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GrudgeBringer April 1st, 2010 12:13 AM

Re: Guide to communions
OK, Thanks...I am 1/2 way there.

All slaves are with all masters....THAT was a big revelation.

Now (this may sound stupid) you said that slaves have to cast first because once a master casts slaves can not cast that round. And (this is the part I am having trouble with) Unit ID controls who casts first...How do I know unit ID so I can set my CM so they don't cast first.

Am I really missing something this easy?:doh:

BTW, Thanks for taking the time guys!!

Frozen Lama April 1st, 2010 12:35 AM

Re: Guide to communions
yeah you're missing something big. hit army setup screen. the guy at the top has the highest unit id. the guy at bottom= lowest

Edit: i think jarkko is right. i have it backwards

Jarkko April 1st, 2010 12:40 AM

Re: Guide to communions
In the Army setup window (where you script orders for your commanders and regiments) the units at top have the smallest unit ID and those at bottom have the highest unit ID. Hence the phrase "mages on top cast first" :)

GrudgeBringer April 1st, 2010 08:38 AM

Re: Guide to communions
OK...LOL, seems one answer brings 2 questions. Sorry guys I never played SP, I just jumped in and took my lumps.

So obviously I want the bottom 3 commanders (out of my fictional 3 communions) to be the CM and the top 24 mystics to be the CS.

But it seems I would also want my CM (bottom 3 units in the order) to have the most paths as all the other CS get those paths whether they have them or not. If this is correct you would think there would be a way to move the units around so the 3 on the bottom that you want to make your CM are the ones with the most paths.

Is there a way to do it or is it just luck of the draw?

Thanks...after this answer I think I will have to test and mess around with it some, seems my brain is full ( and no..it doesn't take much jokes!!:p)

Thanks agian Guys!!

rdonj April 1st, 2010 08:54 AM

Re: Guide to communions
It's all luck of the draw there. Your options are then to not use the some slaves that are placed poorly, use them anyway but without them able to cast, or give the masters some sort of ranged weapon and set them to "fire" commands at the end of your script.

thejeff April 1st, 2010 09:04 AM

Re: Guide to communions
Luck of the draw. There's no way to reorder them.

Just to be clear, the slaves don't get any new paths or even automatic boosts in the paths they have. All they get is the benefits of path booster spells cast by the Masters. For Mystics, that's PotS, Summon Earth & Phoenix Power. +1 to every path they have, +1 to Earth and Fire if they have them.

So for those purposes all I'd really be concerned about is that one of the masters has Earth and one has Fire.

GrudgeBringer April 1st, 2010 09:05 AM

Re: Guide to communions
Hmmmm, so if you have 3 really bad units at the bottom you might want to go with 18 slaves instead of 24 and leave those last three out so you have a better communion...correct?

Ok, I was writing this as thejeff was posting...as long as the answer to THIS question is yes, then I think I have a handle (as small as it may be) on communions and can read the guide agian with some knowledge...

rdonj April 1st, 2010 09:14 AM

Re: Guide to communions
It wouldn't actually make the communion better per say to leave them out, no. They just wouldn't be able to actually contribute anything by casting spells, so you may not consider them necessary to bring along.

Sombre April 1st, 2010 10:06 AM

Re: Guide to communions
They help distribute the fatigue. Thus they are useful.

GrudgeBringer April 1st, 2010 03:50 PM

Re: Guide to communions
OOOOK, so because they can't cast AFTER the CM casts, they still count in Fatigue distribution....Now, it is starting to make sense...thanks all (I mean it):up:

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