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Endoperez August 4th, 2007 08:02 AM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Due to some problems originating from the holy/unholy distinction of earlier Dominions games, sacred undead can't be blessed ATM. The problem has already been fixed, and will be included in the next patch... which, if you've seen the http://ulm.illwinter.com/dom3/dom3progress.html site, promises to be full of goodies.

llamabeast August 9th, 2007 09:13 AM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
A controversial "bug" - if all of the attackers in a Vengeance of the Dead dream aren't killed by turn 75, the victim dies, even if unharmed. Fair enough if that's what's intended - but is this WAD? If so perhaps the spell description should reflect this? ("If the victim cannot fight off all of the spirits by morning, they never escape their nightmare").

sum1lost August 11th, 2007 07:04 AM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Apparently, a mage with twiceborn cast on it teleporting into an ocean of water to cause insta death does not count as having died normally, and the mage is not reborn. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Occured in chinchilla when I teleported an archtheurg with twiceborn into an adjacent, high dominion province.

NTJedi August 24th, 2007 03:28 PM

FeebleMinded Bug

Mindless units such as vine ogres can receive the battle affliction feeble minded.

Edi August 26th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit

sum1won said:
Apparently, a mage with twiceborn cast on it teleporting into an ocean of water to cause insta death does not count as having died normally, and the mage is not reborn. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Occured in chinchilla when I teleported an archtheurg with twiceborn into an adjacent, high dominion province.

Known issue, already shortlisted.

Issue shortlist roundup:
  • U1760 Bandaraja Incorrect nametype, should use Bandar Log nametype instead of indie nametype. Same problem seems to affect a lot of the Lanka/Bandar Log/Kailasa/Patala units. This one is the only commander currently known to be affected.
  • MOD (monster) nametypes for Jomon: Jomon male and female nametypes are listed incorrectly in mod manual, they should be switched (female number is listed as male and vice versa)
  • SPELL Flight almost never affects caster, even when there are no friendly units. Comments by Kristoffer indicate spell should be caster only (?). Should perhaps be tiered in the manner of Quicken Self/Quickness/Quickening to give personal/small scale/large scale effect.
  • SPELL Rigor Mortis affects lifeless units such as gargoyles and living statues unless they are undead. This is correct according to spell description, but logically and thematically incorrect.
  • SPELL Vengeance of the Dead If combat stretches past 75 turns, attackers are not killed by autorouting as they should be and the defender dies. Discussion thread here Bug or WAD?
  • <font color="red">BHV Corrupt/Seduce Retreat:</font> Non-amphibian commanders and victims may retreat to a sea province after a successful seduction attempt, which results in both of them drowning.
  • BHV Affliction Disease affects inanimate/lifeless units such as mechanical men, though logically it should not. Lifelessness should give immunity to disease like undeath does.

NT Jedi, I'll add your mummy H1 reanimation bug into the list next time, but I would like to get one more piece of information: What nation were you playing when that bug appeared? If it was MA Ermor or Lanka, the (currently unmoddable except for removal) #undeadnation tag may have some effect on reanimation and I would like to make sure I have all the info. If you can attach the savegame, that would be even better.

Cor2 August 26th, 2007 05:35 PM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
1 Attachment(s)
Lifeless constructs get diseases.
see attched saved game.
This happens to a mechanical man during a battle. See turn 9 of the battle in Werk Enum. I lost that battle so the mechanical man fell apart due to lack of leadership so you can only see it during the battle.

This same turn also shows the drowning seduction bug and a bug where once in the water the seducer drowns instantly apparently, but the seduced stays to fight a battle before drowning. Very weird stuff.

see the battle in lake puurple (71) to see a non water breather fight underwater.

NTJedi August 27th, 2007 11:35 AM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
1 Attachment(s)

Edi said:
NT Jedi, I'll add your mummy H1 reanimation bug into the list next time, but I would like to get one more piece of information: What nation were you playing when that bug appeared? If it was MA Ermor or Lanka, the (currently unmoddable except for removal) #undeadnation tag may have some effect on reanimation and I would like to make sure I have all the info. If you can attach the savegame, that would be even better.

My saved game is very large it's easier for me to just provide a .map file. I've attached an edited .map file for the Aran map where the human player can play early age Arcos which starts with a level_1 undead priest. The map file currently has a txt extension. The reanimate bug for a level_1 undead priest provides all the way up to longdead.

Also what about the other bug I recently posted:
Mindless units such as vine ogres can receive the battle affliction feeble minded.

Edi August 27th, 2007 12:27 PM

Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Thanks, I'll take a look at that and see for myself.

As for the feeblemind on mindless units, I am loath to classify that as an outright bug. It's much in the same category as a wyrm getting a limp or some such where the results of getting a generic affliction are somewhat unusual due to some property of the unit. Most afflictions are general, i.e. most units can get them (limp, weakened, neverhealing wound etc) while some are specific (e.g. can't get your tail chopped off if you don't have one).

So far as I know, feeblemind is a generic affliction. I have no idea if various unit properties affect the posibility of getting an affliction or giving immunity to it (blind units can't become blind or get eyeloss being the only exception to my knowledge). This is something that requires some developer input and may need some discussion on whether certain unit tags should give immunity to certain afflictions (inanimate, undead and demon to disease, mindless to feeblemind etc).

It's too much of a question mark, so I can't include it yet. You DO make a logical point with it, so it at least merits the discussion.

lch August 27th, 2007 01:05 PM

Modding nations
Addition to the shortlist, "MOD (monster/nation) Descriptions": The game doesn't crash, it just "forgets" other descriptions that come later in the mod. Mod nation descriptions seem to get added the last, so they're the first to get erased. Then the unit descriptions are cancelled out. The later a unit is created in the mod, the sooner the description is missing in case there are too many of them.

Spell descriptions seem to use another array for their descriptions, they don't interfere with unit/nation descriptions in any way. Don't know what the limit is there.

lch August 27th, 2007 01:12 PM

Re: Modding nations
Starting a game with new nations via is not possible from the command line. This seems to be because the mod file is not loaded correctly, or something, Gandalf Parker wrote about this and may have further information.

During nation selection for a mod game, it says "Nation xx" instead of the mod nation name that was assigned to the nation, although that one is used once you make it to the actual server status screen with the flags in it. Makes it kinda complicated for people to pick their nation at first.

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