. At least I know shard made a lot of them.

Zeldor April 14th, 2008 10:53 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I really wish he made. He didn't use the potential of Forge, he casted it too early, before getting enough gems and mages able to use it.

Arcoscephale is AT LEAST 2x stronger than Atlantis. How can I think about even harming Arco or Caelum if I can do nothing to small Ermor? Who has 1/10 Tartarians of Arco...

Xietor April 14th, 2008 11:08 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

I know I am appear to be in the lead from the score graphs, but i have just gained many provinces recently in the war with eriu. I have not had the benefit of them long.

Additionally, as Baalz can attest, I spend 30-50 gems a turn in battle spells(astral travel 25 s gems), mind hunts x 5, ghost riders, fog warriors, will of fates etc.

And I have lost a ton of units that are summoned with gems, ghosts, trolls etc. If I had been at peace for the last 30 turns stockpiling gems and troops, then i would agree.

And i have lost about 20 temples this war, and had many of my own provinces captured. As they say in the movies, "War is Hell!"

As for gor tartarians, I actually have way fewer than you might expect. maybe 6 or 7 that have gear and are used in fighting. Baalz can correct me if I am mistaken. I likely have as many banelords as gor tartarians.

Most of my tartarians are just used as meat shields and are not commanders. I am fearful of the new patch and do not want to be caught with too many insane units that will go independent.

Baalz April 14th, 2008 11:15 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
It was like LA Ermor only with tartarians. He must have like 500.

Heheh, I did kill a bunch of temples though.

Xietor April 14th, 2008 11:36 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
lol Baalz.

In truth Tartarians are not a major part of my war package. And I do not think you can really point to any key battle where I had more than 1 gor tartarian, or the tartarians were the key to winning the battle.

I think the banefire archers/ghosts have played more of a role than tartarians in the fighting around your capital. Of course, now I do not have any ghosts left, and precious few archers.

I just realized you killed bogus last turn(:

Zeldor April 14th, 2008 11:40 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

There are just few of us left, so no propaganda will work. Especially so weak http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

And what did you need tha Bogus for?

Xietor April 15th, 2008 12:19 AM


To put a sock in your propaganda, i saw Shard when the forge was up with 2 naiads with dwarven hammers on province 228. Wonder what they were making? Spaghetti?

Zeldor April 15th, 2008 12:35 AM

Re: Clams
And I have realised that naiads suddenly disappear. With dwarven hammers and othet stuff...

AdmiralZhao April 15th, 2008 01:01 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

Xietor said:
Additionally, as Baalz can attest, I spend 30-50 gems a turn in battle spells(astral travel 25 s gems), mind hunts x 5, ghost riders, fog warriors, will of fates etc.


As for gor tartarians, I actually have way fewer than you might expect. maybe 6 or 7 that have gear and are used in fighting. Baalz can correct me if I am mistaken. I likely have as many banelords as gor tartarians.

Well, so long as it is just 6 or 7 fully kitted out, GoR Tartarians and an equal number of banelords backed up with multiple high level alteration spells and dozens of assassination and raiding spells, I see no reason to worry. Yes, no reason at all...

Xietor April 15th, 2008 02:35 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
You have no reason to worry Zhao, Ermor and Arcoscephale are friends.

In any event, my supply of gems is gone-thanks to Eriu.

Zeldor April 15th, 2008 02:49 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

I guess you like Ermor only because he engaged Atlantis in war so you could freely attack Eriu http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor April 15th, 2008 07:25 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

Something is not right with that Mizuko battle. I killed all your troops, you got left with 2 Demiliches and 1 Soulless Warrior. Mizuko tramples him and suddenly stops, as Demiliches did not exist and she could not reach them. She had plenty of movement points left and flying... and the she gets hit by one disintegrate which had hm... 0,00000001% chance of passing 29MR?

Xietor April 15th, 2008 02:14 PM

Ermor and Arcos
Not exactly Zeldor. Ermor and Abysia were allies against Eriu, and since I was at war with Eriu also, we were friendly.

Then when the Forge was cast, I worked with Ermor closely in attacks on Shard. In fact, had Sieger followed my instructions closely, and cast magic duel twice with his pretender before casting master enslave, your epic hero would be dead. But he did not follow my advice and his pretender was killed.

