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Phoenix-D March 9th, 2005 06:13 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Suicide Junkie said:
SE4 has nothing to do with S1st.
Why would they make copies?

They won't. I don't know for sure, but given Shrapnel's statement I think production rights went with MM. I.e. Shrapnel doesn't have the right to make any more SE4/SF copies.

Tim Brooks March 9th, 2005 08:33 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
Hi Will:


...will be leveraging a bit of SF's resources to get more mainstream advertising and reviews

Again, some misinformation control. Shrapnel Games had SEIV reviewed by every mainstream print and web publication in both the US and Europe, receiving over a dozen industry awards.

As to SF's resources, they are controlled by the bankruptcy courts.


Regardless, I have no idea if SEV will fit into the mainstream. I hope it will.

I believe everyone here feels that way.


Also, kudos to the wonderful Shrapnel people! Keeping the forums goes beyond anything expected from customer service.

We would miss you guys if you left, so we hope you stay here. These forums are yours.


Now you said something about selling off existing stocks of SEIV and SE:Starfury... You all are still the publisher for those games, right? (and Dungeon Odyssey?)

Until current stocks are depleted. Coming from a development, not publishing background, I do not believe in owning rights to our developers games. The rights stay with the developer after the contract period expires. Aaron came to us after we declined an offer to do a catalog exchange with Strategy First and asked us not to print any more Starfury or SEIV. We, of course, agreed. We would have taken Dungeon Odyssey out of print later this year anyway, so doing it a bit earlier just makes the break with Malfador easier.

We will, of course, still support both Space Empires products and Dungeon Odyssey through customer service and here through the forums, even after the inventories are depleted.


me needs to go to the Shrapnel Store and make some purchaces soon...

I wouldn't take too long. Projections are for SEIV to sell out in 2 weeks or so, and Starfury a bit longer.

Joachim March 9th, 2005 08:44 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
To vaguely distract people...

This is a fascinating exploration of loyalties. We have the fans to the game and developer and the fans to the publisher. These connections create a conflict with people choseing sides (loyalties require sides). This is an emotional reaction as people feel threatened, both as Space Empire gamers and as supporters of the protagonists. We also have loyalties from Aaraon and MM to Shrapnel and her people. The switch is being felt like an act of treason to some or growing up and moving on for others.

Our emotions, and loyalty being one of those, helps to direct social action - what we do in response to a given problem/issue/situation. The beauty of emotion is that it does not have to be rational, considered or make 'sense' (what is sense anyway?). Emotion orientes us to how we should feel and act.

So, what am I ranting about? What has happened here will create an emotional response for many - hence the posts and emotional tone that is expressed. Hurrah for that. But try to understand that with competing loyalties there is usually only irreconcilable differences of view. One person's traitor is another's saviour.

From my postion, I only see gain, we will get more players for SEV (and if it flops then for SEIV), we get to keep the fine forum here and thus be kept up to date with other great niche games from Shrapnel. I can see how Shrapnel might be a little peeved, but I also see that MM want to try and grow in a different market.

Thus ends the lecture... now I might go and harrass my actual students.

Phoenix-D March 9th, 2005 09:11 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
That's about what I expected, but what the heck is a catalog exchange?

Imperious_Leader March 9th, 2005 09:28 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
Stocks will be depleated in in two weeks or so.....wow am I ever glad I bought when I did, took over a month to get it but well worth the wait!

Tim Brooks March 9th, 2005 09:29 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
Hi Phoenix-D.


... but what the heck is a catalog exchange?

A catolog exchange is where two publishers will put each others product catalogs into their games. It can be appealing as it brings recognition for your products to the other publisher's fan base.

Tim Brooks March 9th, 2005 09:52 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Lisif Deoral said:
Anyway, I suppose the overall sales total for 2000-2005 is good if it managed to stay in the top 3 for 4 years.

No doubt. We will miss SEIV.

Will March 9th, 2005 10:51 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!

Tim Brooks said:
Hi Will:

...will be leveraging a bit of SF's resources to get more mainstream advertising and reviews

Again, some misinformation control. Shrapnel Games had SEIV reviewed by every mainstream print and web publication in both the US and Europe, receiving over a dozen industry awards.

As to SF's resources, they are controlled by the bankruptcy courts.

Sorry, didn't mean that as a slight to Shrapnel. I just meant that many of the print reviewers shove niche and independant game publishers into small sections of the magazine. With a retail publisher, I think it might be easier to get a proper (at least full page) review. If Shrapnel has managed that, I was not aware, and that would definitely be good news.

Anyway, just ordered Starfury and Gold... I was going to throw in Dominions as well, but I think it's bad enough that I'll be failing the rest of the semester now that I have those two games, I don't need to add a third and $50 to that at the same time. Besides, DomIII is coming out Soon(tm), right?

And I'm assuming that's a "No Comment" on the IPO, eh? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Renegade 13 March 9th, 2005 11:29 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
To echo the sentiments of some other people:

A: Calm down, wait and see. We can all predict the possible possibilities, but life has a strange way of defying prediction.
B: Did anyone else notice the "over 1 million demo downloads" for SEIV!??! Thats huge! I wonder what percentage of that actually bought the game.
C: I'm in agony! Can I afford to buy another copy on the budget of a 17 year old? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Thermodyne March 9th, 2005 11:49 PM

Re: (Shocking) News!!!!!
Well, I'm surprised. But I’m also sure that Mr. Hall is doing what he thinks is best for his business. After all, I’m quite sure that he does this for money, not the grief we tend to lay on him. And I wish him the best of success with his release of SE5.

As to the company he chose, only time will tell. But past history would say “Don’t spend the money till the check clears the bank.” We can only hope that the game is a big hit and everyone gets rich http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

edit: fixed typos.

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