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Xrati November 1st, 2006 09:53 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
In the planet attacks what's happening is this. My game is currently set to a turn based game rather then a simultanous. You can see more of the combat results in that mode.
I attacked a Katarine homeworld with about 600 infantry. They had 450 militia defending, no troops. I had three transports full of infantry. The first one attacked losing all its troops and knocking down the defenders to about 280 militia. I landed the next transport and the defenders once again had 450 militia. The battle went the same so I landed the third transport and got the exact same result. Three battles where I knocked the defenders down to some 280 troops only to have them back at full strangth for the next transport. If you don't take them with the first transport then non of the following attempts will be any better. I should have tried ending the combat and then start the attack again to see if the results are applied after the combat is finished. Then maybe the planet would have been down on militia. I had nothing but infantry units as I didn't choose any of the troop options in the game setup.
I don't know if there's a special function for homeworlds but you need heavy troops to take planets. I currently have a game going and will be trying some different approaches. This game I took the troop options and now have Troops.

Atrocities November 2nd, 2006 02:32 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I tend to agree Xrati, the militia's build up is a problem. I guess you could speculate that the build up is do to the success of their resistence, but as far as real game mechanics go, it shouldn't be going back to full strength so quickly. I fear that this might be something that is hard coded.

I am considering lowering the combat attacks to 2 rounds per landing. This way a player has time to build up forces on the planet. It might work it might not, I have to experiment.

Suicide Junkie November 2nd, 2006 02:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
If all of the attackers are killed, the militia is reset.

You have to maintain a beachhead on the planet...
Reducing the number of ground combat turns will go a long way towards that.

Xrati November 2nd, 2006 06:15 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
SJ is right. I ran a battle last night where my forces, 60-HAV, 60-LAV and some 300 Infantry were pretty much hammered, but after 10 combat rounds I had infantry left. So when the next transport landed the militia remained the same. I would say, that to not take troops is probably the worst thing you can do. Unless your just going to glass the planet.

AT, you probably just need to eliminate the racial choice of troops or not. You will never capture a planet without troops. You just can't do it with infantry as you can't put enough of them in a transport.

Atrocities November 2nd, 2006 10:15 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Troops and Infantry are free technology. They need to be seperate racial traits or they end up sharing each others technology and that leads to illegal designs and game hang up and PBW game crashes.

Atrocities November 2nd, 2006 10:16 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I will shorten the combat turns from 10 to 2. I am play testing this now and it seems to work well.

Atrocities November 3rd, 2006 07:49 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I did and thank you very much. I am now working on the problem with the Unique tech. You get the tech but its worthless so I am working on it.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.5.4

01. - Fixed - Weapon Platform Reactor Mounts will now show up correctly
02. - Fixed - Shuttle V is now accessable
03. - Fixed - Weapons Of Mass Destruction is now only available if it is selected as a Racial Trait.
04. - Fixed - Sensors can no long be researched beyond Tech Level 6
05. - Fixed - Tractor\Repulser Weapons can no longer be researched beyond Tech Level 6
06. Changed - Stellar Harnessing Maximum Level from 2 to 5
07. - Fixed - Flux Pod III - V can now be used
08. - Added - New Technology, Solar Science
09. - Added - New Technology, Solar Mining
10. - Added - New Facility, Solar Wind Collector
11. - Added - New Component, Solar Collector
12. - Added - New Facility, Planetary Cloak
13. - Changed - Updated all Research Files
14. - Changed - Communication Interceptors from Sabotage to Espionage
15. - Changed - The name of Infantry (component) to Infantry Troop
16. - Update - STM Basic Tech Tree
17. - Fixed - Bio-Electric Field II - X will now require correct level of shields before becoming available.
18. - Fixed - Gravitational Condenser will now scale correctly with the Artificial Warp Point Mount
19. - Changed - Added (Ship), (Base), (Satellite) - to Remote Mining components names.
20. - Fixed - Artificial Intelligence Mount is now included.
21. - Fixed - Hyper-Tachyon Sensor Mount now scales Hyper-Tachyon Sensors I - IV to 100kt
22. - Fixed - Gravitic Sensor Mount now scales Gravitic Sensor I - IV to 100kt

23. - Changed - Increased Scrap Ship Percent Returned from 30 to 50.
24. - Changed - Number Of Ground Combat Turns from 10 to 2 (Under testing at the moment)
25. - Changed - Ground Combat Damage Modifier Percent from 30 to 100.
26. - Changed - Defending Units Per Population from 30 to 10 (Gives more militia to planetary defense)
27. - Changed - Population Defender Attack Strength from 12 to 10
28. - Changed - Population Defender Hit Points from 30 to 40
29. - Changed - Capital Ship Missile I - V Tonnage Space Taken from 50 to 20
30. - Changed - Plasma Missile I - V Tonnage Space Taken from 50 to 20
31. - Changed - Plasma Envelope Missile I - V Tonnage Space Taken from 50 to 20
32. - Changed - Weapon Seeker Speed for Plasma Envelope Missile I - V
33. - Changed - Weapon Seeker Speed for Plasma Missile I - V
34. - Changed - Weapon Seeker Speed for Capital Ship Missile I - V

Xrati November 3rd, 2006 10:54 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I'm sorry, I didn't even think about shortening the combat turns! To linear of thinking on my part. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif Based on my first battles, 5 tuns may work the best. That would give you a 'beach head' with only infantry. You wouldn't have many but you'd have some left. Then your follow up transport could land their units.

AT, I don't know if you got my last email but I found three more problems in STM 1952. They may have been addressed already.

1. Artificial Intelligence Mounts: There are none. They don't show up on the mounts list.
2. Gravitic Sensors: The satellite mounts only reduce the size to 200kt.
3. Hyper-Tachyon Sensors: The satellite mounts only reduce the size to 400kt.

Great job on the mod!

Xrati November 4th, 2006 05:41 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
AT, let us know what version we should be testing. I'm currently working on 1952.

I also have a map that will get you through the tech tree in about 40 turns. It also has all the Unique techs in your starting system. If anyones interested (PM me) and I'll zip it and upload it to this thread. It's not for playing a regular game, but for checking the tech tree and all the techs/mounts and facilities. You could edit it and use it for a regular game later. If there's enough interest I'll cover how to use it.

Atrocities November 4th, 2006 08:01 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I am play testing version right now. I can zip the files that I have and move onto while you and any one else who wants it, test Let me know.

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