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llamabeast May 30th, 2008 08:01 AM

Re: Heroes
Everyone should start sending in pretenders with some urgency - starting in a couple of days.

Also the mod will be out soon (I was hoping today, but that may not prove possible). You won't actually need it till the game starts though.

Folket May 30th, 2008 08:20 AM

Re: Heroes
I can send my and Evilhomers pretender tomorrow.

Salamander8 May 30th, 2008 10:00 AM

Re: Heroes
Is the map file going to be fixed/combined with something else? I tried to re-DL it this morning to see if it would work better for me this time, but mediafire told me it's gone. Since my first DL of the map doesn't have a real file type, I thought I'd try again, but no luck.

coobe May 30th, 2008 10:27 AM

Re: Heroes
is there some way to check if my pretender really arrived ?

Xietor May 30th, 2008 10:51 AM

Re: Heroes
the map file link still works and is on the 1st post of the thread. only 32 downloads so far.

you just need to have it in your map file. the game should work for you. if anyone has trouble with the 1st turn, we will get it sorted out before we host to turn 2.

You can check what race have sent in pretenders at llamaserver. Coobe, you have not sent in a pretender, neither have I, or KO.

I am trying to actually think of a strategy whereby i could survive a rush by the new ea race with their chariots. Since I can't, i may as well turn something in, or be a sacrificial goat and play Man.

For late age:


DrPraetorious May 30th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Heroes
You can actually change map images mid-game with no problems, so if anyone has the version of the map which I partially prettified, and perhaps has more graphic talent and can do some more work on it, that'd be good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I've reached and exceeded the limits of my skills making the N/S wrap look acceptable.

EDIT: the mediafire link at the root of the thread does work, but the file in the archive is missing the .rgb file extension, which I think you need.

Baalz May 30th, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: Heroes

Xietor said:
I am trying to actually think of a strategy whereby i could survive a rush by the new ea race with their chariots. Since I can't, i may as well turn something in, or be a sacrificial goat and play Man.

Depends on your nation of course. With Man, simple lighting bolt spam should be sufficient, they don't have nearly the hp of elephants though they cost almost as much so you'll see them in similar numbers. 6-8 eagle eye buffed lightning spammers should be pretty devastating to them I'd imagine - if you're not gonna see more than about 20 of them for a rush and you can kill 3 or so per round on top of what your infantry can do and it takes them 4-5 rounds to close and fight through your PD...well, they're not gonna be too scary by the time they hit your reserves behind your PD. Tangling vines should work decently to string them out as well and let your high damage dealing troops deal with them piecemeal. Tramplers are a whole lot less effective when they don't hit in a big wall of flesh and instead each one gets surrounded.

If you stuck with Arco no worries, just a couple of your own elephants would stop them from trampling long enough for your mages to do whatever it is you have researched (lots of choices).

Salamander8 May 30th, 2008 12:18 PM

Re: Heroes
Can I just edit the properties of the file I do have and change it's extension to .rgb then? If not I'll try to DL it again when I get out of work.

llamabeast May 30th, 2008 12:30 PM

Re: Heroes
coobe: Yes, just check www.llamaserver.net.

Xietor May 30th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: Heroes
I emptied out my map file and downloaded the link and it does not have the right rgb file. Why people insist on using these strange programs when map editing I do not know!

I need to run now, but I will get a proper link up when i return.

Herode May 30th, 2008 12:53 PM

Re: Heroes

Salamander8 said:
Can I just edit the properties of the file I do have and change it's extension to .rgb then?

Yes, I also had to manually add the rgb extension

Xietor May 30th, 2008 07:06 PM

Re: Heroes
I put up a new link to the map file. It downloads into your map folder as a rgb file now. Sorry. I guess it was user error on my part(:

More importantly, after weeks of deliberation, my pretender for LA Arcoscephale has been sent in. Ruin. Rush me at your own peril. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Slobby May 31st, 2008 12:49 AM

Re: Single Age Mod
Sadly there seems to be a character max for #descr. As a result some nations have their narrative cut short. I don't know if it can be fixed so the mod I made to add in all the descriptions is 'incomplete'. Anyone have any ideas how it can be fixed?

