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Ming July 19th, 2008 02:08 PM


It seems our biggest difference could be due to the maps we play in.


As to your other points, please note that recruiting sacred troops from your capital does not exclude you from recruiting dawn guards (or even chariots http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif) from your other castles. So it does not affect your ability to fight far from your capital or when you take losses on your sacred troops (although you should try to minimise the latter as much as possible). I am often forced to fight with armies without sacred troops at some provinces, but the sacred troop armies does give you a significant if not decisive edge.

Also, the points used to get a bless is effective throughout the game but the points used to get P3 is only meaningful in the early turns. So the 160 point difference vs better early game expansion is not that unfair. Furthermore, the F4E4N4(6) bless is not bad for the SCs even though it might not be the best (as I was looking for a bless that work with both an not just optimised for SCs).

Finally, with growth 3 scale, the pop eating is not noticeable until late in middle game - but even then the pop is still growing virtually everywhere. I did not notice any troop eating although it might have happened occasionally. The picture might be different if you use P3 instead of S1 as you would be recruiting on average an extra sacred troop or even two per turn.

AlgaeNymph July 20th, 2008 11:20 PM

Quick question: what kind of forts can Hinnom build in other provinces besides forest ones?

Baalz July 20th, 2008 11:45 PM

Mostly an amazingly expensive 1400 gold Tel City, though somebody mentioned that hills sometimes yield hillforts.

chrispedersen July 21st, 2008 02:25 AM

That was me = )

SlipperyJim July 30th, 2008 11:08 AM

Thanks for the guide, Baalz!

I've been trying to figure out how to play Hinnom, and your guide has been most instructive. You also caused me to giggle so much that my co-workers began to look at me funny. Truly, HINNOM EATS EVERYTHING!

My current problem (as Baalz mentioned) is an excess number of options. There are just too many things I can do, so I want to do them all! Focus is important. Since I'm playing SP, I'm not worried about losing the game, so now it's time to have some fun. I really want to get all of the Lords of Civilization into play....

I followed this guide almost to the letter with only one exception: my Blood Fountain was sleeping, not imprisoned. Honestly, I had enough points for everything I needed anyway, so why not get my pretender into play two years earlier? But that's a minor change at best. Even with an imprisoned pretender, I'm sure that HINNOM would still EAT EVERYTHING. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

chrispedersen July 30th, 2008 12:24 PM

Sauromatia, Lanka, and Vanheim I'd say are the three nations to look out for, as hinnom.

Evilhomer July 30th, 2008 08:04 PM

I ended up playing Hinnom recently and it seems even Lanka has trouble dealing with Hinnom. Lanka attacked me around turn 15 but managed to accomplish almost nothing doing so. Perhaps if the player playing lanka had opted for a heavier bless the fight would have been more even, but the fight still seems in favour of Hinnom.

Only nation I see taking out Hinnom in an early fight 1v1 would be Niefelheim (maybe blessed helheim as well due to high defence).

MaxWilson July 30th, 2008 08:43 PM

Why not Ashdod with a good bless? Ahimans are actually better than Palankashas on a per-gold basis (though maybe not on a per-resource basis).


Baalz July 30th, 2008 09:29 PM


Evilhomer said:
I ended up playing Hinnom recently and it seems even Lanka has trouble dealing with Hinnom. Lanka attacked me around turn 15 but managed to accomplish almost nothing doing so. Perhaps if the player playing lanka had opted for a heavier bless the fight would have been more even, but the fight still seems in favour of Hinnom.

Only nation I see taking out Hinnom in an early fight 1v1 would be Niefelheim (maybe blessed helheim as well due to high defence).

Yeah, that was actually me playing Lanka (with a water bless FWIW). Hinnom's PD stopped a largish raiding party of water blessed Palashankas by itself, there was no way to raid EH with anything short of a powerful army, and *his* powerful army while taking significant casualties didn't have any real problem. I tend to agree with EH that 1 on 1 the only real threat to Hinnom, and that's really just early on as Neifel doesn't grow in power over time like Hinnom.

konming July 30th, 2008 09:37 PM

A group of 8 W4E9N4 blessed oriopata easily dispatched 26 Hinnom PD with no problem or casaulty.

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