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Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Hey I'm just wondering. Is Dominions 2 one of the first games that had so much more positive feedback than negative? Seriously people, hooray for Dom2. The game is everything everyone wants to a large degree. Long last Dom2! Hail Dom3.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
to add to my wishlist: good music.
not saying that Dom2 music was bad, I'm simply wishing for Dom3 to have good music. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
A exchange souls spell
Allowing a commander to exchange his soul with another commander, magic paths and experience are switched between the two commanders. A way for evil mages to cheat death at the expense of some unfortunate victim. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I second this.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I loved the music, It's a part of what made me buy the game. I bought the music CD too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif .
But yup, there wasn't enough tunes, it should have been more varied http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif . |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Whatever the music turns out to be I hope it's as original sounding as Dom2 music. No game has ever taken music from a REAL and live-recorded artist before.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I suppose we should have Dimmu Borgir doing some songs then http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Wonder what they would say. Probably RAAawwggghhh or something. But they have turned ambient if I'm not mistaken. So they might not answer in Growls. Actually I'm not sure if they ever were growling. Falsobordone is in on Dom 3, so you will not be dissapointed. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Maybe we should start a music wishlist...
Brobdingnagian Bards might have something. They play middle-agish music, but most of their music is too light or humorous for taking over the world. Still, it would be funny to select a Dragon pretender just to have "Dooo virgins tase better than those who are not" playing on the background... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Two wishfull wishes:
Possibility to create units that eat unburied corpses as/if there are no supplies. Somekind of "Carcass Consumption" ability. Maybe 1 corpse/size level. Maybe something for Ulm? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v5...ix/eek2yum.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Units that change to another unit over time. A Hydra Hatchling could turn into a fully grown hydra. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Currently it just doesn't seem like experience means enough for the troops : I'd really like to see all units get more benefit from experience, along the lines of 1 HP per experience star, 1 extra MR every 2 - right now it seems that the slight bump in morale is the biggest difference between raw recruits and real veterans. (Not that we see many 3 star veterans except for Pangaea & other troops that either recuperate or regenerate.) |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
And I think stars do have a great effect on units' stats, especially att and def, and of course morale. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I would like an option to hide the game buttons on the upper right. They were useful in the first few days of playing, but not after I learned the much faster f-keys. Hiding those buttons would let me see more of the map without changing the transparency of the info window on the upper left.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
A truly minor wish but the lightning spells (excluding Shimmering Fields) could use a bit diffrent graphics. The straight blue lines look a bit bland and weird.
Also, some commander specific abilities would be nice. Maybe something like "Inspiring Leader" which gives troops morale bonus and some ability that would give the troops attack and defence bonus. A "Healer" ability would be neat. The commander would have a chance to heal "simple" (broken bones etc.) afflictions from troops in the province automaticaly. Maybe a "Willpower" ability that could be on units and commanders alike. It would give a percentually high chance (40-50%) that the unit gains +3 mr when it is targeted by a spell that checks mr. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
My most desired wish is to limit Nerfix's ability to post in the wishlist.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Enemy-spesific heroes, and better definition for 'in war' than the current.
Some heroes that only join you when you confront spesific enemy, possibly restricted to some nations. Whether or not you are in war with someone would be found out by examining the number of battles (possibly over several turns, although that is not needed) and the number of units that died in those battles. In some cases, just the fact that certain nation exists would be enough. As an example, if Marignon is fighting against Ermor, they should be able to get more and different heroes than usually. Renegade Star Child with enough mental power to block his mind from reading (S2 or even S3) might want to join forces with the enemies of the Illithids. Enemies of Man (base) might get the unexcepted help of one of the few Sidhe still living on This Side, and some survivors of the witches or human defenders of Avalon might have survived to attack against Man (Last of the Tuatha). Charred, possessed Wood Golem joining with Pangaea to help stop the fire of Abysia, Harab Elder joining other cold nations in hopes of getting revenge on their relatives, etc etc. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Also special herores from indie provinces will be nice to have...
Linked to some target scales and unrest... you can get the "Sammy the lucky hoburg scout" if you have there +1luck +1grown +1sloth (+-1) and had a lucky event there... if you get unlucky and you have a lot of unrest the said hero could lead a revolt... So we can have 4 amazon heroines, 1 hoburg or 2, indep lizards, few special magic order leaders, maybe some undeads (wigth mage?) No too powerfull but nice to have them for free (well, not so free as you will get instead of a good random event) |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I'm pretty sure this was already wished for but...