And there were many trades back and forth between Ermor and myself. While the players have changed, Arcos. still views Ermor as a friend.

And what Baltz fails to state, is he still has 6 decked out glamor thugs(mr 25 so immune to mind hunt) raiding my home area, his sc pretender in his capital, and at least 7 of his thunderstiking capital only mages stealthed by his capital, and at least 1 angel.

Unless he plans on suiciding all his Tuatha next turn, he still has the capability to cause me plenty of Harm-and aggravation.

AdmiralZhao April 15th, 2008 09:45 PM

Re: Ermor and Arcos
I agree. I'm not sure why Mizuko stopped after trampling that one last Longdead; normally she would go on to trample several more. I noticed that after the "Ermor is routed" message popped up, she seemed to go off her normal pattern and was only trampling a couple at a time. Maybe it was some weirdness related to troops that would normally flee, but don't because they are immortal?

Mizuko did get unlucky, since even with my slight penetration bonus she has a less than 1% chance of dying to any one spell. Still, she did get hit with a good dozen or more disintegrations, so it's not outside the realm of possibility. On the other hand, I think she got fairly lucky by taking hundreds and hundreds of damage without ever catching an affliction. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor April 16th, 2008 02:36 AM

Re: Ermor and Arcos
Regeneration and Recuperation really decrease chance for getting afflictions, so not so strange.

The most probable explanation for that weirdness is that famous battle repeat bug. But I am still curious what is exact chance to get past 29MR. Heh, in 2 turns you will meet here again anyway http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Baalz April 18th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Ermor and Arcos
Eriu is going AI the current turn and Zeldor has asked me to take over Atlantis as he signed up as a temp sub and Shard is still MIA. Does anyone object?

Xietor April 18th, 2008 01:20 PM

bah humbug
Though it will not be in my interest to have a player that has already weathered a war with me and knows my tactics take over Atlantis, it likely would not take a new player of high skill long to figure it out in any event. And you have unique knowledge of the provinces you once owned as Eriu.

But, as game admin. I am very liberal in honoring a player's wish with respect to a sub. So as long as you are not looking at the turn file for both nations at the same time, it is within Zeldor's broad latitude to ask you to sub for him.

Should Shard return, however, Atlantis is still his race to play I think. Though I have never faced the situation of the owner of the race taking such a long break from the game, then taking it back. But Evilhomer took the summer off in the Big Game and reclaimed LA Ryleh, so I think I would follow Velusion's lead should Shard return and want Atlantis back.

With that stipulation, once Eriu is set to ai, pm me your email address and I will have Atlantis' future turns sent to you.

*there were a couple of objections about Dr. P taking over a race after he was eliminated in EH I, as they said he would carry a grudge. I overruled those because subs are not easy to find, and the player getting the sub likely knew what grudges the sub may or may not have. So I am being consistent with the first game.

Baalz April 18th, 2008 01:25 PM

Re: bah humbug
I set Eriu AI this turn, I'll wait until after then next host before picking up Atlantis.

Zeldor April 18th, 2008 01:32 PM

Re: bah humbug

I had to sub for around 2 weeks and it is over a month. I have checked my PMs, it seems I took over 8th March. And I got less time now [and I would need couple postpones within a month, trip to Hua Shan next week, Shandong province in 2nd week of May etc]. And the most important thing - I really don't like Atlantis http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif As I don't like Man, but here turns require a lot of time.

And I wouldn't worry about Atlantis attacking you. Ermor is really not interested in stopping the war. And I would be surprised if that war could be finished in less than 20 turns [it can rather go on forever].

Baalz April 18th, 2008 01:38 PM

Re: bah humbug

Zeldor said:
And I would be surprised if that war could be finished in less than 20 turns [it can rather go on forever].

Sight unseen the gauntlet has been thrown down and the new king picks it up. Doom comes for you necrophiles, both North and South. The guard has been changed and Atlantean pride surges once again like the tide. Cyclic. Eternal. Implacable.

Xietor April 18th, 2008 02:34 PM

Re: bah humbug
np Zeldor. I thank you for playing and being such a good sub. It is not your job to make my life easier, but to safeguard Atlantis in the event of Shard's return.

