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Re: bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Mods on Macs with #Clear Commands
Apparently, mods with various #clear commands make Mac computers freeze up. I had this happen with the latest version of Q.M.'s CB mod and Turn's Heroes mod. (Sorry if this has already been reported. I would just SCREAM if I had to read the entire thread. Thanks.) |
Re: bug thread
The turn resolves normally normally. I view the battles that took place. My saurolich, equipped with Nethgul, is in combat with Kurgi and is apparently hit by Kurgi's Horror Mark and Curse. Then it appears that Nethgul hits his own wielder with Soul Slay, killing him, then tries to cast his second spell for the round, but his wielder is already dead and the game crashes with "evalspell: bad unr".
Re: bug thread
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Bug.gif Dragons in Human form don't change the shape when wounded like the description says, in moment they change the shape when dead (to a full health dragon).
The stupid thing: They get 0-3 afflictions before dead (because of the low hitpoints of the human form), which means you've a very crippled dragon after that. Maybe this part is intended, so take this just as a suggestion for improvement. |
Re: bug thread
Anytime an opponent dies the graph of the opponent vanishes. At the end of the game there's no way to review the progress of the game because no one remains. If we want to remove a nation from view in DOM_2 all we had to do was click their flag... so please fix it. It's sad not being able to view the graph history at the end of a game! Second bug: [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Summon Great Eagle... the description says these birds are sacred yet when summoned they do not have the sacred status. Either the description or the unit needs to be fixed. I did verify two great eagles exists where one is sacred and the other is not sacred. The spell description says we recieve a sacred eagle yet the non-sacred eagle is what appears. |
Re: bug thread
Re: bug thread
For what it's worth, the Ark does seem to function correctly. I dunno about diseases and blindness, but there's a whole lot of fireworks and smiting that don't result from any of my commander's spells. |
Re: bug thread
All successful 'seduction' messages say the enemy commander was transported to your home with the help of the succubus, regardless of the actual unit.
Re: bug thread
This occured to me recently: I summoned an unique Demon Lord and prophetised him. A while after he died in combat, so I summoned him again and he had retained his prophet status, even though I was able to appoint another prophet, so in effect I could have had two prophets.
Re: bug thread
On one late-game turn, all commander icons in the Message window have been replaced by question marks.
The commanders are all still there and alive and performing their mission, even if the game can't find them. It did succeed in finding the first commander on the message list (my Pretender). I don't see any particular reason why this might've happened on this turn. I have made a backup of all the save files, and could send them upon request. |
Re: bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Two weirdnesses with communion in this turn. Version 3.00.
Priest who is also a communion master casts more than one "smite" spell per combat round (in the aquatic battle). and Mage who is a communion master is unable to cast spells he should be able to. (in the land battle). Note that he is scripted for blade wind but never casts it even though communion should boost him from 1E to 3E. I suspect that communion is simply not boosting magic level at all in some cases. In others it seems to work as the priest is able to cast Fanaticism when he otherwise couldn't. These problems occur in the battles involving R'lyeh, ignore the battles with Niefelheim that my scouts watched. |
Re: Bug thread
Not that much of a serious bug but, and I'm hoping it hasn't been mention already, but:
Voice of Tiamat must be cast from an underwater province, yet doesn't say so in the description I'd think this spell should be castable even from the ground, though it just might need a description update |
Re: Bug thread
--nonationselect and --noscoregraphs don't seem to work. When creating a game from the commandline in linux, use of either switch will reply with unkown switch.
Re: Bug thread
Anyone know if this is a bug? I empowered my prentender from level 3 air to level 4. I have watched several battles with my sacred units and they are not getting the air shield buff. Do you only get the bless effects from the magic paths when you initially create your prentender? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Casting Fata Morgana still causes the Turn Resolve to break right after the AI Thinking part in 3.1.
This is extremely nasty, unpleasant and annoying, since we just figured this out the hard way deep into a multiplayer game. |
Re: Bug thread
On 1 of my computers game falls when viewin battle (hangs under linux and reboots or tries to send bug report to ATI under windoz). Replacin motherboard+processor+memory (switchin from socket 939 to socket am2) did not help. The faulty computer has ATI X700 video, the good computer has Nvidia. I strongly suspect that closed-source ATI drivers I'm usin are incompatible with Dom3.
