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ghoul31 August 19th, 2011 06:05 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
Ok I think we can end this game now. I thought if all 3 of of us attacked kailasa, we might have a chance.

But sauro and ermor are attacking me for some unknown reason.

So lets just end this.

earcaraxe August 20th, 2011 02:11 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
sauro hasnt been attacking u.

Deadnature August 20th, 2011 10:01 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
That was a devastating turn for you ghoul, clearly a turning point, you fought hard though, so if you want to throw in the towel I understand. Either way, good game.

We shouldn't say too much here while the game is still going, but....

Ermor is, in fact, attacking me. He crushed a huge invasion force I sent into his turf and is now starting to cause even more trouble. He's not really attacking Nief, because that eastern territory is occupied by me for now, so its more opportunistic I guess.

Sauro is prob also being an opportunist. It seems like he's trying to snatch up some quick turf while I'm busy.

But the main point is that you might not feel you have a chance against my advantages at this point, I'm not sure if I agree (anything could happen) but it seems like you could be right.

I don't really care who wins though, I'm fine to keep playing or call it, whatever people want.

ghoul31 August 21st, 2011 12:07 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
Sauro just went AI, and now the AI is attacking me. So yea I think the game is over.

ghoul31 August 21st, 2011 09:38 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
grats on the victory

earcaraxe August 21st, 2011 03:25 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
i think after my defeat by ur mighty giants and my resign as prime witch king, u left sauromatia so crippled, that it hadnt been able to significantly alter the flow of events.

u say no chance versus kailasa? even 2 vs 1?

jimbojones1971 August 21st, 2011 10:22 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started

Originally Posted by Deadnature (Post 782244)
Ermor is, in fact, attacking me. He crushed a huge invasion force I sent into his turf and is now starting to cause even more trouble. He's not really attacking Nief, because that eastern territory is occupied by me for now, so its more opportunistic I guess.

Sauro is prob also being an opportunist. It seems like he's trying to snatch up some quick turf while I'm busy.

Yeah, I've been busily trying to get back into the fight against Kailasa. I have to say, its been heaps of fun fighting the monkeys, I've really had to apply myself just to stay in the game :)

With the northern fort of yours Ghoul, my plan had been to try and smash the Kailasa SC that has been running around causing you so much pain.

Do we want to fight on, or call it for Kailasa? I'm happy either way - I'm confident that I can certainly causes the Mighty Monkeys some trouble, and die hard in the mountains of Ermor :-)

Kailasa really has played an excellent game, so if we call it here it will be a well deserved Victory to Deadnature. Amusingly enough, I am just about to get back to almost exactly the same set of provinces that I had before we started fighting, so perhaps that is a good point to stop and salute our new god and master?

Deadnature August 21st, 2011 10:55 PM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
I guess our triple-stale just about settles it....

This has been one of the most enjoyable dom3 games that I have ever played. Everyone here has played a great game and very sportingly too.

Right from the beginning, fighting a desperate war with the Firbolgs, I thought I would be resigned to surviving and nothing more. Then when I finally defeated my long-time foe, he took refuge under the waves to harass me some more...awesome, I really liked that aquatic empire.

Then, as the Nief giant grew monstrous, I struggled with Ermor, won some small victories and was eventually dealt a harsh blow when his god nuked my main northern army.

After that, I thought again that there was no chance of me winning. But Ermor and Kailasa were content to lick our wounds and that front stayed quiet until almost the end of the game.

This was very fortunate for me, because I had to teleport/gateway/fly/ocean-travel my whole force to the east to stand a chance against Nief, who was about to crush Sauro.

Ghoul built up a mean, mean, Niefelhiem (I especially liked the earth-empowered Jarls :)) and I said many times to myself that he was sure to win. But I was lucky that my air-bless somewhat countered his rain-of-stones-jarls and my death-bless was perfect for giant-fighting.

Nief was far more powerful than me in terms of raw power, but he lacked the mobility that Kailasa has, especially late game. So we played the guessing game of "where will these raiders fly/teleport to" and I luckily raided some crucial provinces. On that last turn, I basically won that guessing game by placing powerful forces in the way of three counter-raiding armies with devastating results. I guessed right.

After that, ghoul wisely called it, he could have played on but it would have been even more raid-defense against harsher and harsher odds.

Ghoul, you would have really deserved that victory that I snatched, congrats for almost conquering the world, well played.

Good game everyone!

jimbojones1971 August 22nd, 2011 12:09 AM

Re: Statue of the Art, slaughtering started
So it is a win to Kailasa - well done, Deadnature!

I have to say, I was really struggling to put myself back together again after defeating your main army in the north. I basically had my god (Forge lords are actually quite handy, highly recommended chasis) and a single Zmey as SCs, then a bunch of human legionnaries and mages.

I think my biggest restraint was lack of globals. Kailasa overwrote my mother oak (I nearly cried), then on the turn when I tried to get up the fire global (20 fire gems a turn) Kailasa also put up a global and I failed to even get the global up, after burning 90 odd desperately needed fire gems (at this point I did cry, and wail, and shake my fist at the sky).

So I think I am very lucky you decided to mash Hinnom and then head over to annoy Nief, as I really needed some breathing space.

I really enjoyed this game, and learnt quite a lot, so I am keen to play with all of you again at some point in the future.

And thanks to Earcaraxe for organising the game, and modding it.

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