![]() |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
if you guys think it would be fairer i can go blank instead of ai... and the odds of finding a sub go down everyturn if your all out attacking utgard without utgard defending itself... it's a fairly good position someone might volunteer to sub it like tomorrow
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I am not attacking Utgard at all this turn. I will wait to see if a sub can be found. If not, I will be attacking Utgard next turn.
I am not an AI land grabber. Utgard has powerful units and I must defend myself. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
What about extending the schedule?- Its starting to look as if you're ignoring me and that's hardly nice. right? If you want to keep this crazy pace I've no problem with that. Just let me know and I'll post for a sub as well. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I think everyone (almost) has agreed to 72 hour. I have.
That said... this turn is done and submitted. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
We all agreed and the schedule was changed to 72h quite some time ago.
I find it strange that the schedule was changed back and shortened w/o a notification to the players or even better - consultation. If our host doesn't have time or inclination to admin the game then the best he can do is just say so. I'm sure we'll find a sub admin (and if not I'd be willing to). I don't intend a coup here, just thinking out load - Sorry if I jump to wrong conclusion and no offense meant. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
WL, I am not ignoring you its simply that there was never any agreement to go to 72hrs. You pushed for it a while back and it was discussed but never unanimously agreed on. Nor has it been now as I count only three players supporting, one of whom is leaving. But if its a choice b/w going to 72 and losing a player I will of course set it to 72hr.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Oh, I see. Thanks for the explanation.
I'm all for doing a vote on the subject but I'm afraid most of the players will not opine. In-fact I suspect that this is perhaps the reason why only three players supported 72h schedule. As for me going AI - I've never went AI before but I find the pace brutal and stressing, couple that with having to submit half done turns and I hope you can understand why I even consider this option. So, fellow players, can you please post your preferred hosting schedule? |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Heheh, WL - I wasnt clear enough there is no need for a vote. I've already moved the hosting schedule to 72hrs. :)
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Thank you Ironhawk!
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I don't want to sound pushy, but is anyone actually still looking for a sub for Utgard? I don't believe Namad will still be looking after these few days given that he said: "i just haven't ever found a sub and doubt it's even possible" (feel free to contradict me though, Namad, if you are in fact still trying to find one.) and unless I'm totally blind no one has even posted a looking for sub post.
I didn't want to stick my nose where it shouldn't be seeing as I'm neither the player of the nation, nor anyone who had anything at all to do with organizing the game. And perhaps I'm totally mistaken, and some anonymous people have turned on their full lobbying power and are quietly but insestently waging a behind-the-screens recruitment campaign. But if no one else feels called/has the time to look for a sub I should be able to at least cook up a snazzy recruitment/propaganda post, and possibly ask around a little too. I for one have had, and still am having great fun with this game, and would feel it would be a shame to just let it quietly peter out, that's all. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
QM put up a sub post, and there's been some activity on the IRC channel, but if you want to help look I don't think anyone would object. =)
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I am not even in the game anymore but have heard the cry for a sub. It amazes me though - why doesn't a player - anyone - just post for a sub if Namad refuses to? Copy and paste the post I used when I subbed out. Hell, it only takes a second.
Here is the language to use: “Interested in playing with some of the most famous and deadly Dominions players in the world? The legendary Micah, the ruthless Calmon, the prolific Baalz, the resilient QM, the deadly Ironhawk, the wily Amhazair, the masterful WraithLord, among others. It is like the All Star game of Dominions, a veritable rogues gallery of some of the trickiest bastards alive. Even getting schooled by these grizzled vets is a pleasure. You will be inheriting Midgard, er Utgard, in a strong position, leading in research with a nice gem income and province count. The game has been a blast, just check out the thread." You might have to cross out a few of those names or switch adjectives, but it gives it a little sizzle... :) And I won't claim you plagiarized me... |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Nevrmind, I guess i should refresh before I post...:o
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Yeah go for it Amhazair!