And I must say you would be hard pressed to find a better player for Atlantis than Baalz. So you not only subbed quite well, but turned the race over to one of the better Dom III players. So you did a great job, and I thank you again.

I have had the dubious distinction of fighting baalz as Atlantis before, and it does not bring back fond memories- to put it mildly.

AdmiralZhao April 19th, 2008 03:39 AM

Re: bah humbug
I don't suppose I could have Atlantis and Baalz could have Ermor? Please? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Also, good game Zeldor. You were a feared and tenacious foe, and killed many a good Ermorian.

Zeldor April 19th, 2008 03:47 AM

Re: bah humbug
I should have killed few thousand more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 04:51 AM

Re: bah humbug
I got no notification about e-mail change for Atlantis so I think that Xietor forgot about it [or Baalz forgot to send his e-mail address to Xietor].

Xietor April 20th, 2008 11:02 AM

Re: bah humbug
you are doing 1 more turn. After this turn, i will change address, and baalz will have the next one. In fact i can go ahead and switch it now.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:06 AM

Re: bah humbug
HEh, I can do a fast turn. I just wasn't informed about that thing...

I have just finished watching 54 battles in my other game...

Xietor April 20th, 2008 11:35 AM

Re: bah humbug
you have 3.5 hours. If that is a "quick" turn, I would hate to see your long ones. hehhe.

The way I read baalz post was he was going to start next turn, not this one. And since he did not message me that he did not receive the turn, i think my reading of it was correct.

The email is changed now, so baalz will get the next turn.

Baalz April 20th, 2008 11:37 AM

Re: bah humbug
Sounds good, thanks Xietor.

Don't worry Admiral, Ermor will be under my control soon enough...;)

lol, maybe I should look at my turn file before talking smack.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:46 AM

Re: bah humbug

It is 11PM here and I have to get up in the morning http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 3.5h though would be not enough in my first newbie game with huge war now.

And hmm... you have changed it so I can't do that turn now, so Baalz has to do that.

We were talking about switching before I received that turn [it was still turn 76] so I was quite sure that Baalz is taking over from turn 77.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:46 AM

Re: bah humbug

It is 11PM here and I have to get up in the morning http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 3.5h though would be not enough in my first newbie game with huge war now.

And hmm... you have changed it so I can't do that turn now, so Baalz has to do that.

We were talking about switching before I received that turn [it was still turn 76] so I was quite sure that Baalz is taking over from turn 77.


You can get on irc channel if you have question, I should be there for around 1h more.

Xietor April 20th, 2008 11:49 AM

Re: bah humbug
no, the turn was already sent to you. The next turn will be sent to baalz. When it hosted the game sent the new turn file to your address.

So you have the current turn.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:53 AM

Re: bah humbug
Oh, so it will accept it even with changed e-mail address?

Baalz April 20th, 2008 11:55 AM

Re: bah humbug
Yeah, it doesn't care. And just to be clear, I have not received the turn so I definitely can't do it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor April 20th, 2008 11:57 AM

Re: bah humbug
Actually you could baalz. you just use the admin option to resend turn. i have to leave now for movie.

So i dont care who does it. Eriu is on Ai. Either of you can do it now, as you both can access the turn.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 11:59 AM

Re: bah humbug
I can do it then. And Baalz can take a look so he is prepared http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Unless he is willing to do that one.

Ha! We made a chat channel here! Well, almost...

Baalz April 20th, 2008 11:59 AM

Re: bah humbug
Well, given Zeldor's reluctance and the fact I'm just sitting around I'll go ahead and pick it up.

Zeldor April 20th, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: bah humbug
What reluctance? I am simply lazy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I guess nothing to be proud of http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

LoloMo April 22nd, 2008 12:13 PM

Mi Ni My Ni Mo
On the turn that Caelum terminates their NAP with Ermor, a full 3 turns before any hostilities were to occur, 3 of our provinces were attacked by anonymous Ghost Riders, and a fourth province was hit with Raging Hearts. Whoever could have cast those spells? Certainly not Ermor, right? The nation of Caelum, who have NAP with everyone else except Marignon on the other side of the world, is quite clueless!

