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Baalz April 29th, 2008 01:29 PM

Re: /cry Well of Misery dispelled
Aaarg that was painful to watch. All those astral kings I screwed up the scripting on. In case you're wondering why they all died, they were supposed to have breath of winter scripted rather than quicken self...they all killed themselves! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Xietor April 29th, 2008 01:31 PM

Re: /cry Well of Misery dispelled
They died because they fought men dedicated to Bones, Lord of the the Dead, and who are well trained despite being part of the local province defense force!

Xietor May 1st, 2008 09:45 AM

Keep Playing?
Does everyone want to continue? I am still having fun, but that may be because things are going well.


We have 3 subs in the game now playing Atlantis, ermor, and Marignon respectively. And Atlantis staled last turn, and Caelum has staled twice in the past 2 turns.

And with most players left in this game also playing in the Kingmaker game, interest may well be waning in this game.

Zeldor May 1st, 2008 10:18 AM

Re: Keep Playing?
I told to finish that around 20 turns ago when things were obvious. But you prefered your propaganda http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

P.S. Still not decided on my pick in mega-game, I tried some pretender designs, any advices on PM? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Baalz May 1st, 2008 11:07 AM

Re: Keep Playing?
FYI, I staled due to a goof up, I thought I submitted my turn. But I'm more than content to call this game done, I lost any hope of winning last turn...I threw most of what I had at you.

Xietor May 1st, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: Keep Playing?
Zeldor, it is not propaganda.

From Legendary War Master Sun Tzu:

"All warfare is based on deception.

Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we
are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder,
and crush him."

When Sir_Dr_D committed Marignon to attacking Atlantis, I had a very good feeling about the result of this game. Had he chose to side with Atlantis, I would have had to defend
3 fronts, and things may well have turned out differently in our war.

Marignon had no chance to win, but had enough power to influence who did.

But Bones will continue plow ahead unless I hear from caelum and Ermor. The winner of that war could also have a shot. Though if Caelum stales a 3rd time in a row, they will be set to ai.

Baalz May 1st, 2008 05:04 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Well, as I'm not seeing an objection I'm not taking the hour or so to do my turn. GG Xietor, hopefully you'll beat me less times next game! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Xietor May 1st, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
well, as of now we are still on!

Xietor May 4th, 2008 05:00 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Atlantis will be set to ai this turn. 3 stales in a row=ai.

Tichy May 4th, 2008 11:12 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Did anyone PM Baalz? That last post of his sounded like he was retiring from the game.

Xietor May 5th, 2008 01:09 AM

Re: Keep Playing?
Yes, he put Atlantis to ai.

Xietor May 9th, 2008 08:06 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Ermor has staled 2 turns in a row. By rule they can be set to ai now. But they will be given 1 more turn since the game is down to so few players as it is. And I gave Atlantis 3 turns as well.

Xietor May 11th, 2008 05:11 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
And on turn 88, we bid Valerius a fond farewell! Thank you for gutting it out for such a long time with Abysia. A lesson in tenacity. Without a real of hope of winning the game outright, Valerius stayed and remained a thorn in the side of his enemies for a good 50 turns after his kingdom was overrun by Eriu!

Welcome back Zhao! Of course on your 1st turn back you direct Ermor, my longtime friend, to attack me(: But who else is there to attack? It is endgame, and former allies and friends must now vie with each other-for all of our former enemies are no more. And perhaps you can weaken me enough for Caelum to seize the crown.

AdmiralZhao May 11th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Yes, my two stales were just a clever ruse to get you to lower your guard. Muha! The hordes of Ermor are on the march!

Xietor May 11th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
From page 1 of the rules:

"Staling 2 turns in a row without notice or explanation will result in a sub or ai taking over your race."

Not only did you fake me out, you almost made ai!

Though I do not want to win by default. And I am still rather busy mopping up Atlantis. So you were/are still not my highest priority. That will change soon.

Xietor May 18th, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
On turn 90, Ermor went AI.

On turn 91 only 4 human players remained. Tichy, who was playing Marignon, and who was allied with Arcoscephale, Zoshan, who was playing Pythium, and who had only a few provinces, and Lolomo, who had a good sized empire as MA Caelum.

While I was anticipating putting MA Arcoscephale into the Hall of Fame for the 1st time, and the chances of Arcoscephale prevailing were good, in the end I decided against pushing for victory.

I won the first Epic Heroes Game, and after much reflection, decided it would be in poor taste to win a second mp game using my own mod. In addition to the inherent advantages to knowing your own mod, I also perhaps received some diplomacy advantages as well from being the mod's author and host of the game.

Lolomo carried out a strong campaign, and through his usual
stellar play, managed to conquer one nation early, and win a tough war in the midgame. Lolomo also persisted in the game when he had little hope(in the view of most of the players)
of prevailing.

And such tenacity deserves to be rewarded.

I do want to thank everyone who played in Epic Heroes II. If you have any comments on a particular Epic Hero, they will be considered as the final tweak to the mod is made.

Congratulations Lolomo!

LoloMo May 18th, 2008 09:11 PM

Re: Keep Playing?
Haha, thanks! That Forge of the Ancients was my last card. If you overcast it, I would have surrendered.

Caelum's Epic Hero the Yeti was quite tough for the early game. I made him a prophet and had him summon a couple of winter wolves and set him conquering indies. The winter wolves served as fodder, and I went through a few sets of those. With about 3 or 4 winter wolves, he could take down even knight indies. After conquering maybe 6 provinces, I just had him summoning winter wolves. I collected about 40 winter wolves, but these were slaughtered by Mictlan's triple blessed jaguars in their first battle.

Afterwards, I empowered the Yeti in air, fire, and blood and was grooming him to be an SC killer, since he got the heroic attacker bonus. Never got around to testing him out.

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