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Ironhawk March 14th, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: Favorite games

Kristoffer O said:
Ah, Pool of Radiance!

Great old days. With a hand-outs booklet and a bizzare cardboard dial with runes and stuff for copy protection.

Ah, yes the decoder wheel http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Has anyone mentioned that there is a Pool of Radiance remake for NWN2, yet? Its quite well done, if a bit linear. A lot of the missions will be just what you remember - others will be just different enough to keep you interested. Worth a look

Pool of Radiance, Remastered

cupido2 March 14th, 2008 03:18 PM

Re: Favorite games
Thanks Ironhawk and llamabeast. So it's Star Control 2 and Starflight.

My Pool of Radiance disc should be still working, alas I lost the code wheel... only remember that one password was "wyvern".

lch March 14th, 2008 04:28 PM

Re: Favorite games

WraithLord said:
Forgot all about Archone...
Any idea where can I get Archon/Archon II?

Home of the Underdogs.

Taqwus March 14th, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: Favorite games

WraithLord said:
SC2 link is awesome http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Forgot all about Archone...
Any idea where can I get Archon/Archon II?

Hmmm. Originals are probably only available used. Looks like there's a remake 'Archon: Evolution' ( http://archon.curvenet.co.uk/ ), an unmaintained XArchon project ( http://xarchon.seul.org/news.html )... and a Quake 3: Arena version (! http://brazen.planetquake.gamespy.com/arq/about.shtml )

das123 March 14th, 2008 05:17 PM

Re: Favorite games
Ahhh, what a list. Some of those games brings back memories.

My current playlist of favourites are:

1. Age of Wonders Shadow Magic (patched and modded). This is my all-time favourite game and the game I keep going back to.

The rest are in no particular order...

Dominions 3
Advanced Tactics
Call of Duty 4
Sins of a Solar Empire
Battle for Wesnoth
Knights of Honour
Galactic Civilisations
Star Wars Empire at War

Past favourites have included:

Chaos Overlords (does this still run on modern computers?)
Stars! (I played this for years)
Dungeon Keeper (why didn't they make version 3)

Lingchih March 14th, 2008 06:50 PM

Re: Favorite games
How is Sins of a Solar Empire? It looks interesting, but rather challenging.

lch March 14th, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: Favorite games

Lingchih said:
How is Sins of a Solar Empire? It looks interesting, but rather challenging.

It's quite good. It's like a RTS game but without the agitation that's usually part of playing one. The pace is quite comfortable. They're supposed to release a demo later.

Stryke11 March 14th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: Favorite games
Sins of a Solar Empire, in my opinion, is not nearly as good as GalCiv2, which is made by the same people.

I found the difficulty to be a bit much, and any more than 1v1 nearly impossible, as they tend to gang up on the human. Maybe I just suck at playing it.

Also, the weird scrolling/zoom thing is unwieldy, as if you zoom in close enough to see the actual ships (and not the icons representing them) you can't even see a battle, as the ships are too far apart to both be seen in the screen.

That being said, the research system is cool, and I like the storyline - a campaign would have been nice.

lch March 14th, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: Favorite games

Stryke11 said:
I found the difficulty to be a bit much, and any more than 1v1 nearly impossible, as they tend to gang up on the human. Maybe I just suck at playing it.

That must be it. I played it three times, and I won three times. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Actually, the game gets easier the more AIs you add (FFA). You'll have an easier game with 8 players than with 4. Less than 4 might be easier than 4, too. I started with normal AI and then mixed hard and normal half and half. Interestingly, three of the hard AIs were out even before the normal ones.


Stryke11 said:
Also, the weird scrolling/zoom thing is unwieldy, as if you zoom in close enough to see the actual ships (and not the icons representing them) you can't even see a battle, as the ships are too far apart to both be seen in the screen.

I wouldn't say unwieldy, but this game definitely makes you use the mouse wheel much more than any other game. You don't need to change all three axis, though. I usually have one rotation fixed so that it plays just like a 2D game.

Potatoman March 14th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Favorite games

How is Sins of a Solar Empire? It looks interesting, but rather challenging.

It's alright, but the game balance is very poor. Missile frigates are among the cheapest and lowest-tech ships in the game, but are very powerful compared to almost everything else. Capitol ships are terribly cost-ineffective, and most technologies are not worth the cost of researching. Single player is alright, but the AI is not very strong. A friend who had never played the game and I defeated 6 allied "hard" AIs without much of a fight.

Didn't live up to the hype, in my opinion.

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