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iRFNA April 10th, 2011 08:49 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
the story of my life

NaivePhilosopher April 10th, 2011 09:24 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Sounds like you need more silver, iRFNA.

Finalgenesis April 10th, 2011 09:27 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
That is a trademark of Caelum, it's amazing troop synergy displayed in its PD.

After Aeons of existence, Caelum have struck upon the magnum opus of battle tactics adopted by all of its PD: A mix of warriors and archers (sounds good so far right?), the warriors then fly in right before the archers shoot them in the back, then they all fly away due to massive causalties, ingenious! The archers also have contest on who can headshot the PD commander (who charged along with the warriors) before the enemy cut him down, and it's a close call every time and sometimes a lucky shot from an archer can take out the commander right in the beginning, routing the whole force even earlier then usual! While I can't quite recall, I believe the PD uses the un-shielded version of its warrior to enhance the effectiveness of it's amazing tactic, it synergize so well that you can't possibly come up with something this effective even if you tried.

The only thing missing is a national description to detail this omitted facet of Caelum attitude: The nation's macabre outlook and psychotic humor, in fact all of its PD double up as a circus troope with constant turnover due to occupational deaths.

iRFNA April 10th, 2011 09:46 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Actually, I have adopted the PD strategy for my armies. It's just too deadly to ignore.

Hylobius April 11th, 2011 09:30 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
The dog pile on Vanheim is now up to three, Agartha, TNN, and Fomoria. I will try to give Fomoria the same welcome as I gave the other two, but my forces are being stretched thin. Neighbors of these three should see this as an opportunity.

NaivePhilosopher April 12th, 2011 07:08 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I just had the pleasure of watching Nifelheim's prophet go to work, and it was quite impressive. 79 strength? Good lord.

iRFNA April 12th, 2011 07:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
You forgot to mention the midget masher! Squish squish go the birds :(

Soyweiser April 13th, 2011 07:22 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Whohooo! doubled my nr of provinces last turn :D

lwarmonger April 13th, 2011 10:38 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 775584)
Whohooo! doubled my nr of provinces last turn :D

Fantastic! How many candles do you have left? It can't be that many, since all of the provinces under your control are very heavily in my dominion.

Admiral_Aorta April 13th, 2011 04:41 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
How did you manage that? I saw your capital get taken by undead hordes and you don't seem to have much else.

NaivePhilosopher April 13th, 2011 05:06 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
In fairness, those hordes were only mostly undead.

Admiral_Aorta April 13th, 2011 05:38 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I'm having trouble connecting to the server, it just hangs at the waiting for game info screen no matter how many times I try again.

iRFNA April 13th, 2011 05:44 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
as usual, email sent, should be fixed shortly

SirMu April 13th, 2011 10:03 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Yeah, super tough (see: impossible) time connecting, despite having firewall off. It looks like you already extended, but if not, extension please.

lwarmonger April 13th, 2011 10:25 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta (Post 775605)
How did you manage that? I saw your capital get taken by undead hordes and you don't seem to have much else.

My dominion still extends pretty strongly through most of the occupied territory though. Bandar Log doesn't seem to be developing the conquered territory so much as raping it with 200% taxes. Besides, I've got pretty good scales for it (the turmoil 3 and luck three means he should be getting a fair amount of positive events), so I can kind of see why that works without spreading his own inferior dominion.

Samhain April 13th, 2011 10:52 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
There seems to be some debate on the matter, but the general consensus seems to be that you do not benefit from the Luck scales of an opponent's dominion. Some believe Luck 3 in an enemy dominion is treated as Luck 0. Others say it is Misfortune 3.

See: Enemy Dominion + Luck/Misfortune

I am not sure which is correct. But, I am certain that red candles and shamrocks are not a good combination.

lwarmonger April 14th, 2011 12:48 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Originally Posted by Samhain (Post 775619)
There seems to be some debate on the matter, but the general consensus seems to be that you do not benefit from the Luck scales of an opponent's dominion. Some believe Luck 3 in an enemy dominion is treated as Luck 0. Others say it is Misfortune 3.

See: Enemy Dominion + Luck/Misfortune

I am not sure which is correct. But, I am certain that red candles and shamrocks are not a good combination.

Fair enough. Regardless, he doesn't seem to interested in developing the land... more taxing the inhabitants into rebellion.

Soyweiser April 14th, 2011 07:54 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I still have some of my magepriests running around, they can create undead. And ghouls, and if you make ghouls you kill pop. Scorched earth!

bbz April 14th, 2011 08:01 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
You are no more than a mere annoyance.:)

iRFNA April 14th, 2011 05:25 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta
Hey, I'm going to be going on a week long ecology field trip tomorrow and I won't be able to play my turns. Can I get a hold on the timer? I hope it's not too long for everyone to wait.

From the SeaOfInnocence thread, but applicable here. Perhaps it will give SirMu time to figure out how he's gonna get his turns to the server :)

lwarmonger April 16th, 2011 05:47 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 775632)
I still have some of my magepriests running around, they can create undead. And ghouls, and if you make ghouls you kill pop. Scorched earth!

Now I've put an end to your "scorched earth" in my fair lands! Now all I have to do is destroy those Apish interlopers and reclaim my proper place as a world power!

SirMu April 17th, 2011 02:23 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Nice 420 sized bird army, Caelum. It would be a shame if something should happen to it.

