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Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I vote to let Frozen's neighbours plunder his provinces while he figures things out.
But seriously, could I get another delay too? Major deadline Friday morning. 37 hours would be great. Thanks! Lanka |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Ok, postponed til 19:35 GMT on Friday December 11th.
I'll push it back farther as necessary until we hear from Frozen Llama |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I notice that people still insist on thinking he put one L by mistake :P
Thanks for delay. Hopefully we can figure something out real quick. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Oops, sorry about that, Lama. Apparently my fingers have their own opinions.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
It's just confusing having both a llama and a lama.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
That sucks about your PC, Lama, good luck getting something working!
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
i managed to figure something out. turn sent
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Need a 24 hour delay. having been able to do anything this weekend, sorry
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
As Holiday season approaches, should we discuss going off timer for a week or so? I'll be able to get the next 2 turns in no problem but turns around Christmas might be a littler trickier...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I would like to request a 12 hour delay
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
And I'm going to second Hoo about X-mas. I myself will be out of town the 23rd through 26th. Might need to be ready for long hiatuses during the holiday season I guess.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
While I'm certainly willing to grant any specific requests, I'm hesitant to just turn off the timer.
Without the pressure of a deadline, it's easy to procrastinate even when you could get a turn in. At least for me. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
OK, that makes sense. I guess just be alert to those specific requests at this time of year (I know, an admin's work is never done ;) ) :)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'm abusing that admin's power to give myself another 12 hours. I'll find time tomorrow.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
sorry for the stale everyone, was stuck in an airport for two days on account of the Northeast US blizzard...its seems yet another tragedy has befallen Tien Chi :(
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Can we postpone 24-36 hours? Thx.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Tir has staled 3 times in a row.
Has anyone had any recent contact with him? Should we look for another sub? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Tir here, ouch!! that wasn't according to plan.. I had to be away from my computer for more than a week, hence the stales.. Also in a week I'm departing for another city for 3 and a half months, so I'll have to either find a sub or switch to ai.. Sorry people, I had been a dedicated and a patient player, this was most unexpected...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I was under the impression we were getting holiday relaxed schedualing. can i have a delay? say 10h?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I second that...
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I'd actually like a delay till after new years. It's a busy time of the year with a lot of traveling and entertaining.
Should be able to get this turn in though. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Iron Duke, are you looking for a sub or should I? It's generally best if the player does, since you know the situation.
I postponed again, since you hadn't played. Should we just wait until a sub is found? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
The new (temporary?) Thain of Tir na n'Og says hi!
All contracts and diplomatic arrangements are to be brought to our attention and are hereby subject to renegotiation. If for example Iron Duke owes you 100 fire gems, tell us, and we will return them to you in one form or another. :tough: We would also like to ask for a reasonable extension to track down that drunken sot of a prophet of ours. He should at least know where the books were kept. slainte |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Are you guys still playing this game?
I'm sorry, but 3 stales in one turn seems like a lot, and we've gone a full day without a word in this thread since. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Hopefully it's just the season. Welcome aboard, BTW :)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Welcome! I'm a late comer to this game myself. Fighting is everywhere!
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Yep, we're still going strong here. The holiday season did screw up scheduling, though. A lot of people, myself included, were out of town for a week or two at a time between Dec 23rd and Jan 3rd.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
T'ien Ch'i has staled two turns in a row.
Grijalva, are you still around? I know you missed one turn during the blizzard. I also know TC's being taking a pounding lately. If he is gone, are they still viable? |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
He has one fort, soon to be none, or so my scouts show. Not tenable.
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
thejeff - did our agent get through the mountains? We have heard that you are very busy, but we fear he may have met a bad end, possibly at the hands of our former prophet. Or worse, he may have joined the old fool.
We still hold out hope, though, that our emmissary is simply enjoying your world famous beaches and casino, and will return with your answer as soon as his money runs out. ;) |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Is the first page correct about who is who (with the obvious exception of Tir na n'Og)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Oops I staled. I got confused by the time stamp on the llamaserver page. It appears that the last updated time stamp is stuck at 1030 Jan 17, while the current time doesn't have a "day" designation. I thought I still had a day left to turn in my moves.
Good news is I now have twice the gold to spend! So how are you all doing? Who are the big uns left? I can see Atlantis and Marveni as the two superpowers, but my view is limited to my half of the world. Caelum |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I just realized were still using CBM 1.5 in this game without the gem generator nerf. Anyone want to declare their clam income and claim victory? ;)
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Vanheim has at least 4 caps and seeming the entire middle of the board norther of Tir/Lanka. Atlantis has 3 I believe but a ton of SCs. I have 3 caps and some SCs but not quite as many as I used to as I've lost a bunch in the last few turns. The top 2 are pretty clear. Marv, Pan and Caelum all seem to make stateks in the top 5. I think Lanka could be in the top 5 too but I just don't know much or who'd they'd replace. Tir only has 1 cap so they have soem ground to make up. That's how I see it., |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I think this game is remarkably open for this late in the game. Several nations who'd seemed to be in good positions fell apart quickly and some who seemed to be far behind have moved to dominant positions.
