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-   -   Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42853)

Jazzepi July 22nd, 2009 10:20 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 702544)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 702541)
Well, obviously annoying but nobody could reasonably expect you to stick it out if you're that miserable. Thanks for playing as long as you did and no worries (at least from me) about bailing.

Thanks, that means a lot for me. In this game, several things just accumulated on me to create a very unusual binge. The lack of indie mages and the sudden loss of pretender paths + unfortunate choice of neighbours. (there wasn't anyway I could have fought against TC in the early/mid game, those Warriors of the Five Elemets just are a counter to all of the tricks I could do). It was nice of Jazzepi to humor me by signing a NAP.

But, luckily it wasn't all for naught. This game gave me inspiration to do my Underwater-mod, parts of which are going into the next CBM. I'm just the kind of guy who can't stand to see something broken when it can be easily fixed. But my underwater rant (trust me, I have a lenghty one) isn't really for this thread.

I had the same thing happen to me in Cripplefight with LA Atlantis.


Executor July 22nd, 2009 10:25 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Hey Vfb, did you notice the name of the province where that fight with your Eagle Kings was?
It's very symbolic. :)

vfb July 22nd, 2009 10:57 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 702562)
Hey Vfb, did you notice the name of the province where that fight with your Eagle Kings was?
It's very symbolic. :)

Heh. :D

Yes, we have been busy bulldozing the bodies into that hall for the past little while. I expect to have to add a new wing soon, there just isn't room to stack the corpses any higher.

Hopefully we'll be able to add a few Fomorian Kings to go with all the dead Eagle Kings though. :)

Calahan July 22nd, 2009 01:10 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 702500)
Could there be an another delay of 24 hours? There was a small hurricane yesterday and I was unable to get home.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Many apologies WingedDog for not getting your delay request in time. Lady Luck holds a grudge against you I guess, as today was one of the very few days I was out of the works office all day. As if it had been practically any other day then I would have seen your request before the hosting deadline hit.

So sorry again :( and hope your stale wasn't critical in your war against the demon monkeys.

Zeldor July 22nd, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I found a volunteer for a sub, but dunno if I should give it to him, so he can learn smth [but what?] or try to do smth to Ulm [but why? when no one is interested in real wars in that game, just bashing smaller targets while others conquer AIs and go for victory that way].

Executor July 22nd, 2009 04:57 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 702596)
I found a volunteer for a sub, but dunno if I should give it to him, so he can learn smth [but what?] or try to do smth to Ulm [but why? when no one is interested in real wars in that game, just bashing smaller targets while others conquer AIs and go for victory that way].

Compared to TC, Ulm and Fomoria all other nations are smaller targets.
And for us fighting among each other is a very stupid thing to do, as it will still leave one nation free while two us are busy bringing each other down, if you get what I mean.
I'm all for it, but if it's gonna leave the third nation free to keep grabbing provinces without opposition and win than no thanks.

And I for one have fought more wars (human wars) in this game than anyone else, so I hope that isn't directed at me.

Calahan July 22nd, 2009 05:25 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 702537)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 702535)
Sadly, Caelum is not capable of putting up much of a fight against the mages of Fomoria either, whose wicked conjurations of multitudes of Ashen Angels and Earth Elementals surprised our doomed commanders this month.

-- Kinaesthesia of Caelum

Heck yeah. I'd continue fighting if I had some valiant last stands to do. Those are actually fun. But it will take decades for anyone to actually assault my underwater provinces, that's one of the reasons why I see my postion as so dull. Even once I lose my coasts to Helheim, he'll probably stop there and leave me rot in the ocean. I tried to bate Agartha into attacking me, but to no avail, since he got distracted by Fomoria.

Ok, I've just caught up on the recent happenings on this thread after being away from the net all day. I'd really hate to lose you Burnsaber, especially considering how well Oceania are doing. Losing dying nations like Hinnom to the AI is one thing, but when we lose mid/high level nations like Yomi and now possibly Oceania, then it just serves to hammer more nails in this games already fragile credibility coffin. Maybe Lingchih's cunning plan of winning this game purely by being the last player left will actually come to fruition?!?

