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sushiboat May 10th, 2005 11:29 AM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Turn 5

Arcosephale and Marignon announce their prophets. Man hired Ferdinando's Footmen, and Machaka renewed its contract with Fordo Boggit.

Machaka gained a fourth province to keep its lead. Arco and Ermor each conquered a third province. Pangaea now has its second province.

Shmonk May 10th, 2005 12:10 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Doh! This is going to make for a long day for me. Again, I made the mistake of checking the forum at work. And see that the only mention of Marignon is my prophet being selected. Wasn't there anything else noticable? No other prophets for Marignon unveiled themselves in Machaka or Ermor or Man, to rally against the false gods that are worshipped there? Didn't the multitude of sacrifices I made to my beloved god get noticed? I mean, that was a LOT of cows to ritually sacrifice. Though it should be okay, I'm making my capital citizens become vegans, so they don't need the meat anyway. So I'll double the sacrifices next turn. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

En Forcer May 10th, 2005 12:35 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
The goddess herself brings the word to the heathen indies...behold! ...And mercs make good chaff.

Here is a question for the more advanced folks on this game-I find myself alchemizing gems to make just enough gold to get that last unit. But I'm hearing arguments that you should hoard gems and just forego the purchase. What is the thought in regards to this? What I did was alchemize 8 pearls to fire gems which I then sold for gold so I could afford a mystic. Am I making a big mistake or is this a shrewd move?

Shmonk May 10th, 2005 12:43 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Ok, this could be a newbie question, but I didn't know you could alchemize astral to anything else (like fire or earth) so you could then alchemize those to gold if you want. How do you do that? Is it specific to a certain race/item, or am I just missing something on the Alchemy interface?

Molog May 10th, 2005 12:56 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Any mag in a lab gets the alchemy command.
There should be two-way and one-way arrows on the alchemy interface. Click on either side or use short cuts to alchemise.

All gems can be turned into or made from astral gems using a 2-to-1 ration. Earth gems can be alchemised into 10 gold and fire gems into 15.

The master alchemist pretender with its 100% alchemy bonus gets 30 gold for fire and 20 for earth. There is also a standard alchemist which you can find sometimes, but he only gets a 50% bonus.

En Forcer May 10th, 2005 12:57 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Yes. Look at the alchemy interface. To convert astral to fire gems click on the fire gem with an arrow point TOWARD it. That will burn two pearls and create one fire gem. Then click the fire gem with the arrow pointing away (towards the gold) to get about 15 gold or so. I don't remember the amount of gold off hand.

You loose a lot on the exchange but I figure it's an issue of priorities.

sushiboat May 10th, 2005 01:03 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Only Blood slaves can't be alchemized. Astral pearls are like an exchange currency. Two of another gem kind can be alchemized for one Astral pearl, and two Astral pearls can be alchemized for one gem.

I tend to hoard my gems, but I suppose the best course depends on the situation. You know what spells your research is targeting, so you should have an idea of what the future demand will be. Early expansion is generally considered very important. If the Mystic is primarily for research at the moment, you might consider the danger of having a spell available but being unable to cast it because of a gem shortage.

Alneyan May 10th, 2005 01:06 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Alchemising gems into gold early on can be a solution, if you *need* that money (if it allows you to build a Mystic for example, or if you need just one more gold coin to build a fort on this turn, and so on). I would probably not use the gems to buy a regular army, unless the situation was truly awful.

On the other hand, fire gems are not necessarily important in the game, as they are of limited use to most nations. Earth gems are likely more useful, and they give less when alchemised to gold, so you will probably not want to alchemise those. I would also stay away from alchemising astral pearls to fire pearls to get more gold, as astral pearls will be of use to all the nations. Even if you are no Astral nation, astral pearls can be converted in gems you need, like Death or Nature.

Shmonk May 10th, 2005 01:11 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Thanks! I have learned yet another thing about Dom2. Here I was only doing the one way (fire or earth to gold, and everything else to pearl), not getting the part that it works the other way as well. This clears up a lot of things.

Molog May 10th, 2005 02:01 PM

Re: PBEM game: The first step (Running)
Turn 5

Made some agreements and deals.

I don't like the dom2 messaging interface, there is no way to see what messages you send or to who you send them when typing. I'm afraid I might send a message to the wrong person and reveal my secret alliance with Ermor.

Hector Stark(15 knights) is available for purchase at a 220 gold starting bid. Or 412 gold if you are Pangea.

Gynther Blukraft could be stolen from Aeroscale.

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