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Okee doke, boys. As I said before the holidays I'm bowing out of the game. I had a blast but I'm cooked. This game was definitely one for the record books - I've never seen so many grueling hard fought wars!! And I look forward to hearing about how the Grand Alliance fares and who eventually comes out on top.
Vladikus will be taking over Agartha for me. QM is the sole admin now. Best of luck to all! |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I object to a rollback. I had a good turn.
That said, I could be convinced to vote otherwise (hint, hint, wink). |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Why the rollback?- Its not like the game crashed or something.
Does it mean we have to replay our turns from scratch?- And now ppl can just look at the new turn and adjust their orders. Unless I clearly misunderstand something I think the rollback is not a good move. Is there anyway to cancel the rollback and cont. forward with turn 69. I'm also in favor of finding a sub for Utgard but its not like one stale turn is gonna change the game for Jotun. I suggest to continue with turn 69, anyone thinks the same? |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Well, we had like a week to do this turn. I know most thought that the game would be delayed until a sub was found for Utgard. But do we even know that a sub will ever be found for Utgard? There have been no takers yet.
Utgard's turn was blank, and I nor I think anyone else attacked him. So his blank turn is null. I also say we should continue with turn 69. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
as I understand it, Micah had been told that there was going to be a final one-day extension (for a sub, or for Baalz to take over for Namad, and because Micah had some issues to deal with), but QM forgot to do it, leading Micah to stale, through no fault of his own.
There's no good solution in a situation like this - a rollback is probably best; everyone can submit basically a similar turn, although there is a real problem if someone's sneaky plans have been revealed. Normal attacks aren't so much of an issue, as everyone can tinker w/ their revised turns. /me has no idea why i'm posting in this thread ;) |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
archaeolept, are you sure about Micha's stale?
Well, I'm at war with Ashdod and the knowledge of my moves from turn 69 could be used against me. Rolling back will thus have a negative impact on me. I'm not sure whether it equals the impact of a stale turn for Micah. It depends on the end result. And having to replay turn 68 is really annoying. QM, can you please post in the game thread in case something like this happens next time so that we players could have a say about it? |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I knew there would be strong opposition to a rollback (I had even forgot it was an option until I was reminded) but since I had said I was going to extend it, it did not seem like I had an alternative.
In theory though, pre-known moves should not help anyone in particular since anyone can second guess. That said I understand how frustrating it is- personally I don't plan to peek at the fake turn 69. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
wraithlord, you're at war w/ Gath. G A T H. ;)
The easiest way is just to load up your previously sent turn, and just mess around with it a little so you can't be completely predicted. It does mess up any cool surprise attacks you may have made, though :( |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
A rollback, eh? Without a vote.
Heh. So much for democracy. I lodge a formal protest (and, I have no idea what good that will do.) |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Yes, I staled because QM told me there would be a delay, and I believe that it's a lot more fair for people to have their offensive orders revealed (since they can then at least play the second-guessing game with them, and they get some minimal scouting information from them as well) than to have an entire turn gone, which locks out offensive orders, defensive orders, forging, rituals, research tweaking, and recruitment. I'm pretty certain that the rollback is the lesser of two evils by far (And I'm pretty sure that Utgard's army was left alone because Gath is coming after me after I killed 3 of his SCs off last turn, so I'd really like to get to have orders.)
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I'm sorry QM, Micah. But this really makes me mad. Any rollback should be only enacted after the concurrence of all the players, by vote. A majority vote would win.
This was not even attempted. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
No replies? Then, very well. We are attacking Utgard with all out might this turn.
It does not matter who, if any, takes over Utgard. If you guys had just avoided a rollback, this would not have had to occur. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
The admin is supposed to preserve the game's fairness, and I believe QM acted in the best interest of the game as a whole, in addition to the interest of the staling players, as having 4 of 9 players stale is very detrimental to the ongoing stability of the game.
