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namad July 30th, 2008 12:00 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
i don't think i can imagine any world in which I broke an NAP here...

he broke the NAP .. said oops sorry... i refuse to acknowledge that old NAP let's renegotiate it so that i get +2provinces and pay you a bribe.. (yet he claimed he was only gaining 1province) the bribe apparently was scheduled to finish arriving 4turns after it was brought up... (now the schedule for the bribe was delayed many times... it was never agreed upon to be delayed at all)

so he broke a NAP... i agreed to re-establish our nap IF he did something.... he didn't do it... we had no NAP for me to break.... he claims i broke a NAP that didn't exist because he had already broken it :-/

really breaking a nap early doesn't seem like cheating... it's just a betrayal... if someone does it maybe you slander them and hope to get allied support....

but lying over and over and over to make it seem like he never broke a NAP, never agreed to a NAP, never lied, never bullied me and then claiming I'm the bad guy and trying to slander me... that's not even a matter of dark diplomacy he just lies in every single sentence... he even lied about what the bribe was supposed to have been... and he never ONCE admitted he bullied me out of TWO provinces not one...

how could I possibly have a NAP at all with a person so untrustworthy to communicate with? let alone how could I have broken it

konming July 30th, 2008 12:02 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
You can check save message option when sending a reply. Still, since it is just a game, you guys might want to relax a bit. Just my 2cents. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jazzepi July 30th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium

konming said:
You can check save message option when sending a reply. Still, since it is just a game, you guys might want to relax a bit. Just my 2cents. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The good people of Tir will not have their name besmirched! All of the oath breaking giants will be put to the sword!

Tir is a land of good and justice. We even have growth domain. Not like the foul, cold blooded territory of namad's giants, overflowing with death and corruption.


konming July 30th, 2008 09:13 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Turn 15:

Oceania's attack on R'lyeh came to a sudden halt. Lots of triton knights must have fallen. Atlantis is watch from sideline and grabbing lots of land provinces.

The infamous Niefelheim giants are relentlessly advancing on TNO capital. But there are many tricks TNO can do.

Helheim's minor border skirmish went on with great middle kingdom. Now Helheim's sacred troops are having an edge. But what will TC's famous expeditionary force do?

Mictlan's sacred warriors occupied great patch of Fomoria land, but Fomoria giants are mobilizing to face them.

How long will the remaining four nations be at peace? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

konming July 30th, 2008 09:45 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
On the footnote is my incredible luck(TM) struck again. I should have known a very ill omen is something to fear, but still nothing prepared me for the loss of half of the population. We shall remember them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif

majuva68 July 30th, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
TC's famous expeditionary force is death

konming July 30th, 2008 10:44 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Dwarven Forging Group, Hinnom Branch (hereafter known as DFGHB) are glad to announce our grand opening.

Our first offer is the fabled Dwarven Hammer(R).

While you can get imitations from our competitors, ours has the following advantages:

1. It is made by a genuine dwarven smith, so the quality can be assured.

2. It incorporates advance science developed by Grigori. Our dwarven smith manufatures using computer assisted manufacturing(CAM) techniques and composite material. So while it offers the same great gem saving bonus, it is also of lighter weight and greater precision.

3. Our price is competitive. We accept 12E or N + 6 gems of your choice. So everyone can afford.

CyborgMoses July 30th, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
Unfortunately, the Glorious Northern Conquest Brigade, which consisted primarily of the remnants of T'ien Ch'i's starting army, has been dispersed by the invading rabble. This was truly an insulting end to such fine servants of the Divine Emperor. However, the newly raised Stupendous Army of Heavenly Vengeance has set out for the lands of the most ignoble Helheim, sped on by the cheers of the relieved peasantry, and is followed closely by the Invincible Southern Expeditionary Force, still marching from the far-flung edge of the near-infinite Empire of T'ien Ch'i. Marc, Prince of Dogs and Devourer of Children, you are not long for this world!

CyborgMoses July 30th, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium
What a deal! The Hinnom Shopping Network is pretty amazing. Too bad my nation's economy is based primarily on showers of water crystals falling out of the sky. Do you take blood slaves, by any chance?

Omnirizon July 31st, 2008 03:19 AM

Re: Darwin: EA/CBM/VP/hard resrch/Antilarium

we have someone getting a mite close to a stale, and I'm going to bed right now; so can't check up later to see if they get any closer.

since hosting schedule changed only recently, some players who don't check the forums may not be aware of it, and may have planned some real life activities around a 36 hour cycle.

to be completely fair and safe, i'm going to delay hosting by 12 hours (emulating a 36 hour cycle); but only this once. typically, no notification= stale.

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