![]() |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
well... it seems i've fired my new partner and have to play the game alone if anyone knows a player who has played dominions 3 before and would like to play on my team feel free to recruit them.... hell feel free to recruit a player or two to completely take over the team as I'm not too keen on playing alone
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Have you been attacking into each other? That might have something to do with both armies standing still. DrP, have you been trying to move? It sounds like Pyth has.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
well i'm playing two nations alone which is against the rules of the game but i don't have much hopes of correcting the issue.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Tell you what, namad - if you can kill me without taking massive losses, I'll take over that position. I've always had a soft spot for Gorgons.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
i don't have gorgons you must be thinking of someone else....
i'm also not at war with you, and not your neighbor we're on neutral terms... care to trade me some astral gems for another type of gem? or pay me for some forging services? |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Since we are on the subject of trading for Gems, Ermor is looking for Water Gems. I can trade just about anything other than Fire. PM me if you have water to trade and are in need of another type of gem.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
anyone selling gems for gold at a reasonable price? feel free to pm me
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I am now taking the turns for MA C'tis as well as MA Pythium, at least until Bogarus steamrolls me.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Mictlan's Doom approaches. The Dark clouds of Ermor will cover your lands and Lady death has opened her arms to you beckoning your warriors to share in her cold embrace. As your warriors cower in fear like little girls afraid to take action our forces continue to grow while waiting for the sacred warriors of Mictlan to find their backbone and commit to their fate to be raised again and know the true power of death.
The forces you have pulled from your war with Bogarus to defend your ill gotten gains will not avail you against the forces you will meet here. But fear not. For in one turns time after we have taken back what is rightfully ours, if your warriors have not heeded lady deaths call and accepted their fate then we shall come to them so that lady death is not disappointed and both sides will surely see much death on that glorious day. So saith the Lich God Psi |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
The tactical juggernaut of Midgard+Abysia continues to make rapid and unchecked progress against the remaining free peoples of the world. Their use of Horrors, and Teleporting SCs allow them to gain power and wealth at an unprecedented rate.
As usual, the one who has been thriving on propaganda, will accuse me of the same, while merrily pointing attention at Caelum, and continuing his trend of racing headlong towards final victory. By now, it may already be too late. Those of you who have sat on your hands while more unfortunate nations were ground under the heel of this team, will soon face them alone - and you will perish brutally, and ever more swiftly than those who fell before you. With a crushed partner, and lacking the tools to effectively counter the forces arrayed against us, it is only a matter of time now before Lanka is fully subsumed. Now, before our head is severed, biting and hissing the whole way, we issue this warning - most of you will die soon, and the time that you spent ignoring the threats arrayed against you, was time that you spend digging a shallow and unmarked grave for your nation. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Talk about strawmen.
Oh well, I guess it's just funny that one of the most powerful combined bless/blood nation whines about inevitable doom at a point he hasn't lost a single fight. Seriously, not a single one. Though, if most of your forces are committed to conquering your own teammate, I guess it leaves you a lot of time to complain. I must conclude this must be humorous and funny. The alternative is just way too sad. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I love how informing, must always be portrayed as whining.
With my teammate all but gone from the game at this point, Lanka has slim to no chance of victory, especially already at war with the strongest team in the game. I just figure everyone else should know that your team is soon to own 6 capitals - and that they should know BEFORE it happens, before you can solidify your gains. And to clarify, most of us suffered setbacks, but from the graphs, you don't seem to have. Whining would be to say "boohoo, things went wrong for me". That's irrelevant. No one cares about my lack of good blood hunting provinces, etc. All they care about, and I was telling them, was that you really are winning, whether you deny it or not. I don't deny that Caelum is a powerful force to absolutely not be disregarded, but they are currently less developed, and have less momentum than your team (from all the intel that I can gather), so if people disregard Midgard and Abysia now, they are moving inevitably towards one of two likely ends: a showdown between Caelum2 vs Midgard/Abysia, or simply a nearly uncontested Midgard/Abysia victory. Shame on me for having an accurate assessment of the current situation. I never said I won't be able to hurt you, I just said that I know you're going to win. Observation of reality /= whining. <3 |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Hm. The game's barely started and you're talking about victors. Let's see:
Most artifacts: probably Utgård & Bogarus Well of Misery and thus Tartarian horde: Caelums Most research: Caelum, Bogarus, Midgård Lots of provinces: Midgård, Marignon (research, gem income, ANGELS), Yomi (recruitable SCs, gem income, RECRUITABLE SCs for crying out loud) ...well anyway, that's just a few of them and please don't anyone start a war against me because I happened to miss/include your nation. But it should be clear that this game's far from settled. The only reason JM is so fixated on Midgård is the fact his teammate attacked me 20 turns ago, managed to accomplish nothing and now is finally the time I'm in the position to do something in return. I admit, "whining" might've been a bit strong word (sorry, English isn't my native language), but unless Lanka's Master of Propaganda degrees include brain washing even JM must agree his viewpoint is a bit... biased. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
how long until we hit 72h?