If you are playin on ATI X700 or similar, what's your video drivers version? |
Re: Bug thread
Storm Generals of Caelum can only lead 40 units. High Seraphs and Seraphines can lead the same amount, cost less resources and one is a mage, the other a stealthy priest. There's no reason to ever buy a Storm General. They should have better leadership value.
AI behavior
Possible AI silliness: a living, non-recuperating nation building and garrisoning fortress/lab complex on top of Inkpot End -- legal, but strange since Inkpot End is an always-visible disease-causing site.
Re: AI behavior
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] When the right side menu is hidden - key (h) - , the access to the options menu - key (esc) - doesn't work anymore, the right menu must be unhidden to regain access to the options menu.
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] The "inserted province" function in the map editor seem to do nothing.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 |
Re: Bug thread
Edit : no bugs at all, just a bad us of the shortcuts. Thanks for the help. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] In two of my games (long games with a lot of turns), the national standards aren't displayed anymore. Same for castles : there should be some on that screen, but nothing : http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/9...conshk4.th.jpg |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
I'll check (but I'm a noob in the .map syntax, what keywords do I have to check ? ). But I don't think it's this, the displaying was OK for a lot of turns. And the other game is on vanilla Aran.
Re: Bug thread
I'm not sure, but I think the filters you are looking for are 1 or 2, just try all the numbers. That is, if I understood what NT meant |
Re: Bug thread
Ooops, yeah, it seems that it's the user who is buggy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif . Don't know how I hit the shif-1 key, but that's what I did. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: Bug thread
Thanks for the 3.04 patch.
Big http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Bug.gif Could you please have an eye on the dominions increase chance bug which is reported priviously here. I tested with 3.04 and modded a map with 45 temples and starting dominion of 1 and without connection to enemy dominions. So i should have 45 Temple increase chances with 100% success (no spread besites the home province because its the very first turn) But i only get very few additional candles every turn (between 5-6 in average) which shows that the chance of dominions increase is still 10% (from starting dominion 1). This is a very serious bug and should be fixed as soon as possible. |
Re: Bug thread
"Increase" and "spread" are two different tests:
The "Increase" test is as you described. If that test is failed for (example) a temple no "spread" test will occur. But when the test is passed there will be another test called "Spread" (if not the province is neutral, then it will increase automatically by 1). The spread test is as follows: 30% minus (3% multiplied by the current friendly dominion in that province). If that test fails the dominion will try another province until all is tested or it bumps into an enemy dominion. The test for converting enemy dominion is 50% plus (your maximum dominion strength times 5%) minus (current enemy dominion in the province times 5%). My point is: The more dominion you have in a province the harder it will be for it to increase even if you have 1000 temples and 10 in starting dominion. Thas is because the the spread test is not affected by above factors, only your current dominion in that province and that is acting as a deterrent. 30% is the highest spread value you can have. 100% is the highest increase value you can have (I believe), needed to take those spread tests. Cheers! |
Re: Bug thread
I didn't write anything about "spread".
I mean (and wrote) the "increase" test which has a bug. For example, i've 45 lands with 45 tamples at the start of the game. 1 Candle is burning in the home province. In turn 2 all the temple provinces besites the home province should have 1 candle (because its a neutral province and so it just increase it with 1 candle). This happens without any problems when i start with a dominions 10 pretender but i only get 5-6 candles at all with a dominion 1 pretender. Page 93 (example box) says the dominion increase chance is (initial dominion + 1 for each 5 temples)*10 in percent. And so a dominions 1 pretender and 45 temples should be absolute the same as if i use a dominions 10 pretender (both should have an increase chance of 100% per temple check). But its not! The bug is that only the pretender creation dominions value is used for the increase chance and the temples don't increase anything on this "dominions increase chance" Spreading occurs not in the very first turn (because all temple provinces are neutral and so no spread (besites home province)) and so its not important to consider for this testing! |
Re: Bug thread
I see, sorry for misunderstanding. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Most probably a bug then. |
Mandaha, a national summon of the new Lanka nation, does not have darkvision, which seems silly since they are the bringers of darkness. They cause darkness, and then can't see anything themselves. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Spell Summon Davana has no description. Spell Summon Dakini description has typos: "THe Daikini..." |
Re: Mandaha
That reminds me:
If there are two Mandaha in a battle, and one of them dies, the Darkness vanishes. That is, only one Mandaha will cause the Darkness effect. |
AI stupidity
The AI gives the Black Heart to mages without stealth.