QM has been doing a good job adminning this game for months now, IMO, and this is the first I've heard of anyone taking issue with his actions. I do not believe a vote is either needed or desirable in this situation, and that he handled things correctly. Did he screw up by not setting the host timer back? Yes. A mistake was made, and then he did his best to correct it, using the powers we have cheerfully let him have for the past 4 months while he did a perfect job of it, taking his own time to make sure that everyone was able to get extensions when needed and doing all of the other niggling crap that the rest of us are lucky enough to not have to think about. If you seriously think he has abused his position I suppose you could vote to replace him as admin if you think someone else would do a better job. I know what my vote would be though. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
No one doubts QM acted in the best interest of the game as a whole nor the good work he's done so far in admining the game.
However that doesn't mean that a significant step such as rollback can/should be done w/o at least informing the players. Why do you say four players staled?- Who else has staled? It seems like little by little the picture is getting clearer which is the exact reverse of how the process should be. Anyway, if so many players staled then I agree to rollback, but then again no one asked me in the first place ;) No hard feelings here. What's done is done and over with. Lets get the game going again :) |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Mari, Ulm and I all staled outright, and Utgard had a blank turn unless I'm mistaken.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I suppose I could have posted before the rollback and collected opinions, but it seemed like that would lead to even more confusion and delay (and possibly even more bitterness about the final outcome). In any case I certainly take no offense at the idea of another admin, if someone wants to volunteer to take Ironhawk's spot and let me go back to being back-up admin. ;)
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
I do :)
I'm already admining two games so this will be my 3rd but I think I'm up to it and would thus be able to take some of the burden from you QM. One thing to note though is that I'll be completely offline during March (family trip). |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Ok, welcome to our new overlord, Wraithlord!
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Cool. Glad I can help :)
First order of business is pitch in the effort of finding Utgard a sub. What's that I heard about Baalz taking over?- Is it true?- If so the search over, otherwise I'll make an additional post for a sub. QM, do you know whether or not namad had a pwd in place? |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Welcome Baalz. Thanks very much for subbing.
Sorry all about the rant last night. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Oh, and I also rescind the declaration of war on Utgard. I was angry last night, and vented too much. Namad's bugging out and the rollback had nothing to do with Baalz. There's no reason to go to war over something that was not his fault.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
No hard feelings at all, obviously had nothing to do with me. Utgard is, however, going to have to have to withdraw from the anti-gath alliance. Nothing to do with Midgard, just the fact that the state things are in right now leaves the cost benefit at Utgard fighting over scraps ending on the very short list of targets of the next dogpile. I'll be honoring all NAPs (please let me know if you have one with Utgard) and keeping the lands I hold as of this turn. Anyone who doesn't speak up after the next hosting I'll consider to not have a NAP with.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Man, if Calmon's handing out "get out of war with all your conquered provinces free" cards I want one too.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
You're not the only one.
Difference is, you and I have a decent number of conquered provinces, plus our heartlands are close to Gath, so we're more likely targets for retaliation strikes I'm afraid. :) Welcome Baalz and Vladikus, glad you could join us, let's have some fun. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
January bump.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Postponed 24h at Micah's request.
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Does anyone happen to have spare nature gems available for trade? I have decent stocks of all elemental gem types, and can probably scrounge together some S gems if needed too.
Also: bump. :) |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Nice fights Baalz. I believe I killed the more valuable units, although you took more provs. Good fun indeed!
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Yeah, I wouldn't have put my money on that gargoyle vs the water queen, but that eye shield certainly paid off for you! :)
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Hmm. Is that the best you can do Baalz? This will be a long war then.
Just joking. Good fights again. Much entertainment value. Have at you then! Methinks you got lucky. A few of those SCs survived by the skin of their teeth. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Hosting postponed for artifacts by 24 hours. The game will now host at 03:30 GMT on Sunday February 1st.
Due to request from two two players. |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Bogarus would like to announce that our misunderstanding with Marignon seems to have been sorted out, and that we no longer condone disregarding any diplomatic agreements you may have had with them. They are still trying to kill us though. Just in a more honorable fashion.
Thank you, -Bogarus |
Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:44 AM. |
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