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AdmiralZhao September 30th, 2008 08:30 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Reports of Marignon deaths have been greatly exaggerated. According to the Council's analysts, the most likely cause for this is that Ruin's astral mages are bringing him false reports. We suspect that they are doing so in order to advance their own positions, and to avoid shattering Ruin's illusions about the progress of the war. Certainly, none of his subordinates wants to face the gibbet by telling him he's lost half of his empire in just two months.

JimMorrison September 30th, 2008 08:40 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Amid this soap opera of near global war, the current Prime Minister of Gath, Iosif Satriani wishes to announce that the scoundrels of LA Caelum have declared an unjust war against our peaceful and neutral mountain peoples.

All who crave and believe in justice, should note wisely the implications of this act, which are twofold -

First, while Gath is stoicly neutral in the face of regional events, we have maintained a healthy and technologically advanced defense industry. Our forces are highly drilled, and we anticipate they will be fighting mostly on our home turf, so the misguided death cults of Caelum are sure to suffer terrible and costly losses in their invasion.

Second, our top military advisors (most of whom have cashed in their vacation time and flown out of country now) have long projected that full military engagement with LA Caelum would have a 97% chance of negative outcome for the people of Gath.

Ultimately, only the other neighbors of Caelum can fully appreciate the ramifications of this act of gross and belligerent bully-warmongering. Caelum will profit greatly from their acquisition, and will turn from their appetizer to look for a more filling meal elsewhere soon afterward. However, in the short term, they will be significantly weakened, first by the heavy blow that we shall deal to their ill-thought invasion force, and then due to sending reinforcements to deal with the horrors of war in the holy land.

~Iosif Satriani
Prime Minister of Gath
"We don't want to fight you, but if you attack us, we'll make other people want to fight you."


JimMorrison September 30th, 2008 08:41 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by AdmiralZhao (Post 641872)
...Ruin's astral mages are bringing him false reports. ... Certainly, none of his subordinates wants to face the gibbet by telling him he's lost half of his empire in just two months.

Likely he is better at feasting on brains, than counting.

Xietor October 1st, 2008 12:21 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Marignon benefits, as does Ulm, from waging war in a section of my empire that is far from my capital, and does not connect. So you face no real armies in the South, other than a few elephants that trampled the harbinger last turn.

Once my Northern Realm is secure, I will retake what I lose in the South, expanding outwards from the LA Atlantis Capital, which, unlike my other forts in the South, is well defended.

It is going to be a long war. A very long war.

Darkwind October 1st, 2008 06:51 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It's a good thing I'm lucky, then, because I seem to stale prolifically. I did my turn and forgot to send it in. :doh: In the middle of a giant war, too!

I wonder, about how much of the world is caught up in this war? I know that currently all of my neighbors are at war with me, and LA Arco is at war with quite a few big powers.

Xietor October 1st, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
They fear what they do not comprehend. And they attack that which they fear.

In any event, LA Arcos. is the only one fighting Ulm that is defending itself from your aggression. So sending Ruin compensation for damages would be just and proper. Ruin will accept that submission and forgive your wanton act of destruction upon our people.

Bandar Log and LA Marignon would have to offer a King's ransom in fortune to atone for the damages to LA Arcoscephale's Empire. And if they had a crystal ball, it is a price they would gladly pay. For the Wrath of Ruin is great, but it is also guarded. And Ruin takes the measure of his foe before he counterstrikes.

It is now Early Spring in year 6. Before the year draws neigh, the peoples of Bandar Log and LA Marigon will curse their leaders for attacking Ruin. When their armies are diseased to the last man, and Ruin's armies finally burst forth from his castles, the wailing of his enemies will be great.


Darkwind October 1st, 2008 08:21 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
First of all, are you saying you declared war on both Bandar Log and LA Marignon (there may be others but to be honest I can't remember the names of everyone who's at war with you)? That was a rather stupid idea, then (unless you mean you're the only one of my numerous warr-ers who I declared war on, in which case well yeah, but I'm not sending you money I don't have for a peace I won't be able to enjoy). Second-I think they understand you quite well. I don't think they fear you, either. I think, for the most part, they have one of three reasons:

1) To protect me and at the very least stop LA Arco from gaining a fort-rich area that is, admittedly, poorly defended. Not a very likely reason but still.

2) They originally had plans to attack you, and simply found a good cover-reason and time to do it.

3) They want a part of your quite large empire while you're still alive, hoping the combined weight will bring you down.

Of course, there's also Utgard, who you declared war on. I guess you really needed to open up a third front to pour resources into. Funnily enough, both Utgard and Ulm have been at war with another nation once before-with Eriu. Eriu was also at war with LA Marignon, actually. We all know how that turned out. :angel

(one last thing-you've already admitted I've declared war on you. So, uhh, why aren't Ulm's people going to curse Monny? Are you assuming they'll be dead by then? Or is Ulm just too small to be of notice?)

DonCorazon October 1st, 2008 08:27 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 642074)
They fear what they do not comprehend. And they attack that which they fear.

Tricky Lich make puzzle. Utgard think this mean they fear that which they do not attack, hmm..err..they comprehend what they do not fear, no wait...to comprehend a thing it must be attacked??!!

Aghh..Utgard get headache. Utgard always at war from day 1. Never hardly say anything because in Utgard war is given. Now Arcos at war and make big deal. Tricky Lich sound scared - Utgard smell fear (drool, slathers down werewolf tongue)....

Xietor October 1st, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Peace? Who said anything about peace Darkwind. You are dead. Gems and gold would earn your soul a less torturous place in the infernal plane.

My message was not for you Utgard. Simple Beasts. Be content to slay whom your masters direct you to slay, and beg from whom they direct you to beg. And hope Ruin's fortunetellers are wrong.

Xietor October 2nd, 2008 06:49 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
And wearing a new hat and speaking as game admin., as Jazzepi is in 8 games and has school starting again, I am easing his burden,

do any of the large nations at war need 72 hours host? The game is on turn 60, and it will host to 61 on a 48 hour host. Kingmaker is the only game I am in, and my empire(now) is relatively small. So 48 hours is still a snap for me.

But there are players with nations twice my size that are at war now. So I would be open to discussion about moving to 72 hour host starting on turn 61(next turn). Obviously if you are not at war, or your nation is small, you will not get a large voice in this matter.

I do not want Kingmaker decided by which of the biggest nation's players is in the fewest games, or which guy is willing to tick off his wife the most to put in the time to do a proper turn.

Outside factors are generally not reasons to move to a 72 hour host 8 turns early.
But I am aware that school has started back and many players are students and have less time now then when the game started.

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