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Peacekeeper May 1st, 2011 04:08 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 776536)
I wonder where Caelum got that kind of cash to begin with. Cheater! You norfleet (do a search ;) ).

hes no norfleet, still a couple provinces without fortresses.

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:08 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Well, it's official. Caelum won. I call my own people dead. It was a fun run. But with the entirety of my army, my prophet, and my Pretender dead, this time I'm really not recovering. I'm setting myself to AI. It's been fun being a thorn in your side.

iRFNA May 2nd, 2011 06:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Thorn in my side? You almost had me

Also, hello pythium! That inadvertent battle in golana was interesting

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:20 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Heh. True, I guess, but that mistform army just murdered me. I guess you can deal with the AI controlled Big Bad Wolf and his band of merry archers. Oh, and there's a suprise waiting for you at my capital.

Lanka, don't bother giving me anything anymore. I gave you all I had before setting myself AI. Thanks for helping me in the Bird Extermination Project. Sadly, it was a failure.

bbz May 2nd, 2011 06:25 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
lol he doesnt have much left unfortunately. But I like the supportive feelings between you two

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:28 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Hey, the underdogs gotta stick together.

bbz May 2nd, 2011 06:31 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
lol to be honest I don't see Neifelheim as an underdog:D neither is lanka, I think I was one of the underdogs at the start of the game.:) So why is no one supporting me and sending me gifts:S

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:35 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I meant a contextual underdog. Based on position, not raw nation power.

bbz May 2nd, 2011 06:37 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
well position plays a major role in dominions.but yet again lanka's position wasn't bad, his diplomacy though was quite bad. All my attemts to negotiate with them were answered with something of the lines of "Ekkk aOggg" :D
no wonder he didn't make friends with abysia:P

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:39 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
My downfall is attributed to, well, the suddenly mistform'd +300 units bird army! A single spell kills me. How about that. Otherwise my giants would have completely eaten the little birdies.

bbz May 2nd, 2011 06:41 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
well the asnwer to that is a good 4-5 thugs with magical weapons:)but yea forseeing it is the problem.

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 06:42 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Thugs? I had two bone-a-fied SCs and something that'd I call a cross between a Thug and SC.

iRFNA May 2nd, 2011 06:44 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Ya, he had better than 4-5 thugs, along with his skinshifters, although they were all heavily crippled from earlier starvation. What he really needed was lightning immunity...

His prophet, despite 3 afflictions, was especially terrifying. I think someone else mentioned its hilarious strength earlier in this thread.

bbz May 2nd, 2011 06:45 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I see. Well the prophet str doesnt matter since its giants vs birds, and giants have enough str to kill them in one go, more than that its overkill. what he needed probably was more thugs to penetrate through mistform and to be lightning immune as you said. Skinshifters as cool as they are are not very effective in certain situations I don't think.(Or at least I havent seen them used effectively)

Anyways, Thanks for sticking up with us up to now SirMu and I wish you better luck next time:)

SirMu May 2nd, 2011 07:12 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Thanks. Niefl has always been my favorite folk to play. Any time I get to do so is a delight.

And yes, my prophet did have absurd strength. A little more and he could have split the earth in two.

NaivePhilosopher May 2nd, 2011 08:46 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Aww, no more demonstrations of giant power? Thanks for subbing in, SirMu. My scouts enjoyed the show. Also, grats iFRNA, I sort've thought you were gonna die there.

lwarmonger May 2nd, 2011 10:08 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Hey come on guys... no props for LA Ulm? Still kicking!!!!!!

Soyweiser May 3rd, 2011 07:20 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
LA Ulm? I'm besieging your cap atm :).

bbz May 3rd, 2011 07:25 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
as far as I know he doensn't have a capital anymore. Now its just one of my provicial cities:D

lwarmonger May 3rd, 2011 09:39 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
That you are ruining! Besides, I'm still here!

bbz May 4th, 2011 04:01 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
hmm well If I am running it for you can I get paid for it? I mean the position manager has quite a good salary. what about you pay me by giving me the rest of your provinces and forts?:)

Finalgenesis May 4th, 2011 04:21 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
We interviewed a citizen of LA Ulm's ex-capital, this is what he has to say about the monkey occupation:

"Sheesh, you can't even cross the street without stepping on monkey poo these days, and oh god the smell!"

