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Re: Giants killed a Horror.. woohoo!
Plant Scholars
Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall ;)
Nations of Alexandria, it is with a heavy heart that I report Pangaea is in the process of being mopped-up.
Our noble crusade against Tien Chi was doomed 1/2 turn into our first major engagement, when our 1300-strong Manikin horde was stolen by a casting of Undead Mastery (though, on the bright side, this did force TC to pull the Scepter of Dark Regency off of Tartarian-summoning duty for 1 turn). Our entire regiment of combat mages was consequently summarily executed by their troops before they could act; we were totally devistated. TC has since begun beating us senseless with our own dismembered Sleep Vines, supported of course by Falling Frosts, Fog Warriors, and a host of other devastating magiks. And Gift-of-Reasoned Chalice-healed Tartarians. And a teleporting Aegis wielding Golem. And an Air Queen. And Pale Riders. And etc. Our insurgency campaign came to a disastrous finale this turn, when our Air Queen fell to a detachment of Frozen-Heart spamming W1 peons. We shall continue to fight the good fight, and have a few fun tricks still hiding up our sleeve, but we must confess to that our days are unfortunately numbered. Any nation who hopes to win this game, be warned: Tien Chi won the Artifact race, and through brilliant strategy & tactics has leveraged that victory into victory over Pangaea. Develop your counters now... Cheers, Pangaea |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Alexandrians, If by mopped up Pan means we have taken a single (that is right, just 1) province on Pangean soil then he is indeed correct. That is however after losing 6 of our pre-war TC owned provinces to his unprovoked war efforts. Pan is used to steamrolling opponents with no resistance and is now panicked by the loss of his first province. He himself has quite the collection of SCs. While TC is working our way through his collection of Elemental Royalty - one Water and Air Queen down (both slain while they were attacking TC soil BTW – not in some home defense insurgency) - we are still waiting to face the Fire King, Banefire King, Vampire Lords, Doom Horrors and Teleporting Blood Mages spamming Life for a Life and Infernal Prison etc. He has 2 globals to TC’s 0, huge gem and blood income (how else can he get so many elemental royalty), regenerates hordes of manikins each turn, controls at least one other capital (Arcos for sure, maybe Atlantis or Ctis?) to TCs zero, has diverse indie mages (nice getting an elemental royalty of every suit), etc. Not to mention nobody else is fighting him thanks to his silver tongue. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Martini.gif[/img] So I would take his “our days are unfortunately numbered” with a dose of skepticism. DC of TC |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Last my scouts peeked, Marignon had both Atlantis and C'tis capitols. And woe to anyone facing his regiments of Magi communions. Yikes.
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Pan has skilled PR, that's for sure.
however, the way the cookie has crumbled was only facilitated through his public campaigning. that is, Pan was open about his war with Arco, and Arco was a terrible neighbor to all (but one, apparently) of his neighbors. So all but one neighbor of Arco informs Pan that they are going to join them in their war. if Arco hadn't been such a (poor) brinksman, Pan would probably have been fighting them by themselves; if not worse. However, Pan and TC aren't the only falcons in this game. the others just aren't showing their talons. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
I just had too many neighbours http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Starting position way too hard to defend + some bad decisions. I could somehow secure border with Pan only, but it should have been better [but some bad luck in the beginning + bad pretender moves]. The problem was with Atlantis and Utgard. It's a bit bad luck to get anyone like Ylvali in MP game, but well, cost of newbie game. I couldn't concentrate enough forces to eradicate Agartha and also Agartha wass not pushed hard enough on other borders. I managed to practically kill Atlantis and kill most of Agarthan armies but my armies were spread too thin. No natural chokepoints. It could work really differently with a bit better starting position.
