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-   -   MP: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43195)

Lingchih July 17th, 2009 07:54 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Things look grim for Mysterioso. Black servants are now trying to sneak his casket out of the capitol, because no one has had time to re-awaken him yet.

Good double team Pyth, C'tis. I might have been able to stop it if I had been expecting it that early, but alas, I was not. In retrospect, I should have just taken my circle, not expanded any more, and just researched and re-animated.

Lavaere July 17th, 2009 09:00 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
woohoo it took a couple of days but I have internet again. so hows the game going
any bloody battles lately

Septimius Severus July 17th, 2009 09:07 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by namad (Post 701893)
why has laevere been removed from the game? who is replacing him?

Rdonj, is correct regarding lavaere. The most important reason though was lack of participation/coordination/communication on the noob team forum. Even if you have only 2 provinces you are expected to participate/coordinate/communicate with the team as a whole. This is clearly stated in the opening post. I am glad that lavaere participated a 3rd time and I thank him for that, but I need the full participation of everyone involved.

Septimius Severus July 17th, 2009 09:59 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Noob team substitution:

Stretch will be coming in for Ulm (Joelz), effective turn 16 temporarily until he returns.

TwoBits July 17th, 2009 10:19 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 701903)
Good double team Pyth, C'tis. I might have been able to stop it if I had been expecting it that early, but alas, I was not. In retrospect, I should have just taken my circle, not expanded any more, and just researched and re-animated.

Well, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, so I'm not ready to claim victory just now. But I will say, being sandwiched between Pythium (big Holy and Astral) and C'tis (big Holy and Death) is about the unluckiest match-up imaginable for Ermor. Just the luck of the draw, I guess :angel

You can take some consolation in that I just lost two Arch Theurgs to Ashdod is [i]very[i] noobish fashion :doh:

melnorjr July 17th, 2009 10:34 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 701903)
Good double team Pyth, C'tis. I might have been able to stop it if I had been expecting it that early, but alas, I was not.

Sorry, that would be my fault.


Well, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, so I'm not ready to claim victory just now. But I will say, being sandwiched between Pythium (big Holy and Astral) and C'tis (big Holy and Death) is about the unluckiest match-up imaginable for Ermor. Just the luck of the draw, I guess
Not quite the luck of the draw. ermor was predictably going to be placed on one of the poles, and with pythium/c'tis at the top, and arco/jotun at the bottom, neither pole would have been fun.

TheDemon July 17th, 2009 10:36 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
I guess it doesn't hurt to mention that we seriously considered swapping our north-south placements because they might have been somewhat predictable. I think I made the argument that just because the strongest placement was the most obvious doesn't mean we should change it, so you can blame this one squarely on me. Had we followed atul's plan we may have done better.

edit: I'm not really seeing how Arco/Jotun would be a great matchup against Ermor. Were it me I would have gone with Caelum/Abysia. But I am sure you had your reasons.

namad July 17th, 2009 11:25 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
jotunheim and arco are actually the worst nations on your entire team for facing ermor. It is undebatable arco is the worst and jotunheim is at least not good even if it's not strictly the worst....

melnorjr July 18th, 2009 12:08 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by namad (Post 701929)
jotunheim and arco are actually the worst nations on your entire team for facing ermor. It is undebatable arco is the worst and jotunheim is at least not good even if it's not strictly the worst....

Really? There seem some obvious counters. too obvious maybe?

TheDemon July 18th, 2009 12:31 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by melnorjr (Post 701931)

Originally Posted by namad (Post 701929)
jotunheim and arco are actually the worst nations on your entire team for facing ermor. It is undebatable arco is the worst and jotunheim is at least not good even if it's not strictly the worst....

Really? There seem some obvious counters. too obvious maybe?