6 of 10 remaining nations being strong contenders is rare. Of course what that means is the game is going to go on forever, becoming ever more unmanageable. Unfortunately, I've failed at my stated late-game plans: Quote:
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Does noone fear Tir na n'Og? So my plan to have Iron Duke sing a Tuatha lullaby for 70 turns before stepping in and leading my people to victory has worked! Now for the final phase...dang...where'd I leave that notebook? :doh:
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Lanka declares war on Hoo's nation for declaring us not in the top 5. The audacity!
Two of the best bars in my town are called the Tir na n'og and the Iron Duke. You're all right, Stagger, for a bunch of Karaoke singers. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Did anyone have a scout in mictlan's cap for my assault? I made mistakes, sure, but I don't get something that happened at the end. If nobody saw it I will ask in the general thread. How do I get the debug log?
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Your light cavalry routed but got bottlenecked in the castle door. You did enough damage to Mictlan to rout his armies, but his blood fountain is immobile and your ranged spells couldn't kill it. Eventually you hit the auto-rout at 50 turns and your army routed as well. Since your army was the one who could actually run away, he won. I think that if you both stuck around to round 75 you would have both died. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
That's weird... it's like the game treated your high magus as the commander for the southwest golem (and it dissolved when he left the field) and the sidhe lord as the commander for the northwest one. Not sure who the eastern one was apparently tied to. They all had lower than 100 fatigue and could move just fine, but didn't move or cast a spell.
With some searching I believe that this is what you ran into: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...out#post643940 Quote:
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
The Great War as arrived upon the Eagle Kings of Caelum. Uncountable awarms of Basalt Kings, amphibious monstrosities, and legions of Summoned Commanders have in a sudden stroke, descended upon the cities of Caelum. Let the cries of our fallen provinces and besieged forts resound throughout the land. Atlantis is nearing the end of its march towards Godhood! Rally now or forever live under the yoke of the Basalt Toads!
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Thanks Stretch.
It seems to be known by some of the venerable old ones that Golems dissolve if they are still on the field at turn 50 (autorout). Now I (we) know too. ;) |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Yes, it's the penalty of being mindless. I've never quite seen how a mindless thing can cast spells and act on its own, anyway.
They dissolve randomly, just like any mindless unit. If you watch longdead disappear after the last commander flees or die, they don't go all at once. What I didn't expect is that the Blood Fountain stopped acted when Mictlan routed. Immobile, so it couldn't flee, but it didn't keep casting either. Maybe I've never seen an immobile in that situation before. |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
I would like to request for a 24 hour delay of this game please. Thanks!
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Base Betrayal! Foul Treachery!
Vanheim has broken their non-aggression pact with us and launched a sneak attack. This betrayal shall be punished and the seas shall run red with Vanir blood. We caution all who might think they have arrangements with Vanheim that those are little more than tissue paper. Atlantis |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
The generals of Vanheim will not stand by and watch as Atlantis leverages it's massive clam farming industry to drown the nations of the world under a tide of chayots and tartarians. If we allow Caelum to fall, it will be too late to save ourselves from the yoke of Atlantean oppression! Attack now, before the Basalt Kings can break out of their icy prison!
On a side note, we urge everyone who was close with Hrugner the Vanjarl to say goodbye while you still can. After inadvertently picking up an amulet of lycanthropy in the aftermath of a battle years ago, he has finally turned into a skinshifter. He went from a hale, middle-aged vanjarl to a skinshifter 442 years past his prime. Although he is frail almost beyond belief, he has still managed to be a terrible nuisance at the Vanhalla Home for the Elderly, where his constant berserk state is driving our nurses up the walls. The soul contract he signed isn't helping things... |
Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Vanheim paints their actions as concern for others rather than an open grab for power themselves. After destroying T'ien Ch'i and Neifelheim with their allies and while crushing the last of Hinnom, these protests sound somewhat hollow. Save yourselves from the yoke of Atlantis and submit to Vanheim instead? Who has shown himself willing to break his sworn word?
Yes, Atlantis is strong. Yes, Atlantis has clams. I suspect we are not the only ones and I would hardly call our efforts massive. (At least not by the standards I've seen in other games.) Nor am I the only one with Tartarians. And someone else holds the Chalice. |
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