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
You had a lot of latent muscle in your Capital. If you could have someone used that earlier... I'm wondering the same re-Utgard at present with 1300 bone fiends and misc Devils/Demons playing outside the walls and Utgard with no Undead Mastery (or skill to cast it)... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif -SSJ |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
I would be able to defend my capitol for at least 10-20 turns and maybe do smth more. I knew I can kill practically any force that would try to storm my fort. But game mechanics have proven to be extremely bad sometimes. Pan killed there maybe 10-20 units total and nothing important. Game punished me for having high HP elephants.
And no, I couldn't really move that army earlier. I knew Pan would invade me with that, lose. Then probably you'd try to storm my castle, lose the same way and I could think about smth then. But nothing great would go there. I was really behind in research [not even half what others had, maybe 25%] and wasted tons of gems for mind hunters [LA Arco really sucks at that compared to MA]. If Pan did not get stealthy S mage from random event his army would be annihilated before and I would gain a lot of land in the north, which would also enable me to make better invasion on Agartha. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Your army was inarguably outmatched and SHOULD have lost. In fact, the game mechanics actually benefited you: remember, the auto-rout kicked in when your last remaining unit - a paralyzed golem - was at 2HP, thereby dissolving all of my mindless units? Quote:
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
You must be playing a different game then or opened a different game and look at a battle there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif There wass nothing you could really do with your army to win that. My mages routed before anything happened to Golem. If I had no elephants Golem would stop vine men as he did after elephants were dead. And all of my mages would ba alive. Ready to massacre next army. And you joined that game with sole purpose to be at war with me, so it was obvious there will be war http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
> And you joined [this] game with the sole purpose to be at war with me, so it was obvious there will be war
Isn't that kind of the object of the game? Get over it. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
i can't wait to try some stuff i learned in this game. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
As I've said before, after the initial shock from that pivotal turn where you realize your Pretender will not ascend... 1. Mourn 2. Take a deep 3. Make yourself a Mai Tai 4. Realize you have nothing to lose by experimenting 5. Push some new buttons with what you have left and learn, learn, learn and perhaps enjoy some small victories as the candles burn low. Remember 61 of the 62 players in the Mega game will go through these stages on Dom3 Nation death. On another note, I currently have absolutely no idea how DC was able to research at such an astonishing pace and still have scratch to buy all those ponies (and pay for feed). I'm hoping after the game he'll share that. I am quite impressed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif -SSJ PS C's Spectral tactic indeed was/is very very cool. Not sure I've seen it mentioned. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
I don't know exact situation, but that wasn't huge war between us. Neither of us used bigger resources against each other. So it didn't hurt Pan as much as it could, but it did. ssj: Peace makes huge difference. In another game I had all research complete around turn 65, all schools at lvl9. In another with difficult research I had everything researched before turn 90. I just write what happened. I no longer play that and I did not expect to win. I have no propaganda to do. Some people try to but are rather weak at it. Well, maybe we will get something more honest when game is ended http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
honesty is a performative in politics; there is nothing 'more' or 'less' to it. not sure what you're hoping to get then.
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Whoops, didn't realize we were back to 48hr turns.
Submitting right now. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
hi all im unable to contine due to some events irl. if you find a sub my pass for the game is tetris11
RIP Chains
Given Mictlan's position, we may need to delay the next turn then until we can find someone. It would also be less disruptive if Siyfka can take a moment to update the sub on the situation.
On a separate note, TC mourns the passing of Chains, a jolly lovable Tartarian known for his wry sense of humor that included ripping the horse section off of Pangean centaurs to make them back into humans. He was slain by the reforming horde of Pangean mistformed, army of leaded, reinvigorated, mannikins while walking his dog in the woods. Rest in peace Chains. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Well, I guess I can volunteer to take over. I guess some people may be not happy about that though so if you have anyone better, use him http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Omnirizon: Everyone is doing politics but after game is finished there is no use to make any propaganda. But yeah, I am really curious how situation looks like everywhere now. Now I can just read posts. And even when I was still here I lacked information about some parts of the world [Bogarus, Mictlan, C'tis area were one big fog]. |
Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall
Re: New semi-newbie game!