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
anyone willing to trade me astral gems? or purchase astral items like RoW at inflated prices from me?
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I am also probably biased, because I know how powerful Midgard becomes when it reaches a critical mass of gold income, Air gem income, and Blood Slave income. Since only 1 of those 3 items is painfully clear from the Score Graphs, I could totally be imagining the other 2. I am sure that there are plenty of other explanations for the Air based forged items and battle magic that I have seen, and I am also quite sure that if Abysia is the true Blood power of your team (heaven forbid!), that he would never supply you with Blood Slaves, or spam Horrors and Disease Demons at your opponents for you. It's a good thing that I am either imagining all of that, or I have lost my objectivity due to my knowledge of how to play Midgard effectively, and the carnage that I have already witnessed your team wreaking on others. So I guess the short answer - yes, I am biased against Midgard and Abysia specifically because while I am quite familiar with what all of the "contenders" are -capable- of, I only fully know what your team has already developed and deployed. But I guess any of the nations that you listed off could have been fighting 3-4 nations at once for most of the game, and making enormous gains with few notable losses throughout the campaign. I admit that level of ignorance. ;) |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
every single point you've made is clear every single turn from the scoregraph
and you take a really sarcastic position in your writing and post twice a turn... at some point it's just badgering the thing is... find someone somewhere on the map who isn't midgard's teammate and isn't at war... gonna be hard to do |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
He defends himself so stringently. :p And it's hard work to find someone who even seems to care about the obvious in PMs, I decided to broaden my hunt for someone who is willing to do something about it. :happy:
My apologies for having ample opportunities to visit the forums, though. :shock: |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
it's all true
he's winning it's obvious he's winning offer someone something if you want them to get moving... get someone to join the war going to take some convincing that its in their best interest.. that they can win .. and win easily... maybe some bribes |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
A few thoughts.
1) Fair fights are indeed for suckers. 2) Even unfair fights against Caelum are seldom profitable. When Caelum convinces both of your neighbors to help him attack you, it's pretty grim. So even though killing Sauromatian and Pythianese troops is satisfying, it really doesn't accomplish anything. Good luck midgard - even as powerful as you are, you'll need it. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Oh no, did you kill some Sauromatian troops? :shock:
As we stated so long ago, Sauromarignon only wanted to reclaim what were rightfully our lands, by virtue of geographical proximity. We had decided to expel the overambitious Abysians from those lands regardless of Caelum's plans. -- Virtuous of Sauromarignon |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
And so the God of Yomi dies. Although he did manage to take out a very impressive number of undead before his end. Too bad it all happened before the movement phase. :D You wont have such luck next time though after you call your now limp and muted god back from the dead .
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
*A note, stapled to a villager, stapled to a tree in the town square*
Proud Lanka seeks a new partner in this war of the end days. Suitable respondents will have access to wage immediate war against the foul shapechangers of Midgard. Upon acceptance of application, payment to be made: 200 gems of (within reason) your choice (but no Air, for sure, sorry!), and 1 tonne (1000 pounds!) of gold. To apply, find the raven conveniently waiting near this corpse, and send a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope on it, and we shall reply shortly. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Sorry I haven't been around to continue our little PR bout, been doing actual stuff. Most of the things said really need no comment, but I'd like to point out an example which illustrates just how far into lying territory mr Lanka goes in his fear:
"there are plenty of other explanations for the Air based forged items ... that I have seen," Yes there sure is an explanation - you're hallucinating! As previously stated, Midgård has no use for pansy construction, and we've barely used 4 (four!) Air based forged items - and one of them was Amulet of Missile Protection taken from the corpse of Mictlan prophet. Scary aint it. So, good nations of Preponderance, know that should you aid Lanka you're either helping a delusional man OR a pathological liar! So, staying informed is all it takes! ...and I probably won't need to point this out, but should you take Lanka up his bribe, that sum is extremely tiny compared to losses you're about to take. But, free country, every one of us chooses their own destiny. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
can anyone trade me (bogarus) 4fire gems this turn? i can trade preferably water/earth and possibly air/death hoping for 1:1 trade
please pm me if interested |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
First rule of politics, deny nothing, every time your mouth opens, your foot heads straight for it. :o |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
if you have been lying it's probably only hurting you.. the simple facts are pretty noticeable even without a single scout just hitting f2...
i have really appreciated the quality of your writing skills though and i imagine saying "noobz lrn 2 hit f2" would be hard to make as eloquent as you have |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
IMO, Jim is a better liar than atul, but atul called him out on it better :) Also imo, neither of them actually lied (though jm got closer).
