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Aezeal September 15th, 2008 08:34 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
hehehe might need to tone Jomon PD down then.. on the other hand.. what you post sounds like those 2 nations are sort of balanced :D

Orcs are meant to use large numbers of somewhat chaff (orcs aren't really that chaffy.. but in space they should have some more problems right? They get fewer spacecraft at least and the ones they get arent that good.

4 castles at the end of year 3 doesn't sound that dramatic but that indeed means you get a lot of troopers in the end. Will be hard to finetune though, probably impossible.. I think giving the troop producing heros even larger costs will be the only way, or more unrest :D or both :D

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 08:38 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I've done more unrest, more upkeep and higher build cost.. so next patch will make orcs quite a bit harder too play.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 10:43 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Yeah, they're fairly weak in space. Then again, Jomon is pretty much the only nation not weak in space. I think if I had access to some of my summons I might be able to get through them, as it is though I don't have anything capable of tearing down those infernal ice battle suits with the orks. :fire:

Yeah, it doesn't really sound like that much, but it really adds up and I can make an army of 120 orcs every turn from one set of two castles. Largely it's an advantage in the early game, because you make troops so much faster than everyone else that they'd be very hard-pressed to stop a rush. Then again, rush nations will be rush nations.

I think the Orks will be more fair costing more, I will see when I play them. I'll play the insectoids today, I've played amos' mod before so I'm not sure how much different it will be.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
By the way, province 28 is a forest and is a planet province.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I can't really say for sure about the balance of the insects. They destroy things in melee but get destroyed at range by just about anything that can shoot. Which basically means they're reasonably good on anyone except possibly ulm. I think they're pretty much okay. They have a bit of an issue with their commanders though, none of their commanders have any leadership in space, so if you lose a fight, you pretty much have to wait until your bugs get chased back to a planet to collect them. Also, the standard females have a very strange series of transformations when they enter space. First, they become scarabs. Then when they reach land again they transform into swarm mothers, and get locked into the swarm mother forms for the rest of their lives.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 06:16 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
no leadership in space?? Nono you are mistaken.. the female is supposed to lead them in space.. and she has loads of leadership

and that last part.. ehm well my fault probably (I just found out I used a certain unit number a few times with different orc units too so some orc leaders have strange transformations too.)

I looked into it there was indeed something wrong with the scarabs and it might explain why this happened (the female actually had the correct commands though but the scarab wrong (female) plainshape command.. due to that some things might get like this.. hope it's better now, I'll repost again :D hope you don't mind doing a DL again :D

Now you should get females in space which remain superior leaders. Orcs should be better too.

The orcs are quite nerved so I wonder how they will do.. I think I must do something about the icesuits too I hear to much about them.. they are meant to be melee but maybe 2 attacks is a bit much or maybe just price them higher.. I'll start with changing price.. can be done more gradually than just removing 50% of the offence :D

Since Jomon is strong in space I think they should be weaker on land.. to start with the ice suit is 5 gp more and the PD is weakened (less of everything)

Ow orc have gotten some hero's but not ones that produce much troops.. (I was envisioning getting 3 heroes that summon troops the first 3 turns.. and then I removed most troop producing lines :D)

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
- Orc bugs solved
- Orc heroes implemented
- new sprite for the orc rager (though orcs still need more sprites)

Amos September 16th, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.

Amos your feedback would be appreciated too
Sorry Aezeal, I would like to help but my girlfriend has severely limited my Dom playing. Thats why my mod is taking so long... I have to do it in secret :smirk:. Between work and my aforementioned girlfriend there isnt much time left for the gaming. Now shes dragging me into a fitness club trice a week :rolleyes:.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 08:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
no use in modding if you don't play

to quote the lost boys in the movie Hook (I think)


rdonj September 16th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I had an idea for making jomon weaker on land. Because they look like gundams I couldn't help thinking of Gundam Seed and how the gundams were so fast and agile in space, but on earth they got slowed down a lot due to being in atmosphere, and also because they couldn't fly around all the time. Abstracting that, if you gave them a forest shape and lowered their normal defense a few ticks it would have a pretty similar effect.

The females definitely had lots of leadership but the scarabs and swarm mother space forms didn't have leadership, which is what messed it up. With that fixed they should be much easier to play. I'm not sure whether enough of their bugs are space-worthy enough to beat a determined player though, with only the hivers and infrequently spawning males able to fight in space. Will definitely have to arrange a game at some point.

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