Lingchih May 31st, 2008 03:50 AM

Re: Single Age Mod
I'm dropping out of the game. Sorry for the late notice, but in going to upload my pretender, I just noticed that since I am playing LA Pythium in another game (and doing well), the file transfers could become a problem. I might send the wrong LA Pythium to the wrong game. It's just too problematic for me, since I receive my emails on my mac, but then transfer them to play the turns on my PC.

Have a great mega-game everyone. Sorry I could not participate.

Gregstrom May 31st, 2008 04:07 AM

Re: Single Age Mod
Interestingly, I have joined kingmaker_mid as the exciting 'Invalid Nation Name!'. Will this affect my start?

Amhazair May 31st, 2008 06:41 AM

Re: SingleAge mod

llamabeast said:
Yeah, I'll fix the "Invalid nation name!" later on, when I've looked at what the filenames are called for the new races.

Xietor May 31st, 2008 08:31 AM

Re: SingleAge mod
Players should be getting their pretenders sent in! Tomorrow is the last day to send in pretenders. Given the amount of time to get them in, no delays will be granted to anyone not having a pretender in by the June 1 deadline.

6 alternates have already made it in. The next 5 are:

1. Agema
2. Bananadine
3. Ironhawk
4. Aezeal
5. Aethyr

Signed up as a sub-ylvali(if neeeded).

moderation May 31st, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
What time are the pretenders due tomorrow?

Amhazair May 31st, 2008 01:28 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I think the Llamaserver is beginning to grow tired of me. I just submitted a new pretender for the third time. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

So many choises, so many options...

Xietor May 31st, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
If I was evil i would start Amhazair and Evilhomer out next to each other. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Yeah i think i tried about 40 different pretender/scale/magic combinations. Then when I saw EA Hinnon everything went out the window.

Pretenders are due by June 1. That means when the clock strikes midnight in New Orleans (-5 GMT)(Kingmaker runs on New Orleans Time), a sub will have your spot. No lie. There is no reason after 3.5 weeks to wait until the last minute to send in a pretender.

Amhazair May 31st, 2008 02:26 PM

Re: SingleAge mod

Xietor said:
If I was evil i would start Amhazair and Evilhomer out next to each other. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Not again! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

Xietor May 31st, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I thought you wanted revenge? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Amhazair May 31st, 2008 04:58 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
Sure I want revenge. I'll mastermind it, while some poor sod who neighbours him takes the blows. Sounds fair? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Folket May 31st, 2008 05:29 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I have sent my pretender now.

Xietor May 31st, 2008 05:53 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
Come on MA Atlantis, send in your turn. Must have 6 water races. My great fear is I get stuck playing MA Atlantis(: /cry. I would not even know where to begin.

I may make evilhomer/folket team play 2 races! One being ma Atlantis.

Baalz May 31st, 2008 07:28 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I'll play Atlantis. And...er...Oceana. >:)

Xietor May 31st, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
Bah. 1 person cannot play 2 races, but 2 persons can!

Xietor May 31st, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I am looking over the Kingmaker Mod and testing it a bit. Clams are very steep. 4w2n equates to 25 water 10n for 1 clam.

of course with a hammer the cost is reduced to 18 w 7 nature.

The other gem producing items are only raised 1 path, which is a smaller increase then clams. Clams being much more game changing with the wish. Thoughts on the 4w 2n clam?

Twan May 31st, 2008 09:49 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I think fetishes will be the main magical economy items with these settings. For 30 gems you can make 2, when a clam cost 35 (then alchemize or trade the production for pearls if you want).

It may be a bad point for balance as the few nature/fire nations (or lucky players finding enchantress) are the only able of large fetish hoarding (taking a n/f pretender isn't sufficient as there is no fire/nature summon like the naiad allowing to go from one fetish a turn to many).

Then the good point is : it's harder for Rlyeh and other wish capable nations to make them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Zeldor June 1st, 2008 12:53 AM

Re: SingleAge mod
Internet was down yesterday, stupid Chinese...

I will do some final tests and upload pretender in few hours http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I fear there are only bad and worse options here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Jazzepi June 1st, 2008 01:55 AM

Re: SingleAge mod

Twan said:
I think fetishes will be the main magical economy items with these settings. For 30 gems you can make 2, when a clam cost 35 (then alchemize or trade the production for pearls if you want).

It may be a bad point for balance as the few nature/fire nations (or lucky players finding enchantress) are the only able of large fetish hoarding (taking a n/f pretender isn't sufficient as there is no fire/nature summon like the naiad allowing to go from one fetish a turn to many).

