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DrewBlack August 8th, 2007 01:47 PM

Re: Balance Mod
hi Kwok

There is no file there.... or am i really being thick.."answers on a postcard..."


Captain Kwok August 8th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: Balance Mod
It's attached to the first post in that thread.

DrewBlack August 8th, 2007 02:15 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Kwok could you post here or on your web site... im really having a bad day cant get at it at all.




Captain Kwok August 8th, 2007 07:22 PM

Re: Balance Mod
An alternative download for the intel script is here:

Extract to your Balance Mod's data folder.

Captain Kwok August 9th, 2007 01:06 AM

Re: Balance Mod
I've added a help and FAQs page for the Balance Mod. I could use some more content - so let me know if there's something you want added...

Help: http://www.captainkwok.net/balancemodhelp.php
FAQS: http://www.captainkwok.net/balancemodfaqs.php

Romulus68 August 9th, 2007 02:58 PM

Re: Balance Mod
In the BM can you use Intel actions that you have not researched, yet?

For example: At Intel 1. Can I lend Intel Points to a ally even though lending Intel requires level 5?

If I'm at Intel 1, then choose "Sabotage Empire wide" will I carry out the action like normal, not at all or at a diminished rate?

Tim_Ward August 12th, 2007 12:04 PM

Re: Balance Mod v1.09 AI Update

RCCCL said:

I haven't tested this in a game with out the balace mod, but when you select multiple ships and then change systems to issue orders, it clears the selection of ships, I've had to either put the ships into fleets and then disband them when they get to the destination, or issue orders for a single system ie: warping through a warp point, then after those are done issueing orders for the new sytstem.

It's not a balance mod bug, it's the same in stock.

Captain Kwok August 17th, 2007 03:20 PM

Re: Balance Mod

I'd like a couple of testers to try out the next version (v1.10) of the Balance Mod. I just need some feedback to see how the AI is doing under different game setups etc.

Send me an e-mail or PM with your contact info if you're interested...

Q August 17th, 2007 04:26 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Would these new AI files work in an ongoing game or only in a new game?
At the moment I am in two large games, where it would be interesting to see differences in the AI (especially regarding attacking warp points as I mentioned earlier), but I am afraid I don't have the time to start new games.

Captain Kwok August 17th, 2007 04:40 PM

Re: Balance Mod
It'd have to be a new game, v1.10 is not compatible with earlier versions. But, the updated AI scripts should be ok if you just wanted to swap them in.

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