I think namad exaggerates a bit, but his general point is correct. Elephants are terrible against high-def, high-morale undead, and can't reliably trample ethereal units, and Ermor's typical research path takes him straight to some of the good elephant counters. Jotun's giants have poor attack and are vulnerable to swarming, and have no magic weapons. Neither nation has H3 priests or magic weapons of any sort.

I of course can't say how it would have turned out, but the matchup is nowhere near as difficult as the one up north.

atul July 18th, 2009 01:31 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
And I was suggesting the placement swap purely by being afraid that team noob would put some Van killers to obvious sailing start. Never occurred to me Ermor had its achilles heel nations too.

Oh well, hindsight.

melnorjr July 18th, 2009 02:43 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by TheDemon (Post 701936)

Originally Posted by melnorjr (Post 701931)

Originally Posted by namad (Post 701929)
jotunheim and arco are actually the worst nations on your entire team for facing ermor. It is undebatable arco is the worst and jotunheim is at least not good even if it's not strictly the worst....

Really? There seem some obvious counters. too obvious maybe?

I think namad exaggerates a bit, but his general point is correct. Elephants are terrible against high-def, high-morale undead, and can't reliably trample ethereal units, and Ermor's typical research path takes him straight to some of the good elephant counters. Jotun's giants have poor attack and are vulnerable to swarming, and have no magic weapons. Neither nation has H3 priests or magic weapons of any sort.

I of course can't say how it would have turned out, but the matchup is nowhere near as difficult as the one up north.

I suppose I must admit that. I would have thought, however, that the death magic of jotun would have been of good use, and I had a few plans on how to fight ermor if I was near him that I'm not going to say anything about while I'm still in a game with you guys.

namad July 18th, 2009 03:44 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
jotunheim has weak and expensive priests.

dust to dust isn't quite the same as banishment...

facts are just facts. no nation is absolutely worthless against another nation so being the worst at something isn't meant cruelly or insultingly.

Hoplosternum July 18th, 2009 04:26 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
As Jotunheim I was more worried about Vanheim than Ermor with their high defence / high damage units - all of them - not just the sacreds. Giants don't care about the opponents Protection so much. Though I agree they would not be that good against Ermor either.

In hindsight Jotunheim were not a good choice for being one of the point nations. While Giants can expand fast enough against indies (especially indie 4s!) their strength is more in their recruitable anywhere Skrattis, blood magic etc. rather than their recruitable troops and they take some time to get going.

Lingchih July 18th, 2009 10:28 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
OK, probably final time for this, but:

Get your Freaking turns in!

TwoBits July 18th, 2009 11:19 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Skinu (Caelum) left this on the Noob forum yesterday:

"if there is any way to get a 24 hour delay on the end of the deadline I can take my turn (I'm going to a friends who will let me borrow his net), if there isn't, I'm out of luck (and the game) untill Monday when they fix my internets."

Less than three hours to hosting.

rdonj July 18th, 2009 11:32 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Okay I've postponed the turn. I'd forgotten he said that and was pretty sure that he'd gotten a sub for the turn. Sorry lingchih, looks like you'll have to wait a little longer.

atul July 19th, 2009 03:09 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Wow, a truely lucky hit by whoever's casting those Fires from Afar (Abysia?). Killed only one unit and it was the leader causing a cascade failure elsewhere.

Lady Luck giveth, Lady Luck taketh.

Squirrelloid July 19th, 2009 03:22 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by atul (Post 702114)
Wow, a truely lucky hit by whoever's casting those Fires from Afar (Abysia?). Killed only one unit and it was the leader causing a cascade failure elsewhere.

Lady Luck giveth, Lady Luck taketh.

Province 10? That would have been me.

And its about time I had *some* luck in this game...

(Don't even talk to me abot getting attacked by independents... 5x, all in stupidly large numbers. I've seen independent attack events I didnt even know existed!)

Lingchih July 19th, 2009 04:21 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
A scout raid? On my cap? At this point in the game?

Ermor spits in your face C'tis.