An odd thought just occurs to me, have we actually created one of those weird Japanese endurance games here?!? Since mental willpower seems to be far more important for success here than actually playing skill. But I digress, so back to the game.

Sorry I didn't take your bait Burnsaber. "Attack Oceania" was hovering near the top of the Agartha to-do list for quite some time, but it got pushed to the bottom when Fomoria declared war on me. So with that in mind...

@ Burnsaber - Would Agartha taking your worm and deciding to go for an extended swim mean you would stay in the game? Or have you already made your mind up to quit? Since if Executor, as Fomoria, is offering Agartha peace in order to keep you in the game, then for the sake of the game, I'd probably accept it, and archive all my 'Anti-Fomoria' tactics until a later date :)


Originally Posted by Executor (Post 702538)
I'm willing to make a truce with Agartha if he'll fight you and there for keep you in the game.

@ Executor - I'll also agree to this if it keeps Burnsaber in the game. Although I'll pass if Burnsaber decides that not even the thought of some underwater fisty-cuffs is enough of a temptation to stay around for.

Zeldor July 22nd, 2009 05:43 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

What other two? You were not interested in taking down Ulm when he was weaker. You were not interested in my help [and not only mine] to defeat him. You prefered to attack Agartha. You signed the really cowardish deal to not fight till there are just 10 nations left.

Ulm was not interested in getting my help either, he just got some free land in the corner.

I don't border TC and I have never seen any real action to fight him. I will support his victory [well, he won't get any items - they will probably go to Agartha, for fighting Fomoria, at least he is doing smth], as he has some plan and wants to at least do some diplomacy. He'd get my military support earlier, if not my bad luck.

People, learn to play in big games. I think I will be sticking with invite-only, after getting into last RAND game, I witnessed really new world.

Executor July 22nd, 2009 05:59 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Killed Vanheim, Hinnom, am fighting Agartha and Cealum, Mictlan also, however that was mostly AI.
I think that's not a bad number of fights on my part.

The reason I made a deal I did with Ulm is the fact whenever I go to war I get gangbanged, Calahan knows so and so does Vfb and Chris, ask them.

I don't think there are many players so have fought so many 1vs 3,4 or 5 wars like I have unfortunately.
So securing a border on one part doesn't sound like a cowardly act in my book.

I dislike how TC rose to power. If I was next to him we'd be fighting, however I'm not.
And I most certainly would never ignore a pact and attack Ulm with our prior agreement as I'm foolishly proud.

And now you say you'll support TC even more as to win without even a real fight in this game? I don't really get that.

I just don't see how I'm the bad guy here and frankly I'm sick of all this,
if you people want to end this game, go head, declare Jazzepi the winner now, I don't see much point in continuing this game.

Zeldor July 22nd, 2009 06:33 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Nah, TC won't get anything from me. All that I'm saying that he was the only one willing to accept the help of Atlantis. From the beginning ATlantis had no chance to do anything big, so I wanted to ally with someone. Only TC was really interested with that, and he was one of the mid-pack nations back then, way behind Sauro, Ulm or Fomoria.

Ulm made good alliances, hard to blame him. I can blame some others for not taking care of potential threats. You included. At least it looks like that from my position. What were you hoping for? I was willing to give all my SCs at your disposal, so Ulm can be stopped.

Calahan July 22nd, 2009 06:52 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 702623)
... to Agartha, for fighting Fomoria, at least he is doing smth.....

I thought someone should at least try to dent one of the leaders :) even if pinching their global did mean incurring their wrath :(

vfb July 22nd, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
IMO when you've got no chance of winning, pissing off your neighbors so you can die gloriously on the field of battle is much more fun than helping someone else win.

Executor July 22nd, 2009 07:04 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yes, I was a threat, still am. And I expected some wars would come my way, someone would realize that I was one of the leading nations the whole game and organize something against me, never happened.