You would be just in time for Utgards exit. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif The giants have Mictlan bonefiends in the capital winecellars (I'm guessing since I'm at work and have not seen the turn yet). On Utgard's spell limitations... I tried to wish for a wish but first you have to have wish before you can wish for that... -SSJ |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Re: New semi-newbie game!
I wouldn't have much problem with sansa or Zeldor taking over.
I think that Mictlan is probably the strongest force in the game closely followed by TC,and Marignon in the top 4. Not sure how Pythium is doing. A takeover like this do alter the game dynamics pretty signficantly but less so than a crazy AI would, which would be bad, bad news for TC. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Should we advertise first to see if we can find a semi-newbie? Handing Z the reigns of the most powerful kingdom might generate some controversy given the history of violence in Alexandria and various theories of war causation etc.
Guess it should be up to his prior foes to decide. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
i think we should try and find a (semi)newbie first. It is simply rather unusual to allow a player who has already played in any game back in it as another nation. Even without any alleged controversy already present, that is just asking for it in very bad way.
Re: Stinky Slimy Things
Re: New semi-newbie game!
-SSJ |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Ok, i will post an ad for a (semi) noob.
Re: New semi-newbie game!
But seriously, even I don't know how I'm doing in relation to other nations, so I can't imagine anybody else does. Total of 9 nations left? I'm probably 5 or 6, in terms of power. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Anyway, I posted an ad for a Mictlan sub. Not sure how long you all want to wait before either handing it over to Zeldor or setting him AI. Too bad SSJ doesn't want it, that would be quite thematic eg he now has the opportunity to finish himself off. I can understand the need though to preserve the marriage. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Shall we delay the next turn then? Say 72 hours? If we get somebody beforehand, it can still quickhost.
Re: New semi-newbie game!
You made me laught out loud. Reminded me of that Python skit.. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif -SSJ |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Greetings to my fellow dieties!
I have agreed to take over control of Mictlan and look forward to an enjoyable game with you. My priests shall be instructed to sacrifice 10 slaves each to honor this occassion!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif On more practical matters - this empire is in pretty good shape, but quite disorganized. And with an almost shocking lack of spell scripting. It's going to take me a couple of turns to get my feet under me. How do players communicate in this game? Via email or PM? |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Oh, also I see you are talking about the turn schedule - what did you settle on? I can probably do my first turn later tonight but then I go camping until Monday night.
Re: New semi-newbie game!
We mostly use the PM system and message board -- or at least I do myself. The boards tend to be more for public boasting and razzing, PMs for diplomacy.
We are still on 48hr turns, but it was a close vote last we took one. At the moment the game is postponed for Mictlan's replacement to settle in. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Interesting, I was judged as too experienced and instead one of the best players in community has been chosen. I knew some people here have suicidal thoughts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: New semi-newbie game!
we want to learn from the best. any pain we experience in the process is just weakness leaving the... gamer.
on that note, i learned all about mind hunts from you, and about the naivety in planning on relying on a particular strategy from both you and randvek (blessed blindfighters don't do so well against elephants or hydras). and then of course about adapting and finding new strategies to compensate. i'm curious to see what tricks a 'good' player has up their sleeves. it might be scary, since i've heard mictlan is always a pretty powerful nation. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
I am afraid blindfighters are not good against anything without Darkness. Even with E9 bless their encumbrance is too high and short sword is not a best weapon either. And I think Risen Oracle would be better than Cyclops.
You are on turn 54 so Bogarus with huge research bonus may already have ALL research complete. In other game I had all research done around turn 65 with Mictlan. So it should be interesting here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Agartha is really great in late game. |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
If you didn't get the memo. Mictlan was in the process of surrendering to Utgard. They have brought an honor guard to the Utgardian capital to deliver their.. um.. GIFTS! Just leave them outside the gate and we'll pick them up later. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif -SSJ |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
LOL, nice sansanjuan!
