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Loren September 28th, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?

Originally Posted by Rytek (Post 641135)
Ah yes, the AI. A quick tip to avoid that: If 2 AI's are at war with each other. And one is at war with you and the other is not you must make sure that the AI you are at peace with cannot come adjacent to you sieging the AI that you are both at war with. The AI that has peace with you does not recognize you as owning the sieged castle yet. So, it will attack your force laying siege to the castle. If that happends, win or lose, the AI that you had peace with will consider itself at war with you. To prevent that, you must prevent that peacfull AI from getting adjacent to the castle you wish to siege. If you must, take that sieging army attack all around the castle, cutting the friendly AI off from getting to the castle. Even if both you and the friendly AI hit the same enemy ai province war will not be declared as long as it did not happen in a fort province.

As far as I can tell such a battle happening as part of a siege doesn't trigger war. It looks like war depends on who owned the province at the start of the turn.

What happened in this case was it was a suicidal attack by his pretender. Kill a pretender and it's war no matter what.

Ghill September 28th, 2008 10:22 PM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
Read my sig. THANK YOU!

Trumanator September 29th, 2008 12:12 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
kinda OT, but isn't a water bless supposed to give units two attacks? So why doesn't it work on sacred archers, or at least it doesn't seem to.

JimMorrison September 29th, 2008 01:24 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 641374)
kinda OT, but isn't a water bless supposed to give units two attacks? So why doesn't it work on sacred archers, or at least it doesn't seem to.

Water bless only gives you a 50% quickness increase. But there is odd behavior with ranged weapons and quickness, that usually results in them just using the bonus AP to advance between each shot. :(

Endoperez September 29th, 2008 01:25 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 641374)
kinda OT, but isn't a water bless supposed to give units two attacks? So why doesn't it work on sacred archers, or at least it doesn't seem to.

Water 9 is 50% Quickness, or about three attacks in two turns. Sometimes it works strangely with archers, who move forward instead of firing. Once there are enemies in range, they attack twice about every other turn, or something pretty close.

Kuritza September 29th, 2008 06:20 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?

Originally Posted by Omnirizon (Post 640622)
This is not right. sure placement tricks work agaist the AI. But any player willing to put an equal amount of time into micro-managing placement will cancel out any amount of decoying and placement tricks you might be able to use as Kailasa. With as little as A7, it becomes cheaper to kill a Yavana with a slinger than with a cavalry, and an Apsara would probably remain more efficient to kill with a slinger up to A8 or 9...

Additionally, you gain alot of benefits as Kailasa from a strong Air bless. You can team your sacreds with as many Markata archers as you please and don't have to worry about friendly fire. You can place Yaksha surrounded by Apsaras/Yavanas right on the front line to spam Destruction and Panic. Apsaras are VERY defense oriented and can hold out, the Air bless ensures your mage is protected there... The armor less and feared foes will wilt under the pelting of 1000's of little arrows... You never have to worry about stray blades from your Yaksha spamming Blade Wind. In late game you can unleash Shimmering Fields and Wrathful Skies with impunity. Your own mages (who will be acting as battle mages for Kailasa, rarely as thugs) benefit greatly from the Air sheild. Kailasa has alot of big time AoE missile and artillery support to offer, and it becomes most usable with a strong Air bless.

BL's sacreds do not have phenomenal prot, but it's high enough (and with their sheilds) that they benefit enough from an Earth Bless. The important thing is that they don't need an air bless, and can choose blesses that are optimal for Gandharvas and higher end summons

Air bless is almost as useless for Kailasa as for anybody else. As for arrows - they are bane for all monkey nations because their troops are lightly armored and carry no shields.
Yes, thats right, bucklers DO NOT qualify as shields. Monkeys kinda want you to believe they are shielded, but being stupid animals, they screw it up. So basically, you need arrow fend for both Kailasa and Bandar Log.
You *can* take Air bless and compromise your ability to use higher end summons, or you can take a good bless. Its up to you.

Omnirizon September 29th, 2008 01:55 PM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?

Originally Posted by Kuritza (Post 641409)

Originally Posted by Omnirizon (Post 640622)
This is not right. sure placement tricks work agaist the AI. But any player willing to put an equal amount of time into micro-managing placement will cancel out any amount of decoying and placement tricks you might be able to use as Kailasa. With as little as A7, it becomes cheaper to kill a Yavana with a slinger than with a cavalry, and an Apsara would probably remain more efficient to kill with a slinger up to A8 or 9...