The thing I hate about this game is that everybody is just content to live peacefully in their little corner, the result is you will stay a mid power nation, while the few nations who fight will get bigger logicaly. Shiny is AI, TC doesn't HAVE to take all for himself, same applied for Neif but nah.

A lot of player waited too long to start some wars, most people like the odds on their side as in a gangbang, that might be one of the reasons.

For gods sake even the AI's will survive till the end of this game.
Nehekhara was turned AI at about turn 15 right? THEY ARE STILL ALIVE! WTF?

Yes, I know you were willing to give me items and SC usage against Ulm but I still like my fights 1vs1 as much as possible. Only time I agree to outnumber my opponent is when I consider myself much weaker or am backed against the wall.
However there was still the matter of the pact with Ulm which prevented me from attacking anyway.

So far the possible winners IMO are Revolution, Jazzepi or me and I'm not betting on myself since I'm fighting two players that have a tendency to fight till the very end while the others are much more lucky. And I for one think that my position is well deserved and I played this game were honorably and fairly. Even told Calahan I'd attack him even doe we had no agreements.

chrispedersen July 22nd, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

An odd thought just occurs to me, have we actually created one of those weird Japanese endurance games here?!? Since mental willpower seems to be far more important for success here than actually playing skill. But I digress, so back to the game.

Hey, I subbed into this game, so I don't really have a lot of history in it. But after I subbed into the position, I'm really of the position that I can make very little difference in this game.

I don't really want to upset the players, but someone already said it that the stales/drops have made the credibility of the game suspect. I agree with that.

Jazzepi has been a gentlemen so I don't want to put any impute any failing on his part - but are there really any credible hopes of stopping him? At this point he can still roll up a few Yomi territories for essentially free - after which he borders another AI nation, at the very least.

Executor, ever the fierce competitor, is willing to fight him (I think) but shares no border. This really looks like a decided game....

vfb July 22nd, 2009 07:37 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Didn't you know it's Fomoria's top secret plan to keep TC in the lead, so TC gets to be the victim of a gankfest instead of Fomoria?

Anyway, I think it's way too early to be calling the game for anyone at this stage. Looks to me like there are 5 or six nations that are cursed with being capable of winning this game.

Lingchih July 22nd, 2009 07:43 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Victory conditions were 200 provs held for 3 turns, eh? I don't see anyone with more than 79 provs.

I'm still having fun with it, actually. And I have not yet reached my stated goal of being the last person actually playing.

Executor July 22nd, 2009 07:43 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Actually I think it's 50 victory points.

chrispedersen July 22nd, 2009 07:51 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
The opening post says 200 territories 3 turns....
is that wrong?

vfb July 22nd, 2009 08:10 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Looks like that was just a suggestion in the OP, it says 50VP here:


Not sure if you have to hold them for 3 turns or not, you can scroll up from the link to see the discussion.

Lingchih July 22nd, 2009 08:15 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
You know, I had 50 VP in my head, which is why I have been concentrating on VP provs, but I couldn't find where it said that. If so, then, we are even farther away from the victory condition.

I am 1/10 of the way there. A few others are closer.

chrispedersen July 22nd, 2009 08:26 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oh dear god.

our game leader has 10vp.

Lingchih July 22nd, 2009 09:10 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I think everyone underestimated the size of this map, and how long this game would take. I mean, it's at least a year long game, maybe more. That's probably the reason for a lot of the dropouts.

And Chris, you originally came in to set Sauro to AI, right? And then decided to play?

WingedDog July 22nd, 2009 11:34 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 702585)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 702500)
Could there be an another delay of 24 hours? There was a small hurricane yesterday and I was unable to get home.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Many apologies WingedDog for not getting your delay request in time. Lady Luck holds a grudge against you I guess, as today was one of the very few days I was out of the works office all day. As if it had been practically any other day then I would have seen your request before the hosting deadline hit.

So sorry again :( and hope your stale wasn't critical in your war against the demon monkeys.

