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fabio80mi October 1st, 2007 02:06 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
The nation of Abysia mourn the passing of our beloved prophet Forcalor

From early reports it seems Forcalar had taken comand of a small detachment to regain the border province of Urd(27) which was taken over by some brigands and bring it back to our glorious empire.

With great horror once getting there discovered that a huge army from Arco was there too ....

Early reports suggests the nation of Arco wasn't aware that Urd was legitimaly under Abysia domain and for some miscomunication the two army engaged in battle and our brave soldiers lost their life against superior forces.

Our response is still undecided , peasants screams for vengeance but our wise pretender god and our early council is examining the matter closely and have yet to decide what action to take.

It would be wise for Arco to take diplomatic action to compensate for the heavy losses we suffered.

Great council of Abysia

Loren October 1st, 2007 02:41 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
At no time did I ever see it under anything but neutral control. There are still a few neutrals about, I was trying to collect what I thought was one.

I have already ordered my troops out of the area and I will have no objection to you reclaiming your land.

I do not see how your general's failure to see that the situation had changed is my fault, however.

(Illwinter, please fix this myopia! Attack orders should not be carried out if the target province changes hands before they can be carried out!)

Aezeal October 1st, 2007 05:02 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
If it all makes a difference then forget my previous messages and let's convert it to this one:

The nation of Ermor declares total war on Cealum:
The direct reason for this is their treacherous invasion of our nations borders. This is even more so because they agreed to peace with us after we MOST generously offered this to them.
I say most generously because every Ermorian citizen knows that all Cealumites sleep with their mothers and their dogs, and for their relatively (for even their pretender god rates as lower than the lowerst ermorian soulless warrior) higher standing citizens this would also include sleeping and performing all sorts of unspeakable deeds with their sisters and their cats and horses which includes but is not limited to penetration of all anatomical (and probably some not very anatomical) orifices.
So it's clear it's TOTALLY our great leaders fault for even trusting these foul and debased creatures.
Ermor has had a longstanding tradition of hate for the winged people (mostly, but not limited to the previously mentions depraved actions) and thus the whole peace idea was a folly.. this we, the Emperor of Ermor admit.
The fact we have recieved some very disturbing pictures of the ruler of Caelum with his wing on places where an ERMOR citizen would surely NOT touch his sister has only made this more clear.

So CITIZENS of ERMOR and the whole world. let us start a crusade/jihad (pick prefered method of extermination) against this foul and debased people.

PS another reason to exterminate these pests is that it's generally known they CANNOT utter a single truthfull word

SO ou great emperor declares

ALL HAIL ERMOR and it's leader the great EMPEROR and follower fo Aezeal our god

posted per request of our host.. totally in character and thus totally "legal"
please forget my insulting post above which apperantly didn;t appear as in character (though they where meant as such) and totally focus on this IN CHARACTER post.. which means this post is totally NOT insulting

thanks for explaining th subtle details to me guys not I know what is insulting and not insulting and I will stick to posts like this http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

fabio80mi October 2nd, 2007 02:31 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
The nation of Abysia have heard the nation of Arco and believes that the attack was a result of an accident.

We expect your full withdraw from Urd so that we may bring this land back to our domain.

(indeed some kind of 'diplomacy' option would be most welcome.. maybe for dominions 4 ? )

Aezeal October 2nd, 2007 03:58 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
I disagree.. this sort of confusion is what makes it fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

llamabeast October 2nd, 2007 07:53 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Ah well, that's a step forward Aezeal. Obviously I don't think much of your rather childish resort to obscenities, but that's a different issue and one I have no interest in getting involved in.

Enjoy the war guys. I hope it's a dramatic and interesting one.

llamabeast October 2nd, 2007 07:54 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
That is very cunning Baalz, can't believe I never thought of it.

Sensori October 2nd, 2007 09:52 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope

llamabeast said:
That is very cunning Baalz, can't believe I never thought of it.

Uh, wrong thread? ;p

llamabeast October 2nd, 2007 09:54 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Oops, yep, wrong thread.

So, what news from the other nations of the world? I am intrigued to hear what's happening.

Aezeal October 3rd, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
hmmm and now my potential ally is taking my land too.. hmmm this is distressing..

Anyway let's look again at the word liar

li·ar /ˈlaɪər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[lahy-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun a person who tells lies.

So a person who tells lies is a liar.. not much news to me so... lets look at the next message.

From: BigandScary

I am not intending to invade you or take your lands. The army on your border is made of the maenads that gather around my pans. He was just searching for sites, and they flocked to him. I will do what I can against Caelum.


Since I have kept my part of the bargain so far I'd appreciate if you would not invade those places we agreed upon to be my property (considering the army located near my border.) Attacking Caelum would be appreciated though.. taking the province with my temple not so much

I hope we can continue or relation with the same intentions it started


So he is NOT intending to take my province with temple on his border.
How ODD it is that he infact just DID take that province..
So the only conclusion can be that the player bigandscary IS infact a liar.. since his message was not in character I can only assume it was him speaking and not the leader of Pangaea.
It is obvious the map if FULL of liars.. why is the truth so hard to face I wonder.

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