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Burnsaber February 23rd, 2010 03:22 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 732987)
When can we ask for a boon again, Burn?

You can ask for one boon per "event cycle". So if you have gotten no boon for turns 11-15, you can ask for one. After that, the next time you can ask is 16-20 and after that on turns 21-25 and so forth.

So basically, one boon request per Ordeal.

pyg February 23rd, 2010 03:36 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ed is really drunk again. Our ugly cousins from the south are giving us a hard time and the world has turned its back on our feud. We are however pleased to announce that we are sending a mighty champion of Hinnom to kick butt in the arena... I mean to honor and win the favor of the Pantokrator. Ed wanted to go but he is way too drunk. Hopefully our sissy cousins will send something tastier than an Edomite.

militarist February 23rd, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ed, I сan imagine your Melqart with arena prize amulet...wow :) We hope to be сompetitive now, but what to do you with your melqart equipped with the prize from first arena :) ? I wish you good luсk and fair fight!

Gregstrom February 24th, 2010 09:20 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The happy squid-folk of R'lyeh would like to thank Lanka for the light snack - while cooling off between rounds, our champion mentioned that Bandarajas are really rather tasty. Unfortunately the Bandarajas seem to be pastured in a bad location, as shortly afterwards Glaah came down with a fatal case of Wyrms.

kianduatha February 24th, 2010 10:32 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
HAHAHAHAHA! Is that all you have? Sending patsies to face ME?

Ahem. The most civilized nation of Jomon extends its condolences to the others, who apparently have such feeble Pretenders that they dare not show their faces in the arena--unless, that is, they are so lazy they have not yet even woken up.

Baalz February 24th, 2010 10:45 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Har! And thus end the chest thumping of Shung methinks. He be cursed, diseased, limping and sporting a wound that looks like it won't heal...which might actually mean something if he weren't more than a little decapitated. All praise to the Pantokrator, whose wolven winter contributed in no small part to the humiliatingly one sided crushing of the goblin's main host. Now, onto the capital and the last handful of holdouts what need to be taught manners. Let it be known that the Pirate Queen extends her sovereignty to all provinces flying the goblin flag and anybody foolish enough to try and snatch them will have committed an act of war against Atlantis. We be by shortly ta change the flags.

Ladies, ye'll have ta look pretty closely as it's shriveled even smaller than what it started, but the little worm hanging from me yardarm be the fulfulment o' the promise that be made three short months ago.

Burnsaber February 24th, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Yes! This slaughter pleased me greatly. All hail the champion Nobunaga, who appeared himself to fight and risk his life just to entertain me, his courage pleases me and he is worthy in my eyes! Although, I wonder what kind of opponents will the courageous pretender face in the next deathmatch?

Yes, that is right. There will be more arena matches. All of you can now request me to organize the deathmatch if you feel that you have the greatest champion!

My divine eyes spy many wars and soon the first nations will fall and tartarus will open up its hungry endless maw to enfulg the first contestants. Only the best shall remain, fight to the bitter end for death is the only other option!

I also announce that I have no further need for my province in Monherboa(56). Contenstants are free to conquer to it, if they feel like they can defeat my champion who I set to guard the province.

Jomon's Pretender won the Arena. Since the unit has no magic picks, Jomon now has 2 conquest points (I'll eventually add a CQ point tally up in the first post). Probably should have added a clause that disabled pretenders from contesting, but I'm not going to change the rules mid-game (besides, I'm pretty confident that the Wyrm will eventually go down). All in all, clever build kianduatha, congratulations.

Players can now request for the arena match to take place, updated the rules of the first post;


There are five (now six) types of boons (more will be introduced with ordeals, thought):
1. Items
2. Gems
3. Gold
4. Information
5. Casting of a Ritual Spell
6. Starting Arena Deathmatch (enabled since turn 13), this costs two boon and can only be used once per event cycle.
-> Baalz;
Yeah, that wish for a Wolven Winter was a very good choice (and exactly the reason why I made "specific" boons cost more).

Also, a note for everyone; I now have modded spies (with extremely ridicilious stealth) in every province of the map. It's pretty fun to watch the battles and if your personal boon involves certain terms to be achieved within a battle, you don't necessarily need to send me a .trn file (note thought that I can't see assasinations and other special battles).

Isokron February 24th, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
What kind of trickery is this, that was a carrion dragon and not a bear. We demons have quite a refined taste and wont eat rotten meat like that.

Lingchih February 24th, 2010 07:12 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yeap, it do be true. The big guy is deader than a doornail. Seen it with me own eyes. Ran right up to the frontlines, and I be thinkin' he cast stoneskin on himself while the cold balls were rainin down on em. Kind of stupid if you ask me, but who be I to say.

Anyways, I guess I be the one in charge now, and I don't see no point in surrendering to the pirates, cause they'd just kill us anwyays. Anyone wanting our other provs is welcome to em. There ain't anbody in em to defend em anyways.

Gimpy the Goblin Chief

Burnsaber February 26th, 2010 04:57 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Work. Hectic. Overtime. Tired. Next shift... 10 hours.

Sleeeepy... Put up extension.

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