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StrictlyRockers May 7th, 2007 06:40 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I sent an email to sign up a while ago.

I vote in favor of Nexus ban.

I vote against Utterdark ban.

I vote for Difficult research.

I prefer early age.

Cor May 7th, 2007 06:48 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Fate said:
I don't know. I thought the random pick meant that you were willing to take literally any nation in exchange for the population bonus of being last seed. Otherwise someone who chose all random might get the pick of someone who just chose 1 (which defies the meaning of a pick).

If you really don't want to get stuck with a bad nation, make a list of every nation and put the worst ones at the bottom. Your chances of getting one will be next to nill (especially if everyone else chose ~4 favorites).

Yeah sorry, thats what i meant. I will take whatever crap you give me, as long as i get a pop bonus. It not like I am going to win anyway. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

DrPraetorious May 7th, 2007 07:13 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Here's a question.

Suppose that my choices 1-4 go in the first round.

On the second round, do I get my #5 choice or do I have to wait for round 5?

Do I get +20% population or +5% population?

Salamander8 May 7th, 2007 07:44 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm quite green for MP games, but this massive endeavor sounds like it could be very enjoyable. I would very much like to join this game, and I've already DLed the map. I'll send my projected password and such in a PM shortly.

FAJ May 7th, 2007 07:44 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
As I have read it:

Every round your highest available choice is your 'ticket' for that round. You will get your ticket if you are randomly selected from the people who have it, or if you are the only one with that ticket.

If you have your 1-4 choices taken in the 1st round, your 5th choice will be your ticket in the second seed. you will get +5% if you get it then. if you dont, you will go to your next number. If you run out of choices, you get a random one when all seeds are done.

Thats how i interpreted it.

Velusion May 7th, 2007 07:47 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

StrictlyRockers said:
I sent an email to sign up a while ago.

I vote in favor of Nexus ban.

I vote against Utterdark ban.

I vote for Difficult research.

I prefer early age.

I responded to your message Strictly and mentioned you a few times in the this thread... I need the password you will use. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion May 7th, 2007 07:48 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)

See below:


Velusion said:
Also - there has been some questions on the seeding process.

Namely: "So if get my forth pick on my list then I'm automatically going to get %20 extra pop on my capital?"

No. Or at least - not necessarily. How it works:

After the first seed I look at the remaining players and *discard* all nations from preferences that have already been assigned in the first seed. So... for example:

Player A choices:
Vanheim MA
Niefelhiem EA
MA Marignon

Player B choices
Neifelhiem EA
MA Ermor
MA Miclan
MA Oceania

Player C choices:
EA Abysia
Tir na n'Og

Player D Choices:
MA Vanheim
MA Caelum

Player E Choices:

Would resolve like such:

Seed 1
Player B auto gets Nifelheim (no conflict)
Player C auto gets Pythium (no conflict)
Player A vs. Player D - Player D wins the random roll off and gets MA Vanheim

Seed 2
Player A auto gets MA Marignon (no conflict)

Seed 3
Player E gets a random assignment.

Now this is going to much more complicated with 62 players - but keep in mind if you pick the most popular choices, even if your list is long you still probably won't get into a low seed.

I would be surprised if lowest seed is higher than 6.

Gandalf Parker May 7th, 2007 09:34 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
If you have not built your god and assigned a password to it when you saved the file then simply respond that you will use "no password". He is not asking for anything particularly personal. Just the password of your pretender, if you gave it one.

lch May 7th, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Everybody should use a password, always. Everybody can see who is using passwords and who isn't when they connect to the server in the console window, after all.

Tyrant May 7th, 2007 10:07 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 62 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Two questions about the map- Is it wrap around? Are any of the small bodies of water no-start?

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