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Heh, well spoken rdonj. I don't think this debate accomplishes anything or makes anyone's mind, so it's all futile. But, hope someone gets an occasional amusement out of it.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Me too, this debate is more fun than watching my nation slowly fade into obscurity.:D
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Hrrrm I'm a little confused. Was the game delayed for some reason? I'd have sworn that the turn was supposed to host in just a few hours (like 6 or 7) and I even got an email reminding me that it was hosting soon and now when I look at the page on lammaserver it doesnt host for another 15 hours. Sigh... :(
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Actually psi you have convinced me, send me the 200 gems and I will deal with the evil midgård!
-Evilhomer of LA abysia |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
For you, sexual favors are also part of the package. Your favors. My package. Let me know when you are ready to commit to your "end" of the bargain. :happy:
<3 |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
there seems to have been a 6hour delay... probably it was too minor of a delay for zeldor to feel it worth mentioning?
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Doesnt seem to be a problem. My other games are hosting fine.
And I think you have me confused with Jim Homer. But go ahead. Take on Midgard... Ummm.. The check is in the mail as they say. :D CIVIL WAR Woohoo! |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
i need 1blood slave to be sent to utgard this turn.
i could maybe pay in gold? or... trade a gem for a couple slaves? ... whatever someone will agree to please pm me with details this transaction has to occur this turn specifically or it won't be relevant |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
he's desparate. ask for 10 gems.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Ok, I'll join in the fun. WTB 50+ Blood slaves.
The Lich God Psi's throne room needs some new decorations. Slave girls must arrive pure and unspoiled. Psi the One Always at the Shoulder prefers to do the spoiling himself. And may we add that the herald who assigned the one true god the master Lich Psi that nomenclature has been severely punished and his children will be digging wells in Ermor with their bare hands for remainder of their insignificant lives. Payment for blood slaves will be negotiated on a case by case basis. If you do not have the full 50 Blood slaves a deal may still be reached. You may send a PM with any offers so long as you are not requesting Water Gems which Ermor is still looking for. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
now that i'm losing a war i have drastically reduced gem income as a result i'd like to try to get 11gems for a dwarf hammer THIS turn (i'd probably want to ask for more gems for specific future orders as this one right now is just an overstock). gems to be paid in a combination of air or nature or death or astral (maybe including 1or2 fire would be okay but i dont want all of it in fire) please PM me and check back in an hour or so for response :) also in general selling forging services on other turns to be negotiated via pm |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Oh noes, my teammate! The backstabber! Evilhomer, I'll kill you! You go to hell! And then you'll die! No quarter shall be given! Nor asked! |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
did madfrancis quit or is planning to? jimmorrison you can always submit a .2h for your teammate even if all you do is give all his resources to you its better than stale/ai
http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...on=changeemail if you read this in the next hour you'd still have time to try and rush a .2h in at the last second |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Lanka has already taken almost all of Jomon's lands and Jomon has teleported his mages into forts I'm sieging. So assuming Jomon has scripted his mages on previous turns there are very little lost should he stale.
But, of course it'd be much nicer if no stales would happen. Though being eaten up by your own teammate is probably quite disheartening. |
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Sorry to hear about your partner. Too bad if he reacts like that.
Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Well he isn't the most experienced in MP, and while I tried to guide him, some elements just didn't move along as fast as we'd have liked - that coupled with your meteoric early game, led to some very fantastically one-sided clashes between you and Jomon, and he simply finally saw no point in continuing.
I really should have known this game would be as competitive as it is, and cautioned him that now was not the shining opportunity to participate in a team game together. But his initial enthusiasm is rarely eclipsed by anything but his eventual sense of disappointment. There were a lot of things that should have been done differently, that's for sure. Like right now, anyone bordering Midgard should be reconsidering remaining peaceful, since you're rapidly running out of people to hump. ;) |
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