#1. Hold and Fire command for ranged troops. #2. Recruitable artillary/vehicles (catapults, trebuchets, those big arrow thingies, and maybe some fantasy-type stuff) |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I'm not sure if anyone has wished for this yet, but as a person who pretty much only plays sp games, I would like to have the AI improved. At least make it build forts or not starve its armies. Speaking of starving armies, the sites that provide a supply bonus don't seem to work, would really appreciate if fixed in Dom3.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I wonder how hard it would be to program the AI to madcastle/clamhoard/(ab)use supercombatants/build wrathing squads. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I posted this response to a thread titled -"To Blood Magic, Or Not To Blood Magic".
My answer will also tied to the "Dom III Wishlist" so I posted it here also. I'll like to see many more elements of the game to be tied to an "Good and Evil" scale. For example, if you were at the extreme evil end of the scale it would benefit your Death and Blood magic but would hamper your Nature and Air. There could even be specific Good and Evil units, items and spells. So to answer your question, you would use Blood if your were tending toward evil, but not toward good. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Look for earlier discussion about Holy/Unholy. DomIII won't have more unholyness, but there will be new holy magic that has more in common witht he unholy of DomII. For each nation, its priests and pretender are holy, and every other nations' priests and pretender are unholy, or something like that. Blood isn't bad for Abysia, and it is part of the nature for Pangaea, and the way of life and much more for the Mictlan. Water/Air in the hands of Seraphs is considered very evil in almost all other nations. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I think when a leader forges an item there should be a log message, just so you don't forget about it and leave him on defend afterward and the item in treasury. (This could be incorporated into a Dom2 patch http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif)
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
One thing to improve micromanagement: it would be nice if you were able to set a default setting, where the unit should be placed on the battlefield.
You could place the current army positioning screen in the recruitment screen, and all leaders that get recruited start with that position. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
When stealthy units are in enemy territories, those territories should be flagged. It's difficult to find where your stealth armies are located when there are many...
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
F1 screen helps a little, but it is hard to find out which armies are close enough to work together. I agree that a flag (a cloak?) would be nice.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Further Ideas:
More scale magic resistance dependencies: As well as the magic scale, you could also have order/turmoil affecting demon MR (higher MR in turbulent provinces), and the growth/death scales affecting undead MR (apart from vine undead). More emphasis on leadership: Non-mage commanders don't really have much effect on the battle. What if there were a variety of different leadership traits which gave bonuses to commanded troops? Examples: Armorer: All commanded units get +1 protection. Sharpshooter: All commanded units get +1 precision. Tactics: All commandered units get +1 AP. Random: A random leadership trait. Leadership traits, would, in fact, be similar to magic paths. You could even have booster items. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
This may have already been wished for, but I would love to see the ai made "scriptable". Along the lines of Age of Kings. There are still lots of people (including myself) scripting for those games and the ai players are much tougher than the original ai shipped with the game. You can try out multiple strategies, and easily give individual custom ai's alot of varied personality.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
With an improved and more user friendly map editor the game will have more maps made available. My suggestions below:
1) Ability to create a map, the provinces and basic settings within the map editor itself... instead of using GIMP or another tool. 2) Ability to create events which occur during specific turns or when a specific province gets occupied or when a specific graph measurement is reached. This would allow for more interesting and creative maps. 3) Ability to disable specific spells, items, or units. Thus players could remove stuff they feel are unbalanced or weaknesses for the computer AI. example... during a recent game I noticed the computer AI with high research summon at least 20 cave drakes during late game. Would be nice to sometimes disable a spell like this since I very rarely use the spell and it only wastes gems by the computer AI. 4) Ability to add or improve the computer AI via scripts. This was done within Neverwinter Nights with great success! 5) Ability to place a limit for the number of each building type(forts, labs, temples). Map makers can then provide maps where gamers would need to place these buildings in more strategic locations. 6) Ability to easily change the units which can be recruited within a province. Many of these weak units such as militia are purchased in mass numbers by the computer AI. Allowing map makers to easily provide more useful units within a province can make the AI more challenging. 7) Lots of other great ideas exist within other turn-based strategy games. The two best map editors I know would be AgeofWonders:ShadowMagic and HeroesofMight&Magic_3. I definitely believe examining these map editors would provide some ideas for Dominions_3. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
What we might hope for is to be able to do those various things by messing with the map files as we do now, only with more sophisticated, complex map commands for us to hang ourselves with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Atleast HoMM games use tile-based system. With tiles creating a map is much easier, but Dominions doesn't really get any use from having tiles. On the other hand, making a map using HoMM editor and then converting it into Dominions map could be made much easier. Mainly, if the map editor/converter would allow:
1) change all white pixels to almost white, so that one could start adding capitals without worrying about the base map's colors. 2) adding map making commands to spesific province, either writing them or choosing from a list 3) adding and/or removing provinces, so that province numbers change, without changing the provinces' info. This would allow one to easily add or remove provinces from existing maps. 4) extracting province info from earlier maps. This would allow one to remake, for example, the Elric of Melnibone map made for Dom:PPP. This would also allow one more easily make a map that covers larger or smaller area of the same world that one of the existing maps already covers. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Even allowing the change available within the .map file would be nice. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but it would be nice to be able to change the initial province defense, so when you set the indipendents to 9, someones capitol's defense can be equally raised. As it is, a weak player is much more tempting than a cavalry defended rich province.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
A small UI thing that would be quite useful : in the Army setup screens, after/below the scripta area, add a "Req'd Gem" number per gem type.
