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BigandScary October 3rd, 2007 05:45 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
First of all, I never agreed to not take that province and I merely stated my intent to not do so. Also, my consolidation of that area has sealed off the Entire eastern front of Ermorian territory, giving him a chance in hell to win. If I had split my armies in an attempt to do little more than piss off a powerful alliance we would have been up a river without a paddle, but instead I have given us both a chance at survival. At this point it seems that I am the only one who has stuck by Aezeal, throughout his rant against half the world, and I would suggest that he take the opportunity I have offered him and consolidate and hold his core. Or will he continue to call me a liar and expand into all out war against every nation that borders him? I guess we will see...

Eldanesh October 3rd, 2007 06:12 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
I agree Azeal, Pangeans ARE jerks! heheh

fabio80mi October 3rd, 2007 06:16 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
(sorry for bad english)

First of all i have no interest in the current conflict (i'm too far away to have any role on it) however here is my view.

First of all this is supposed to be a GAME , actually a friendly one.

Friendly doesn't mean that our NATIONS/GODS should be friendly with each other.. it's us players that should make friends meeting new players and so start in the loop of this wonderful game.

Aezeal you really had my simpaty at the beginning for what you claimed was an unprovoked attack.. but now you seem to be whining a little too much.. this game is going badly ok and so ? u'll do better next time. continue pushing it will make it only worst (for next games too!)

Now every players have a different set of personal rule, i'm not at all a blown out rpgers but i try to separate what I as a human being would do and what the naion i'm controlling would do.

For instance in this game i'm with abysia, if i should border pangaea or caelum is DIFFICULT to imagine peace beetween our two people for a complete different believe/enviroment we dwell with,that doesn't mean there should be immediate war but likely there won't be a permanent alliance!

When i do make deal i (as a player) tend to stick with it , i don't like backstabbings and such..especially because this sort of behaviour tend to backfire in successive games.. but that doesn't mean that it can't happen !
U can have maybe friends and have to sacrifice one at one point!

The nation you play with also influence a lot how the other player will treat you.... !

Aezeal October 4th, 2007 01:52 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
I'm just letting the world know who actually does the backstabbing.. the fact that when I use the word liar with good reason gets this place in an uproar just gives me more incentive to point out clear liars cus IMHO if you do something the least you should do is stand up for it instead of saying that I can't say it when it's obviously the truth.

I hardly care for loosing a game.. happens from time to time.. I just think the strange ethics in this forum are ludicrous and so I have my fun with it

llamabeast October 4th, 2007 06:18 AM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
It's obvious you think the ethics are ludicrous Aezeal.To summarise what they are: Don't be offensive to other players, and keen the conflicts in-character. As fabio8mi says, the idea is for the players to have fun and even make friends, while their nations go to war, possibly including sneaky tactics.

You just don't seem to get the bit about not being offensive. The reason for that policy is that everyone should have a good time. I don't understand why you would want to undermine that.

You are still encouraged to protest and produce all the propaganda you can about in-game things - just do it in character. I know you think I'm mad for saying it makes any difference, but I think it makes a world of difference.

Also, behaving like you have just annoys everyone and greatly decreases the probability of them helping you. It's true, I have had several players make comments to that effect. It's not so much witty political protest as just acting like a git.

Aezeal October 4th, 2007 01:33 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
I think saying someone is a liar when he actually was lying is offensive.. it's the truth and a reaction the deserved.. I think they are whining about getting offended when I'm just saying what happend.

If you lie do not whine about getting called a liar.

Seems easy to me, seems normal to me too. If that is wrong in someones oppinion then those persons are hypocrites I'd say http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

llamabeast October 4th, 2007 01:52 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Well really it's more like the _nations_ were lying...

But anyway, as I've discussed both here and in PMs to you, most situations where it is "obvious" to one person that the other lied, the other person doesn't think they did. Miscommunications are common and the cause of much strife.

I actually apply this to life as a whole. If someone seems to have been bad to me or let me down, I normally assume it was a miscommunication (or, just as often, a cultural/background difference which makes the situation seem almost unbelievably different to them - just consider almost all boyfriend/girlfriend issues!). Almost always it was. Very few people are deliberately unpleasant. It's a good policy, saves a lot of hurt feelings and lost friendships.

However, this is a personal thing and not a way of thinking most people adopt, and anyway, I've gone way, waaay off topic. Sorry about that. Guess I'm proud of my optimistic view of the world. My ex-girlfriend always thought I was talking rubbish when I discussed it, but I decided she was just misunderstanding me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

So, enough of that little issue. What's going on in the world of the Mongoose? I believe Ermor has been crushed and gone AI - where will the conquerors turn next?

Aezeal October 4th, 2007 02:06 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Well I was about the only one posting RP post in here so...

llamabeast October 4th, 2007 02:09 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Fair point.

WonderLlama October 4th, 2007 03:15 PM

Re: Mongoose - MA game for new/newish players (ope
Now the evil undead Ermorians have been crushed, and the ice angels have returned to their rightful home atop the icy mountains in the northwest. The alliance of good nations can now be at peace.

The creaturs from the forests of Pangea had interfered. Rumours, which travel far on the winds, claim that they had fallen under the dark spell of Ermor, ensorcelling them to his aid. Hopefully that will end with the disappearance of Ermor. We welcome peace, and we even welcome them to keep the forests they had taken from us. For truly that is more their home than ours.

We have discovered the strange tentacled creatures of R'yleh in the seas off our shores. We know nothing about them; the winds do not blow underneath the waves. We don't know whether they are good or evil, desire peace or war. But we are eager to learn.

We have heard little of the eastern continent, just that it is home to mighty tribes of barbarians. Are there any travellers with tales to tell of those mystical lands?

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