I will be sending my "diplomats" in to deliver our "gifts" very soon. Please have a welcome delegation waiting http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: New semi-newbie game!
Re: Stinky Slimy Things
I didn't realize blood magic was so powerful that it actually lets you summon a better player!
Regardless, Pangaea welcomes you to the game, Ironhawk! A few things, to bring you up to speed: 1) A cataclysmic collision between noble Pangaea and sinister Tien Chi is about to unfold far to your Northeast. Very far. In fact, so far that the Tien Chi's Tartarian-backed super-army couldn't possibly wheel South fast enough to stop a preemptive invasion. Just so you know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif 2) Nathgul, that lovable starspawn-in-a-jar, was recently misplaced by his Tien Chi stewards. But we can rebuild him...we have the technology. 3) Pangaea is a happy land of fun and peace. Certainly not a threat to anyone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif We're all looking forward to a sound thrashing from you Ironhawk. Cheers http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif |
Re: Stinky Slimy Things
Ok, I got my first turn in - woo hoo! Never used llamaserver before, its pretty cool. Also my first time really using a blood nation which is pretty interesting. Tho it seems like all the territory in this game is like crazy mountain passes and stuff. Where do all the virgins live???
[edit] Oh yeah - I'm leaving now for the weekend. If the next turn generates, please hold it for me until I get back on Monday night, pacific time. [edit] |
Re: Stinky Slimy Things
Ironhawk: Do realize that you have you have several NAPs in effect. NAP 3 with Bogarus and TC for sure. I'd ask you to honor them due to the player change.
I think Mictlan is the best country so I expect you'll win but we'll see. |
Re: Stinky Slimy Things
argatha just formed a border with mictlan a couple of turns ago. we are both (or we were both) quite busy with other stuff, and havn't even communicated. I suppose a new "head cheif/preist/big-man" (whatever s. americanish horticulture civilizations had for leaders) may wish for more formal relations than the previous, somewhat unorganized, one.
thus we extend you a NAP-5. we can do a NAP-3 if you prefer, but we argathans are solid but slow moving, and prefer similar politics and treaties. |
Pangea Seems to Be Smoking Its Own Undead Weed
While we normally find your bits of disinformation amusing, we were a bit dismayed to read item 1 on the Pangea propaganda list, which we felt crossed the line. Should Mictlan read your suggestion of preemptive attack, see his horde of demons and decide to move them into TC with his first turn, then the game has truly been disrupted by Sifyka stepping down. This would be no better than had Mictlan gone AI as it disregards all of the strategic underpinnings that have led to the current situation. In particular, your post ignores the history that should have been told before you advised our newest player to attack me. TC has made it no secret that we have considered Pan one of the most dangerous players going back to his very early castings of two globals and ability to generate gobs of manikins. His huge gem income has been evidenced with his ability to instantly replace a dispelled global and his suite of elemental royalty and SCs (air, fire, water, banefire kings, faery queens, vampire lords, just to name a few who we have seen). Yes TC has Tartarians though we stopped summoning them a while back - who knows what the new patch will do to them and they are not particularly effective against hordes of mannikins - just ask Chains. We have tried to bring together some nations to help weaken Pan. Mictlan answered the call. We signed a long NAP and agreed to attack Pan’s chief ally, Utgard, so that Mictlan could eventually have a front to attack Pan (sorry Sansa - bad geogrpahy) This has led to the current situation when Pan declared war and invaded TC in response to our war with Utgard. The Pangean attack was repelled but I believe TC is the only nation at war with Pan, and still at war with Utgard. While having Mictlan change in 1 turn from friend to enemy would certainly aid Pan’s cause, I cannot see how that sort of victory would give Pan any joy. TC doesn’t expect the new Mictlan to necessarily have the same friendship that we shared with the old Mictlan, but to suggest they attack us immediately would not be in the spirit of a good game IMHO. The TC Ministry of Truth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
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