Raiel July 19th, 2009 03:45 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
C'tis calmly wipes the spittle from his face, pleased with the mandatory emancipation of 13 gladiators and acquisition of intelligence regarding remaining defensive force composition.

Seriously... I'm a noob, and I'm worried about being overly ambitious. I've been expecting you to hit me with something completely dibilitating for the last 8 turns. I just haven't got the experience to judge whether or not another player is truly as vulnerable as he may appear. Besides, I knew you had gladiators in there.

Lingchih July 19th, 2009 11:37 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
No, good play Raiel. It was useful for you to knock those glads out, though there were only 12 of them. I expect a full attack next turn though!

TheDemon July 19th, 2009 11:55 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Well, you have to balance the risk of X number of glads kicking your butt when you storm (and you don't really know how many are in there, could have been 100s) vs the potential full income of the cap and gem income for an extra turn.

chrispedersen July 20th, 2009 12:25 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
So whats the score, newbs vs old timers?

LumenPlacidum July 20th, 2009 12:29 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 702200)
So whats the score, newbs vs old timers?

One game to one game, with this third being pretty tense so far. So far it seems like the noobs are down a player to the vets being almost down a player. Trickery could potentially foil plans still.

There's no real "first blood" declaration yet, though it should happen fairly soon.

DrPraetorious July 20th, 2009 12:42 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
The noobs are routed throughout the land. Their screams of terror and pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears - the stupidity of their inbred, incontinent leadership (too busy defecating on their siblings to provide direction in the field) has doomed them all to an ignominious death, which may be quick but will not be merciful.

melnorjr July 20th, 2009 02:23 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious (Post 702237)
The noobs are routed throughout the land. Their screams of terror and pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears - the stupidity of their inbred, incontinent leadership (too busy defecating on their siblings to provide direction in the field) has doomed them all to an ignominious death, which may be quick but will not be merciful.

Well, aside from being a blatant lie(ermor is much more in a rout than c'tis or pythium), I demand a slow and torturous death! And a public execution with lots of nominy! I demand to be made a martyr!

VampiricDread July 20th, 2009 02:29 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Lacking a better choice, I congratulate my Shrapnel friends on this thread for their 10th aniversary. I wish you all an entusiastic year of sales and a thriving dedicated community.

Always your devoted friend,

Vampiric Dread

rdonj July 20th, 2009 02:34 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

atul July 20th, 2009 02:42 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
He blinked first!

At 'em!

(Yeah, didn't get it either)

Stretch July 20th, 2009 10:58 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Is there any way I can get an extension for this turn? I know I agreed to sub but I just worked for 13.5 hours (was expecting 9). Let me know soon please... if I don't see confirmation I'll do what I can.

TwoBits July 20th, 2009 11:47 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by Stretch (Post 702324)
Is there any way I can get an extension for this turn? I know I agreed to sub but I just worked for 13.5 hours (was expecting 9). Let me know soon please... if I don't see confirmation I'll do what I can.

Stretch is our new Ulm player (welcome from Pythium, by the way!), and might need some extra time to familiarize himself with his new race, and catch up on the information and requests at the Noob forum. So can someone give him a little more time? Only 3 hours to go until hosting. Besides, I see Ashdod has not sent in their turn either, so it's not just us Noobs ;)

namad July 21st, 2009 12:09 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
actually i was helping ulm... my turn is done... if you want i'll just submit it right now.

if he submits a partial turn and then an admin comes on and wants to extend the turn.... my unsubmitted turn will help him...

as i've already told you... i'm not playing slowly i'm just staring at the timesheet.

there is no need for me to get an extension. extensions will be freely granted to anyone who asks for them with enough time left for an admin to grant them... thats the position the admin's have stated.... with only 3hours to go... he might just be out of luck... he had 45hours to ask for the delay sooner.

if the vet team had an admin i'm sure we'd be glad to help ;) but we don't

rdonj July 21st, 2009 12:31 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Extension granted.