Xietor April 22nd, 2008 12:26 PM

Re: Mi Ni My Ni Mo
Xietor will only say that it is a point of pride, even more than winning a game, that he deals honestly in his gameplay(though i do like, on a personal level, several players who enjoy treachery /wink Dr. P). So Arcos. cast no spells on Caelum, you can be assured.

I do not cast hostile spells, whether they can be traced to me or not, during a nap. If i do that, and end up winning, the win would feel tainted to me. But that is my own code of ethics, and i recognize that view is not shared universally.

Xietor April 22nd, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: Mi Ni My Ni Mo
Atlantis does not have to make a guess, educated or otherwise, at who attacked him this turn. Bones raises his skeletal hand.

AdmiralZhao April 22nd, 2008 10:50 PM

Re: Mi Ni My Ni Mo
Well, the fire spells in the attack, as well as the lack of a NAP with Marignon, certainly seems to point the finger rather conclusively. The nation of Ermor grieves with our Caelian brothers. Though our nations are on the eve of war, and though Caelum is an enormous and populous nation, the loss of a single bird-man is still a tragedy to us all. Our heart goes out to those slain. How horrible it must have been as those brave Caelian defenders were torn apart by the lances of the undead. One can only imagine the pathos of the scene. One certainly couldn't replay the scene with the "v" hotkey. No, certainly not.

As a gesture of international solidarity, we offer the services of our best necromancers. These talented men and women are willing to work day and night, by sun and by corpse-fat candle, to return the slain bird-men to their families. In nearly mint condition.

Baalz April 23rd, 2008 01:43 PM

Re: Mi Ni My Ni Mo

Xietor said:
Atlantis does not have to make a guess, educated or otherwise, at who attacked him this turn. Bones raises his skeletal hand.

Thank goodness, I was going to feel guilty about immediately attacking you with my new nation, you're quite considerate to remove that weight from my shoulders. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor April 23rd, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Mi Ni My Ni Mo
we had no doubt about your intentions when our scouts showed your water queens moving towards our lands. We did not think that armada was for Abysia!

Or was it? That would be a clever diversion to attack a small nation to gain a foothold on land. Oh wait! You already own 2 provinces next to abysia's capital(well only 1 now heh). Soon to be zero.

As an aside, a state of war has existed between Atlantis and Arcoscephale going back to when Shard was still playing the race. Though the war has peaked and ebbed over the years with various levels of activity.

Sir_Dr_D April 23rd, 2008 10:40 PM

Looking for a sub:
Do to the fact that I find late game micromangment too stressfull, I am currently looking for subs in my games. Would anyone be willing to take over marignon? Do to displomancy mistakes earlier, wining the game no longer looks like apossibility. But they are still powerfull enough to strongly influence the game. Plus you get to play around with Angels, and angels are fun.

I will continue to play if no sub is available, but I find that this game has been affecting my life too much.

Xietor April 24th, 2008 07:53 PM

Lookie at D Gem Maker!

Tichy April 25th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: Lookie at D Gem Maker!
Hello All,
Just to let you know that I am the Marignon now. I intend to honor all agreements that Sir Dr-D forged.

Xietor April 26th, 2008 04:41 PM

/cry Well of Misery dispelled
With a 20 percent chance of dispelling my own global, Xietor, master of unluck, rolls snake eyes. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Xietor April 28th, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: /cry Well of Misery dispelled
So Atlantis got me pretty good that turn. 48 battles. Forty-Eight!

I ended up with a few Kings of the Deep, a few abominations, and even a tartarian(now back as a unit though. Killed many more kings, all with full items/gems, killed at least 4 iron dragons, and several abominations.

Captured many starshine hats, etc. But I still lost that turn. WTG Baalz! And thanks Zeldor. hehe. You did pick a good sub. Teleporting thugs all over my lands, some casting niefel flames x 2, others just buffing and attacking.

Complacency. Bones must rally his men, his undead legions,
and his converted Firbolgs and Tuatha and defend our lands.

Zeldor April 29th, 2008 08:19 AM

Re: /cry Well of Misery dispelled
I just did some fixed to what shard left, reformed army, did some summoning so Baalz could get some toys to play with http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

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