It would indicate the total basic gem cost of the scripted spells according to the mage's paths (basic, that is without any buff effects that could occur with the scripted spells, only counting base gem cost of spell and necessary additional gems if the mage is under the required level). Any figure obtained that is more than the current number of gems carried by the mage should be tagged in red or whatever so the player is warned the guy needs more gems. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
On the forge item screen, I'd like to see the items grouped and labeled a bit more logically - maybe at least have the gem costs displayed next to the items and have items for which too many gems are required grayed or X'ed out, or display the names of the items... as it is, it's hard to find the item you need if you don't know all the items in the list already! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
If it's not already on here, I would like to add a manual that explains the details of how the game works in greater detail than the current brief manual. (The brief manual I'm referring to is the short manual before the printout of the spell and magic item information from the game.)
Maybe the devs don't have to be the ones to actually write the manual (if they are now). Perhaps a player who understands the mechanics, especially relating to global enchantments, could write it for them and they could proof it for accuracy. I bet there are folks on this site who would do that for free if they got into Beta Club and the devs explained any significant changes from Dom 2. I think consideration should be given to reorganizing how the spells and magic items are listed in the manual. Perhaps trinket/lesser/greater/artifact or the actual research level and (?not intuitive) category of spell research is less important than the paths involved to folks learning the game (who are the ones most likely to be looking at the manual). Not sure that there is any truly easy way to organize it without making it cumbersome and repeating information though. (For instance, items and spells requiring two types of magic would then be listed under both types for a new player.) I apologize if this is a repeat of something that was already listed in the prior 40 pages. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
The manual will be written by a known someone else. To my knowledge it will go deeper into the underlying mechanics and workings of the game. Spells and items will probably be organized in a new way as well. I think the manual will be recieved with much rejoicing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
When you have a commander selected and press 't' to go to the troops setup screen, could the selected commander be focussed on, instead of the current situation where you still have to scroll down to that commander.
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Kristoffer O,
I love these forums because it is wonderful to talk to the devs of a game I love. I'm already rejoicing at the notion of getting this sort of manual for Dom3. Perhaps it will help make the game less difficult to get started with, given the richness of the game, and help you reach a larger market. I hate to keep adding thoughts here, but another thought I am having is perhaps letting the player see what dominion a province is under if the player owns it or has a unit who can report about that. In other words, perhaps keep white candles for the player but let us see that this is in enemy Caelum's dominion rather than in enemy Ulm's. Someone else may already have mentioned this. This could be done with different color candles or with the information in the province info screen. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Being able to right click on mercenaries in the hiring screen and seeing their statistics and what men are under their control.
A battle simulator in the game. |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Not sure if this has been talked about before, I've
read "almost" everything in here now... ^^ I was thinking about having greater controll over the troops formation. Being able to choose different formations such as "V" -formation, or "U" -formation would be cool. Also adding different strengths/weaknesses with the formations so if; a mounted troop in "V" -formation storms straight into a troop with pikemens lined up in "U" -formation the result would be devestating for the cav. Since the pikemens has the range and are surr- ounding the cav. (Weaponlength is allready a factor in the game though.) If the pikemens where in "|" -formation they would be splittered by the cav, diveded into two groups, easaly slaughtered by the cav. - As it is now you often just put your big heavy army at the front with "fight closest enemy" selected. (And perhaps some of the fireing units.) As I see it, the battles should be a bit more complex. Also increasing the "flanking" possibilitys would make the battle really exciting. - Fast units far up or far down on the battlefield with "fight rearmost" often tend to run into the middle to early. All troops take up grids, the bigger the troop the more space is required, what about being able to change that square? If you want just 2 lines of units in depth but perhaps 15 units in height or viseversa. Let's say you have 30 units, size 5 with the "trample" ability, (troglodytes huh? ^^) and you're about to attack a minor province with 50 barbarians, granted it's pretty obvious that you would win. But having the units in one line or two might be even better at this point. The "stealthy" units could get really resourcefull at this point. Having a scout with you could imply benefitial information about your opponents lineup. Thus helping you with your formationsetup. Ok, hopefully this evolves into something awesome. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
The main wish is probably an Aboleth theme for R'lyeh. I shudder when I think how great it would be. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Post#294834 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Anyways, hope it does. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
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