Then the good point is : it's harder for Rlyeh and other wish capable nations to make them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Fetishes are considerably worse than clams. They're terrible amounts of micro, they cost you upkeep because you have to put them on disposable commanders, and fire gems are probably some of the worst in the game, unlike astral which can be used to wish, or to be alchemized.


Meglobob June 1st, 2008 04:36 AM

Re: SingleAge mod

Xietor said: Thoughts on the 4w 2n clam?

Probably, a bit too much of a nerf. 3w 2n is probably enough.

Even if it does benefit Baalz and Ma Oceania! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast June 1st, 2008 04:39 AM

Re: SingleAge mod
I think the 4w 2n clam is good. If you lower the cost much the game is in danger of degenerating into a clam hoarding rush. After all, 18 w is only about 50% more than the standard 11 w.

Twan June 1st, 2008 05:28 AM

Re: SingleAge mod

Jazzepi said:
Fetishes are considerably worse than clams. They're terrible amounts of micro, they cost you upkeep because you have to put them on disposable commanders, and fire gems are probably some of the worst in the game, unlike astral which can be used to wish, or to be alchemized.

Having to make one commander every 9 or so turns and pay him to produce about 7 or 8 fire gems isn't that expensive.

Anyway I agree fetish price is fine as it is, because they have some problems clam don't have (the main isn't having to recruit commanders, but having to wait 1 to 3 turns before a fetish produce gem each time you change the owner - as they only work well on commanders with several afflictions- it may balance the cost difference, as long the fetish hoarder don't have access to commanders with more than 10 hp).

The only thing I was saying is : if the few nations able to fetish hoard base their strategy on them (with players supporting the microgestion) they may have a consequent advantage as, even if you want to finally produce other gems, making 7 fetish is better than the 3 clams you'd have for the same price - and especially as, with our number of players, finding trade partners interested by fire gems and paying more gems than alchemy for them shouldn't be extremely hard).

Baalz June 1st, 2008 09:36 AM

Re: SingleAge mod
After making a fetish farm once I will *never* do that again because of the micro involved. I got so fed up with trying to figure out each turn who was close to death that I ended up forging rings of regen for each of my fetish holders...:/

ano June 1st, 2008 09:59 AM

Re: SingleAge mod
I had something like a 100 fetish economy in a recent game as Lanka and it was pretty good, believe me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. Yes, it requires micro but why are you afraid of it. Outcome of a fetish is even bettee than outcome of a clam not only because of alchemizing fire gems to pearls but also because there're several very good endgame fire spells (Flames form the sky being the most obvious) that can really ruin the day of any attacker.
Also one of the biggest fetish-hoarding nations is Machaka who has even less problems with them as Black Sorcerers never die of disease and don't gather many other afflictions when diseased. Also nations with healing like MA T'ien Ch'i may equip cheap researchers with fetishes and set some Apothecaries to constantly heal. Your mages will almost never get feeblemind (mute does nothing for mages with one pick) and if you remove a fetish when mage has 2-3 hp he will most probably stay alive and may be equipped again. So you really don't have to even recruit additional commanders and pay extra upkeep - just use what you have!
I don't even mention nations who have commanders with native recuperation. These have almost no problems at all - just watch them and remove fetish in time.
Yes, it is micro. But it is extremely cheap gem factory as well.

Xietor June 1st, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
LLAmabest has finished the Kingmaker Mod. He redid the banners so all the nations look different and spent much work on it. So those who play in the game owe him a debt of thanks.

There are others as well, who contributed mightily, such as Slobby, with the race descriptions, Dr. P, with the research mod, and of course the original authors of the single age mod, gandalf, and the banners and streamers mod, etc.

Llamabeast also reports 52/61 players have sent in pretenders. There is about 12 hours left. And there will be no extensions. Hopefully the rest will get their selections in on time. I still have 2 subs waiting in the wings, who will get 24 hours to get in their pretenders after the deadline passes, then the game will proceed with the number we have.

At a minimum, that will be 54. Though I will pm 3 more subs as well.

Folket June 1st, 2008 12:32 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
I received a pretender file from you, but unfortunately someone else has beaten you to it, and Mictlan has already been taken. Please try again with another nation. This is a list of the nations taken so far (note you can always check this at www.llamaserver.net):

Can someone kick out the old LA Mictlan pretender?