There is no reason to do that, ever. But I've seen AIs do it twice now, spending their blood slaves to cripple their mages with chest wounds for no benefit. |
Imprisoned gods
Game equivocates on whether AI gods are imprisoned
Twice now, I've met and killed an AI's god, yet a few turns later gotten the "X has broken free" message for the god I've already fought and killed. The god seems to be reset to full stats- no path loss for the previous death. |
Whose armies, anyways
Sometimes game decides to give me "enemy army reports" on all my armies.
A few turns ago, a game started giving me "spy reports" on all of my own provinces. All the normal information is still there too, I can still use and alter the province normally, but I see things like "The province contains about 9 hostile units..." Once it started, it has been in place for all my provinces and has not gone away. I've saved a copy of my game. This is 1.04. |
Re: Whose armies, anyways
To update: the "spy reports on own armies/provinces" went away after a few more turns. Quitting/reopening doesn't remove it; the saved copy shows it reliably.
Re: Bug thread
when an army lost a battle of breaking out siege , should retreat back to fort
Re: Bug thread
The graph has a maximum income it can show. I exceeded that when I cast Gift of Nature's Bounty. Now, with 3.04 I cast Fata Morgana and my income took another major leap--yet my income graph is a flat line.
I've also run into an item stacking issue. Like items don't stack, period. While sensible for things like rings of wizardry, this is unreasonable when their effects are independent. If I have two kettles of broth I should have 200 units of supply! I also think there should be another category of item a hero can carry: Those which have no tactical benefit. These should be unlimited. It's silly to have a whole bunch of heroes with kettles of broth trailing along with the guys actually leading the troops. Also, I can find no means to get rid of useless troops. What good are tritons when I don't expect to ever fight in that water again? |
Re: Bug thread
I confirm that army size and gold income do go flat line in Dominions_3 after being increased to a certain point. Even though the total limit for these has been increased for games the graphs haven't been updated. This can be a problem for those playing large maps and two or more reach the flat line... thus leaving other opponents unable to judge who is the strongest. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] In fact the graphs have lost functionality because now when an opponent dies its graph vanishes thus there's no way to view the graph history at the end of a game. I'm hoping this functionality is restored within an upcoming patch. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
I agree that it should be changed, mind you; but if it is a bug, it's not a new one. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] 3.04 reanimation bug - LA C'tis still can't reanimate Tombworms
Checked with prophetised Tomb King |
Re: Bug thread
Magic shields are too good against missiles, easily giving over 80% chance of arrows being deflected. Thread with maths. |
Re: Bug thread
3.04: Shuten-doji, flute aura affect friends
3.04: Bug:
The "flute" aura of the Shuten-doji (the "mortal vampire" of the MA Nation "Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono") affect friends and not only foes. Possible Bug: When giving the Shuten-doji a weapon (one-handed) or a shield he loose his life-drain attack. Do he need both his hands to life-drain ? I think the life-drain weapon should made #bonus. Reason: He is a kind of vampire and suck blood with his mouth, not with his hands. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
A typo in Kailāsa. It seems that the game spells it 'Kailasa' in all cases (without dash above second 'a').
I demand that monkey people get equal treatment. I mean, there's Utgård. It's not so easy to fool a badger, especially one that makes nautical charts for a living. I've seen 'Kailāsa Range' on a chart covering India. This is NOT what Nelson Mandela was fighting for ! Proof here: http://www.highbeam.com/docprint.asp...d=1O101:Kailsa |
Devasura description; underwater devils; capitals
Devasura, having gone over to the Dark Side, is no longer seeking redemption from Kailasa but is with Lanka.
He's also the only Lanka hero I've seen, which is quite possibly not a bug but working as designed. Devils from The Looming Hell can appear and fight underwater, even though they are neither amphibious nor aquatic. If I capture Ulm and can recruit amazons there... why couldn't Ulm have done the same? Thematic bug: it's very odd that, after capturing a capital, one can recruit troops there based on the underlying indy poptype that the owner of the capital could not recruit. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
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