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PashaDawg February 29th, 2008 12:45 AM

Turn 16
Turn 16 is out.

Turns will be due on Sunday night.


DonCorazon February 29th, 2008 12:47 PM

Re: Turn 16
Osseric has released the elephants on Jomon after the Arcos emissary mistranslated our word for peace which sounds very much like war in Jomonese. Oops!

PashaDawg March 2nd, 2008 11:39 PM

Turn 17
Turn 17 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday night at 9pm Boston time.


PashaDawg March 3rd, 2008 09:22 AM

Utgard has gone AI.

Aristander March 3rd, 2008 12:27 PM

Re: Turn 17
Osseric of Arco, do you wish to worship Amanozako? I can see by your attack on the Crystal Citadel that YOU DO NOT.

Be warned it is a great sin against Amanozako to send Elephants to stomp his servants and yet I see that you have done so. It is a sin too, to scorn Him; but you have done this also. And it is a GREAT sin in His eyes to seek to use His secrets in any way other than in His service - AND THIS TOO, YOU WOULD DO!

Be warned and Live. Live and prey to your weak god that you are destroyed in the first shock of the Great Awakening. It will not be well for you to reap Amanozako's wrath!

DonCorazon March 3rd, 2008 02:17 PM

Arcosphalean Elephant Breeding Habits
The Crystal Palace happens to be built upon the seasonal breeding grounds of the Arcosphalean Elephant, Pachydermus Horribilis, which is why the beasts are constantly mounting the statue of Amanozako. Rather than letting your pretender suffer this indignity, we your kind neighbors, would like to repossess the Crystal Palace and restore it to its native habitat.

PashaDawg March 3rd, 2008 11:11 PM

Re: Arcosphalean Elephant Breeding Habits

In this game, Don Corazon is playing Arco, and Aristander is playing Jomon.


In EPOTARA, isn't it the other way around?

The alternate universes are blurring and making me pop a screw.

Aristander March 3rd, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: Arcosphalean Elephants
Yes, you are correct PashaDawg. Except there is one important difference.

My Arco elephants in Epotara break morale and trample my own units. Don Corazon's pesky pachyderms defy fire spells, paralyzing blowguns, and early thugs to squish my heavy infantry.

Rest assured that the Crystal Citadel shall be free of "Pachydermus Horribills" and their BLASPHEMOUS breading rites as soon as the stars are right.

DonCorazon March 4th, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: Arcosphalean Elephants
Aristander my friend - the problem is the statues of Amanozako bear an uncanny similarity to the Arcosphalean female elephant in full heat. This incites the male bulls to near berserk morale and has led to many stains on your holy statues.

Rest assured, we shall fix the problem once we have gained control of the province. Fellow pretenders, even our foes, deserve more respect than this...


PashaDawg March 4th, 2008 11:17 PM

Turn 18
Turn 18 is out.

Deadline is Thursday night.


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