Took me a while to summon my courage to watch the turn. :) It could have been worse. Painful, but not deadly.
But streak of events isn't over for me. :) I need to reinstall the OS on my home PC. Could there be 24 hours delay?

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2009 12:00 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 702671)
I think everyone underestimated the size of this map, and how long this game would take. I mean, it's at least a year long game, maybe more. That's probably the reason for a lot of the dropouts.

And Chris, you originally came in to set Sauro to AI, right? And then decided to play?

Er, sorta?

The game was advertised as seriously needing a sub due to problems with people dropping. The position was advertised as having prospects. So I wanted to help out.

It takes some time to really understand a position. In this particular case, UnOptimized had lots of very cool toys. Good research.

On the downside - he was overrun with more than 15 SC's. And had researched essentially no SC spells. So I immediately set about cleaning up the SCs, and the SC research. Learning the geography. Figuring out next research targets etc.

It took a turn or two for the realization to sort of sink in:

There are three problems: Just like zeldor (and other mid sized people are sorta saying) if you are midsized in this game - you have essentially no prospects. TC is *three* times my size.

Even that didn'tseem so bad except until you learn.. omg. The leader has achieved 20% of the victory conditions...in 55 turns we're talking about 275 turns here. Sure that can be widely off.. say its only 150 turns.

And lastly, this game is already at late dominions stage. My turns - which are taking call it 8 hours.... what happens if I get to 50 territories. Or 75. I'm still nowhere near *winning*... I've just dug myself.. further into hell....

So its definitely my fault for not getting the *size* of this undertaking.

Theres another problem: what are the chances of getting a free spawn, # of units, or other game ending bug? The odds are this game will finish because of real world effects: people dropping out of the game, or the game bombing.

I don't want to leave another nation open and AI (besides which I'm a nation next to TC, and that would just add fuel to the fire..... And I think I've made the position better. but damn.

So the short answer (lol) is I walked in expecting to evaluate the position and play it if it was tenable. What I didn't get was just how big this game was, and how much of a lead the three leaders have.

Lingchih July 23rd, 2009 12:09 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well, I have 5 VP provs, and am building up. So, I have 10% of the Victory number. Not a bad prospect.

I am Pan, but Pan gets much stronger as the game progresses. And with my indies, I believe I have a viable prospect to at least make this a game.

Sure, I look like a mid level player right now, but that could change. The Gorgon alone is enough to make most players loathe to attack me. And with Charm and Petrify (which I have), and penetration boosters, I am a player to be reckoned with. I would like to keep playing.

Calahan July 23rd, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
@ All - Game delayed 24 hours by request (Didn't miss it this time WingedDog :))

Baalz July 23rd, 2009 10:48 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well I for one am still having fun with this game (thanks in so small part to my wonderful opponents). I also think that people are a bit too quick to think this is a runaway game, almost any 3 nations (other than the ones getting the bad end of a war right now) could work together and have a credible threat to TC. Any two of the top half. This game is so far from being decided I just can't wrap my head around this sentiment. Sure, if you're in the bottom half of the power ranking you've got virtually no chance of a shot for the win *by yourself* just like every other dominions game that's ever been played. If you're lamenting your lack of opportunity why not sniff around for others feeling the same and make some opportunity. I have to agree with Executor - if playing for a win is what you are trying to do then you've got to play to win.

Victory conditions were agreed to be 50 VPs (out of 100) as tracked by the llamaserver as the game settings would only allow 25 to be set. Before lamenting how far we are from a win I wouldn't discount how fast some of that stuff can consolidate. For instance, Lanka and Abysia are at war right now with no other participants. Assuming that war goes to completion the winner will be at 17 VPs. I'm not super clear on what exactly the other wars going on are, but I think it's likely over the next game year or so there will be a couple players in the high teens for VPs. Keep in mind that once people start getting into the high twenties we get to the point that the game leaders start considering how to do a rapid blitz for several VPs in a short time frame. Not necessarily gonna happen real fast but we're to the point of the game then that it could theoretically end very quickly - particularly if the smaller players decide that they don't have a shot at all and pitch in to support their leading ally's play for the win. I hope this game doesn't just drag on as a never ending stalemate, but I don't see why it necessarily would.