Xietor June 1st, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
are you sure that was not evilhomer? I will ask llamabeast to check.

Zeldor June 1st, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
9 still missing? And probably one of them is you? But still a lot... but probably some people were waiting for the patch as there was some doubt if we won't have to submit new pretender files after that. But still, it is few days already.

llamabeast June 1st, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the mod! It contains 3 .dm files:

KingMaker.dm, which we'll use for this game.
sns3.dm, which is Zepath's Standards and Streamers, updated to include the new nations
llamaBanners.dm, which is the same as sns3.dm apart from the fact that a few nations are modified to make them look more distinguishable.

Only the first one is needed for this game (it has llamaBanners built in), but being as you have to download all the banner pictures anyway I thought I might as well throw the other two mods in.

So, the overall contents of KingMaker.dm are:
- Xietor's, banning spells and changing the costs of gem-producing items
- Slobby's completed single-age mod
- Twan's Mists of Deception fix
- A research mod produced with an ingenious script by Dr.P. Spells of levels 1-6 are lowered by 1 level so that these early game spells aren't too hard to reach on the Very Difficult research mode we'll be using. Note that the levels for Construction aren't changed, as it isn't possible to change them. Hopefully this will affect everyone roughly equally.
- Zepath's Standards and Streamers, with new standards and a number of changes by me.

Edit: Removed faulty version of mod. Will upload new version ASAP.
Edit2: Uploaded new version of mod. This is the same file as I have just posted anew several pages on.

Herode June 1st, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
Great work llamabeast. Thanks to all modders ^^

Falkor June 1st, 2008 01:29 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
Thanks guys for all the work done!

Question: does Mists of Deception give a Mirror Image now or is taken away from the game?

Xietor June 1st, 2008 01:41 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
If you look in the mod forum, twan describes his "fix" to Mists of deception. Basically it is 9 rounds of Mist spell with phantasmal beasts, ghost wolves, and phantom warriors coming from the sides like the spell howl. Pretty nice fix. 2 air gems, 200 fatigue.

BTW, Llamabeast mentions me as the source of the gem reduction mod language and spell banning mod language. While I did incorporate those into a "kitchen sink mod" that I invented, I can claim no credit for the language that is contained in those mods.

As far as I know either Dr. P or Endoperez, or both had a hand in that.

Xietor June 1st, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
EA Atlantis(dedas) has informed me he will not be able to play.

Agema, 1st sub, has graciously agreed to take EA Atalntis, and the relative safety of the water.

Twan June 1st, 2008 02:07 PM

Re: SingleAge mod
1 Attachment(s)
There should be a little change to make the MoD fix consistent with changed spell levels :

For my MoD fix mod I had to replace the spells "Phantasmal Warriors" and "Ghost Wolves" by spells named "Summon Phantasmal Warrior" and "Summon Ghost Wolves" (doing exactly the same things) so I could use the originals as chained #nextspells for Mists of Deception (as the #nextspell mod command only work with original spells).

But the other part of kingmaker mod change the level of the original spells, not my remakes.

So "Summon ghost wolves" should get researchlevel 2 and "Summon phantom warrior", researchlevel 1 (research level of "Phantom Warrior" and "Ghost Wolves" original spells are not important as they are no longer researchable)

(I corrected in the attachment, and also added correct descriptions for these spells -I was lazy when making the MoD fix, the descriptions of the remakes just said "as the spell x described in the manual")

Slobby June 1st, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: Kingmaker mod
I get this error when trying to run the mod,

Nagot gick fel!
myloadmalloc: can't open./mods/./sns3/ea_arco_icon.tga

How can I fix?

Xietor June 1st, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: Kingmaker mod
I get the same error. llamabeast did not include any banners
is my best guess. there are no tga files i see associated with the Mod. I actually went and dowmloaded the sns banners found
on p. 5 of the mod forums, but then got the error for llamabanners.

So I think your best bet is to wait on the updated version. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Twan June 1st, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Kingmaker mod
edit : xietor was faster

Meglobob June 1st, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Kingmaker mod
It worked for me, after 1 error.

Dumped it all in my mods, got error, then seperated IlamaBanners DM file out of its folder and worked fine in a brief test.

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