Peacekeeper April 17th, 2011 06:50 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
that army needs to get smoked.

bbz April 17th, 2011 02:37 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
yum yum kentucky fried chicken I wan't some aswell

Finalgenesis April 19th, 2011 09:04 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Just checking that the game is paused.

iRFNA April 24th, 2011 02:48 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Ok, I was hoping everyone would have their turns in by now, then I would have restarted the timer. But I'm tired of waiting, so the timer is going up to 48 hours again. Let's brush off the dust and get this rolling once more!

iRFNA April 26th, 2011 12:10 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Silence0, you're the only one left. 3 hours!

iRFNA April 28th, 2011 12:42 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Did Silence0 stale last turn? Once again 3 hours, waiting on TNN and vanheim.

bbz April 28th, 2011 01:15 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
hmm yea the last time silence0 was online was 16 days ago, I don't think he wants to play anymore. Sub?

iRFNA April 28th, 2011 01:47 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Taking the timer off... Anyone know the state of TNN currently, so I can give people an idea in the sub thread?

bbz April 28th, 2011 02:56 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Btw Timer is not off yet. I might be wrong but its showing that there are 8 min left.

bbz April 28th, 2011 03:53 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I think you mistook the games newbswithlowselfesteem with seaofinnocence.

iRFNA April 28th, 2011 04:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope

Finalgenesis April 28th, 2011 09:10 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Vanheim: Hylo is still here, he submitted turn in my other game just yesterday. (You might send a reminder though)

TNN: I haven't looked at this turn yet, but barring nations jumping in to take advantage of the stale, I didn't see much change to his empire from my vantage point last turn. I'll update this once I get a look after I get off work. You might want its neighbor to provide some details on the diplo, though I believe it's actually at peace (it was at war with one nation I think previously, but I believe that's no longer the case).

Samhain April 28th, 2011 09:35 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Tir Na N'Og is down but not out. I can't see every province, but I estimate they have about 12 left. I (Fomoria) is the other neighbor that was until recently at peace with them. I declared an end to our NAP3 about 7 turns back then attacked 3 turns ago, shortly after attacking Vanheim.

Vanheim had already weakened them substantially. But, they have several thugs left as well as their pretender. It would be a good choice for someone in the mood for a brief die-hard. And, few nations die as hard as Tir Na N'Og with a decent bless, E9N4A4 in this case.

Samhain April 29th, 2011 09:31 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I haven't seen any ads for a sub yet. Are we still holding out hope for Silence0? I sent him a PM (actually 2, the second on accident) on 4/25 asking him to get in his turn. He did not respond. I think it's safe to move on.

iRFNA April 29th, 2011 11:58 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Ya, sorry, I've been busy. Putting up a sub thread

Hylobius April 30th, 2011 11:32 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
I'm still playing as Vanheim. I staled when I did not notice that the game had restarted. Fomoria has taken advantage of TNN stales and started to eat him. TNN still has a relatively viable position for a sub to take over.

Samhain April 30th, 2011 04:02 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
That is not a fair statement. I did not know TNN had staled the turn before last and did not know, though was concerned, he was going to stale the last turn. Still, I played my turn with the assumption he would also play his. I did not hold back from attacking. But, I also did not attack in provinces where he could have beaten me had he made an effort.

Samhain April 30th, 2011 04:49 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Furthermore, as you well know, Hylobius, I had already attacked Tir Na N'Og before he staled.

Soyweiser April 30th, 2011 07:13 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
How do you see who staled? I thought that was rather hard to do on this server.

Samhain April 30th, 2011 10:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Besides inferring from lack of activity (which is darn tough with score graphs off), the only way I know of is to remain on the screen that shows all of the banners of the nations in play. Any X'd out when the hosting clock runs out likely staled. I know from administrating a past game (though on llamaserver) that many players though will often get their turn in just minutes before the game hosts.

I've suspected that at least in some cses this is actually a form of metagaming, acting as if you are going to stale to get your opponent to take a risky move. I've considered doing it myself but have been too paranoid that either a internet connection failure or real-life event will cause an actual stale. So, I tend to do the opposite, get a draft turn in as soon as I can and, if possible, a more considered turn later.

iRFNA May 1st, 2011 12:29 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
PavlovianCat to the rescue

PavlovianCat May 1st, 2011 12:58 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Hey all, P-Cat here. Like he said, I'll be taking over for TNN. I was able to log in fine so it should work. I'm not even in that bad of a position, though I really don't understand some of the stuff it seems he was doing (there's a bunch of sidhe champions just sort of... researching, and I have no idea why).

That said, can anyone fill me in on the current political situation? I need to know which side the pointy end of the spear should be facing.

Hylobius May 1st, 2011 08:34 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Welcome PavlovianCat. I am playing Vanheim, and we were at war. More recently we have both been attacked by Fomoria so it is probably in our best interests to work together against a large and aggressive Fomoria. I'm not certain what your current relationship is with Agartha. Best of luck.

iRFNA May 1st, 2011 08:48 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 4: A New Hope
Hope is kindled

Thanatus del Dragos May 1st, 2011 02:32 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
TNN and Argatha are friends :)

iRFNA May 1st, 2011 03:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Caelum loaned TNN 100k gold and 1k astral pearls under the guarantee that they'd be paid back with 10% interest by turn 75

Soyweiser May 1st, 2011 03:19 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I wonder where Caelum got that kind of cash to begin with. Cheater! You norfleet (do a search ;) ).

PavlovianCat May 1st, 2011 03:35 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Oh certainly! Here let me just get that for you... You accept fey gold, right? Don't worry, all those rumors of fey gold disappearing, or turning into snakes and such is just slander*.

*please see fey goldĀ® terms and conditions for full details

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