-Name withheld on request (for fear of incurring the death by monkey poo penalty)

lwarmonger May 4th, 2011 12:42 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 776686)
hmm well If I am running it for you can I get paid for it? I mean the position manager has quite a good salary. what about you pay me by giving me the rest of your provinces and forts?:)

You are already getting paid well enough through your 200% taxes that you have been subjecting all of MY lands to! Gangster government at its worst. At least when the vampires ran things you were safe as long as you weren't a virgin!

iRFNA May 4th, 2011 02:05 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
4 hours, hylobius!

bbz May 4th, 2011 02:14 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
yea now those virgins are in my palace, satisfying their god's needs:)

Admiral_Aorta May 4th, 2011 06:39 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Well, the last stand of Abysia is rapidly approaching, it's just a question of how many ermorian and r'yleh troops go down in flames with us. I'm not sure what to do with all these excess gems though, anyone want to use them to attack ermor or r'yleh?

Soyweiser May 4th, 2011 07:12 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
LOL. The turn I die Nief sends me his gems stores... Why did you think I was sending you what I got? I was dead as well.

Enjoy them player who I will not name.

lwarmonger May 4th, 2011 10:44 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back

Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta (Post 776719)
Well, the last stand of Abysia is rapidly approaching, it's just a question of how many ermorian and r'yleh troops go down in flames with us. I'm not sure what to do with all these excess gems though, anyone want to use them to attack ermor or r'yleh?

The funny thing is that I've built up a second stock of gems after that large amount I sent you... Still not out yet!

Soyweiser May 5th, 2011 06:28 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Whoops. I should have send them back to you then :D

lwarmonger May 5th, 2011 11:47 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 776735)
Whoops. I should have send them back to you then :D

Don't worry about it... I don't even have enough mages to use the stocks of gems I do possess.

Admiral_Aorta May 9th, 2011 11:25 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
There's just one demonbred with an entourage of witch doctors left. :(

lwarmonger May 9th, 2011 11:57 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Two cities and two fortresses left! Bring it!

bbz May 10th, 2011 04:20 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
well actually techninally four:)

bbz May 10th, 2011 05:04 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
lol sorry:D my bad two and two indeed makes four:D anyways, loads of respect for leading the war for so long.(LOL and loads a disrespect for myself keeping it for so long)

lwarmonger May 10th, 2011 10:26 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Yeah, I have been kind of curious about why I haven't been destroyed yet.

bbz May 11th, 2011 05:09 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
you know the usual things barbarian attacks knights attacks, Bogus liberating some slaves. All the things a tyrant like me has to deal with:)
But in my defence most of you casltes have bloody 600-700 defence.

bbz May 11th, 2011 05:14 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
you know the usual things barbarian attacks knights attacks, Bogus liberating some slaves. All the things a tyrant like me has to deal with:)
But in my defence most of your casltes have bloody 600-700 defence.

Samhain May 11th, 2011 09:51 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I believe we had two stales the last turn, Vanheim and LA Pythium.

Peacekeeper May 12th, 2011 06:40 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
my bad, ive been busy the last couple days and it completly slipped my mind.

Hylobius May 12th, 2011 11:20 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I definately submitted my Vanheim turn. The stale turn message said something about it being an old 2h file as opposed to a turn not being submitted. When I download the file, run the turn and submit the 2h I don't see how it can be ann old 2h file.

iRFNA May 12th, 2011 12:08 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I had that happen to me in SeaOfInnocence a couple turns ago. I dunno what the cause is...

iRFNA May 13th, 2011 10:36 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Just an early reminder to try to prevent another stale, don't forget, Finalgenesis!

There seems to be staling and near staling from lots of people, does that mean the timer is too short for this stage of the game or is it forgetfulness? We can lengthen the timer if necessary.

bbz May 13th, 2011 12:17 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
im fine so far, so its up to the other people to decide.

Finalgenesis May 13th, 2011 12:53 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I'm okay with the timer

NaivePhilosopher May 13th, 2011 05:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
I'm fine with the timer as is, but I wouldn't have any objection to extending it if people are feeling pressured.

Also uh...sorry 'bout that Admiral. Your Last Disciple deserved a better death than that. :(

Admiral_Aorta May 13th, 2011 06:15 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Oh well, I'm dead in all but name anyway.

iRFNA May 14th, 2011 10:55 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Don't forget again, Peacekeeper

Peacekeeper May 15th, 2011 07:49 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
its in with 4 hours to spare!

iRFNA May 18th, 2011 11:25 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
There is only one lord of the ice. Only one who can bend it to his will. And I do not share power!

Btw, sorry ermor, just passing through

lwarmonger May 19th, 2011 12:34 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem - Year 5: The Empire Strikes Back
Well, this is it. Bandar Log, I just sent you my remaining gems (some small reward for beating me, in addition to my lands). My last fortress will be taken this next turn. A few rogue bands of rangers might keep me alive for a turn or two, but for all intents and purposes resistance has been broken. Good game.

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