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Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:00 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

wildcowboy said:
While attempting to build a large resource ship for remote mining Ive realized I dont think the scale works.

26x Crew Quarters (10x of actual quarters max)
1x Bridge
2x Life Support
1x Warp Core
1x Warp Nacelle

This weighs in at 2115 Kt

Good catch. Will fix now and will be in the next update. Thank you.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:05 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Here is the updates that I have completed so far.

Star Trek Mod v1.

1. - Fixed - Error with Heavy Shield Mount. Will now give correct bonus for shield Percentage.
2. - Changed - Added a new Q & A relating to the Quick Start Bug in the Questions And Answer document
3. - Added - A Quick Start Game section to the Before You Play document.
4. - Fixed - Description in Supply Replicator III will now display correct Mount Scaling information.
5. - Fixed - Resource Gatherering Mount for Satellites will now show up correctly for use with only satellites
6. - Added - Satellite (Mining) to Defualt Design Types
7. - Changed - Small Fighter Engine description to read for use with fighters
8. - Changed - Small Fighter Engine tech requirement from Shuttles 2 to Fighters 1.
9. - Changed - Scanner Jammer KT Tonnage from 30 to 10
10. - Fixed - Large Resource Ship size is now correct for its requirements. Changed from 2005 to 2305.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:12 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

Dejavuproned said:
The new version looks great! Two things though:

1. When I tried setting up a game the manual way (new game) when I started with the federation I had nothing, no facilities and no tech of any kind???

You need to select the FEDERATION racial trait. You should also select the two free techs.


2. Quick start gives you ai only cheat traits, you can see this if you go to the abilities tab on your homeworld at the beggining. - Edit - Gives you the ai tech researched as well, no sure what that does though.

Yes the QUICK START games do give you access to the cheat traits because they are listed in the races General_AI file. So whatever the AI has access too in that file, you will have access too when it is used to generate a quick start game.

Dejavuproned September 25th, 2006 04:31 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
I coulda swore I did select that Federation racial trait, but ill test again tomorrow.

Black_Knyght September 25th, 2006 07:38 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Okay, three things....

1) - God I love this MOD !!! Damn fine piece of work, and I am enjoying the H3LL out of EVERY minute I'm playing it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

2) - The Borg just stomped the H3LL out of my Tholians !!! (maybe if they'd had a different shipset*, they'd have lasted a bit longer....hint,hint,hint,wink http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif...)

3) Time to start again and get some payback !!! Here Borgy, Borgy... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

*No offense intended to Oleg here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 01:56 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
This is a great piece of work. I love it. After getting my but kicked by the Borg and even the Ferengi and getting hung up by several minor races I come to understand Ive got to change strategy. I believe the AI Min/Org/Rad bonus is what is getting me. Im being totally outproduced/out expanded even within the first 30-40 turns. Any ideas on combating this? Ive even bumped my Org/Rad back to over 100% with little success.

Once again, this is not a criticism by any means, afetr all I can just tweak the numbers down a little if it comes to it. Id rather play within the framework of the mod and its intent. Just looking for ideas.

Suicide Junkie September 26th, 2006 02:35 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Can you not use a lower AI bonus setting?

None = Fair
Low = 2x
Medium = 3x
High = 5x

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 03:08 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
The AI bonus is not what is causing this.

1.) Maybe Im just not that good!!!

2.) As Ive messed with editing certain things ,i.e making some of the adjustments AT has mentioned will be in the next release. (thanks to the threads the modding experts have out there) It is a setting with the AI racial abilities to for min/org/rad harvesting. Im fixin to start a game with this halved to see how it goes. My intent is to make sure it is difficult enough so that I only win 20-30% of the time.

Ive grown to like this mod so much I doubt Ill ever go back to stock or any other at least for a long while.

Atrocities September 26th, 2006 06:11 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Remote mining will give you the edge. I wam working on a tech tree chart now. (Very basic but will help).

The AI doesn't re-act to quickly to mines. Mines can save off invasion for a bit.

Focus on getting energy weapons, shields, and combat support.

Remote mining is very important. As is using engineering, captains, deflector dishes, replicators, bussard collectors, SIF, and race armor.

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 06:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Nice to see Im not the only one up at all hours!! Ill give the remote mining a run. As of now the 50% of your AI increase still has left me in last place after 65 turns. Ive always had a habit of jumping for the genesis torp idea and mining the planets due to resource depletion of remote.

Speaking of....one clarification if you please?

Your level II and up mines/org/rad facilities damage the planets conditions as in climate or value?

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