Stretch July 21st, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
I stuck it out and have my turn ready for submission. Just sent in, we'll see how long it takes to get to llamaserver. I'm going to get a few hours of exhausted sleep before getting up for work again... thanks for having my back rdonj!

Lingchih July 21st, 2009 02:19 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
In your face Ctis! You don't take Ermor that easily. Crawl home to your mother.

Squirrelloid July 21st, 2009 03:22 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
I'm going to be gone from tomorrow evening (effectively) through next week Monday. I'll still be able to have a reduced online presence, and i'll be able to get the 'new' (current) turn in tomorrow. So, should i be trying to find an alternate, or can we put the game on a brief hiatus? Given past play history, its like a three day extension.

If I can find a way to play while I'm away from my normal computer, i'll let you know - but i certainly won't be playing next weekend.

melnorjr July 21st, 2009 04:02 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
WHat's up with the single commander assault/retreats on my province, atul? Trying to bait me into opening myself up for marignon? Or just afraid of that privince because of what happened last time you attacked it?

atul July 21st, 2009 04:55 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Maybe I just like seeing those red arrows?

Raiel July 21st, 2009 08:41 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 702342)
In your face Ctis! You don't take Ermor that easily. Crawl home to your mother.

Yes, well, the great demon Murphy has struck again... I'll grant that the capitol battle was always going to be decided by a little luck for either of us. And what beautiful fortune that was, eh?

But the eastern province that cut off my retreat? Come, now... that was simply chaos in action.

Clean up time, I guess.

atul July 21st, 2009 09:35 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Just saw my turn (finally), and I know I shouldn't gloat, but...

Caelum, Caelum, Caelum, you never learn.


Lingchih July 21st, 2009 07:41 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!

Originally Posted by Raiel (Post 702376)

Yes, well, the great demon Murphy has struck again... I'll grant that the capitol battle was always going to be decided by a little luck for either of us. And what beautiful fortune that was, eh?

But the eastern province that cut off my retreat? Come, now... that was simply chaos in action.

Clean up time, I guess.

Actually, that was all carefully planned. That was your only retreat prov. If I could take it and win at the cap, your army was history.

Of course, you are right, I needed a whole lot of luck to make it all work. I just happened to get that luck.

namad July 21st, 2009 08:08 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
a bit of theory from magic the gathering.... IF THE ONLY WAY TO WIN IS TO GET LUCKY: ASSUME YOU WILL GET LUCKY. even if it's a really really long shot a billion to one... if it's the only way assume it will happen and let it happen..

Squirrelloid July 21st, 2009 08:10 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
I have a substitute through thursday. Sorry for the delay over the coming weekend.

namad July 21st, 2009 08:13 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
you are supposed to be able to rely on teammates to play for you during time periods you cannot play... players shouldn't even need to go outside of that pool to look for subs, should they? Your teammates should be much more intimately familiar with the gamestate than your friend who isn't in the game?

rdonj July 21st, 2009 08:22 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Relying on teammates is a bad idea. Because it's very easy to end up with both nations staling, and with a large, powerful nation like shinuyama at this stage of the game, that would be pretty lame.

Noobs vs Vets has a pool of "alternates" that are theoretically there to pick up these positions. One of them is taking over for ulm atm. But as far as I'm concerned at least as long as someone is playing the nation it's fine.

Squirrelloid July 21st, 2009 09:02 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
the person subbing for me also happens to be a longtime friend of mine who i've discussed the game with to some extent, so he's not exactly going in blind.

Septimius Severus July 22nd, 2009 09:42 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Pardon my absence, was away at a conference. Glad to see that any issues were resolved.

atul July 23rd, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
None Shall Pass.

LumenPlacidum July 23rd, 2009 02:15 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Let's get it on!
Heh, Marignon and your building labs for my forces to enjoy while we chase you around. Admittedly, I had been having considerable difficulty getting magical items to these commanders.

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