Executor July 23rd, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Still, I feel the VP's are very unevenly distributed. I control more provinces than both you and Abysia and have less victory points than either of you, only 7. Even Pangaea has more.

This game is probably gonna be decided by air drops on 4 VP provinces.

While we're on VP's, does the rule of holding them for 3 turns still apply?

Zeldor July 24th, 2009 06:39 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Can I get 24h extension? I don't have much time for my turns, but don't want to turn AI.

Calahan July 24th, 2009 07:06 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 702947)
Can I get 24h extension? I don't have much time for my turns, but don't want to turn AI.

Delayed 24 hours as requested. Hope it helps in planning some Ulm hurt :)

Jazzepi July 24th, 2009 10:13 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
06:45 GMT on Friday July 17th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
19:00 GMT on Saturday July 18th Hosting delayed by 12 hours.
22:30 GMT on Monday July 20th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
07:35 GMT on Thursday July 23rd Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
23:10 GMT on Friday July 24th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.

In the past 7 days we've had an average of 15.42 hours of delays per day. This is going to have to come down if we ever hope to finish.


chrispedersen July 24th, 2009 11:20 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I have pm'd both moderators more than once. I need you to review my messages, and I'd like a delay of 24+ hours, please?

Jazzepi July 24th, 2009 11:22 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)


Revolution July 25th, 2009 12:20 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 702967)
06:45 GMT on Friday July 17th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
19:00 GMT on Saturday July 18th Hosting delayed by 12 hours.
22:30 GMT on Monday July 20th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
07:35 GMT on Thursday July 23rd Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
23:10 GMT on Friday July 24th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.

In the past 7 days we've had an average of 15.42 hours of delays per day. This is going to have to come down if we ever hope to finish.


brutal. - but, I'd rather see delays than have more people drop out/go ai.

Calahan July 25th, 2009 04:57 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 702967)
06:45 GMT on Friday July 17th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
19:00 GMT on Saturday July 18th Hosting delayed by 12 hours.
22:30 GMT on Monday July 20th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
07:35 GMT on Thursday July 23rd Hosting delayed by 24 hours.
23:10 GMT on Friday July 24th Hosting delayed by 24 hours.

In the past 7 days we've had an average of 15.42 hours of delays per day. This is going to have to come down if we ever hope to finish.


I agree that this number of delays is far from ideal, but the alternative is so much worse that it's on a completely different level. As forcing nations to stale by denying delay requests will only increase the unbalance in this already seriously unbalanced game. And forcing nations to stale is also a sure way of encouraging them to turn AI, and we've certainly had enough of those here to last for several games. Unless players want this to become an even bigger AI-ganging orgy of course.

Maybe the number of delay requests also reflects how much some players are struggling with a 48 hour schedule. As with a game this size, turn time can increase substantially a lot sooner than it does in smaller games. So while switching to 72 hours at turn 53 is early for some games, here it could be considered late given the scale of the game. Although I personally am still ok with 48 hours.

Nobody has been abusing the delay requests in my opinion, and I'm pretty certain nobody here would do that anyway. So until further notice, or until Baalz smacks me down for being out of line as his admin deputy, requests to delay the game because of hurricane's, re-installation of operating systems, or just because of simple lack of time, will continue to be granted. As all of these are certainly within reason.

Although if a player says "Can I have a delay just because I want to hold the game up for no reason" then there's a good chance that will be declined.

Lingchih July 25th, 2009 11:01 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ahh, it all plays into Pan's hands. Yes, please, delay for weeks at a time if you like.

Zeldor July 26th, 2009 07:37 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Huh, I forgot to give gems to somem ages in one place :P

BTW, defenders should never ever route from sieges, autodeath without a chane to fight is just stupid and unthematic.

vfb July 26th, 2009 08:34 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Perhaps your troops were not thinking clearly. Had you been feeding them well?