Additionally, you gain alot of benefits as Kailasa from a strong Air bless. You can team your sacreds with as many Markata archers as you please and don't have to worry about friendly fire. You can place Yaksha surrounded by Apsaras/Yavanas right on the front line to spam Destruction and Panic. Apsaras are VERY defense oriented and can hold out, the Air bless ensures your mage is protected there... The armor less and feared foes will wilt under the pelting of 1000's of little arrows... You never have to worry about stray blades from your Yaksha spamming Blade Wind. In late game you can unleash Shimmering Fields and Wrathful Skies with impunity. Your own mages (who will be acting as battle mages for Kailasa, rarely as thugs) benefit greatly from the Air sheild. Kailasa has alot of big time AoE missile and artillery support to offer, and it becomes most usable with a strong Air bless.

BL's sacreds do not have phenomenal prot, but it's high enough (and with their sheilds) that they benefit enough from an Earth Bless. The important thing is that they don't need an air bless, and can choose blesses that are optimal for Gandharvas and higher end summons

Air bless is almost as useless for Kailasa as for anybody else. As for arrows - they are bane for all monkey nations because their troops are lightly armored and carry no shields.
Yes, thats right, bucklers DO NOT qualify as shields. Monkeys kinda want you to believe they are shielded, but being stupid animals, they screw it up. So basically, you need arrow fend for both Kailasa and Bandar Log.
You *can* take Air bless and compromise your ability to use higher end summons, or you can take a good bless. Its up to you.

Not ONLY do you need Ench6 for Arrow Fend, you also NEED Conj7 to cast it. Before you think about that, you'll probably want to get Evo2 and Thau2 for site searching (little, I know, but in the early stages of the game amounts to a significant setback in time until you have your fix). This is all time that you are not getting to Thau6 for Celestial Music.

My strong Air Blessed Kailasa will kick your triple/quadruple/quintuple or whatever but non-Air Blessed Kailasa's butt; and all I need to do it are Markatas. And before you even have Arrow Fend (not to mention you can't cast it yet because you now have to research to Conj6 for Kinnaras) I have Celestial Music and am REALLY kicking ***, and all I need to do it are some cheap-*** Apsaras. By the time you've got something that can cast your Arrow Fend I've now got some big-time battle magic and, not that you'd be alive anymore, will be frying your Arrow Fended uber blessed whatevers with Celestial Musicked Apsaras and battle-magic. By the time you've got Celestial Music and are thinking "Ha! now I've caught up with you and the late-game geardness of bless will really stomp you", I've better battle-magic and Alt spells to further buff my own units and debuff yours.

Not taking the Air bless is putting you WAY behind the curve and locks you into one single path of advancement. With it Kailasa is one of the fastest expanding powers and more than capable of defending themselves (perhaps even rushing another) in the early stages of the game. The options it lends to the player allows them to unfold quickly and take control of the early game, take control of the mid game. Without the Air bless, you have to hide away and simply hope no one decides to attack you. And any player worth their salt will be able to recognize (from pretenders name if nothing else) that you are immediately vulnerable (SC's pretenders are NOT protection from another player) and an easy target. The Air bless lends this nation immediate potency and flexibility that allows them to be played with speed, authority, and power.

atul September 29th, 2008 03:49 PM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
Well half their number of White Ones can do it without PD. Putting money on PD above the scout-catching limit is commonly considered waste anyway, so can't understand what you intend to gain by beating old dead monkey PD horse.

Kuritza September 30th, 2008 05:37 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
2 Omnirizon

Arrow fend can be cast with pretender; having some air magic for cloud trapeze on a titan-chassis God is extremly useful. And I didnt say anything about extreme blesses - vice versa, I meant some useful bless like nature-earth or nature-water.
Okay, Air bless may be great indeed. I even remember taking it in a blitz as MA Mictlan once; it won that game for me as MA Man (the last survivor) just gave up when he saw my air and missile immune sacreds.
But its highly situational. What are you going to do with air bless against, say, 2-x blessed Mictlan? Or Niefelheim? Sacred demons of Lanka? Hinnom? Fomorian kings? Ctis? Etc, etc.

mighty_scoop September 30th, 2008 06:17 AM

Re: Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
An Air bless for Kailasa has a double purpose ... you not only guard your sacreds from arrows you also can mix your troops with archers (and that is a big advantage) ... additionally you may use storm / wrathful skies in the later game phase.

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