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Finalgenesis September 23rd, 2010 05:55 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
How odd, I will note that said province is:

A.) Raided by Ctis from Ryleth and held for a single turn before being retaken by Ryleth.

B.) Surround by Ryleth province on every side.

C.) Holds lab structure constructed by Ryleth.

I am certain your constant influx of scouts

If you think airdropping into the middle of my nation in the middle of my war (now ended) with Ctis can be considered anything but aggression you can think again.

If you truly intend to abide by the NAP 3, I will give you a chance to return the lone province you have taken from me.

Otherwise, do not be deceived by Agartha's treachery, all treaty and agreement with them are suspect. Again to all pretenders, there is no need to ever abide by any agreement with someone who does not abide by them.

sansanjuan September 23rd, 2010 07:16 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 759098)
How odd, I will note that said province is:

A.) Raided by Ctis from Ryleth and held for a single turn before being retaken by Ryleth.

B.) Surround by Ryleth province on every side.

C.) Holds lab structure constructed by Ryleth.

I am certain your constant influx of scouts

If you think airdropping into the middle of my nation in the middle of my war (now ended) with Ctis can be considered anything but aggression you can think again.

If you truly intend to abide by the NAP 3, I will give you a chance to return the lone province you have taken from me.

Otherwise, do not be deceived by Agartha's treachery, all treaty and agreement with them are suspect. Again to all pretenders, there is no need to ever abide by any agreement with someone who does not abide by them.

Oppertunist yes. NAP breaking.. no.

Our NAP did not include any of the provisions listed, only your demand that Agartha stay out of the water (perhaps a bit selfish as Agartha made no provision that R'yleh stay off the land). If R'yleh would like to consider an attack on C'tis aggression then so be it. In turn we would invite other pretenders to revaluate NAPs they have with R'yleh in light of your disregard for the former NAP between our pretenders.

Tiny Agartha will fall to the insane hordes from the deep, perhap quickly, but we will have a sting...

Interesting how Voltaron of R'yleh does not even mention the Finger Puppet incident!


Nauquan September 24th, 2010 03:39 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
Hold on! Hold on! The monkeys want to get some popcorn. What is the number of theis contested province? And more importantly what happened with the finger puppet?

sansanjuan September 24th, 2010 09:02 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Originally Posted by Nauquan (Post 759164)
Hold on! Hold on! The monkeys want to get some popcorn. What is the number of theis contested province? And more importantly what happened with the finger puppet?

I'm sure R'yleh has their version.

The Agartha National Finger Puppet Troop (ANFPT) were sent as emissaries to R'yleh a year back. They were set to perform "Creature From The Black Lagoon" which, in hindsight, was probably not the wisest choice of material for the R'yleh Star Spawn Council. Anyway the Troop arrived in the capital (underwater with appropriate gear) and soon became quite insane. The lead Puppeteer, Lucy, sought solace from the madness in a local tavern where she was picked up by the R'yleh Vastness (Jim?). Jim had his/its way with her (from which she has still not recovered...) but.. the show must go on. Suffice to say the Troop was not at it's best and the R'yleh reviews were injurious to the Agartha pride ("Low production values"???!!!). In the ensuing diplomatic spat we turned away the R'yleh Karaoke emissaries (The Mad Mermen) they had sent as Royal entertainment to our capital. There are two sides to the story and this is ours.

Agarth Ministry of Finger Puppeteers

Finalgenesis September 25th, 2010 04:04 AM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Let it be known that Agartha have irrevocably broken NAP 3 beyond any possible excuses or technicality this turn, I will reiterate that any agreement with them including future pretender incarnations should be treated as non-existent. Any dealings with these scums of the realm will be meet with treachery.

Nauquan September 25th, 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
Monkeys laugh at puppet thing. Good story!

Edit: Monkeys sent emassaries to fishies court to find out what fishies look like under robes. They never came back too!

sansanjuan September 26th, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 759190)

Let it be known that Agartha have irrevocably broken NAP 3 beyond any possible excuses or technicality this turn, I will reiterate that any agreement with them including future pretender incarnations should be treated as non-existent. Any dealings with these scums of the realm will be meet with treachery.

... and Agartha expects a thorough spanking. The battles were fantastic. Even the ones we lost. Fight well denziens of the deep!

-Agartha Ministry of Spankings

ooc- Could you add 24hr to this turn? Camped with the cub scouts and am completely trashed today...

Finalgenesis September 26th, 2010 01:56 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
To Agartha,

We will shortly begin our retaliation in respond to your treachery although we are in quite a bind:

We have no wish to expand any further in the short term as things stand now, and are greatly saddened that despite our tolerance on your first breach on NAP you have decided to push your luck and thus force us to expand. first C'tis, now Agartha, whatever shall we do with our burgeoning problem?

Given the outcome of your attack with the element of surprise (some successful, some failed, and we note the huge loss in gem cost on some of the failures) against our unprepared positions, I think it would be fair to say that once we pull our defenses together and throw our own mages/thugs/scripts into the equation that the advantage would be on our side.

Thus our suggestion given our current expansion policy ("Stop forcing us to expand!"), I would be amendable to restoring things to the way it was given sufficent reparations. Of course, I'm sure you'll want to see some of the defenses I was speaking of first, I will of course oblige, though the reparation required for peace would be larger farther into the war, and the window for peace is short.

We were baffled, of all the possible target (and we note some juicy and conveniently placed ones), us?

-Council of Elder Stars

sansanjuan September 26th, 2010 08:06 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 759265)
To Agartha,

We will shortly begin our retaliation in respond to your treachery although we are in quite a bind:

We have no wish to expand any further in the short term as things stand now, and are greatly saddened that despite our tolerance on your first breach on NAP you have decided to push your luck and thus force us to expand. first C'tis, now Agartha, whatever shall we do with our burgeoning problem?

Given the outcome of your attack with the element of surprise (some successful, some failed, and we note the huge loss in gem cost on some of the failures) against our unprepared positions, I think it would be fair to say that once we pull our defenses together and throw our own mages/thugs/scripts into the equation that the advantage would be on our side.

Thus our suggestion given our current expansion policy ("Stop forcing us to expand!"), I would be amendable to restoring things to the way it was given sufficent reparations. Of course, I'm sure you'll want to see some of the defenses I was speaking of first, I will of course oblige, though the reparation required for peace would be larger farther into the war, and the window for peace is short.

We were baffled, of all the possible target (and we note some juicy and conveniently placed ones), us?

-Council of Elder Stars

Dear Council,
Thank you for the interesting proposal.
-Agartha Council of Proposal Replies

ooc - Thanks for the extension

Otherling September 26th, 2010 09:54 PM

Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running
An out-of-character response for a moment, as I notice that Marignon has been eliminated from the game.

I'd like to extend a thank-you to 13lackGu4rd for substituting in when the previous player quit. He ended up in a pretty hopeless position, beset on multiple fronts by some powerful enemies. Nonetheless, he stuck with it, and actually went on the attack rather than being ground down at home.

So, 13lackGu4rd, on behalf of myself and I hope everyone else, I'd like to thank you for being a good competitor and making the game a more interesting one.

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