I'm sure for every Leningrad there's a Kut or a Masada. I don't agree it's unthematic.

WingedDog July 27th, 2009 01:30 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'm sorry but I have to ask another 24 hour delay request, and perhabs for the next turn as well. My cat was injured, he was threated yesterday, but for the next 5 days I need to bring him to the clinic twice a day for injections.

Calahan July 27th, 2009 05:12 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
@ WingedDog - See, that what happens when you do something to annoy Baalz. Put up a global he doesn't like, and he sends an assassin after your cat. It's a harsh game, and these top players are willing to go to extreme lengths to pull out a win.

Just note Lingchih's subliminal messages for a further example. Yes, I hear them Lingchih.

"Your will is weak. You will never survive the winter. Leave the game now. While you can. While you are sane. Don't fight it. You can't fight it. Only the Maenads will remain."

@ All - Game delayed 24 hours for the well being of animals.

Baalz July 28th, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 703214)
I'm sorry but I have to ask another 24 hour delay request, and perhabs for the next turn as well. My cat was injured, he was threated yesterday, but for the next 5 days I need to bring him to the clinic twice a day for injections.

Done, just let me know if you need more for next turn.

WingedDog July 28th, 2009 02:17 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ummmm... thanks, but actually Calahan had provided the delay, and I already had submited my turn. :)

Baalz July 28th, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Haha, ok, undid that:

The game will now host at 08:10 GMT on Wednesday July 29th.

chrispedersen July 28th, 2009 02:46 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Baalz - you have to be very careful moving times forward.
Especially when you're making the turn due in shortly. People will go to sleep thinking they have a day - and wake up with it processed.

Jazzepi July 28th, 2009 03:58 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
IMO, if you ever move the game time forward, you should send out an e-mail to all the players via the message interface.


Calahan July 28th, 2009 05:33 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
ooohh, always a risky one reducing the hosting deadline for any reason, even if it was only mistakenly increased for a short time.

I should be making it into work tomorrow before the deadline hits, so can I ask now what people's take is on me delaying the game at the last minute if necessary, should I see a bunch of players about to stale. According to the admin log, the game was only set for a Thursday hosting for 45 minutes, but that's still 45 minutes in which someone could have seen it and thought they had an extra day to submit their turn (as Chris rightly points out). And even though an email was sent out, if they've gone to bed, or just finished on the computer for the night (both very likely scenarios), then they won't know about the email until the morning, which will probably be too late.

So like I said, I could delay the game tomorrow at the last minute (although not a guarantee as traffic could delay my arrival in work) if I see players about to stale. But I won't do it unless I get a bit of 'all clear', as not everyone likes a 'pro-active' approach to helping players avoid staling. Although here I think it would be justified due to the temporary Thursday hosting situation. Currently 7 out of 12 turns outstanding, with just over ten and a half hours to hosting.

Would appreciate some thoughts on this overnight please :)

Lingchih July 28th, 2009 10:41 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Dueling Admins! I like it. This too will play into Pan's hand.

chrispedersen July 28th, 2009 10:49 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well I've been called to the airport, and I won't make it back until 3am, at which point I will have 2 hours to finish the turn.

So I would like an extension.

chrispedersen July 29th, 2009 02:18 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Just as a note:

A guy with armor of returning, and the ankh and the sword of virtue (among other things) gets hit with prison of fire.

On his turn, he tries to break free - and dies.
Not.. gets returned home.
Not .. turns into a soulless (as I have seen with other damage).. he just... dies. And 4 artifacts go poof.

Side note:

Did y'all know that when luck cancels a vampires damage, it does *not* cancel the drain?

vfb July 29th, 2009 02:53 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
If you don't "Hold a Turn" or cast a buff the first round you are in combat wearing Virtue (the armor), the effect just hits the empty square you started in. Do you see the "ritual of returning" icon on the guy in combat?

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